
Chapter 27

“i thought you vowed never to touch me, why are you on me?” He looked smug.

I would have loved to wipe that stupid look off his face if not for the danger in form of a furry creature.

“Shut up and lead the way.

for your information I don’t want to leave your comfortable back ever, not even to rest."

I swear to whatever gods might be listening, I won’t leave his comfortable back. Not with the furry creature probably hiding somewhere.

“I will if you stop trying to choke me to death, loosen your grip on my neck else we both won’t leave here for a long time."

I loosened my grip on him.

“I wasn’t gripping your neck, I was just checking your pulse," I looked smug.

"and  you weren’t hiding on my back because of a rat, I believe?” he quirked a brow.

I nodded “I was just tired, I had to rest my feet and your back seems like a comfortable place to do it."

I won’t be caught dead telling anyone I climbed on his back because I was scared of a little rat.

“I thought so” he sighed “a minute earlier you were swearing never to talk till the world ends and now, you’re trying to use me as a shield? I won’t agree. Get down from my back else_” he stopped his speech, turning towards a certain part of the forest.

“did you hear that?”

I shook my head “ hear what?”

“The twinging of a stick” he looked alarmed “we need to leave, it’s like they have finally caught up to our tricks.

I won’t put it past them to keep their men stationed at strategic places."

I sobered up at him talk “what are we still waiting for? Let’s leave then!” I whisper shouted.

He took off, talking great care not to make a noise.

I believe some of our pursuers are gifted with far hearing, they might be trailing us this instant.

We ran for what felt like hours which is actually just minutes “they are almost closing in on us.we need to hide." he looked around for a safe hiding place.

 “Perfect!” he dropped a reluctant me on my feet, stay here I will be back in a minute.

I tried to protest, but he reassured me “I will be back, I promise."

“you better be."

The place he left me on was on a cave like structure, I walked deeper into the cave trying to find a good hiding spot in case Mond doesn’t return.

“What if he’s playing with you like he did the last time?”

My inner self asked.

 I Know he won’t betray me, he might have done that before, but he won’t do it again.

I trust him never to repeat the same mistake again, the same way I trust he will be back for me, like he promised.

“Here, take this and cover your body," he threw dried grasses on me.

Looking up puzzled, I tried to remove the annoying grasses off my body.

“what’s this for? You went out for about five minutes and returns with grass? What am I going to us them for?

Are the food or what?" I look at the disgusting things.

 he sighed in annoyance.

"They can scent us by our natural fragrance, but if were to clothe our self with this grass, it’s pungent odor will over ride our scent. "

“ How so?”

how is it possible?

“ my specie is allergic to the smell of dried Bahama grass, but am not as allergic to it as they are as I grew up running from danger.

This grass have saved me numerous times to count." he piled a heap on his self.

“you can choose whether to protect yourself or not. The ball’s in your court, play the ball as you see fit." He heaped all on his head. Perfectly covering his body with the grasses.

I reluctantly heaped some on my head.

“if I die from suffocation, I will make sure to return to this world as a ghost and taunt you for all eternity." I threatened the devil’s son.

how can a good friend ask me to heap loads of scratchy f grasses on myself, if he wasn’t the spawn of the devil?

“If didn’t die with you, that’s when your threat will be valid, but if I die with you then how can a ghost hunt another ghost? it won’t be possible. " he turned towards the entrance in alarm, putting a finger on his lips he gestured for me to lay and to keep the grass firmly on my body.

Minutes of total suffocation, I almost took off the grasses on me.

Thell with him and his grasses, I would have said if I had removed the grasses.

“Search thoroughly, they must be in here, this is where their scents lead."I heard Bulky shout out to his men. 

 “they must be caught, if we’re to have our heads on our shoulders when the alpha returns."

I calmed my racing heartbeats, I didn’t run this far to be taken back to captivity, forward ever backward never.

“Beta they’re not here." shorty was the person to report back.

“search thoroughly, search every nook and cranny of this damn cave till you find them, scourge this entire cave.

if possible bring it to the ground if it means finding the traitor and our Luna." 

could it be the girl they kidnapped before me is also missing?

How possible can that be?

If they’re looking for her and Mond, that means they have entirely forgotten about me.

Thanks to Jehovah.

Someone walked towards where we were hiding, he was only three feet far from me making me afraid they have finally found us.

What’s the use of the masking suffocating grass if we’re caught after spending more than five minutes in our self invented hell fire.

He touched the grass, oh gods am finished all he have to do next is lift it up and I will be found out.

whether I was asked or not, I will snitch on him (that’s Mond).

“Beta, I think there’s death beet root in here, am afraid we can’t go any further than that." I heard a minute later,