
House of The Dragon-The Beauty, The Bold, And The Black Dread

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The Gods Are Cruel. The common saying in Westeros, which everyone says when an ironic and painful thing happens. While they are Cruel, they can be somewhat strange in their actions. They were strange for never letting Balerion, The Black Dread, to fully die. The old but extremely stubborn Dragon would spend decades merely on the verge of crossing to the other side, yet never doing so. He wouldn't let anyone claim him, neither, using his weak strength to snap at anyone who dared which prompted any keeper to let him be. Until one day, that is. Baelon Targaryen, son of Viserys I Targaryen and Aemma Arryn, was able to survive the wretched decision his Father made on that fateful day. Unfortunately for him; His Mother could not. This eventually led Viserys to remarry and have more children, as Fate would have it. And as Fate would also have it, Balerion would regain his Vigor on the fateful day of Baelon's birth. Almost as if the gods planned this, it would seem, Baelon and Balerion eventually crossed paths and the two of them bonded. (Slow Updates) (Cover is AI Art I did online.)

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Chapter 1Prologue

(Third Person POV)

Divine Intervention. 

That's what many call this event; Divine Intervention. People began to talk when word reached every nook and cranny in the realm of what happened on the Fateful day of the Heir's Tourney. Not only did they talk, they prayed, they cried, they laughed, they drank, and they did many other things.

There were so many mixed reactions to the news of Baelon Targaryen barely surviving his childbirth. His Mother, Queen Aemma Arryn, was unable to make it. This crushed the King and his Daughter, Rhaenyra. The Realm was in mourning, they had adored their Queen, the news devastated them. Everyone prayed for her soul to rest and for her son to grow healthy. 

But healthy did Baelon grow. The first few days were scary for King Viserys, he carefully observed his son, seeing that on some minutes he would stop breathing and on others, the color would leave his body. But alas, after the 7th day, he was okay. 

But why did people call Baelon's Birth Divine Intervention? Well, the answer was quite simple. 

The Targaryen Dynasty's most powerful and sacred symbol, The Black Dread, had regained his Vigor. This was a huge shock to everyone, people called it a divine event, considering Balerion a God. 

Balerion was last ridden by Aera Targaryen, the young girl who accidentally fell off his saddle and tumbled to her death a few hours after claiming him. This event was dubbed the "Dreadful Fall" and ever since then, Balerion would have nobody attempt to claim him.

The Black Dread eventually grew too old and too heavy to move and his health began to deteriorate. Many believed he would die of old age, but the beast would not succumb to death. He would merely lay in his massive cave inside the Dragonpit, not seeing the light of day for many decades. He could barely move, merely looking at any Dragonkeeper that would walk in front of him. Despite this, he was still dangerous enough to harm anyone he didn't like the company of but most of the time, he would let even a toddler slap him on the snout. 

By the time Viserys I Targaryen tried to attempt him when he was young, he was barely eating, only taking a single goat per week. This concerned the Old King and he had urged the keepers and maesters to think of something to improve his health but nothing was successful. The then Young Prince, Viserys was enamored by Balerion, as any young Targaryen was at the time. He decided it was time for him to finally have a new rider. 

But Balerion refused. He merely pushed Viserys off of him and gave the young prince a warning growl; firmly stating that he was not interested. Viserys would then go on to claim another Dragon who eventually died in a fated accident which was covered up. 

It was not just Viserys who attempted to claim Balerion; his younger Brother Daemon attempted but the dragon did not even let him get near. This prompted the Prince to settle for Caraxes, some years later. 

Balerion's mere presence, weak but living, was a testament to the Targaryen's power. Nobody even dared to think of rebelling, considering that the Black Dread was still living. Every single person in the Realm would laugh at the possibility of anyone challenging the Targaryen Rule, claiming that they would be destroyed by the Black Dread. 

However, those who were smart and better aware of the situation would clearly state that it was Vhagar, Vermithor, Meleys, and Caraxes who were the current symbols of power. Balerion was merely the symbol of the Targaryen's will and refusal to die. This was true, Balerion was more than just a Dragon, he was like an old man, too stubborn to die and was just there, tucked in the corner and everyone would check in once in a while. 

When Princess Rhaenyra was old enough to claim her own dragon, King Viserys took her to see Balerion, the Black Dread merely stared at the young girl with his head lying on the ground. He then snorted loudly and grumbled, giving the King and his Daughter a clear warning to stay away. 

