
Apocalypse shelter - Swarg

Autor: maddymudda
En Curso · 13.2K Visitas
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What is Apocalypse shelter - Swarg

Lee la novela Apocalypse shelter - Swarg escrita por el autor maddymudda publicada en WebNovel. A nobody who had barely done enough to survive in the apocalypse is killed and reborn a day before the apocalypse begins. Unlike other stories he had read, the apocalypse he faced was truly a cruel on...


A nobody who had barely done enough to survive in the apocalypse is killed and reborn a day before the apocalypse begins. Unlike other stories he had read, the apocalypse he faced was truly a cruel one. With a much more simple system and little to no help from that, he has already witnessed the state in which the humans had once been reduced to. Can he get up once again and face his nightmare? If he can, does he have the ability to change the bleak future that awaits humans. Warning : Not an overly fast evolving world like most apocalyptic novel. Everyone will have to fight with everything they have to progress and survive. The M.C. will have a higher growth rate but do not expect him to be overpowered.

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Super Farmer

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A story I had been wanting to write from a long time. Hope you all like it. If you do please leave a review and support it. Yours shamelessly, The author.


everything perfect so far no complains wanna see where the story goes when the zombies come bck mc cool 😎


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