
Chapter 28

Donald’s pov

We proceeded to the meeting held at Anara’s pack.

Last year we were the one that hosted the gathering of Alphas and this year it's their turn to host.

We walked into the the hall of meeting.

"and here's my favorite trips."  Alpha Benson of Ukane pack enveloped me in a hug.

"As if there's any other trip Alphas if not I and my brothers." I rolled my eyes, we have to act normally so the culprit doesn't suspect out motives. 

"You're late."

that was the first word Alpha Kane uttered.

t's not secret he hates our guts. He was one of those Alphas that protested our ascension, he called us abominations not worthy of being called Alphas.

"We had a little insignificant disturbance on the way, but it have been resolved, no issues there." this was also part of our great plan.

One of the Alphas here must be the culprit, the scent we perceived on the club uses in hitting our mate had the scent of a pack mate not a rogue. 

Nothing happens in a pack without the knowledge of the Alpha.

It's either an Alpha kidnapped him or he's housing the culprit and there's only one way to know if it truly a pack business or an individual stuff.

I  don't trust Alpha Kane.

Ever since our drift he've taken to opposing us in every thing we do.

I won't put it past him to kidnap our mate.

Our mate is the key to our pack growth, a pack doesn't function without it's Luna.

A Luna is the solid foundation to a pack's growth. 

The balance of our pack wouldn't be complete without Miguel our mate. 

"It's been long. I really missed my little Alphas." Alpha Dess walked up to us with a wide smile on his face.

"It's been long our old Alpha. we were planning on visiting you today, but the Alpha's meeting became a hindrance, although if you look at it a certain way, it's not really one. We got to see you after all." I laughed.

"Is anything the problem?" He looked alarm, which can be justified as him being surprised about out intended visit.

We never, mark the never twice, we never visit except when there's a problem.

"No problem at all, we were thinking on how we never visit you except when there's a situation. We just want to have a friendly chat with you that's all."

he exhaled in relief.

" I thought something bad must have happened. Why were you late for the meeting?

We've been here for over thirty minutes waiting for the three of you to arrive for us to progress,"  he smiled.

" We had a minor problem, that was why we are late."

I smiled, my brothers stood at my back as silent as statues, sometimes I wonder how the goddess paired us together.

They both are like dumb stick.

"how severe is the problem?" He look genuinely concerned.

"it's of not problem to us any more, we've resolved the issue," I smiled.

He looked like he wanted to say more, but thought more of it " that's Great news." He smiled, clapping my shoulders.

"Attention to all Alphas present. The meeting is about to commence," Alpha Rodrik, the eldest called our attention to the table.

We sat each on the chair allocated to them.

We took our seat at the extreme.

As the youngest Alphas we sit at the bottom, while the oldest sits at the head table.

Alpha Frederic stood up.

"This are the urgent matters to be discussed; according to a report from Gbirichi pack there have been sighting of rogues. A report from Umidim has it that human hunters are killing more weres than the do other animals, they're afraid they might be extinct before preventive measures are taken. Two other packs at my eastern boarder had also testified about the rogues sighting, this tge fourth pack to testify on that. 

Halima pack in the African continent have petitioned for us to include them in our general meeting, they need the protection we provides, they said.

From Seattle, Alpha David have petitioned us to help in finding his mate and luna of his pack, his mate ran away from Seattle after his mother was rescued( his mate Daniel's mom).

he adjourn us to help in the search for his lost Luna. From Cali city, the son of Alpha Di Moni have being murdered his father and ascended the throne, according to the pack members who sent the petition, he's ruling the pack with an iron fist.

My fellow Alphas, this are the urgent matters to be discussed, shortly after the minor ones will be read.

The table Is ready for some discussion, in the mean time. Feel free to contribute on any of the petitions read," he sat on his chair. 

I felt my brothers tense at the mention of the escaped Luna, his own case is a bit better than ours, his mate left of his own Accord, but our mate was kidnapped!

Even without the mind link, I already know the petition my brothers' will contribute to.

Alpha Benson stood up

"My contribution is towards the Umidim pack, if my fellow Alphas can recall, there was a time a similar quotation was received from them.

Alpha Rodrik was the one that gave solution to their problems, he sent a letter to their Alpha on the ground that should the need a place to stay, his pack is willing to take them in. 

I can recall his Alpha sending back a message to us telling us not to bother about the issue again, that they've found a better solution to their problems. Why my dear fellows Alpha are they sending back to us a similar petition since they didn't heed our earliest solution?

We shouldn't hother with a case we've already solved. Other cases are more important.

We gave them the advice at first but they heed it not.

Tell me my fellow Alphas is it now they will heed our advice?

Wouldn't it be to them as water poured on stone? That's all I have to say, I rest my case," he sat down  while the other Alphas nodded in approval.