
A silent affection

The story revolves around a boy who is constantly bullied because of his appearance and speech. Lonesome and detached "cause of that He feels lost meaning in life" but everything changed when he met a girl. As she courageously stands up for him against the bullies. A slight relation is beginning to form , "nonetheless the girl is no means perfect The parents who have been dump her physically and psychologically, and the parents are have a high expectations on her And she have to carry this burden alone" Raised by her grandmother since she was two, the boy and girl find comfort in each other.Together they experience transformative change, allowing the boy to be himself around her/ finding meaning in life and the girl just wants to be understand

Im_Luz · Adolescente
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4 Chs

vol 3 chapter 1

Echoes of Empathy :

Is that girl really talking to me? I'm kind of happy because she talked to me at the same time. I'm shocked because it's the first time someone talks with me without judging my background, - Zoltan said to himself while walking for his next class. 

It's the first time you're late to my class, young miss," - said the teacher.

 This will affect your grades and your future; give an explanation," said the teacher. I'm really sorry. - Said Miss Celine

I was on my way to class when suddenly I was blanked out. I don't know why I was blanked out. I'm kind of bumping into someone on my way to your class, miss, - said Leonora. 

Give me a clear explanation! or you will be sent to the principal office. - Miss Celine said 

I was just walking my way to your class, and all of a sudden I was distracted by some people who were gossiping about someone, and I was bumped by someone who was saying, I'm really sorry I was telling the truth. Please don't send me to the principal's office," - said Leonora. 

Alright, Leonora, I'll let it slide this time. Just make sure it doesn't happen again. Gossip and distractions are no excuse for tardiness. Now, go take your seat. - Miss Celine said 

Thank you, miss. As Leonora walks to her seat, she can't forget about Zoltan and how sweet he is, and she doesn't get why he gets discriminated against badly by other students. - That's what's going on in Leonora's mind. 

Well, where did we end our last meeting?" - said Miss Leonora. 

Miss, we ended up in the kinship system. - The student said 

The kinship system is a system that refers to the social organization and structure of relationships based on family ties and ancestry within a society. It includes the rules and patterns that define familial connections, such as marriage, descent, and relationships between different generations. Kinship systems vary across cultures and play a crucial role in shaping social norms and behaviors within a community. - Miss Celine gives a clear explanation of the kinship system. 

Okay, I will give an assignment for tomorrow's meeting," - said Miss Celine. 

As Miss Celine wrote the assignment on board, we switched to Leonora's perspective on what was going on in Leonora's mind.

Hmmm, should I help him with his struggle or should I stay away from it? I'm really sure that he is an amazing person. I didn't even know him that well. If I could help him If I did help him, can I, or maybe I will make it worse? I'm not sure what my parents would think about this thing; my parents would think otherwise. If I did the right thing to do, they would tell me that was wrong. I should be more focused on my degree than other people struggle. - That's what's going on in Leonora's mind.

Well, this is the assignment for tomorrow, and remember to do your homework, Miss Celine.

1. What is the primary focus of the kinship system?

2. How does the kinship system contribute to the social organization of a society?

3. Can you provide examples of elements within the kinship system?

4. Why is the variation of kinship systems across cultures important in understanding social norms?5. In what ways does the kinship system influence relationships between different generations, according to the explanation?

The bells ring, which means lunch break.

As Miss Celine gets out of the classroom, a Leonora friend comes by and says,

Nora, are you okay? You look blank. - Karen

I'm fine I just have been thinking about why people can be rude to someone," - said Leonora.

Owh, yeah, people can be rude. Less thinking, let's eat lunch together, and stress will go away. - Karen said

Okay, okay, let's eat together. Did you bring lunch or should we go to the cafeteria? - said Leonora.

I kinda forget to bring my lunch. Hehehe. I was late going to school too, but not in Miss Celine classes, - said Karen.

Let's go to the cafeteria; after that, we work on the assignment, yea? - said Leonora.

Yea, but couldn't we just do it after school at your house, Nora?" - said Karen.

Well, I guess we could," - Leonora said.

As Leonora and Karen walk to the cafeteria and buy Karen lunch, Leonora sees a hooded person

walk by. And Leonora, catch up with the hooded person; see if the person is Zoltan.

Hey, excuse me, - said Leonora.

Yea, as the hooded person turns out, it was a different person, - said the person.

Owh, I'm really sorry. I thought you were someone I knew, sorry," - said Leonora.

Owh, it's fine, no problems. He walks away.

Well, damn, I thought it was him, as Leonora said.

that Karen walks to her and says, Did you look for someone?

Yea, I was. Well, well I guess let's get back to class and eat our lunch, I guess," - said Leonora.