
Playing With Fire

I woke up late feeling relaxed, twe only had 3 classes today potions at 2pm and 2hours of astronomy from 9pm till midnight.

a cast tempus and realize that breakfast has past so after going out of my room and saying hello and goodbye to everyone, I head down to the basement were I see a portrait with a fruit bowl and after tickling the pear a door knob replaces it. after entering I ask the house elves to prepare me a nice breakfast and when I was done I gave them a book on foods around the world and left.

after that I headed back into the room and entered the sanctuary after turning time dilation off, I checked on the pheonixses and how they are doing they were now a large happy family.

I then checked on the dragons and was chocked to see that instead of the eleven species there were now 21 as many dragon families have started integrating and mating with other families, and I has happy to say the least.

I checked on the velas as they have frown to a substantial size I have asked if they wish to leave but all of them said no, the same thing happened with the werewolves and thanks to the energy nourishing their bodys the can now transform at will.

the basalisk was also enjoying her time as we spoke she told me that she was getting closer to the dragons, and while she was saying that I was praying for it to happen.

after a while I exited the case and turned time dilation on and whent to potions class. in the class while others were doing 1st year potions, I was given 3rd year potions to do, and when I finish them perfectly , I love seeing snape's face he reminds me of a vampire I met in romania.

$Flashback no jutsu$

I was walking through the hills of Romania at night after get all the dragons I can from the reserve, whe suddenly I se a village in front of me, I knew it was an illusion but I got curious so I went forward to it.

it looked deserted, as I was walking through the street I feel somthing lung at me from the back, so I dodged to the side almost falling down and get a look at the creature. it looked like a humanoid with pale skin dark veins around its eyes and elongated teeth.

I realized it was a rogue crazed vampire, I start casting spells at it only for it to dodge the with ease thanks to its superior body, I pretended to be scared and hit my back on a tree when crawling away.

the vampire showed a crazy laugh at my fake terrorized face as it approached me , when it was close enough to bite me, I summon a silver dagger and stab it into the vampires heart , as it looked at the aghast wound I whispered into its ear 'goodbye' summoning fire and turning it into dust, I then collect the dust and store it because it had alot of magical properties and the strongest of them was illusions

$flash back no justsu off$

after getting out of my daydream I hear napes voice "mr IronHeart are you daydreaming in my class " I reply without missing a beat " yes sir" snape shocked at my honesty " and what were you dreaming about" smiling I say "professor you remind me of a vampire I killed in Romania " snapes smirk for a second and then ask " you killed a vampire I doubt you could kill a fly" I inform him " a silver dagger to the heart and a strong fire spell to burn the crazed rogue vampire is enough " snape clearly not believing me takes 5 points from ravenclaw.

instead of getting angry I enlarge my sanctuary and pull out a jar that looks to be filled with dirt and slide it towards him " open it", the professor hurriedly opens it only to see vampires ashes, I quickly take back the jar and put it back from were I got it only to be met with a sneer "you probably bought that to look good" I reply with a confused expression "were am I supposed to buy it , it's a forbidden trade and nobody is dumb enough to anger an entire vampire coven for money I even have paperwork signed by the romanian ministry to prove my story" and I pull out my papers that say I killed a rogue vampire and the ashes are spoils of battle.

this time the professor visibly shocked kicked me out of the class so I spent the next half a hour wandering around the halls until professor flitwick, he asked me what I was doing and I told him that I was kicked out of the potions lesson for telling the truth and I also told him about the 5 point unjustifuly taken, he tells me he will figure this out and left.

I went up to my room and played with the animals, especially the thestrals a very playful race of gentle souls, to bad they are depicted as evil. the basalisk was also pregnant with a baby from a ukranian ironbelly, cant wait to see the combination.

as it was time for astronomy, I headed up to the top of the tower and met with professor trelawney who was 110% drunk, the classes were interesting but alas I was not a diviner and I could not for the life of me make prophecies or any divinations.

after this I was told to go to our head of houses office and it was there he informed me that professor snape was sorry,wich he definitely was not, and that ravenclaw got 20 points as compensation. I say thank you and leave, I tells the little ravens what happened and the cheer for me.

I enter my room meditate a little to clear my mind, then I go to sleep excited about my DADA clas tomorrow and coming face to face with voldylocks.

//////////////////////////////////////////////thx for reading pls comment if there is anything confusing or any plot holes that need to be fixed thx btw this story will not be uploaded fast because it takes me like 3h to write a chapter.

hope you are liking the flashbacks and please do tell me if you have any criticism to say I will be more than happy for sudjestions.

after the first school week things should get faster so stick around!!!

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