
Apprehension: Part One

Allie Kingston was a US Marine who decided to retire and become a civilian. Becoming a Cleveland cop, she realized Military life was easier. She can't resist the temptation of her training officer or the clandestine affair.

Angela_Gaines1224 · Urban
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22 Chs

Twelve Hour Difference

The spring weather in Okinawa is hot. The beaches open in March, and there are notable evening temperature drops.

Allie was stationed at Camp Gonsalves, one of the largest military bases run by the US, for about a year.

They climbed into the Humvee; she took the wheel. He was giving her a headache. Allie was just an hour into her patrol. She was partnered with Ian Jefferies. He was an annoying twenty-year-old from Michigan who never stopped talking. Allie wasn't the chatty type. She felt he should have never graduated from kindergarten, let alone boot camp.

"Why are we still talking about this?" she said.

"Because I refuse to believe you never saw Tucker and Dale vs Evil!"

"I don't watch a lot of movies."

"What do you do for fun?" he asked.

"I'm learning Latin right now."

"You're learning Latin right now? That's what you do for fun? You teach yourself dead languages. Wow, you are quite the party animal."

"Sorry. I don't watch movies. I have better things to do," she said.

"Kingston, you are learning Latin for fun. There are better things to do."

"Fine, I will watch the movie. Then will you be happy and maybe leave me alone?"

"Yes. But you have to watch it with me, so I know you actually did," Ian said.

"I can just give you an oral report on it."

"First of all, I don't trust you will watch it. You'll just go to IMDB and read the synopsis. Second, I would love for you to give me oral."

"Oh my God! You are unbelievable!" she exclaimed.

No, I am a virile young man who spends twelve hours a day, four days a week, with one of the most beautiful women in the tri-state area, maybe even beyond.

She finished the loop they patrolled and started moving further into the housing.

"How about The Fast and The Furious?" he asked.

"Which one?"

"Any of them."

"Umm. Nope," she said.

"Name one movie you have seen."

"Anything with Keanu Reeves."

"Even Bram Strokers' Dracula?" he asked.

"Yes. Even Bram Stoker's Dracula. I even listen to Dogstar."

"Wow. So, you are."

"I am what?" she asked,


She rolled his eyes. "Are you up for deployment anytime soon?"

"Not that I know of," he said.

"Too bad. I could use a few months of quiet."

"Oh, come on. Being my partner can't be that bad."

"You are nice to look at," she commented.

"Really? I can show you more of me."

"You show me yours, and I'll show you mine?"

"Ab-so-lutely," he said with a tooth smile.

"Not. Absolutely not," Allie said with a grin.

The radio in the Humvee crackled. "Base to Corporal Kingston."

"Aww, someone is in trouble." 

"Kingston to base, go ahead with your transmission," she replied.

"Corporal Kingston 10-19 to speak with First Sergeant Daniels."

"10-4." She hung the radio up and made a U-turn to return to base.

"What do you think that's all about?" Jeffries asked.

"I am hoping they are going to tell me that I won a lottery, and the prize is I no longer have to partner with you ever again."

"You know you're one of the least pleasant people I have ever met."

"Then I made the exact impression that I was going for," she said with a laugh.

"You know, maybe it's me who won the lottery. Ever think of that?"

"And what would your prize be?"

"One night with you because I think if you got laid more, you might be a tad more pleasant," he said. They drove through the base, tipping their heads to various people and waving at the children in the schoolyard, the sound of a cadence belting a call and a response to the rhythm of 45 sets of boots reverberating in the air to the rhythm of a cadence.


Here we go. Here we go.

An easy day. An easy day.

Get some. Get some

.Recon. Recon.

Stay together. Stay together.

Keep it tight. Keep it tight.

Speed it up. Speed it up.

Slow it down. Slow it down.

Bullshit. Bullshit.

Make it hurt. Make it hurt.

No pain, no gain. No pain, no gain.

Get out of the way. Get out of the way.

Coming through. Coming through.

Oh yeah. Oh yeah.

We're having fun. We're having fun.

All the way. All the way.


"Did they ever make you come up with one of those?" Jeffries asked, glancing over at Allie.

"Yeah, everyone had to do it at least once."

"Do you remember yours?"

"Kind of. Not the entire thing," she said.

"Tell me some."

