
A Sorcerer Supreme In Another World

After their defeat by Thanos and Lilith, with the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Midnight Suns. Edward Igarashi, a master of mystic arts, finds himself in a parallel world after Thanos' snap. Surprisingly, this new world is eerily similar to his own.

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4 Chs

Chapter 02: The New Sorcerer Supreme

The Lost Sorcerer Supreme

Chapter 02: The New Sorcerer Supreme

- Edward Igarashi –


Standing on a rooftop in Musutafu, Edward gazed over the city, and his thoughts were lost in confusion and doubt. The events that had unfolded since his escape from the hospital left him profoundly helpless.


He was dressed in a simple attire worn by all members of the Kamar-Taj. He was slipped into a black flowing robe and fastened it around his waist with a sash of deep crimson.


His fingers deftly adorned themselves with rings and amulets, each piece resonating with an energy that seemed to seep into his very being. These mystic trinkets were more than adornments as they helped him perform his magic.


Edward was quite satisfied with his current attire since he escaped his ward with nothing but a hospital robe. Fortunately, he was an adept sorcerer, as he could change or call various objects with his powers.


With a heavy heart, he came to a sad realization—he was in another world. Thanos' horrible snap and Lilith's destructive power had turned him and his friends into dust and inexplicably transported him to this unfamiliar reality. 


This was not his first transmigration; he had experienced a similar phenomenon when he was transmigrated in the Marvel universe. Fueled by a deep longing for his old home, Edward made a poignant decision. He would return to the only place he had ever considered home—the sanctum of Kamar-Taj.


Furthermore, it was imperative that he didn't overstay his welcome in Japan. He harbored no illusions that authorities were diligently dedicating considerable resources to locate him. Thus, for the time being, his wisest course of action involved maintaining a low profile.


Edward opened a portal that would lead him to the sanctuary where the Ancient One had guided him on his journey of discovery. As he clenched his hands in determination, he hoped that Kamar-Taj existed in this unfamiliar reality, offering him comfort and answers to the myriad questions that plagued his mind.




Edward had arrived at the Himalayan mountains, which held his heart in its icy grip. He had once walked these treacherous paths as a novice. But now, he returned as a lost man looking for answers.


The mountains greeted him with their eternal majesty. The thin air invigorated him, reminding him of the old days when he followed the Ancient One. He had left Kamar-Taj years ago, honing his skills, learning the ancient secrets of the mystic arts, and finally joining the Midnight Suns.


He had ventured into other dimensions, confronted mystical threats, and emerged as a formidable sorcerer. 


Yet, within Edward's heart, a lingering sense of regret remained, a regret rooted in his absence during the Ancient One's final moments. She had been his mentor, teaching him the very essence of his existence and offering solace in this brave new world. This regret weighed heavily upon him, casting a shadow over his thoughts and decisions, especially when it came to returning to Kamar-Taj since the passing of his beloved teacher.


Yet, the unexpected situation had called him back to this sacred place, even in another reality. Darkness had begun to stir once more, and evil forces threatened Earth. Edward knew that the answers he sought, the power he needed, could only be found within the hallowed halls of Kamar-Taj.


As he made his way through the towering peaks and treacherous passes. Memories of his time as a student flooded back, the rigorous training, the guidance of the Ancient One, and the camaraderie of fellow sorcerers. Those memories were a source of strength, a reminder of how far he had come.


As Edward travelled more deeply into the heart of the Himalayan mountains, he realized with growing unease that Kamar-Taj, the mystical sanctuary he sought, was nowhere to be found. He had followed the ancient paths and retraced the steps of his past, but the place that had once been his refuge and source of power remained elusive.


The familiar archway that had once marked the entrance to Kamar-Taj was nowhere in sight. He searched everywhere, hoping to uncover some hidden passage or forgotten doorway, but all he found were sheer cliffs and forbidding peaks.


