
A silent affection

The story revolves around a boy who is constantly bullied because of his appearance and speech. Lonesome and detached "cause of that He feels lost meaning in life" but everything changed when he met a girl. As she courageously stands up for him against the bullies. A slight relation is beginning to form , "nonetheless the girl is no means perfect The parents who have been dump her physically and psychologically, and the parents are have a high expectations on her And she have to carry this burden alone" Raised by her grandmother since she was two, the boy and girl find comfort in each other.Together they experience transformative change, allowing the boy to be himself around her/ finding meaning in life and the girl just wants to be understand

Im_Luz · Teen
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4 Chs

Encounter for a empathy : a chance to interact

As Leonora walks by the next hallway she heard the popular girl and her minions talks about how Zoltan is such a pathetic human , why is he looks like a goblin and a waste of oxygen

He doesn't have any style, what a clown noo I forget he is a clown - Natalie said (the popular girl)

*Laughing* you're funny Natalie , he doesn't have any money either, probably waste his money on drugs or probably gambling

- her minions said

As Leonora walk to her next suddenly she blank out and stop walking and started talk to herself

Huh, it's probably tough for him I genuinely think he is a great guy , did I really just said that about him I didn't even know him that well

- Leonora said

As Leonora talk to herself and setearing at Wall the teacher behind her taping shoulder are okay

Why are you not in class yet - said the teacher

Owh sorry Mr. Rogers , yea about that I'm heading there now - Leonora As Leonora said that she run to her next class room

Kids this day are something different *chuckle*

- Mr Rogers

As Leonora running to her next class

Why did I suddenly empathize with him

I wanna know why he got bullies and does the the teacher know about this thig, I want to know him but still. I have my own suffering but would like to help him but I can't my parents will think why you not studying and why are you more interested to wasted you're time for a guy that you never even interact with

- that is what going on in Leonora mind

As she was running suddenly bumping into someone and the books in her hands drops into the floor, as she was picking her book up

suddenly the person that Leonora bumps into started helping her to pick. Her book up too

Are you ok , I'm sorry for bumping into you I wasn't looking forward - the person speak

No no no it's not you're faults it's mine cause I was running late for class and didn't see we're I was going. And bump into you - Leonora

Clearly, I need to work on my navigation skills , or maybe I was to deep into my own world that why my navigation is messed up - said Zoltan

Oh yea , I'm gonna help you pick up you're book to make it faster and you will be in class even sooner - the person said

Only one book in ground, they both pick it up as the same time, and she finally see and realized the person who she been talking to is Zoltan

Well he such a good person, why people would bully him. This interaction finally opened her eyes he was bullies cause status - on Leonora mind

Well that's just inhumane, they can't choose where they're born into what family and what race they are - saying to herself (Leonora)

Well you should probably be going to your class - Zoltan said

*I'm genuinely happy to have this interaction cause I can be my self*-said zoltan to himself

Owh yea I forget I still have a class to cache on well hope you have a great day and thanks for helping me - said Leonora

You're welcome - said Zoltan

She finally get into class

Little Miss you're late ten minutes - Said the teacher

Damn I thought I make it time - said that to herself (Leonora)