She let out a little laugh, and her cheeks turned red. "Okay. But don't laugh or make fun. I wanted to make up to hear the guys in the platoon say it. Okay?"

"I promise. Cross my heart." He made an X on his chest.


I Met him at a bar.

I Took him to my car.

I Took him to my house.

I opened up my blouse.

I Took him by his head.

I Took him to my bed.

Rollin all around.

Till we hit the ground.

I opened up my legs.

Then I made him beg.


"Oh my God, I would love to act that cadence out anytime," he mumbled.

"That's what I can remember right now. It was fun. I was asked to lead a few times. Back then, I was incredibly involved with a lot of things in boot. That's how I graduated as a Lance Corporal. They tell you never to volunteer for anything, but I had a motive."

She rounded the corner and parked the Humvee. "Should I wait here?" he asked.

"Don't ask me. I still don't know what the hell is going on."

Allie walked into the First Sergeant's office. "Corporal Kingston reporting for First Sergeant Daniels," she announced.

The receptionist looked at Allie with pity in her eyes. "Go right in."

Allie entered the office and stood at attention.

"At ease, Marine." Daniel's said. She took an at-ease stance. "Allie, take a seat, please."

She looked confused as she slowly took a seat. "Am I in trouble, sir? Whatever it is, I can confidently say I didn't do it."

"No, it's nothing like that. I am sorry, Allie, there is no easy way to say this: your mother, brother, and father were killed this morning." First Sergeant Daniel stated. What he said had yet to register. Allie just sat there blankly, staring ahead, unable to muster any emotions. "Allie, did you hear me? Your family was killed. They were involved in a motor vehicle accident this morning," he said.

"I think you must be mistaken. I just talked to my brother this morning."

"Allie, there is a twelve-hour time difference between here and Paris. So, I can understand why you are thinking that way."

"What happened?" "The authorities aren't saying much right now. You need to start making arrangements to travel to France and escort your family to Arlington. I assume that is where your dad wanted the family buried," he said.

"Yeah, that's okay. I should go back to work now," Allie replied distantly.

"Allie, I think you need to go back to your---" "

Job, I need to get back to my job." She stood at attention.

"I was going to say your house."

"May I please be dismissed, First Sergeant?" she asked. He looked at her and considered her for a moment.

"You are dismissed. Please let Darleen know if we can be of any service to you. I am deeply sorry about your family," he said. Her face continued to be void of any emotion.

"Good day, Sir."


Allie walked out and returned to the Humvee. She slid into the seat and waited for Jeffries to return.

"Well, you're still here, so I guess you didn't get fired," he said, getting back in.

"It's the military, we don't get fired."

"Oreo?" he offered. He held out a handful of cookies.

"You better hope no one sees you eating those in uniform." She took one and put it into her mouth.

"So, really, what's going on? Everything okay?" he asked.

"No. My family is dead. An accident this morning in France. All three of them are gone. I guess I have arrangements to make." She sounded nonchalant.

"Oh, my God, Kingston. What are you doing here? You need to go home."

"I need to finish my shift. My family is dead. There's no hurry."

"The first stage of grief is denial. You know that, right?"

"They're dead. I'm not denying that," Allie said.

"Anger is next."She stared forward.

"Anger? I have been angry at my father for the last year. Whenever I talked with my mom or brother, they asked me if I wanted to say hello. I always said no and wouldn't care if I never talked to him again. My graduation was the last time I saw all of them. I ignored him the entire time. He told me he was proud of me. He loved me, he hugged me. I wouldn't hug him back. My father rarely hugged me. I got my way. I will never have to talk to him again." "Kingston," he said.

He put his hand on her shoulder. "Give me a second, okay?"

"Sure. I'm not going anywhere. Suddenly, I can't move," she said, frozen in place.

Jeffries went into the office and came back a few minutes later. "Switch seats. I'm taking you home." She didn't argue. She got into the passenger seat and let Jefferies take her home. There was no conversation. She just sat there in silence, shock finally settling in.

"I'm the second one on the left," she said, finally breaking the silence.

He pulled the Humvee into the driveway, got out, and went around to the other side. "Come on, let's go," he said. She let him take her hand and led him to the front door, which she opened and let herself in.

"Do you have to go back right away?"

"No, we both have the rest of the day off. I told Daniels I would take you home and see if you needed anything or someone to keep you company."

"Well, thanks for taking me home. What should I do next?"