With each passing day of his fruitless search, Edward's heart sank to the bottom. He had returned with a purpose, driven by the looming threat named Thanos and Lilith, and now he felt lost in a new world with no one familiar to him. The mystical energies that had once embraced him now felt distant as if they had retreated into the very heart of the mountains themselves.


Doubt and frustration gnawed at him. Had Kamar-Taj never existed in this world? Had he been forsaken by the place that had shaped him into a sorcerer of great power? The answers eluded him.


Edward was helpless and depressed by the unfortunate event, so he looked around once more before leaving the place. He could always find the New York Sanctorum as a backup plan.


Standing amidst the towering Himalayan peaks, Edward closed his eyes and extended his senses, reaching out with his mystical powers. He allowed the magic that flowed through him to surge like a river of energy coursing from his very being.


Before leaving, he decided to use his magic one last time to uncover the possible existence of Kamar-Taj or at least some trace of its existence. He didn't believe that Kamar-taj never existed in this new realm.


After all, Kamar-taj is the first line of defence that protects the Earth and the multiverse from mystical and supernatural threats or nefarious sorcerers. 


Kamar-Taj's existence is a must! This is what Edward firmly believed.


With a deep breath, Edward closed his eyes and focused on Kamar-Taj, his memories of the place, and the powerful magic that had once enveloped it. It was as if he sought to pierce the very fabric of reality, to see beyond the illusions that concealed the presence of the sanctuary—the lessons of the Ancient One flooding his mind like a rushing river. The wise words of his former mentor echoed in his thoughts, guiding him through this mystical endeavour.


"The key to unlocking the secrets of the universe lies within you, Edward," the Ancient One's voice resonated in his memory. "In moments of doubt, remember that magic is an extension of your inner self. Trust in your abilities, and the universe will reveal its truths."


Drawing strength from the Ancient One's teachings, Edward delved deeper into his consciousness. He embraced the idea that magic was not an external force but a fundamental part of his being. With this newfound understanding, he allowed his magic to flow even more freely.


The energies surrounding the Himalayas responded to his intensified connection with the magical realm. The concealed sanctuary began to take shape before his inner vision as if the mountain itself whispered its secrets to him.


After all, it wasn't a mistake if Kamar-Taj was built on the Himalayas because it is situated at a nexus point of mystical energies as it allows sorcerers to tap into other dimensions and access different realms and realities.


Edward continued to chant, his voice resonating. Symbols and sigils danced around him, forming a bridge between his world and the hidden realm of Kamar-Taj. His confidence soared as he felt the barriers weakening and the existence of Kamar-Taj, the enchantments surrendering to his unwavering resolve.


In that pivotal moment, Edward knew he was not alone. The Ancient One's guidance, though she was no longer physically with him, remained a potent source of strength. As the last veils of magic dissipated, Kamar-Taj was revealed again in its glory, a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who sought to protect its ancient knowledge.


Edward smiled, a mix of gratitude and determination in his eyes. With the wisdom of the Ancient One and the magic of the Himalayan mountains at his command, he was ready to step into the heart of Kamar-Taj, face whatever mysteries lay ahead and discover the truth.




Finally, Edward arrived at the familiar archway that marked the entrance to Kamar-Taj. With a deep breath, he passed through the archway, feeling a subtle shift in the fabric of reality. The towering Himalayan peaks that had dominated his view moments ago gave way to the mystic beauty of Kamar-Taj.


Before him stretched a stone bridge, its surface adorned with colourful prayer flags that fluttered gently in the mountain breeze, these flags carried the hopes and aspirations of countless seekers who had walked this path before him. Edward crossed the bridge, his eyes fixed on the central courtyard.


In this sacred space, serene pools of water reflected the shimmering light of the candles that adorned the surrounding alcoves. The gardens were a lush tapestry of vibrant colours, a testament to the mystical energies that flowed through Kamar-Taj's sacred grounds.


As he ventured deeper into the sanctuary, the very stones seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy. Symbols etched into the walls glowed softly, guiding him toward the heart of the sanctuary—the inner chamber of the Ancient One.


