
Ascension: Rise To Becoming Retarded

a man... gets reincarnated.. becomes the younger brother of ancestor of dragon nuts road to ascension and autism

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omg i died brcause stage 12 diabetes

i am in abyys lokin at nothing omg very broing

omg goddes

goders:i am giving u system reincarnation lol

me: ok lol i sex u

godraes: ye


omg yes my name is nigarai uzumi the 3rd

i live in a neihhborhod with many milfs and uh women yeah

i am become omnipoter husbanrd

-Welcome Sign-in System yes or no???-


-congratulatjons you got 69 kilowatts of cum-

wow this is my stepping stone to beomging op

*goes outusde*

*sses sexr milf*

milf: ayayauauuayauai oyoyoyo bhoohoho sex? i an very frusrtsred...

mc: yes.

*89 million years of sex later*

-sign in???-

mc: yes.

-congratulstions u got ur mom xd-