"Honestly, I don't know. I have never had to---"

"You know what? I don't think I even know your first name. Isn't that wild? How long have we worked together?"

"Two months, one week and three days. But who's counting?" Ian asked.

"For someone who isn't counting, you seem to be pretty exact."

"My name is Ian."

"Hi, Ian. I'm Allie."

"Yeah, trust me, I know."

"How about coming in for a drink? Do you like tequila?" she asked.

"I have never had it."

"How about beer? Do you like beer?"

"That I have had, and I do," he said.

She let him into the house. "I am going to change out of my CCUs. I would offer you something to wear, but I don't have anything that would fit.

"It's alright. I'll be okay."

Zoned out, Allie made her way to the bedroom, took off her CCUs, and put on a pair of cotton flannel pajamas.

"You know you could wear a paper bag and still look good," Ian said when she walked back into the living room.

"You don't have to pretend to be nice to me."

"You're right, I don't have to pretend." She gave him a small smile. He saw her cheeks pinken slightly.

While Allie went into the kitchen to get their drinks, Ian walked around her living room. Framed photos were scattered around the room. The first one he came to was Allie in dress blues with what had to be her family at graduation from boot camp. He could tell her smile was forced and ingenuine. The next one was of her with a friend at a beach. The sun shining high in the sky accented the fantastic light purple bathing suit that fit her perfectly. Her skin was a golden brown. Again, her smile was not genuine. He looked at a couple more. She seemed so sad or bothered. The only captured memory where she had a genuine smile was one of her and her brother. Ian began to feel for her. He had an incredibly happy childhood and a loving, close relationship with his family.

They sat and drank beer and tequila till the late hours. With every beer, the two moved a little closer to each other. After a few hours, they were next to each other. Ian had his arm around her; she was sitting with her knees up to her chest, leaning against him with her head on his shoulder.

Feeling relaxed and wanting to get to know Allie better, Ian asked, "Did you play any sports or have any hobbies?"

"I used to ride horses. I like to swim," she replied.

"Were you on the swim team in high school?"

"We moved around so much I never even bothered."

"I saw the picture of you in your bathing suit. You really are quite a hottie."

"I still have that suit," Allie said with a small laugh. "It was a gift from my mom, specially made for me. She knew I wanted one. My father hated it. He said, and I quote, you look like a hussy. I didn't even know what that word meant at the time. He never let me wear it again. That picture is the only time I ever wore it."

"You can wear it now. I would never put you down. You look absolutely stunning in it. We could go to the beach sometime. I have never even seen the ocean," Ian said in an attempt to cheer her up.

"It's not all it's cracked up to be. It's salty, and the sand gets everywhere."

Ian couldn't take his eyes off of Allie. "Your hair is beautiful. I have never seen you with it down except for the picture."

"Well, I have to keep it out of my eyes and above my collar during business hours, and this is the first time I have ever seen you outside of the office. I mean shit, I just found out your first name six hours ago."

"Can I see it down?"

"I don't see why not," she said. Allie struggled with a dozen bobby pins and untwisted her hair from her ponytail holder. She shook her hair loose. It separated and fell all around her.

"Wow, your hair is beautiful. Can I touch it?"

"Sure. It's hair, Ian, not fine crystal."

"You take me as the kind of person who would break someone's hand if they touched you without asking."

"Touche," she said.

He ran his fingers through her hair. He could smell the faint scent of cherries. He leaned in and inhaled the smell. "You are magnificent, Allie."

"You're not so ugly yourself, Ian." They looked into each other's eyes.

"I would like to kiss you if you let me," he said.

"I don't think that is a good idea. I am of a higher rank than you, and we shouldn't be fraternizing that way. You know if someone found---" Ian pressed his mouth to her before she could finish her protest. Without hesitating, Allie kissed him back. He was a great kisser. His tongue tousled around hers. She felt her body relax. He put his hand under her top. She wasn't wearing a bra. He squeezed her breast hard. He took her nipple between his thumb and his index finger and pinched. It was painful, but she enjoyed it. No one had ever been so aggressive before. She realized how much she enjoyed the pain. She could feel herself grow warm. He began unbuttoning her pajama top and started kissing her neck. She felt like she was in high school again. Whatever was about to happen, she wanted it so bad.

She quickly came to her senses and stopped him. "Ian, we can't."

