
Apprehension: Part One

Allie Kingston was a US Marine who decided to retire and become a civilian. Becoming a Cleveland cop, she realized Military life was easier. She can't resist the temptation of her training officer or the clandestine affair.

Angela_Gaines1224 · Ciudad
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22 Chs

Release Me

Alex helped her off the floor. "I think we should go lie down. And I do mean only lie down. Come on, Cara Mia. Upsy Daisy," he said. "Are you okay? Do you want me to take you home? I don't mind at all."

She sniffed, "No, please. I don't want to be alone right now. I need you."

"I want you to know I am here when you do. I will do anything for you, Allie. All you have to do is ask."

Alex pulled her close and kissed her forehead. "I'm toxic, Alex. Please don't get attached. It can only end badly." They walked up the steps to his bedroom. She followed him up. His room smelled of his cologne. It had hardwood floors and a four-post bed. One of them had his uniform shit and pants hung on it. The bed was made. There was a large burgundy-colored blanket with a white wolf on it. She rubbed the soft material.

"This is beautiful."

"Thank you. My Abuela gave it to me. She said it was my spirit animal. I am a white wolf."

"Because of its meaning?" she asked.

"You know the symbolism of the white wolf?"

"Yes. It symbolized power, loyalty, guardianship, teamwork, and wildness. Nothing could better describe you; I see all of that in you. One question, though: I thought that your family was Catholic. They don't believe in spirit animals."

"My Abuela had some Cherokee in her bloodline. She wasn't fully Latino. Now, my Abuelo was pureblood," Alex said. "I know what she would say yours is."

"Do you really? Enlighten me," Allie said.

"An eagle."

She laughed. "You can't get more creative than that?"

"You are. Having an eagle as your spirit animal means that you can see the big picture, gain perspective, assess situations better, and make informed decisions."

"Damn. I guess she would know."

He hugged her again. "I hope you can see the big picture when you look at me and you."

They kissed softly and slowly. "I can also make informed decisions, apparently," Allie said.

"Please don't use my words against me."

"I want to take my clothes off."

"Now, we're talking," he said.

"Do you have something I can sleep in?"

And the conversation is over. He looked disappointed. Alex went into his dresser and pulled out a T-shirt. He held it out in front of him. "Will this work?"

"Flamengo. That's a Brazilian football team, right?"

"Yes. Si. Muy bien. I'm surprised! Very few Americans are familiar with football players. Real football. Not that shit they do here in America. Love the country, hate the football."

She undressed in front of him. She had no shame. He looked at her body. It was beautiful. She had curves in all the right places. She was extremely fit. Her breasts were perfect. He yearned to put them into his mouth. He wondered what she tasted like. I bet she is sweet, he thought to himself. He knew she was vulnerable at that moment, and he did not want to take advantage of her. He felt differently about her. He didn't want to be the jugador, not with her. He knew she was different. She was too good for him, no doubt.

"What side of the bed do you prefer?"

"I am not here to inconvenience you. I will lie where you tell me to."

"You can lie wherever your heart desires. I want you to be comfortable," Alex said.

"In that case," she said. "I prefer the left side."

"Well, that works out because I prefer the right."

"Is that true, or are you just saying that so I will not feel bad?" she asked.

"No, it is true. But if it weren't, I would have lied anyway."

"You really do know how to treat a woman, Alex Alvarez. Sú Madre taught you right."

"That she did," he said.

"I am sorry I unloaded my tears on you and ruined our night."

"Allie, I have you in my bed, regardless of what happens. You did not ruin our night. You cried because you needed it. I am happy that I was here to support you."

"I appreciate it, Alex. I'm sorry, but we cannot let this situation happen again."

"Why would you say that?" he asked.

"Because I want it to happen. And then I will want it to happen again. And again. I don't do relationships, and I definitely cannot do one with a subordinate. I will not be responsible for you getting in trouble, reprimanded, or losing your FTO status. I am not worth it, trust me," Allie said.

"I find that exceedingly difficult to believe. And I should be the one to decide whether I want to risk my FTO status. The way I see things, I will not show you favoritism. You will not need favoritism. You have already been a cop, Allie. You already know so much as far as procedures are concerned. I can help you off the books, especially with learning the area. I would not see that as an unfair advantage. Plus, neither you nor I can approach Hughes and tell him we need to be reassigned because we are attracted to each other. He would tell us to be professional and get over it."

"I can't argue with that last part. But trust me, I am not worth it. I think we should go to sleep."

"I agree. 5:30 will come incredibly early," Alex said.

"I'm sorry you didn't get to go to your prom. I bet that quarterback was really looking forward to having you on his arm. I would have been if it were me."

"I guess I'll never know. "

"I would do anything to let you have the experience."