With each step, his determination grew stronger, and his doubts faded. Edward knew he had returned to the same Kamar-Taj that had once nurtured his magical abilities. He had come to seek answers and find a way back home.


The entrance to the Ancient One's sanctuary drew near, and as Edward pushed open the heavy doors, he felt a rush of anticipation.


However, what he found inside the chamber was unexpected. The chamber was occupied, and the person within was none other than Master Hamir, albeit a much younger version than Edward was accustomed to seeing. Master Hamir's bald head and sharp, piercing eyes were framed by a shorter beard. Unlike the Hamir he had known, this one still possessed both arms.


Dressed in the traditional Kamar-Taj attire of layered robes in earthy tones adorned with intricate patterns and symbols, Master Hamir seemed to have been expecting Edward's arrival. A cup of tea rested on the table before him, a gesture of hospitality.


"Master Hamir..." Edward uttered in shock, his gaze locked on the familiar face that had once guided him through the basics of sorcery. The revelation that this Hamir seems to hold the position of Sorcerer Supreme on this Earth left him even more bewildered.


Edward took a seat, following Master Hamir's unspoken invitation. He sipped the tea, finding it soothing to his troubled mind. "Were you waiting for me?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity and uncertainty.


Master Hamir regarded Edward with calm wisdom. "Indeed, Kamar-Taj sensed a powerful disturbance in the fabric of reality. Fortunately, it was you and not something more sinister. After all, Kamar-Taj has seen better days."


"Your arrival in this world was not a mere accident but the continuation of your journey," Hamir continued, dropping a bombshell of information that left Edward reeling.


"I see... then you must be the current Sorcerer Supreme, right? What about the Ancient One? Is she...?" Edward inquired, his thoughts racing as he grappled with the implications.


At the mention of the Ancient One, Hamir's expression shifted, and he offered a small, painful smile. "Indeed, the Ancient One of this world passed away long ago, leaving me with the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme."


Edward's heart sank at the news of the Ancient One's demise, even if she was not the one he knew. She had been a significant figure in his life, and her loss weighed heavily on him. He didn't press further on the topic, sensing Hamir's reluctance to discuss it.


"So, what now? You said something about expecting me in this world?" Edward probed, trying to make sense of the situation.


"Correct. I don't have all the details since it was an arrangement between the Ancient One of this world and the Ancient One of your world," Hamir explained, adding another layer of complexity to the unfolding narrative.


Edward's curiosity deepened. "What was the arrangement?"


"You will assume the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme in this universe while I return to my original role as humble Elder of Kamar-Taj," Hamir revealed, his words carrying a weight of shock to Edward.


Edward was rendered momentarily speechless. Becoming the Sorcerer Supreme in this new world filled him with uncertainty and doubt. He had witnessed the challenges and sacrifices that came with the title in his world, and he had never sought it for himself. But now, faced with this unexpected destiny, he had to reconsider.


"What about Stephen? Don't you have a Stephen Strange in this world?" Edward inquired, thinking of his friend and mentor from his original reality.


Hamir shook his head. "Yes and no. The Stephen Strange of this world perished in a car accident. I don't know the details of his fate in your world, but in this one, he is no longer with us."


Edward's mind reeled at the revelation. It starkly contrasted the Stephen Strange he knew, who had risen to become the Sorcerer Supreme in his reality.


"I..." Edward began, his voice trembling with uncertainty. "I can't simply step into this role. I never felt worth it for it and had responsibilities in my own world. Some threats demand my attention."


Hamir nodded understandingly. "I understand your reservations, Edward. But remember, you were chosen for a reason. Both The Ancient Ones believed in you and you possess a strength beyond your doubts."


Edward pondered Hamir's words, torn between his loyalty to his world and the weight of the trust of his teacher thrust upon him in this one. The decision weighed heavily on his shoulders.


"You have ten years," Hamir said, breaking the silence and drawing Edward's attention. "This was the only message the Ancient One left for you."


Edward's eyes widened as the pieces fell into place. "Ten years... I see, I understand now."


