
Slipping Focus

I managed to finish the improved version of my travel method, also Cortana got a major upgrade thanks to her chat with Simurgh.

From what Cortana said people were freaking out over someone banging a Endbringer just by using French.

I fucked worm plot didn't I.

Anyway this world is fucked up anyway I am leaving.

"We're leaving Simurgh bye" She just waved her hand, she's building a Ice castle here, I lended her "Frozen" she's been singing Let it go for a while.


I found myself in not earth well I think it's not earth...

"What did I do wrong?"

[Your focus is slipping Master, we made it to Type-moon but it seems the date gone wrong]

Now one might say why go back to Type-moon, well first of all I would like to talk to Zelretch and gave him a piece of my mind and research about my cure.

In the end I am standing on this endless waste land filled with...

"Is that a adult sized wolf?"



I am already wearing my Chaldea Uniform, so I took out Durandal from my inventory, I would like to just use Arash but using class cards is taxing on the body.

I need my focus, whatever left from it.


Fuck this place! that wolf which I avoided was a cub! A FUCKIN CUB his mother is giant sized that made me have Dark Souls flashbacks.

At least they didn't seem to care about me or some territorial thing going on that made them not come towards me.

So I walked away from them, I might be running into something even stronger but I need to find out where I am.

Not that it matters much but I have a feeling I am in Age of Gods, I rather not use Kaleidoscope unless I have to.


I run in to monsters, well they're phantasmal beast, thankfully they're the weakest kind and fell to my blade, my training is paying off.

Also I don't feel bad about killing thing that are not human or humanoid. Funny how that works.

Anyway I must have been traveling for a week now, I have yet to fight anything that made me retreat yet that is until I found a city.

This is not just any city, I know this city, It's god damned Uruk, I really want to go back home but when you combine the facts that Gilgamesh knew me and the whole Divine Arrogance it checks out.

Sure Gilgamesh is not a god but he's demigod and probably one of the most knowledgeable people in his era smart enough to rival anyone.

His only short coming is his arrogance, let's hope it's the Caster Gil time of his life where he's relatively better.


Thank Zelretch for the translator, if not for that I would have to slowly learn the language of Uruk, I don't even know what language they're talking.

Getting over that, it seems not everyone can see King Gilgamesh, maybe when he leaves his palace to check up on projects himself.

I have no intentions of breaking in, he probably has bunch of artifacts that would stop me from entering.

So I started to work like my FGO counterpart did, I don't knock how to farm but doing works requiring muscles are not hard for me who has many improvements compared to normal man...

Who am I kidding these guys are monsters, higher mana density means tougher bodies, I am honestly lucky that I didn't explode when I came in.

I killed all those monsters with Aura but I can't really use that in the city after all I don't know how people would react.

They were already treating me differently due to the command spells on my hand. I am currently working as lowest worker rank and I think it's going to be some time before I get out of Uruk.


Somehow I have been summoned by the King himself, that's kinda scary, I have been living here for the past 3 months somehow earned enough to get myself a little clay house but I stoped caring about when I am going back home after I made a TV that works with mana.

I can do my experiments and such and relax when I don't want to experiment, the work is also letting me keep up my shape, actually my body getting used to higher amounts of mana.

I realized this after I noticed my aura draining by itself, the mana is constantly destroying my body as Aura keeps fixing it, adapting it, over coming it.

I learn to regulate my Aura and unlocked my semblance but I will keep that as a secret for now.

It's seriously OP and the one that's saying this is the guy who used second Magic for underwater diving.

Anyway I got escorted to the throne room and I actually kneeled, I may be egoistic enough to publish FGO Fujimaru Ritsuka and take the credit but this guy is a king either good or bad deserve some respect.

"King Gilgamesh" Like I said I kneeled.

"You've been in my city for 3 months, you're clearly not from here state your business" I can see that his eyes are glowing he is probably using clairvoyance.

"I wanted to talk to you your majesty but I was told not anyone could just come in and see the King"

"fuhahaha don't belittle yourself magician, state your business" So he knew...

Of course he knew he has Sha Naqba Imuru as a servant it wouldn't be hard for him to see through me.

Sighing I told him about my "curse" and how I ended up here while not hiding that some dude named Zelretch led me here by saying "Divine Arrogance" it surprised me that he just laughed it off.

"Okay, last thing why does a mongrel like you have one of my treasures?" Oh Shit, I draw out Durandal and presented to him, he took a glance at it.

"I see it's too dirty for my treasury, you may keep it if you tell me where did you find it"

I told him about Time Travel shenanigans, also gave him the talk about how he's going to die when we meet again.

"Interesting, a time traveling magician with a prophecy"

"It actually already happened, so it's not really a prophecy, I am just stating it."

"I am aware mongrel just amusing myself" At least he didn't call me "time traveling mongrel"

"You need to travel to depths of Kur. Stone of deathless sleep grows in the underworld, go and retrieve three of them and bring them to me, I will make your cure with my own hands for amusing me"

Then I was thrown out without getting a chance to reply...

Gilgamesh on the throne is somehow more terrifying than the one I met in the grail war.

[Siduri was so beautiful on person as well]

'You may have had time to look at her but I didn't'

[We share memories though...]

'Not the same Cortana'

Now how does one get into underworld and which mountain was it under?


Zargos Mountains, it was a bit hard to find because everyone would treat me like I am mad to wantings to go to underworld.

It took me a month to piece together the location which is rather close to Uruk but no one really goes there since you know being the entrance to the underworld.

It took me a week to travel there I had to kill some beasts on the way but I noticed that my strength is ridiculous compared to before.

My body have finally adjusted to the mana density, meaning became more durable this in return made my aura reserves increase.

It's a win win situation and my body is still adapting but it's no longer at the same rate as it was before.

I am guessing that if I stay here for another month my body should completely acclimated to high mana density.

I wonder if I should go to Avalon to temper my body more, Avalon's mana density should be higher, at least that's how I remember.

Anyway after my week long journey and another week spent on finding the actual entrance I am finally in front of the first of seven gates.

"Finally! gates to the underworld!" I yell out in joy causing the gate guardians to look at me with dead pan faces.

Let's hope the bargain I have is enough for Ereshkigal to release me back, or at least don't stop me as I "escaped".

Next chapter