
Apprehension: Part One

Allie Kingston was a US Marine who decided to retire and become a civilian. Becoming a Cleveland cop, she realized Military life was easier. She can't resist the temptation of her training officer or the clandestine affair.

Angela_Gaines1224 · Ciudad
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22 Chs

The Jugador

Alex and Allie walked into the station. She headed to the women's locker room to put on her uniform. While at her locker, she is putting on her duty belt when a short, redheaded officer approaches her."I saw that you are training with Alvarez."

"Yeah. I started yesterday with him."

"Look, I don't know you, but I just wanted to warn you before you spend more time with him, and he started to turn on his charm. Don't let him get to you. You may have heard what the women around the department, the entire department, call him: the Jugador. It means---"

"Player, in Spanish. I did hear that. Thanks for the warning," she read her tag, "Gilmore. I can see why women are attracted to him. He is a smooth talker."

"Call me Gilly. Just be careful. You're a beautiful girl; I would hate to see you put in for a transfer."

"A transfer? Why would I put in for a transfer?"

"Look," she leaned in and read her nameplate. "Kingston. I'm not trying to cock block you or anything. If you get my drift, I mean Alvarez is not my type. He just has that reputation. He's run quite a few of our female officers out of here. I'm just saying he's broken a lot of hearts, and he talks an excellent game. Don't let him get you to think you are something special. All women are the same to him. He made all of them think they were something special. Love them and leave them. He makes you think he cares and wants something, but, honestly, you'll just be another notch on the bedpost."

"Well, thank you for the information, Gilly. I do appreciate it. Maybe we can get a drink sometime," she said.

"I would love to meet you up at Jake's sometime. Oh. And excellent job on that takedown. It's going all around the department. Maybe you can show me a couple of moves. I wouldn't mind wrestling around with you."

Gilly left her alone in the locker room. Did she just hit on me? She's warning me about a guy who hits on women, and she hits on me. Irony.

Allie did consider what she had just said. How could I have been so stupid? He knew all the right things to say, all the right things to do. He couldn't even go a day without bringing a woman home. He would rather have a tattoo of a teddy bear in an orange thong forever on his body than give up pussy for a week. I swear I am going to get my new address tattooed on my arm with a note that says, if found, please return to the above address, she thought. Allie finished putting her uniform on and headed out of the locker room.

"Officer Kingston," a woman behind the front desk called to her. "You have a visitor."

Allie looks around. She caught sight of a familiar face in a familiar uniform."Holy shit, First Sergeant Russell, what are you doing here!"

"Hey, Gunny."They embraced."I was in the area and heard you returned to the cop life. You look fan-fucking-tastic. When was the last time I saw you?" he asked.

"At Malibu's funeral."

"Oh. I'm sorry, that's right," he said.

"So, besides being in the neighborhood, why are you here?"

"Can we meet somewhere later, maybe for dinner or something?"

"Russell, is something going on?" she asked.

"I can't get into it right now. Nothing bad or to worry about." Alvarez came up behind her but kept his distance. "Allie, a very nice-looking gentleman is standing behind you," he said.

She didn't even turn around."That would be my FTO, Corporal Alvarez. And use the word gentleman loosely." She put her hand up by her ear and wagged her finger to signal him to come over.

"I see you still have total control over everything. You summon your FTO of higher rank with a wave of your hand."

He smiled. Allie looked at him and said, "Hey, what are ya going to do? I am who I am and who I'll always be," she said. "Alex Alvarez, meet First Sergeant Sabastian Russell."

The two men shook hands. "Pleasure to meet you, Sir," Alvarez said."Is she giving you any trouble yet?"

"This is only her second day."

"And she hasn't given you any trouble yet? She must like you," he said with a laugh.

Alvarez smiled and turned a light shade of pink under his olive skin.

"Caretaker, you need to behave yourself."

"No one calls me that anymore. I prefer it that way," she said.

"All right. I'm sorry, Gunny."

"That you can call me."

"Caretaker?" Alvarez asked.

"One of the best damn snipers the Marine Corps ever had." She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head at him.

"Sniper? Really! NO SHIT!" Alex exclaimed. "Is that why Davis wants to talk to you about S.W.A.T."

"He just knows I have military experience."

"Oh, I guess no one around here knows, and I just let the cat out of the bag."

"More like the beast out of the cave, Leland."

"So, dinner tonight?" he asked.

"I would love to. Call me. I have the same number I had twelve years ago."

"Has anything changed?"