Determined to honour the trust placed in him, Edward made a solemn commitment. "Very well, I shall accept the role of Sorcerer Supreme of this world, as both the Ancient One wished. I won't let them down."


A smile of approval crossed Hamir's face. "I am certain you will make a worthy Sorcerer Supreme, Edward. But before that, you have one final task to ascend its role. You must gain the approval of the Vishanti, our patrons."


Edward nodded, albeit a little startled, but his resolve remained firm. "I will do whatever it takes."


Hamir reached for the Eye of Agamotto around his neck, the iconic necklace symbolizing the Sorcerer Supreme's authority and connection to the Vishanti. He handed it to Edward, who accepted it with reverence and placed it around his neck.


With the Eye of Agamotto in place, Edward closed his eyes, entering a deep state of meditation. He sought to establish a connection with the Vishanti, knowing that their approval was the final step on his path to becoming the Sorcerer Supreme of this world.




Edward's spirit ascended through a myriad of swirling colours and patterns, transcending the boundaries of the physical world. He felt weightless, as if floating through the very fabric of reality itself. Soon, the tumultuous journey abruptly ended, and he found himself in a realm beyond comprehension.


Before him stood three colossal figures, their forms shimmering with otherworldly energy. These were the Vishanti, ancient and omnipotent beings who held dominion over the white magic of the universe. Agamotto, Oshtur, and Hoggoth, their names echoed in his mind like a celestial chorus.


As Edward gazed upon them, a profound sense of awe washed over him. He knelt, his head bowed in reverence before these divine entities. In the presence of such cosmic power, he felt like a mere flicker of a candle amidst a sea of stars.


Agamotto, the being of knowledge and wisdom, spoke first. His voice was like the rustling of ancient scrolls and the murmurs of forgotten incantations. "Edward Igarashi," he intoned, "We have watched your journey, your unwavering dedication to the mystic arts, and your unyielding resolve in the face of darkness."


Oshtur, radiant and compassionate, continued, her words a gentle caress of warmth and comfort. "You have shown great compassion and a deep connection to the balance of the cosmos. Your heart is a source of light in a universe often shrouded in darkness."


Hoggoth, the enigmatic and unpredictable, added his voice, a thunderous boom that echoed through the very fabric of reality. "Your mastery of magic is impressive, but your character and the purity of your intent sets you apart."


Edward finally found his courage to speak, though it trembled with emotion. "I am but a humble disciple of the mystic arts, honoured by your presence."


Agamotto, the ancient and all-knowing being, turned his gaze towards Edward, his eyes aglow with cosmic wisdom. "Edward, you should know that the path you tread was chosen by you and the essence of the mystic arts. It was Gu Yi, your predecessor, who foresaw the potential within you, a potential to shape destiny and uphold the balance between the realms."


He continued, "Gu Yi was a guardian of the mystical energies, a beacon of light in times of darkness, and a sage who understood the ebb and flow of cosmic forces. She saw a kindred spirit in you who could carry on her legacy and protect this realm from unseen threats."


With a knowing smile, Agamotto concluded, "You are not alone in this journey, Edward. Gu Yi, from the depths of the ethereal, supports your dedication and courage. She believes, as we do, that you are a great successor, chosen not only by the Vishanti but by the very currents of destiny itself."


Agamotto smiled a glint of cosmic understanding in his eyes. "And yet, Edward, precisely your humbleness makes you worthy. We, the Vishanti, have decided. You shall be the next Sorcerer Supreme, the guardian of the mystical balance on Earth."


As Edward knelt before the mighty Vishanti, their presence enveloped him like a warm, ethereal embrace. The triad of mystical beings, Agamotto, Hoggoth, and Oshtur, their powers intertwined, spoke as one with voices like the harmonious hum of the universe.


"Edward," they intoned, their words resonating in the very core of his being, "We, the Vishanti, guardians of the mystical balance, bestow upon you our blessing. You have proven your worthiness, dedication to the ancient arts, and commitment to safeguarding the realms. With our blessings, go forth as the Sorcerer Supreme, the protector of all that exists."


