
A Road of Runes

David IronHeart is a kind-hearted 80 year old man that will travel worlds of magic and mystery seeking adventures to his hearts content . First World : harry potter . not alot of dialogue Second World : witcher . getting better Third World : undecided . ********************** I dont know how this book will go so stick around to see and plz tell me any plot holes or dumb stuf that makes no sense thx

The_Weird_Magician · Película
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26 Chs

DADA's Smell and Hary's solution

I woke up today happily reminiscing about what happened a day ago. today was special day, we had history and then we had 2 hours of DADA with qurilmort, I couldn't wait to see the dark lord.

after eating in the great hall, I headed to my first class and boy did I want to jump out of a window after it, i mean learning for 300 years time in a closed space was less boring.

the professor dozed of to sleep multiple times, I think he got bored of himself, he is also a ghost with a voice that is more effective than professor snapes potions that put people to sleep.

later that day came 10,30pm and it was time for DADA, after enter the class I was assaulted with the smell of garlic, and when the professor came to the class another smell hit me, a smell of rotten flesh, I knew he was dying but Merlin's tits he's decomposing and rotting into himself while still alive.

I spent all of 15 minutes in that class till I could no longer take the smell, so I left without warning not caring about all the looks I got from the kids.

since I had nothing to do the rest of the day, I decided to do somthing productive so using my travel divinity I whent to a place called little hangleton in Yorkshire, england. a small but nice vilage with few people, I walked on the road leading deeper and deeper into the forest until I came across a worn dow shack that looked hundreds of years old.

after walking through the door, of the gaunt family home, I saw many different types of protective barriers placed on a certain floorboard so after breaking the barriers and lifting the floorboard I lifted a golden box from the floor using magic. after opening it up I saw a beautiful ring housing one of the three deathly Hallows made into a horcrux by that idiot voldynose so I quickly seal it up and place it into the sanctuary with the sealed diadem.

after getting it, I returned to Hogwarts and after afew hours, I was called to professor mcgonagall's office. At the door I used my hand to close my nose and i walked in on professor mcgonagall , flitwick and quirilmort.

mcgonagall seeing me closing my nose asks me "why did you leave professors class so abruptly" and I reply " I cold not stand stand the way he smelled, the garlic is still acceptable but his head smells like rotten flesh" flitwick a little shocked at my response asks "and why would that be" I replie saying " I dont know but it closely reminds me of a trip I took in the past were I smelt that exact same smell "and I start saying my story.

$flashback no jutsu$

I was walking through a graveyard in the southern part of America looking for thestrals.

I suddenly saw a zombie that was wearing a bright red bomber jacket burst out from the ground and start singing thriller by Michael Jackson oh wait wait no no no.

wrong flashback, back from the top:

I was walking through a graveyard in the southern part of America looking for thestrals.

I suddenly saw zombies popping out of the ground some headfirst and others handfirst, it looked like every horror movie ever made from the 1970s and onward.

I still dont understand why people find them troublesome I just ran for a bit until there was a horde behind me an blasted them with a fire strong enough to burn them all to hell.

$flashback no jutsu of$

"... they weren't the hard to deal with but the stench they gave of a smell exactly like whatever the hell is under that turbin" the professors were shocked to say the least.

after afew minutes they excuse me and tell me to go, in my room i look at the horcruxes and realize that they are not used for regeneration, but they are a way to tether yourself to a world so so your soul never leaves, if all horcruxes are sealed or destroyed then voldyshit will die, this is further prooved by the fact that in the 3rd movie he doesnt use a horcrux to remake himself, he uses a ritual to rebuild the body and places his soul in it.

as there are only 6 horcruxes now , if I destroy or seal them he will die. ( nagini the snake was made as a horcrux in 1994 it is 1991 now)

as I have 2 right now I decided to deal with another one today that was relatively easy to get to. so after curfew I waited afew hours and snuck out and into the gryffindor common room were I entered the room of Harry Potter.

after putting a veil around me and him I cast a couple sleep spells and start examining his forehead scar , after a while I realised that this is the easiest horcrux to deal with.

I just cast an AVADA KADABRA(ividi kadibi) on him and since it is soul magic it directly attacks a soul and harry has 2 souls in his body, so it goes after the weakest one (lazy spell lol) wich is just a soul fragment of lord Voldemort, he who shall not be named , and destroys it.

bingo bango you are now ready to tango, I remove my veil and return back to my room to ready to sleep happily knowing that I have done a good deed towards the world.

next up getting into the gringots for the cup and the blacks house for the locket.

then waiting till next year to get the diary, hey if it comes to me I wont say no.

I then lay on my bed and sleep


thx for reading pls comment if there is anything confusing or any plot holes that need to be fixed thx btw this story will not be uploaded fast because it takes me like 3h to write a chapter and plz tell me if you are liking these chapters thx

you can also give me ideas there is no set plan to the novel so I am going with the flow