"The more things change..."

"Yeah. I get it."

"Alex, would you like to join us?"

Before he could answer, she answered for him. "No, he doesn't. I'm his subordinate, so we shouldn't fraternize outside the office- at least not while I am still in training."

"Actually, I---" She shot him a look. "I'm busy tonight anyway," he said.

"Call or text me," she said. She hugged him, and then he shook Alex's hand.

"If I were you, I would wear a cup," he said.

"Yes, Sir."

"Alex," Russell said.

"Yes.""I am not joking."

"I believe you. Don't let her near my balls. Copy," Alex said. He laughed and walked out of the station.


"Can we just set up the shop," she said. "And you tell anyone about that, I swear to God you won't be able to fuck around with anyone ever again."

"What the hell does that mean?" he asked.

"Can we just set up the shop, please?"


"Are we going to talk or just sit in silence for eight hours?" he asked.

"If you have something to teach me, I am ready to take notes."

He pulled the shop into an empty lot and threw it into park. "Alright, what the hell is going on, Alexsandra?" he asked.

"It would help if you had come with a warning label. I knew what we did was a horrible mistake."

"What are you talking about? You didn't think it was a mistake this morning."

"Gilmore caught me in the locker room. She wanted to give me some advice that would have been more useful yesterday!"

"Gilmore? Jesus Christ, what did she say? You know she can't stand me, right? I got the FTO position, and she still hates me for it. Did she read my warning label to you? Did she tell you what a deplorable human being I am?"

"Do you recall yesterday when I inquired whether you had ever been referred to as a Jugador? You are aware that they do, and you also know that you are one. As such, I have been informed that you play a skillful game and have also hosted many contestants,"

He said nothing and just stared out of the window. His ears had turned red.

"I trusted you, Alex. I believed you were interested in me as a person and not an easy lay. I mean, shit, you couldn't go for a week without getting into some girl's pants. Do you do that little trick with the knees to all the girls?"

"No, I have never done that to anyone before," he said."

Just be honest with me, with yourself. Did you think I wouldn't find out?"

"Fine. You want me to be honest with you?" Alex asked.

"If it's not too much trouble."

"Yes, I am known as the Jugador, and I honestly earned the nickname. I love beautiful women and love being with beautiful women."

"So, what do you have like a sex addiction?"

"No. I enjoy the company of a beautiful woman now and then. I don't do relationships, just like you. So, women get angry that I am not interested in anything beyond having a little fun," he said.

"Before me, how long has it been since you've been with a beautiful woman?"

"Allie, please don't do that."


"The day before I met you."

"The day before? You had sex the day before you met me? So, that really was the toothbrush from the last drunk woman you brought home from the bar? Do you tell these women you don't want anything to do with them after you get your rocks off?"

"My rocks off? Is that what you think last night was to me? Me getting my rocks off? Is it impossible to believe that last night meant something to me? Maybe I don't want to be that person with you?"

"You do have all the right words. You are good at making a girl feel like she's something special."

"Allie, you are some---"

She cut him off. She didn't want to hear it. "You know what? I shouldn't and couldn't care less. I don't do relationships. But the difference is I didn't use people to have a little fun. And I didn't do what I did with you to have a little fun. It took me three years to get up the nerve to finally let go of the ghost of Malibu. Meanwhile, it took you twenty hours to get another bimbo in your bed."

"Do you remember anything about last night? Do you remember how I held you in my arms as you cried? Do you think I would have done that for someone I just wanted to get my rocks off with? If I wanted that, I would have taken advantage of your vulnerability, fucked you, and ordered you an Uber, so I didn't have to deal with your drama."

She opened the door and got out of the shop. She needed air. Her face burned with embarrassment, and her heart was pounding fast.

He called dispatch to advise that he was out of service 10-7. He left the shop and went around to the front.

"WAIT! I didn't mean that how it sounded."

"Then how did you mean it?"

"Look, I didn't know I would meet you the day after I took someone home. I thought I was getting your run-of-the-mill rookie. All I knew was Nick thought your last name was Kingston. I didn't know I would meet the most beautiful, smart, funny, badass woman who scares me a little bit. I didn't know I was going to meet you. You can't hold the fact that I was with someone against me."

"That is a well-put-together answer. You're good. You're really good. You had me going there for a minute. You did say one night. I just didn't know that was your policy."

"Then what was it for you, Alexsandra? You knew we weren't going to have a meaningful relationship, fall in love, and get married. You said you don't have relationships, which I thought was perfect- someone who wants the same thing I do."