"No, Allie, we can. It's we shouldn't."

"But I guess we could," she replied.

"But we won't."

"We won't?"

"Won't we?" he said.

"You did tell me that I need it."

"I did. I still stand by it," Ian said seriously.

"Well, then, you won the lottery, Ian. Take your prize."

"Are you sure? I know you're in a vulnerable place right now," he said.

"I am. I want to feel good for a little while before the pain and sadness set in."

"Okay. If you are sure."

She finished unbuttoning her top. She exposed her breasts. "I'm more than sure. I'm positive."

He gazed at her breasts. "Those are really nice. You don't even need a bra. They are so perky and firm," he said. He leaned forward, and she leaned back, lying on the couch. "Are they real?" he asked.

"Keep touching them and find out," she gave him a sly grin.

"You don't have to ask me twice."

"Suck and bite them, please. I never realized how much I like a little pain with my pleasure." He took her into his mouth. He sucked hard and bit her nipple.

"Ohhh. Yes. Just like that."

She held the back of his head, running her hand over the soft brush of his hair. Ian put his hand between her thighs, rubbing her firmly over her pajamas. She let out another moan. He stopped long enough to take off his shirt. Allie helped him with the buttons and then pulled his undershirt over his head, exposing his firm chest, his dog tags hanging, between his pectoral muscles. He hovered over her for a moment. He looked at her face, his beautiful amber-colored eyes locking with hers before she pulled him down and kissed him. She relished the feeling of his chest against hers. He smelled like Irish Spring soap and Axe body spray. She ran her hands down his back. Ian shuddered.

They continued this way until Allie reached down and went to unbutton and untie his pants. He grabbed her hand. This time, he stopped her. "Allie, wait."

"What's wrong? Did you change your mind? It's okay if you did," she said.

"No. No, that's not it."

"Then what is it?"

"Well. I'm umm. It's just that I..." Ian's voice trailed off. He looked embarrassed.

"Ian, are you a virgin?"

"Yeah. I wasn't going to tell you, but what if I'm horrible? I wouldn't want you to think I'm a bad lay. I don't want to let you down."

He sat up. She did, too, covering herself with his t-shirt. "No. It's okay. I'm not exactly an expert either," she said.

"Are you a..."

"No, I'm not, but I've only done it twice, and that's over the last four years. It was in my Junior and Senior years of high school, and it was the first time for both of them."

"You collect V cards."

"Not on purpose. Don't worry, I can tell you what to do," she said.

"Fuck. I don't have a condom. This wasn't exactly what I thought I would be doing today."

I have some. A girl can never be too prepared."

She put his T-shirt on. "Why don't we go to my room? I don't want your first time to be on my secondhand couch." Allie put her hand out and led him to her room. She went into her dresser and opened a brand-new box of Trojans. "I was beginning to think I would never need these. At least they have not passed the expiration date. I assume you had health class and know how to put these on."

"I did, and I do," he said.

"Open it and have it ready. Nothing breaks the mood like trying to rip open a stubborn wrapper."

He opened it, and she put it on her side table. "If I say, ' Ouch, ' don't think you're hurting me. It kind of hurts going in at first," Allie said.

"Okay. Thanks for the warning."

She sat on the bed, and he sat next to her. Things were very awkward suddenly. "Why don't we just lay down together and talk a little, and hopefully, things just happen organically."

They laid back together, and Allie put her head on his chest. They were both silent as she just listened to his heartbeat. "I think the sound of the heart beating is beautiful. One of the most profound things I've heard is that a child is the only person who will ever hear a heartbeat from the inside," she said.

"Do you want children someday?"

"I would love one. The thought of having unconditional love is beautiful. But I can't have a child."

"Why?" he asked.

"I have a medical condition. It would take a miracle from God to make that happen."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I brought it up." 

"I guess it doesn't matter. I wouldn't want my baby not to know it's grandparents," she said.

She started to cry. Tears slowly creeped out of her eyes. "Ian, I'm an orphan. I'm alone in this world now."

"No, you're not. You have me now. Regardless of what happens after today, I'll be here for you." He moved her hair away from her face.

"Promise?" she asked. He wiped the tear from her face.

"Of course I do."

