
Apocalypse shelter - Swarg

A nobody who had barely done enough to survive in the apocalypse is killed and reborn a day before the apocalypse begins. Unlike other stories he had read, the apocalypse he faced was truly a cruel one. With a much more simple system and little to no help from that, he has already witnessed the state in which the humans had once been reduced to. Can he get up once again and face his nightmare? If he can, does he have the ability to change the bleak future that awaits humans. Warning : Not an overly fast evolving world like most apocalyptic novel. Everyone will have to fight with everything they have to progress and survive. The M.C. will have a higher growth rate but do not expect him to be overpowered.

maddymudda · Ciencia y ficción
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13 Chs


There was no time to waste if I wanted to make full use of this opportunity. I had to be prepared to kill as many zombies as I could find this time around. For that, I required sufficient weapons, a mode of transport and some protective gear. 

The first hour of the apocalypse was the time when the hierarchy of this new world would be decided. All who had went on to create city shelters in the future were people who did not shy away from facing the apocalypse head on in the first hour. 

Only when a person actively and personally killed a total of at least ten zombies during the first hour of the apocalypse were they given the chance to evolve in the apocalypse. The more zombies one killed the more powerful his base stats would become. There were a few stats that could only be obtained during this hour and once this period was over everyone could only develop in the stats that they had managed to awaken. There was no chance to get a stat that you were not able to get during this hour in the later years. 

The number of people who would be lucky enough to evolve in this first hour would not exceed even one percent of the remaining population. Considering that the population of the world stood at around eight billion at the time of apocalypse and half of it had turned into zombies, the remaining population would be around four billion and one percent of this would be around forty million. Forty million1 as a number seems huge, but consider it being spread out throughout the globe and the number suddenly feels almost insignificant. 

Most of them would be lucky survivors like I had been the first time around, with little to no knowledge of combat or survival and this will lead to their ability to protect the normal population to be far lesser than what would be required. 

My body too was weak now that I was back to where I had initially begun, but at least I still retained the memories of various combat and survival tactics I learned for eight years. This would give me a huge boost in surviving the first hour when compared to normal people. 

If I remember correctly, the person who had killed the greatest number of zombies during this hour was the leader of the strongest shelter in the world, Loyiso2 It was recorded that he had killed over five hundred zombies by himself in the first hour. He had gone on to form the Black Mamba shelter which became the strongest shelter in the world. The reason he was able to kill so many was because just before the apocalypse struck, he was in a celebration with his gang for the successful terrorising of the area that they had claimed as their territory. 

Yes, Lois was the leader of a mob syndicate that terrorised the residents of country Y. His syndicate had well over two thousand members and all of them were gathered in the same place to celebrate their victory. The party naturally had everyone doing drinks and illegal substances. By the time the party ended the sun had risen and everyone was passed out. The only reason Lois was awake was because he had abstained from partying that night to conduct a meeting the next morning with an important government official. 

At twelve when the announcement happened, he was one of the few people in his entire gang who were still in their senses. After ignoring the message initially, he finally took it seriously after one of the men who was still awake started to turn. He was not a saint to begin with and seeing the threat in front of him, he did not hesitate to decapacitate the man. To be sure of his own safety, he ruthlessly massacred every single member he came across who was passed out irrespective of whether they had turned or not. Hearing those shrieks a few members who had not turned gradually woke up and after understanding the reason for his actions they too began to take action. 

By the time the first hour had ended his team already consisted of a hundred evolved beings. The rest had either killed less than ten or were too much in shock seeing such brutality towards their own members. Since Loyiso had killed the most, he had received the most boost after evolution and he was able to keep a tight leash on his subordinates. 

If I wanted to be strong, I had to utilise this hour to kill as many zombies as I could. These zombies were the weakest that would ever appear in the apocalypse and therefore the easiest to kill. This was just a test to weed out those who could take action and help humanity to move forward as a whole. With enough planning anybody could easily suppress the record which was previously set. It was only because this situation would occur so suddenly and without any other guidelines that the record was so low. 

The first thing I had to do was determine the areas that would have the biggest crowds in the city, next would be to find suitable weapons that could kill fast and the last would be acquiring a mode of transportation since I was sure that no one place could keep up with the speed of my killing for an entire hour. 

The first place I was going to select was obviously the orphanage. Since I was sure that everyone would transform, I had no guilt in finishing them off. If I go around killing everyone in the orphanage one by one, I will waste a lot of time. To have them gathered at a single place and follow the method used by Lois was the best course of action I could think of. To do this I decided to mix the food with a large number of sleeping pills. I was close to the cook and would often help in the kitchen so no one would find it suspicious. To make sure that everyone was present and would definitely eat, I decided to announce that I will be leaving the orphanage, and this was the last meal I wanted to share and serve everyone to thank them for their years of care. 

In an orphanage it was always a special moment when one was leaving to make his own way in the world. Everyone despite their differences would gather to wish them well. It was a bit cruel for me to do this, but it was true that starting from tomorrow I would no longer be staying here. 

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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