A radiant light bathed Edward, infusing him with the unparalleled magic of the Vishanti. It surged through his veins, igniting his spirit with newfound power and purpose. With a final, reverberating affirmation, the Vishanti declared, "You are chosen, Edward Igarashi, as our earthly champion. May the mystical forces guide and protect you in your sacred duty."


As their words echoed in his soul, Edward's spirit was gently sent back to the mortal realm, his heart ablaze with the blessings of the Vishanti, ready to fulfill his destiny as the Sorcerer Supreme.


Unbeknownst to Edward, his newfound role as the Sorcerer Supreme drew the attention of beings from across the universe—both potential adversaries and dedicated allies alike.




- Albus Dumbledore -


Deep within an ancient castle in the English countryside, an elderly gentleman with a flowing white beard sat in his spacious office, accompanied by a majestic phoenix perched nearby. The room was filled with wisdom and tranquillity, and the man indulged in his favourite sweets and a steaming cup of tea.


As he savoured the delicate flavours, his gaze wandered toward the arched window as he felt a powerful disturbance in the mystic world, and a thoughtful expression graced his face. "Fascinating," he murmured softly, addressing his avian companion. "It has been quite a while, hasn't it, my dear friend?"


In response to his musings, the phoenix emitted a series of melodious chirps as if echoing the sentiments of its venerable owner.


Meanwhile, a middle-aged woman with a no-nonsense demeanour approached the office door, her arms laden with stacks of parchment bearing the weight of numerous documents. She knocked gently on the door before entering, revealing to be none other than Professor Minerva McGonagall, a trusted colleague of the castle's headmaster.


"Albus, here is the list of new wizards and witches set to grace the halls of Hogwarts this year," Minerva announced, her tone crisp and efficient.


However, her words seemed to fall on momentarily deaf ears as she observed Dumbledore's distant expression. His eyes, usually twinkling with mirth, were fixed in the distance, lost in contemplation.


"Albus?" she inquired again, her curiosity piqued by this unusual lapse in his usually composed demeanour.


Dumbledore blinked, returning from the depths of his thoughts. "Ah, Minerva, my apologies. I was momentarily lost in reverie."


The professor arched an eyebrow, intrigued. "Lost in reverie, you say? That's a rare occurrence for you, Albus. Is there something on your mind that's managed to stir your thoughts so profoundly?"


Dumbledore's lips curled into a small, enigmatic smile. "Indeed, there is, my dear Minerva. Perhaps one day, I shall pay them a visit."


Minerva couldn't help but be further intrigued. "You're keeping secrets, Albus?"


A hearty chuckle escaped Dumbledore's lips. "Perhaps, my dear, perhaps. But for now, the matters at hand require our attention. The forms, if you please?"


Without missing a beat, Minerva handed the parchment to him as she decided to drop the subject. Dumbledore's eyes scanned the names of the incoming students, his expression a blend of curiosity and anticipation. "Ah, we have a remarkable group this year. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy..."


And so, within the hallowed halls of Hogwarts, a new chapter in the magical world was about to unfold.


>>>BREAK<<<  < strong>


- Gid Lucione Deviluke -


Deep within the depths of space, a figure clad in dark, regal attire sat upon an obsidian throne. Gid Lucione Deviluke, a powerful alien, exuded an air of power and authority that commanded respect and fear from his subjects.


Gid's sharp, crimson eyes gleamed with an unsettling curiosity as he reclined upon his imposing throne. His spiky, ebony hair cascaded, framing a visage that bore the weight of countless centuries of knowledge and intrigue. His fingers, adorned with ornate, claw-like rings, tapped rhythmically on the armrest as if in anticipation.


Gid's attention was not directed toward his loyal subjects or consumed by the politics and machinations of his usual conquest. No, his focus was drawn elsewhere, to a distant corner of the universe.


In the depths of his mind, a ripple had emerged—an echo of a change in the cosmic balance, a familiar disturbance. Gid Deviluke was not one to be easily perturbed, but this anomaly had piqued his interest.


