
Chapter 29

Miguel's POV

"Sir there might be death root grass in there." I heard another person complain to Bulky.

I was really sweating in this hell hole I am in.

I don't think I will survive another thirty minutes under it.

I heard the sounds of a approching footstep, it must be Bulky, I reasoned.

Almost to my hiding place, he inhaled.

"it's indeed toxic beet root grass, I don't think they're in here.

Mond is a werewolf, I don't think he might survive a minute in here talk more of covering himself with this poisonous grass." he took a step backward.

"Let's  leave here, I can't bear being in here for a minute more."

I heard the sounds of exiting footsteps.

"Let's go back to camp, they are probably back at Haji pack. It's of no use chasing after them now."

After that, in here was as silent as a grave. No sound escaped, not even Mond called out to me.

I counted to twenty before I removed the grass.

"gotcha!"Shorty shouted as he rushed towards me.

I looked around as realization dawned on me. 

They never left. They have all along being here.

I can't believe am a fool for believing the words of Bulky.

With a growl Mond stood up scattering his protection shield( the grass).

he charged towards the approaching Shorty.

"well, well, well, who do we have here?" Bulky said as he approached us.

It was all a trick, a ploy to get us to come our if hiding by ourselves and I falled for it.

Stupid me always finding a way to get us into trouble.

"Leave him alone."Mond  growled at the males coming towards me, they stopped dead on their tracks.

"get him,"  Bulky commander.

"Please don't take me back, am pleading to you. I will give you whatever you want just don't take me back.

My mom will be dead worried about me, please don't take me back." I looked pleadingly at Bulky, he helped me before, maybe he can help me again.

"am an only son. My parents are wealthy, they will provide you with whatever you want. Just please don't take me back.

I need to be home before the breaking of dawn tomorrow. It's being three days since I was kidnapped, by  nor my mom will be dead worried about me。

She have high blood pressure, and my kidnap must have increased here heart pressure please am begging you." I beseeched Bulky.

" What're you still waiting for?" He glared at the males standing frozen in their spots " grab him." 

Mond stood in front of me, blocking my view of the men a they approached.

"you with have to go through me first before you touch him." he growled menacingly.

if not for my knowledge that he's on my side, I would have given flash a run for his money.

"Step aside Mond, I will over look your betrayal based on how profitable you've been to our pack, now step aside let the men complete their jobs. 

I will take you back,  and we will let bygone be bygones, all you have to do is hand the boy over to me, so what do you say?"

I looked up at Mond's back afraid he might take the deal.

who wouldn't when their life is at stake?

Mond stood where he was, not giving an indication of moving.

"to hell with your offers, he's not going anywhere. He's staying here with me. "he looked at Bulky "bring it on, am ready to defend him with the last drop of my blood. I rather die then betray his trust on me, I rather die with honor than stay alive in shame."

I looked at his back, surprised at the words he uttered.

"Mond it's okay, am not worth your life. They won't do anything to me.

it's obvious they need something from me, don't sacrifie your life for me.

Am not worth it, they won't kill me.

Am sure of it as am sure the grasses are green, but you?"  I looked into his eyes " they will kill you if you stand in their way.

It's okay I won't blame you for leaving me and saving your life, you have to stay alive for the both of us. If it's my trust so so dearly don't want to break, don't worry.

I still trust you. when I was kidnapped I didn't think anything good will come out of it, but you came and took the doubts away. You're the friend I desperately needed, in my next world I pray I get to have a friend like you,"  I smiled sadly at him, removing the palm I placed on his chest.

I walked towards Bulky and his guys.

Bulky had a triumphant look on his face "your decision is the best, you did well to think of your friend and how his rasty decision can lead to the ending of his life,"  he took a step towards me "  it's time to go back to where all this craziness started from."

Mond placed a hand on my shoulder.

I looked back at him in shock "what's wrong_"

he placed a finger onn my lips "  you took a decision without asking for my opinion. Am taking one now whether you like it or not," he turned towards Bulky and his stunned men "bring it on, am still waiting,"he  smirked making a come here gesture.

"Since you don't want to listen to the voice of reasoning, you leave me no other choice but this."  he turned towards his cowering men " kill him, and  get our Luna back,"  he ordered.

Still that Luna word again.

is Luna another name for a kidnapped person?

I've read of it somewhere, but since my kidnap, my brain have been on autopilot.

They charged us or rather they charged  toward Mond since he's the one doing the fighting not me.

me? I was busy hiding behind Mond to lend  a helping hand to the fight.

Am not a violent person and i don't think I will ever be, I believe in sorting things out verbally not sorting things out through fist.