"When nothing is done, nothing is left undone," Allie said.

"Well, that's profound and depressing."

"That is a quote from Lao Tzu."

"You're brilliant. You must have had a lot of time to read and remember."

"You have no idea. And I am not depressed."

"Then you are extremely repressed. You need to release yourself, your emotional prison you seem to be locked in."

"I thought your degree was in business management, not psychology. I passed my psych evaluation. I don't need to be analyzed by someone I have known for only a few hours."

"I'm sorry. You're right. I have no leg to stand on."

Allie lay down. The pillow smelled like fabric softener, and his sheets were soft. She curled up in the fetal position as close to the edge of the bed as she could without falling off. Alex took it as a sign that she did not want to be touched. She was done being weak and needing comfort. At some point during their sleep, she had rolled over and put her arm above her head. Alex felt her hand gently bump into his. He took it, interlocking their fingers, and they slept like that for hours.


His alarm went off at 5:45. They both awoke sleepily. Allie realized that she had been holding his hand. They slowly released their grip on each other. They were face-to-face. They lay there, looking into each other's eyes. "Hey, you," he whispered. He swept a piece of hair off her face. His touch made her smile.

"Hey, you're right back. I don't suppose I am lucky enough for you to have an extra toothbrush lying around? Am I?" she asked.

"Actually, I do. Follow me."

When he got out of bed, Allie didn't realize that he had slept naked. His body was so handsome, very fit, and well-defined. He picked up a pair of shorts from the floor and put them on.

"Your body is an aphrodisiac," she blurted out.

He turned to face her and smiled. "Is it now?" he asked. "Yours is pretty spicy. And you know how much we Latinos enjoy our spice." I would give anything to taste you.

She joined him in the bathroom. He loved the way she looked in his shirt. Her legs were long and tan. He handed her a toothbrush. "Here. The last drunk girl I brought home left it here." He flashed his smile.

"Wouldn't be the first time I had another girl in my mouth," she said. She smiled back.

"Is that so? Do tell."

"I don't lick and tell."

"Oh, I like you, Kingston," he said.

"Do you now?"

She hip-checked him, and he bumped her back. Their chemistry was amazing- so natural and organic. As they stood beside each other in front of the sink, elbowing, bumping, and pinching one another, it was clear that they were meant for each other.

"If I get married, this is how I want life to be: Fun, unscripted, comfortable," he commented.

Allie wiped her mouth. Looking into her reflection, she went from smiling to serious. "Alex, I may not remember everything from last night, but I remember telling you there can never be an us. This can never happen again. I slept on it, and I have not changed my mind."

"And like I said, if you don't remember, that should be my decision. If you only say this because you are worried about my career, there are certain things in life worth taking a risk for."

"I am not worth the risk. I am fairly sure I said that last night, too," she said.

"Let me have you just this one time. Let's see exactly how good we can be together."

She looked at her watch. "Even if I said yes, we don't have the time."

"I can easily call dispatch and let them know I am meeting you at the courthouse to show you around," he said.

"And what happens when I actually need to see the courthouse?"

"Simple. We go on our day off. You realized we will have days off together, right?"

"Now that you mention it, I guess it would make the most sense," Allie said.

"And we can take those days off together and be with each other."

"And what if we are seen together? Or are we just going to hide out at one of our places? We're lucky no one saw us last night."

"Then I will take you all the way to Pittsburgh if you are nervous about that. Hell, I would drive all the way to Texas to spend time with you," he said.

"Why is it that you always seem to know exactly what to say?"

"Because when I am comfortable with a person, I open my mouth, and the words just seem to fall out," he said.

He stepped closer to her. "Why don't we each take a shower and meet back here? There is a full bath down the hallway, clean towels in the closet."

She stood there and thought for a second. The angel and the devil on her shoulder finally butted in.

You should just get an Uber and go home, the angel said. You already told him this can't happen. No. You told him you can't do it again. So, finish what you started, the devil whispered. You're flipping like Mary Lou Retton. Get the Uber. Deep down, you know this is wrong. No, deep down, you know that you need this. He said it last night: you need to be released. But you know how--- The devil jumped off her shoulder and put the angel in a headlock—it's time for a nap. Go to sleep, sweet angel.

"Okay, just this once. I want to see what having a hot Latin lover is like."

"You'll never want to be with anyone else again. We are good at what we do," Alex said.

"That's a bold statement, Alvarez." She removed the T-shirt and dropped it seductively on the floor. Then, she walked out of the room, exaggerating the sway of her hips.

As he watched her make her way down the hall, she looked over her shoulder, smiled from the corner of her mouth, and raised her eyebrow. God, do you have any idea how badly I want to bury my face in that ass? Mi Madre would be so disappointed in me if she could read my thoughts. He hung his head, slowly shook it, and smiled.