"Something... intriguing stirs in the realms of magic," Gid mused aloud, his voice carrying a weight of authority that resonated through the chamber.


His loyal attendant, a shrouded figure known as Zastin, stepped forward, his voice trembling with reverence. "My lord, what do you perceive?"


Gid's gaze remained fixed on an ethereal portal that shimmered before him, revealing glimpses of distant worlds and dimensions. "A new Sorcerer Supreme has arisen, one whose power surpassed the current Sorcerer Supreme. A change in the order of things," he declared, his tone tinged with anticipation.


Zastin bowed respectfully. "Shall I prepare for your departure, my lord?"


Gid Deviluke leaned forward, his eyes never leaving the direction of the disturbance. "Yes, my dear Zastin. Ever since the fall of the Ancient One and the pregnancy of my wife. I fell a little bored, and meeting the new Sorcerer Supreme could be very fun. Unlike the last one, I hope his strength won't disappoint me."


As the ruler of his planet, he settled back into his throne, a wicked smile played upon his lips. The emergence of a new Sorcerer Supreme was an event of cosmic significance. Gid Lucione Deviluke intended to challenge the successor of the Ancient One in a fight.


In the coming days, as the realms of magic and sorcery braced for change, Gid Deviluke would gaze upon the new Sorcerer Supreme, waiting with impatience...




- Azmuth -


In the distant reaches of space, on the crystalline world of Galvan Prime, Azmuth, the brilliant and reclusive inventor of the Omnitrix, was engrossed in his work. Surrounded by holographic displays and intricate machinery, Azmuth tinkered with the inner mechanisms of a prototype device that held the power to transform its wearer into countless alien forms.


His large, luminous eyes, framed by wrinkles that bespoke his advanced age, focused intently on the holographic readouts. Each line of code, every minuscule adjustment, represented a step closer to perfection in his lifelong quest.


Azmuth's Galvan's species were known for their unparalleled intellect and insatiable curiosity about the cosmos. They were creators and innovators, and Azmuth was their most extraordinary mind. But even in the depths of his scientific pursuits, he was not oblivious to the more extraordinary force of the universe.


As he fine-tuned the intricate circuitry of the Omnitrix, a device capable of granting its user the abilities of countless alien species, Azmuth felt a peculiar sensation with the help of his Omnitrix. It was a subtle shift in the cosmic energies surrounding him, a disturbance reverberating through the universe.


Setting down his tools, Azmuth raised his head, his luminescent eyes narrowing in contemplation. The sensation was unmistakable—a new player in the universe's grand scheme.


"The Omnitrix," Azmuth murmured to himself, his voice a low, rumbling timbre. "It senses a change."


The Omnitrix, a creation of staggering complexity and untold power, was more than a mere device. It was a repository of genetic data from countless alien species, a testament to Azmuth's genius and desire to understand life's diversity in the cosmos. And now, it was reacting to a shift in the cosmic balance.


With a wave of his three-fingered hand, Azmuth summoned a holographic interface that displayed a cosmic map, showing the interconnected web of galaxies and dimensions. He focused on the point of disturbance, a beacon of light in the vastness of space.


"It seems that destiny is in motion," Azmuth mused, his wrinkled visage showing a rare hint of curiosity. "A new Sorcerer Supreme emerges."


Azmuth was acutely aware of the interplay between science and magic, technology and spirituality. The emergence of a new Sorcerer Supreme, the champion of the Vishanti, held profound implications for the universe, and Azmuth was determined to understand the nature of this change.


He knew that his role was not to intervene but to observe and learn. The Omnitrix, a marvel of science, had its limits, and there were mysteries of the universe that transcended even his vast intellect.


Azmuth returned his attention to his work, but his thoughts lingered on Earth. He would watch the unfolding events, ready to adapt and innovate as the universe revealed its secrets.


'Maybe I should visit him sometimes…' thought Azmuth as he fiddled with his tools.