Ian propped himself onto his elbow. Allie lay with her head on the pillow. He lowered his head and kissed her gently. Slowly, the kiss became more intense. He helped her pull the shirt off. Ian stood up, and when she went to undo his pants this time, he didn't stop her. His shirt came off next. While still standing, Ian slid her bottoms off, peeling her panties off with them. He looked at her briefly before climbing back onto the bed. Allie had a small strip of hair on her mound. He spread her legs open and kissed the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. Ian worked his way up, taking a couple of minutes to lick and kiss her. He knew exactly what he was doing when it came to that, she thought. Allie had never had that done before. It was glorious. It was like no sensation she had ever experienced before.

It didn't take long before he found her clit. He began to suckle it. She put her hand on the back of his head, again rubbing the short bristles of hair. "Oh, wow, Ian. I have never felt anything like this before." He started to tongue her more aggressively. He separated her lips. He stuck his tongue into her. "Jesus fucking Christ," she muttered. Her eyes rolled back into her head. She wondered if she had ever been around long enough to have an actual relationship, would she have had this done sooner?

She couldn't help herself. Before she knew what was going on, she felt her body begin to tense, and her toes began to tingle. Allie pulled her knees higher, holding them up, her feet lifted off the bed. She spread her legs further apart, and she drew Ian's head closer to her. She didn't know how close was too close. She didn't want to suffocate him. She felt his tongue plunge in and out of her.

He finally came up for air. "Allie, you taste so fucking good. I could eat you till my face goes numb."

She felt the tip of his tongue caressing her soft, warm walls. "Holy mother of God," she yelled out. Allie felt something within her let go. Her sweet juice filled his mouth. She expected him to pull away, but he kept his mouth on her. His tongue was still probing around inside of her. He dug her sweetness out of her and then felt him suck on her. He was drinking it all in. She couldn't believe it. Before it was over, she couldn't wait for him to do it again. He continued to lick her, and before she knew it, the whole thing happened again.

It was magical. She had never experienced an orgasm before, and he had already made her come twice.

"Now," she said. "Do it now." She handed him the condom, and he slid it over him. He climbed between her legs, and she guided him to her. "Slowly. Put it in Slowly." Even though it hurt a little, it slid right in much easier than she remembered. He had made her come, and her walls were slick.

"Holy shit," he moaned. "Oh yes. This feels amazing. You feel amazing, Alexsandra." He continued to glide slowly back and forth inside her.

"Can you go faster, Ian?" she asked. He quickened his pace.

He was lasting impressively long for his first time. She wrapped her legs around his waist and ran her nails down his back. "Ouch," he yelped.

"I am so sorry."

"No, it's okay," he panted. "You can do it again. It just caught me off guard," he said.

"You just feel so good. Faster and harder, please."

Thud. Thud. Thud. He was banging himself inside her as deep as he could go. Her headboard was bumping up against the wall.

"I think I'm going to come."

"I'm going to. I can feel it in my toes," Allie said.

"Me too. Oh God," he said. Ian released and felt himself spasm within her. Her walls clamped down around him.

They were both breathless."Wow, that was..." "Really awesome," he finished the sentence.

"I didn't know it was supposed to feel like that."

"Me neither."

"That didn't happen the other two times I did that. I was beginning to wonder why people did it if that's how it goes. It did feel good with the others, but it was, well, anticlimactic."

"So, now, what do we do? Do I get dressed and do the walk of shame?" he joked, smiling toothily.

"I don't think that is how it's supposed to go. Plus, you shouldn't be ashamed of anything you just did. Are you hungry?" she asked.


"Why don't we find something to eat, then we can..."

"Do it again."

"I have five more condoms in the box," she said.

"We are going to have to buy another box." He kissed her.

"Thanks, Ian." "

Anytime, Allie. AND I DO MEAN ANYTIME," he said. "I'm glad my first time was with you."

He kissed her again."You are so fucking beautiful. And I am so fucking lucky."

"I am sorry I have misjudged you these past few months. You're a good man."

"Don't worry, I was an immature little shit when we started working together. Then I realized I had to grow up if I ever stood a chance to be with you. You made me grow in many ways, Alexsandra. You made me become a better man."

"And you made me feel like a woman. You know we can't tell anyone about this. I can get busted down, and we will get split up."

"So, we have to sneak around? We can't go out or be seen together?" he asked.

"If we do, then we are nothing but friends."

"Can't we just request to be partnered with someone else?"

"Why don't we see how things play out before we completely unroot our lives," she said.