She showered as slowly as possible. She was nervous. She was sober. The only reason she got out was because the hot water ran out. They met back up in his bedroom, both in nothing but towels. He still had water on him, and his body was glistening. Her hair was pulled into a ball on top of her head.

"Someone used all the hot water," he said.

"Sorry. I used to have one minute to shower in the Marine Corps, so I like to take my time now. Washing my hair would take even longer."

"Will you take your hair down?" he asked.

She reached up, released it, and shook it free.

"You looked like a shampoo commercial," he said. They each stepped forward and met in the middle. He put her hair behind her shoulders and began to kiss them softly. "Is there anything I should know? Anything special? What do you like done or you like to do?" he asked, pausing between kisses.

"I have a propensity to run my nails down the back. I have never drawn blood, but I have been known to cause a little pain. How about you?"

"I like to be very verbal. I may be a little crass and ungentlemanly. If you want, I can stay quiet. I know that kind of language puts some people off."

"Thank you for the warning, but I picked up on that when you told me how much your cock loved my mouth, and need I remind you that I used to hang out with 30 Marines? I have heard everything. I have said everything. I have done everything well within reason. If I don't want to do it, I have a reason. I will, however, not call you daddy," she said. "As you know, I have daddy issues."

"I was going to bring that up in my psych eval." He smiled wide. "How about Papi?"

"Aye, PAPI! Isn't that a little too on the nose?"

"I guess you do have a point. Please do me a solid, and don't scratch me too hard. You know how the vests can be," he said.

"I can't make any promises... Papi."

She lay down on the bed. Alex looked at her hungrily. "Are we really going to do this? If we open this door, we can't return," she said.

"After what happened in the truck last night, I think we kicked that door in."

"As soon as we get to work, we are done. Agreed?"

"If that's what you want, Cara Mia. That being said, I think I owe you something from last night," he said.

He slowly crawled between her legs, propping them up on his shoulders. He rubbed his hands up and down her smooth skin."Your skin feels like silk."

"Dear God, I can already tell this is going to be good," Allie spoke low and under her breath.

"I've never had any complaints, and I have been doing this in my mind ever since the moment Pistone pointed you out to me. Not that he had to. I'm going to eat your pussy like a starving man," he replied. Her eyes opened wide, and she gave him a sly smile.

"Well, would you look at that? I spy with my little eye..." He kissed her just below the panty line. "Is that the elusive tattoo?" he asked. She covered her face in embarrassment.


"What is that?"

"What does it look like to you?" she asked.

"It looks like the state of California. And that little heart looks like it's around Los Angeles."

"Close. Malibu."

"Allie. Why do you have a tattoo of Malibu, California, on your pelvis?"

"Can we maybe have this discussion after we are done? After I have orgasmed at least three times?"

He licked her like an ice cream cone. "Okay. So, do you like your clit flicked, licked, or sucked?" Alex asked.

"Wow, nobody has asked me that question before. It's been so long, anything will be irresistible."

"How long has it been?" he asked.

"It's been a long time."

"What do you consider a long time? Months. Years."

"It has been years. I have not had sex since the last time I was with my boyfriend. I wanted to savor the last time we were together. And I did not want to pollute it with anyone else," she said.

"Allie, that has to be the saddest yet most romantic thing I have ever heard. I wish I could find someone who loved me like that. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I can't sit Shiva forever."

"Then I am honored you want to be with me," he said.

"Well, I won't be with you if we keep conversing. Just make sure you start slow. I am probably as tight as a virgin on prom night."

"Prom seems to be an ongoing theme. I guess that would make me the quarterback?"

"You don't like American football," Allie said.

"That doesn't mean I never want to score a touchdown."

She lay back and closed her eyes. Alex put his head between her legs and began to eat. She was just as sweet as he thought she was going to be. It didn't take long until she grabbed a handful of his hair and pushed his head deep into her. "Oh, Alex. God, that feels fucking amazing. My pussy loves your mouth."

He stopped for a brief moment and smiled at the comment. He licked and slurped and sucked. His hot tongue rolled around her folds. He plunged his tongue in and out. She gyrated her hips, pushing her closer to his face.

"Oh, Alex," she moaned. "I'm going to come. I... am... going... FUCK! FUCK YEAH BABY!"

He stopped for a brief moment and smiled at the comment. When she finally came it was like it had been stored inside her for the last three years. It's not as if she did not touch herself. Obviously, she had just done that in his truck last night. But to have the feeling of his mouth on her was exquisite. He made her come... multiple times.

She was good and wet. "I think it's time for me to fuck you now. You thought this was good. You haven't felt anything yet."

He wrapped his package, excited like a kid on Christmas morning. He hovered over her, and they looked into each other's eyes.