Azmuth continued his work, a silent sentinel of knowledge and discovery, in the heart of his technological sanctum on Galvan Prime as the universe embarked on a new chapter of its cosmic journey.




- Dormammu -


In the dark and foreboding dimension of the Dark Dimension, Dormammu, that realm's dread lord and ruler, has long cast his gaze upon the Earth. A being of immense power and insatiable hunger for conquest, Dormammu had sought to extend his dominion across the dimensions, with Earth as a coveted prize.


Dormammu's fiery eyes blazed with malice as he sensed the tremors in the fabric of reality. He felt the stirrings of cosmic energies, a shift in the delicate balance of mystical forces that transcended his comprehension.


"Something stirs in the universe," Dormammu rumbled in his hollow, echoing voice. "A new Sorcerer Supreme has appeared."


The very idea of another sorcerer rising to power in his dominion filled Dormammu with disdain. He was the undisputed lord in the Dark Dimension, and the emergence of a rival threatened to shatter his conquest of power.


As he contemplated his next move, the memory of an ancient and binding contract came to the forefront of his thoughts. He had made an agreement with the former Sorcerer Supreme, the Ancient One, a being of great wisdom and power.


Dormammu's deep voice reverberated through the ethereal corridors of his dark domain as he recalled the terms of their pact. "The Ancient One," he mused, "We had a deal, an agreement forged in the depths of cosmic understanding."


The contract had stipulated that Dormammu would refrain from directly approaching Earth unless certain conditions were met. It was a concession he had made reluctantly, for the Ancient One possessed knowledge and secrets that could threaten even him.


"Until the emergence of a new Sorcerer Supreme blessed by the Vishanti," Dormammu continued, his voice tinged with a mixture of resentment and understanding. "That was the condition, wasn't it? I agreed to stay my hand, to bide my time in the shadows until the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme found a new bearer."


The agreement had been a testament to the Ancient One's cunning. She had recognized that as long as a Sorcerer Supreme protected Earth, Dormammu's conquest would be far more difficult. So, they had struck a bargain—a truce of sorts.


But now, as Dormammu sensed the rise of a new Sorcerer Supreme, his patience wore thin. He hungered for the power and dominion that Earth represented, and the time had come to test the limits of their contract.


"The conditions have been met," Dormammu declared with an evil gleam in his eyes. "A new Sorcerer Supreme has emerged. The balance has shifted, and the truce we once upheld is no longer binding."


Dormammu extended his consciousness with a thought, reaching out through the tendrils of dark energy that connected his realm to Earth. His influence was subtle, a whisper in the minds of those who had long served him as cultists and acolytes.


Those who had sworn allegiance to Dormammu felt a chill crawl down their spines in the hidden enclaves and shadowy covens scattered across Earth. It was as if the air had grown colder, and a sense of dread descended upon them.


In the dimly lit chambers where they practiced their dark arts, the cultists gathered in eerie silence, their eyes wide with fear and anticipation. They knew that their master had reached out to them, his will an irresistible force.


Dormammu's voice echoed in their minds, a sinister presence that brooked no resistance. "The balance of power is shifting. A new Sorcerer Supreme emerged, and they threatened my dominion. Prepare yourselves, my faithful servants, for the reckoning is at hand."


As his cult members received his message, their loyalty to Dormammu was renewed, and their dark rituals took on a newfound enthusiasm. They would be his instruments on Earth, carrying out his malevolent will.


Dormammu's fiery visage contorted into a triumphant smile. He would not allow a new Sorcerer Supreme to rise unchallenged. Earth would become a battleground for mystical supremacy, and Dormammu would stop at nothing to ensure his dominion remained unchallenged.


"The time for restraint is over," Dormammu hissed, his voice echoing through the void. "Earth will tremble in the face of my power, and the Sorcerer Supreme shall be the first to witness the dawn of a new era—one in which Dormammu reigns supreme."


With his declaration, Dormammu's malevolent intent grew more potent, and he readied himself to make his presence known on Earth, where a new Sorcerer Supreme awaited the ultimate test of their power.



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