
Aimless Travels In Multiverse

THIS BOOK IS WRITTEN UNDER QUESTIONABLE CIRCUMSTANCES SO IT'S GOING TO BE BAD. MC with questionable sanity running around Multiverse trying to find something interesting to do. [This novel is mostly on MC's POV also English is not my first language] [Cover photo is not mine]

TurkishJesus · Cómic
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79 Chs

Zelretch's Lesson, Superheroes

People of the Emiya Residence wasn't surprised by my visit since you know it's been two weeks for them while it was much more longer for me.

Thanks to this I surprised Shirou with my swordsmanship, I have been training for months, unfortunately Archer was able to see through me.

"So it's fun to have you but why are you here?"

"Zelretch asked me to come and I have to get some ingredients from here" Cortana has finished the inital Mystic Code for class cards, now we're working on turning it into something similar to Omnitrix.

For now I can use one class card, not like I have class cards but it's a good step.


"Well I don't know he just told me to come here and I did"

"You don't question Wizard Marshall's orders" Archer sagely said and nodded, I wonder what kind of pranks he had to deal with during his time in Mage's Association.

There's no way Zelretch not pranking someone like Shirou.

"You don't have to be impatient, here I am." Zelretch just opens the door to living room and pulls out a sofa to sit down and sits.

"Wasn't how I imagined" This was the only reply Shirou gave before he was stopped from serving tea to Zelretch.

"Although I came here, why did you even call me not like I have something you want"

"No, no I am here to deliver these as your reward for showing Aura to Alaya."

I did what? when...

I looked at my right hand to the mark put, mark itself is flickering as if it's giggling.

"You really didn't think she would let you go without anything in return."

"Shit, I can do my existential crisis later what's the reward?"

Following this Zelretch took out two cards one is an Archer and the other is a Caster.

"Here Alaya made these two for you but Archer's NP is locked for obvious reasons and unfortunately these won't change your gender when you use them. Also take this it's a multiversal translation device" that's fortunate, not unfortunate.

I took the cards and turned them over.

[Caster- Medea(Lily)]

[Archer- Arash]

I can see why Stella is locked, I wouldn't have used it even if wasn't.

"Well thanks I guess, it doesn't really make up for putting a leash on my neck"

"You'll get used to it even I have to obey some rules" That's scary, someone making Zelretch obey the rules...

"Well with this my little visit ends here hopefully you won't turn into a bad person as you get stronger and survive whatever comes your way. Also find a better way to travel unless you want to run into something horrible" Well that's certainly not foreboding.


I stayed here for another week trying my new Class Cards, Archer was humored me for a archery test and I used Medea Lily to fix Shirou's atrophied Magic Circuits.

Healing magecraft from age of gods is no joke and considering that there was mythologies before Greek there must be even stronger stuff.

In the end I got my ingredients thanks to Rin, I also had to pay her with more Jewels or just money really, I also gave her some Economy and Business management books from MHA.

Kirei really did a number on Tohsaka savings, let's hope she can get to a point she's relaxed monetarily.

Saying my goodbyes once more I opened my door and regretted it instantly because I had a post cog vision reminding me what Zelretch said.

"Also find a better way to travel unless you want to run into something horrible"


'Greetings mortal" What's in front of me is a grey giant who's wearing pajamas and has the worst sleep deprived face I ever saw.

who's this sleepy looking dude?

"I am called the sleepless one, it's really unfortunate that you run into me"

I can't move, Cortana is not working space is locked and I can't break it.

"Ahh it's always fun when they try to escape, I called you unfortunate but you can be considered lucky, compared the others out in the void I am the most benevolent being here"

Saying this he raised his giant hand and touched my head, I felt something leaving my body, not something I would consider valuable but you won't recognize somethings worth until you lose them.

"As I can't sleep I stop other's sleep. I curse you to never sleep again!"

Saying this I blacked out, when I woke up I was tied to a bed, the bindings aren't that strong I can get out of it with Aura but let's keep them for now the main thing here is the piece of paper in front of me.

[Sigh, even after I warned you, whatever if you want to find a cure go to the one with "Divine Arrogance" and he may grant you relief.


PS. Making it obscure like this quite fun as well.]



Some people might arrogantly think that, even if I am cursed with not sleeping, why should that matter to me, I can live without it anyway.

That person is an idiot, well that person is also me but that's not the point here. I have constant headache from whatever that dude did to me and not being able to sleep started to piss me of due to my headache.

Also nothing I tried works, I would like to use Caster but I am being watched.

I have been here for a week and I learned where I am, I am in Worm...

Not a living worm the novel one with Para humans, I am being held in PRT Canada base, apparently I dropped out of the sky and unceremoniously fell on Narwhal.

I wish I was awake for that.

[I have recording of it master it includes the Physical feeling as well]


Anyway, I was freed of my bindings after I woke up but wasn't allowed to leave the place since I don't exist in this world.

Also me not giving straight answers doesn't really help. Although I know where they're coming from.

All I know Cauldron is after my ass even if they're not they would be if I start talking, so I let Cortana do her thing and stole anything useful she can from the world, you know just the knowledge.

Normally I would try to go back right away but Earth Bet is being watched by these worms, so I need a discreet way to go back home.

Also, I had a vision, Simurgh is coming to Canada...

She's coming for me, I guess I messed with her Pre Cognition and she wants to get rid of me.

In most Fanfictions she's unwillingly murdering humans I wonder if I can free her.

Anyway there's a week before that I should keep working on my way out.


They noticed that Simurgh coming to Canada, slowly but surely like she's searching for something.

Dragon being the genius AI she is guessed that it's me. I wasn't really cooperative and I might have gotten slugged by Narwhal but surprisingly it didn't hurt.

I am guessing she was going full power since she was pretty pissed off.

Anyway since there's and Endbringer after me I demanded to be released since it would help them out as well.

They didn't approve and I just teleported out of there.

I have been in constant pain for the past two weeks I am beyond being polite.

[Master I managed to find Simurgh's signal]

'Can you free her, I want to test if she's peaceful'

[Sure, I will have to overload it with Kaleidoscope but I can do it, you need a activation code for it, I'll make something]

I found the offending Endbringer while she was looking at the crater they found me, most of the capes that fighting Endbringers are here as well.

My arrival caught them off guard but I had a job to do. So I used the "code" Cortana prepared, I have a guess what's going to end up doing.

"Omlette Du Fromage!"

Simurgh turned to me in panic, her size getting smaller to match a human and came to my side.

"What did you say?" Her voice is soft but I was mostly surprised that she can talk.

I leaned over to her ear and whispered.

"Omlette Du Fromage" and she took me to south poll where we had sex until my aura broke.

Witch of Betrayal as my first, a dimensional computer made to end humanity as my second.

My night life is going to somewhere I don't like.

Next what Tiamat?

While I was taking a break from the winged death machine I tried Medea Lily to heal myself but didn't work.

If her magic can't do it I need something older and powerful.

Divine Arrogance, is it Greek gods I wonder.