"Remember slowly," she said. He just put his head in at first. She was right. He could feel how tight her walls were. Just trying to enter her was reminiscent of the first virgin he had ever been with. He inched his way in. He felt so good. Allie had missed the feeling of being with someone.

When he was halfway in, she looked at him. "Now give me all of it."

"At once?" he asked. 

"Yes. Yes, I want to feel that pleasurable pain. Do it quickly."

He thrust quickly and hard into her. She gasped and grabbed a handful of the comforter. She let the breath out. "Oh fuck. Thank you."

He smiled at her. "No need to thank me; it really was my pleasure."

He started slowly. He moaned her name. She missed hearing it. The whole thing felt terrific. She brought his head down to suck on her nipple."Bite," Allie said. He bit down gently. "No. Bite harder and pull, and suck. Please suck," she begged.

She let him rock her back and forth. "It's time to go faster," she said.

He got up on his knees. He spread her legs open. He saw her eyes roll back into her head and flutter. "Oh God, that feels amazing." He spread her knees wider until he had them pinned down onto the bed.

"Do you like that, baby? How does that fucking feel? Do you like when I fuck you like this?"

"Yes, Alex, that feels amazing," she moaned.

Her head was actually spinning. She felt like she was still drunk. He slowed down, and the feeling became even more intense. He could feel her trying to bring her knees together. He held them there. He kept her knees pinned down as he gave her long strokes. For a while, he used just the head. It was a sensation she had never felt before. Her moans were growing very loud. He spread his legs and pinned hers down with his knees. He took her wrists and put them above her head, holding them firmly so she could not move. Her body slithered back and forth. He could feel her clamping down on him. "Fuck me, baby. Just like that, please."

He loved hearing her talk like that. "You like that? Do you like how my cock feels in your pussy?"

"Yes, yes, I do," she replied.

"Then beg, beg for me to keep it in there. I want you to beg me."

"Oh please, please don't stop. I need it. I want it."

"What do you want, baby? Tell me," he demanded.

"I want you to make me come. Alex, I want to come all over you. You feel so fucking good."

He couldn't take it anymore. Hearing her talk like that was pushing him to the edge. He exploded even harder than he had last night. When he did, she felt him go rock hard. Harder than he was before. Engorged. She squeezed him tight. He was still holding her knees down. The sensation was almost too much to bear. It truly was like nothing she had ever felt before. Even after he came, he continued to slide in and out very slowly. Back and forth.

"Oh my God," she said. "I don't know if I can take it anymore."

"You can and you will. Do you understand?"

"Yes, yes, I understand." "Now, do you want me to stop?" Alex asked.

"No, no, please don't stop."

He quickened his pace. It was like a roller coaster. Allie felt herself ascend the hill. It crested and then went straight down. It happened three times. Her body barely takes a break in between. He finally released her knees, and she squeezed her legs together. She came one more time. He also did it. "Holy shit," he said. "No one has ever made me come twice in that short amount of time. Allie, you are amazing. I would say this trial was a complete success."

She could not talk. She just lay there, panting and sweating. The feeling of her orgasms was still pulsating through her body. After a minute or so, she spoke."Oh my God, Alex, thank you. Thank you for releasing me. No offense, but I would never have imagined it would be that spectacular. God, the way you move your hips, the way you opened me wide. It was like watching the fireworks on the 4th of July. You are right. I don't know if I could only do this once with you."

"Well, I will not try to talk you into anything. Just know that I am willing. You are worth it. You deserve someone to pleasure you. You are too spicy to remain dormant and contained. Like I said, us Latinos like our spice," he said.

He kissed her. "Will you tell me about the tattoo?"

She started playing with his hair. She took a deep breath. "My boyfriend, Ken, his nickname in the Marines was Malibu. His name was Ken, and he was from California. What else would we call him."

"Did he die?" he asked.

"He did. Horribly. That's why I got the tattoo. He's the reason I don't do dating and relationships. I never want to lose love like that again. I can't have someone ripped away from me like that again. So, tell me, what was the bet you lost?"

"Honestly, I don't want to tell you."

"If you ever want to touch me again, you will spill it."

He mumbled something inaudible.

"I'm sorry I didn't catch that."

"He bet I couldn't go a whole week without picking up a girl and bringing her back to my room."

"How long did you last?"

"I didn't even make it till the end of the day."

"Wow. You do like the ladies."

"See, this is why I didn't want to tell you."

"So, now, what do we do now?" Allie asked.

"Well, we either take a more extended tour of the courthouse or go to work and do some actual training. I could show you around the County jail. He smiled his wide, beautiful smile. The same smile he gave her in roll call.

"I think we should go in."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. Now, where are my panties?"