"So, was everything last night an act? This morning, when you talked about spending days off together and driving to Texas to be with me, was it all part of your game?"

"No, I meant all of that. Everything I said, did, wanted to do was all true."

"You know I am not feeling particularly good. I think I need to go home. This was a mistake. This job, this city, you. Maybe this was supposed to happen so I could realize that."

"Answer me one question."

"What would that be?" she said.

"Would you like to have an actual relationship with me? Because the way I see it, you have no right to be angry with me if you don't. Like I said, some things are worth taking a chance on. Just say the word, and I am all yours. Say the word, and I will only have eyes and arms for you."

She didn't say anything right away. She just stood there leaning on the car, arms crossed. "You're right. You are absolutely right. I let my emotions get the better of me. We wouldn't be having this conversation if you weren't the person I slept with after so long waiting. It most likely would have been a one-and-done for both of us. What it all comes down to is I wanted it to be special to you because what I lost this morning was special to me. My last time is no longer with the love I lost. It's with someone who loves being with beautiful women," Allie said. She walked around the shop and got back in.

He threw his arms up. "Dear God, this woman is going to be the death of me. Please give me strength," he said to himself. He got back behind the wheel.

"Let's just keep it professional from here on out."

He started the engine. "You never really answered my question," he said.

"You're right, I didn't."

The rest of the shift was silent. There were some traffic stops and landmark locations she needed to know and work on the streets- all of it professional. When her shift was over, she changed out of uniform. She was in a trance. She stood outside, waiting for her ride.


"Oh God, Alex. Haven't we seen each other enough today?" She sounded exhausted.

"I want you to answer my question."

"Why? Why is it so important? We are still FTO and rookie. Even if I said yes, we both know we shouldn't."

"What are you so afraid of? Just answer yes or no. It's a simple question," he said.

She started walking away from him. He grabbed her arm. "Alexsandra, just answer me," he was begging like a child.

"Like I said, the point is moot."

"Tell me, please."

"Yes! Is that what you want to hear? I would if we could, but we can't, so we won't," she said. She went to walk away again, but Alex still had hold of her arm. He pulled her back, spun her around, put his hands on her hips, and pulled her into him. Then he kissed her right there in the middle of downtown. Her body went slack. She did love the way he kissed.

"We could, we can, and please say we will. My addiction is to you. You are intoxicating. Being with you got me high. I need you in my life, arms, and bed," he said.

"Alex, I feel the same way. You took me to a place I have never been. You made me ascend to a point of delirium. I can still feel you inside me, but---"

"Oh God, please don't say something that erotic to me. Not right now. I have a feeling I know where this conversation is going."

"When we are done, when I am off probation, if we still feel the same, we could, we can, and we will. Till then, we live our lives. I've been in this city for over three months and could use a friend. So, will you be my friend first?" she asked.

And it went there. A one-way trip to the friend zone. "I would be happy to get to know you, to be your friend. Are there any benefits to being your friend?" He smiled.

It made her melt inside. "I don't think so, big guy. That might defeat the purpose. Just don't catch herpes or anything, just in case," she said.

"Have dinner with me."

"I can't. I'm meeting Sabastian for dinner. Would you like to have lunch in the shop tomorrow?"

"I'll take what I can get. One last kiss? I didn't know the other would be our last one, so let me give you one real last kiss," he said.

She wanted to. She wanted to so badly. "Look at that. Saved by the Uber. I'll see you tomorrow, Corporal Alvarez."

He watched her get in the car and head out. He turned and walked away. "Fuck. Fuck me. Fuck my life," he said.

The Uber started to pull away. "I'm sorry. Can you please stop for a moment," she said.

"Oh, course, Miss." She sat there for a moment. "Oh, fuck it," she said. She exited the car. "Alex! Wait!" He turned around to see her running after him. She leaped in the air, and he caught her. She wrapped her legs around his waist. He held her up by the back of her thighs; he could feel her muscle tone. She clamped her mouth on his. She inhaled deeply, and the scent of her cologne filled her nose and triggered the pleasure center of her brain. His tongue wrestled around with hers. She embraced him tightly. "We can start going about our lives tomorrow. We already fucked up today. Come home with me. I remember where I live." She slid down him, planted her feet on the ground, and looked up at him.

"Yes, of course, I will," Alex said.

"We only have a couple of hours," she said.

He licked his bottom lip. "And I am going to use every second of it."