By this point, Balerion was simply a Dragon who was too weak to move in the Dragonpit and all thoughts of claiming him were gone. 

But on the Fateful day, Balerion suddenly lifted his head up, the light on his eyes returning. 

It was stated by the Keepers that they heard a deep and loud rumbling which startled the other Dragons in the Pit. When they investigated the source, it was discovered that it was Balerion's stomach, growling with hunger. The Keepers were shocked that Balerion easily devoured a full-grown goat and growled for more. For the entire day, while the King mourned his dead wife, Balerion was gorging on all of the dragons' feed, which alerted the Crown quite easily. 

After depleting the livestock, Balerion would then move around his massive cavern, shocking the Keepers even further. Balerion would not do this at all, for the past decades he was alive and this was quickly reported to the King. 

Shortly after Prince Baelon's health stabilized, Balerion was fed several large-sized cows and the Black Dread laid down and fell asleep, a loud and healthy snore was heard. He would the slumber for weeks. While he slumbered, the Keepers noticed that many of his scales had regained their color and any sign of his deteriorating health was gone. 

This sudden return to life shocked everyone and word quickly spread across the Realm. 

There were those who stated that the Old Valyrian God the dragon was named after decided to give him a second chance at life. There are others who say that Aemma's soul was used as fuel for the Dragon's lifeforce, rejuvenating him. 

It was a complete mystery what had happened. But one thing was for sure, Balerion was healthy and alive. This alarmed everyone and those who ever thought of picking their arms up against their Targaryen Overlords, which was stupid to begin with, quickly pushed those thoughts away. 

Balerion would eat healthily quite often, but he did not leave his cavern. It was a common routine after Baelon's birth, he would gorge and then slumber for an extended period. Every time it was shorter and shorter. There were times when he didn't eat, just laid there and vocalized loudly, his song resonating out of the pit and heard through the streets of King's Landing. 

After King Viserys remarried and had more children, he took his Heir to the Pit, and the famous moment happened once again: 

Baelon Targaryen, son of Viserys I Targaryen, slapped Balerion on the snout. The Black Dread was visibly confused but to much of everyone's surprise and shock, the dragon did not show any signs of hostility. 

Viserys would then state that Balerion considered his son worthy and announced to the world that Baelon would soon claim the Black Dread, which filled him with excitement. 

And yes, this did in fact happen. 

At age 7, the same age his elder sister claimed her dragon, Baelon had the Black Dread hang his head to him. This was a pivotal moment in History; nobody had managed this feat in decades. 

Baelon didn't fly Balerion, however, as Viserys and the Small Council were worried about another Dreadful Fall happening. The young prince would simply walk him around the cavern, content with this. Balerion, the entire time, would grumble loudly, almost as if he was proud that someone was finally worthy of him.

Over the years after Baelon claimed Balerion, the young prince would constantly visit his dragon and oversee his feeding. Baelon was the only one who was allowed to even be so close to the massive dragon while he ate. There were times when Baelon would sleep on top of Balerion's head, something that would worry his stepmother, Queen Alicent. Baelon would also take his siblings and read them books as they sat atop the Black Dread's head while he slept. 

The moment that Baelon claimed Balerion, many lords across Westeros immediately jumped at the opportunity and offered their daughters to him. Not only was Prince Baelon the Heir, but was the rider of the Oldest, Largest, and most powerful Dragon in the entire world. The mere thought of having a direct connection to Baelon Targaryen excited any Lord, since Balerion was now in the picture, above Vhagar and Vermithor. 

But after careful consideration, Viserys announced to the Realm that Baelon would wed his younger half-sister, Helaena Targaryen. This upset many of the Lords but eventually, they accepted the fact. 

When Baelon turned 11 years old, he finally did what everyone thought impossible, he took Balerion to the skies and rode him to Dragonstone, his future home that was occupied by his Elder Sister, who was placed there by their Father.

The sight of the Black Dread in the sky was a total shock to those who were not used to even Vhagar. 

Ever since that day, Baelon would find any excuse to take his mount to the sky. And like Vhagar, Balerion would no longer be confined to the Pit, choosing his own spot outside the City Walls in which a direct path was built solely for Prince Baelon to ride towards his Dragon. 

Balerion was no longer a dying old dragon, he was an Old Dragon who refused to die and was granted a second chance. 

Now, Prince Baelon and Princess Helaena are fated to marry and after their Father passes, they will be King and Queen. Until then, Baelon has vowed to make his dear sister the happiest woman in the world. 

And he's a man of his word. 

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