
A silent affection

The story revolves around a boy who is constantly bullied because of his appearance and speech. Lonesome and detached "cause of that He feels lost meaning in life" but everything changed when he met a girl. As she courageously stands up for him against the bullies. A slight relation is beginning to form , "nonetheless the girl is no means perfect The parents who have been dump her physically and psychologically, and the parents are have a high expectations on her And she have to carry this burden alone" Raised by her grandmother since she was two, the boy and girl find comfort in each other.Together they experience transformative change, allowing the boy to be himself around her/ finding meaning in life and the girl just wants to be understand

Im_Luz · Teen
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4 Chs

volume 4 chapter 1

Whispers of Compassion

As Leonora and Karen returned to the classroom for lunch, Leonora grew uneasy about the unfair judgment the boy faced due to his lower middle-class status. Unable to quell her curiosity, she turned to Karen and inquired about the boy. "Hey, Karen, have you noticed anything about the boy who was bullied for his lower middle-class background? He seems nice, but I wonder why," Leonora asked.

Karen shrugged, acknowledging, "Yeah, I've noticed. People can be judgmental for no reason. I've heard rumors, but who knows if they're true? Well, did you know him? If not, we should get to know him better."

Leonora agreed, "Well, you're right. Karen, any ideas on how to approach him?"

"I have many ideas, but we don't know where he is right now, and it might bother him," Karen replied.

During lunch, Karen asked Leonora about her interaction with the boy from the morning. Leonora confessed, "Yeah, I had a conversation with him. He's a kind person. The way he talks is calm." Suddenly realizing what she said, Leonora blushed. Karen teased her, "You're in love with the guy you bumped into. Love at first sight, huh? I never thought you'd fall for someone. Not that I'm saying you're not more in love with grades. I'll support you, though."

Leonora chuckled, "Well, you're not wrong about the grades, but I guess I never thought about caring for others."

As the bell rang, Leonora asked Karen about her next class. Karen mentioned biology, while Leonora had sports. They bid each other goodbye, and Leonora, on her way to the changing room, noticed a hooded guy heading towards the men's changing room. Intrigued, she thought, "Is that him? If it is, I'll say hi." She headed toward the changing rooms, unable to shake off the possibility that the hooded guy might be the one she had bumped into earlier.

"As Leonora approach the hooded figure , on her way way to the changing room , she suddenly said 'Excuse me are you the guy I bumped into earlier?' said Leonora. The hooded guy turned and asked, 'Pardon, can you repeat that?' He then lowered the hood, revealing his face with a smile."