
Baelon Targaryen III

(Baelon's POV)

"Ah man, It would be nice if we could just sneak away and fly into the air alongside each other, little brother." I said as I rode atop my horse next to Aemond, "This is fucking boring." 

"I heard that." I heard Father said as he rode up in front

We were in the Kingswood, the Royal Huntsman had spotted a group of healthy Stags and said they were perfect to take down so Father gathered the main group to start riding out. Some of the Lords that accompanied us were spotting Wild Boars and decided to hunt them instead. 

Aemond sighed as he was next to me, "You're the eldest, Baelon, how are you this immature?" He said with a frown, "Act your age, brother." 

I returned the frown, "First of all, brother, I'm not the Eldest." I told him, "And what do you mean immature? I'll have you know, I'm far more mature than you are." 

"I doubt it." He muttered

"Aemond is such a sourpuss." Aegon laughed as he was to my right, "It's his name day, he just got betrothed and yet he's not willing to be jovial like you, Baelon." 

"That's right." I agreed

"Why don't you want to fly alongside me, though?" He asked as he drank water from his leather canteen

"Because he's too small." I said, "Balerion might crush him by accident." 

"That's a lie." He said, "Sunfyre is too fast for that old man." 

"Okay, well, your dragon is too pretty." I said with a chuckle, "A terrifying and amazing sight that is Balerion should not be next to a shiny one like Sunfyre." 

"Now you're just making shit up." He said

"Boys." Father called, "That's enough of you." 

I then heard movement, seeing several bushes move to our far left. 

"Yes yes." I said as I pulled the bow that was strapped next to me, "Make way." 

I saw that Father glanced back to me, "Oh for crying out loud, Baelon." He said as he urged Ser Otto and Lord Lyonel to move out the way

I then saw as a Stag jumped out of the bushes, which surprised the others who were on horseback. 

But I had already nocked my arrow and drawn the string back, taking aim at the large buck, firing it off with ease as I had stopped my horse. 

I watched as the Stag was immediately struck right behind his front right leg, right on his heart for sure. He was in a mid-jump so he collapsed hard into the ground, causing a huge cloud of dust at the front of the group. 

"Seven Hells, Baelon..." Father said, "Move up to the front if you're going to fire an arrow!" 

I chuckled, "Oh? Want me to take point?" He said, "At once, Your Grace! Hiyah!" 

My horse took off into a gallop as I nocked another arrow on the bow, seeing another Stag jump out from behind a treeline. 

"My Prince!" The Huntsman said, "Be careful, there are some Boars stampeding this way!" 

"Perfect!!" I said with a smirk

I nocked and drew the string, aiming at the Stag, and fired with perfect accuracy. I saw as the buck drop down and crash against the tree. 

"Oof!" I said with a chuckle as I steered my horse towards the far left

"Baelon!" I heard Father call out

I made my way towards where I heard several rumbling thuds, seeing several shadows barrel towards me. How convenient, a group of Boars, huh? 

I grabbed one of the arrows from the quiver that was strapped to my saddle, nocking it as one of the boars ran towards my horse. 

The horse stopped and neighed loudly, standing on its hind legs to avoid the boar's charge. 

"Oh." I said as I let myself flip backwards and landed on my feet on the ground, "Okay then." 

I stepped to the side, to avoid the horse kicking me for some reason, which has happened to someone once. 

I drew the string and aimed at one of the boars, firing the arrow and watching as it hit it right on its side, causing it to squeal loudly, crashing down hard on the ground. 

"Prince Baelon!" I heard someone call

I heard a shriek and turned to see a massive boar charging right at me. 

"Ah." I said as I dropped the bow and jumped out of the way

I rolled on the ground and immediately straightened up, drawing my dagger and flipping it in the air. I caught it by its blade, carefully, and flung it at the boar that tried to gore me. It had stopped and turned around, only for my dagger to pierce its right eye, causing it to trash around as it squealed in pain. 

It hit itself by accident against a tree and as a reaction, it slammed its head against the tree, causing the dagger to rip apart that side of its face. 

"Oh." I winced as I said

"My Prince!" The Huntsman said as he approached on his horse

I raised my hand, "Spear." 

He tossed me his spear as I heard another boar to charge towards me. 

"Careful!" He said as I caught it

I rolled away to avoid the boar's gore and as I straightened up, I saw that it was circling around. 

"Hm." I said as I immediately launched the spear at it

The spear flew towards the boar and hit it right on its belly, piercing straight through. The beast dropped down to the ground as I walked towards it, pulled the spear out and took a step back, looking at its guts flowing out. 

"Whew." I whistled, "What does that make? 5?" 

"A-Are you counting?" the huntsman asked

I nodded, "Am I in the lead?" 

"That other one isn't dead." He pointed at the one that was still squealing

I turned around and saw that the boar with the dagger in its eye was still tumbling around. 

"Oh, right." I said as I launched the spear right at it

The spear impaled its side, putting it out of its misery. 

"T-That'll do it." He said

I stretched my arm, "Woo, been a while since I've worked my throwing arm like that." I said, "This is some good exercise." 

"My Prince, you cannot be that reckless..." He said

"Baelon!" I heard several hooves 

I looked to my side and saw Father riding with the others, looking at the sight of my own creation. 

"Yes?" I asked

"Are you mad???" He said with an angry face, "What if something would happen to you?" 

"I'm in the lead." I said, "How many do you all have?" 

"This is not a game." He said seriously

I shrugged, "What's a Royal Hunt for, then? Boredom?" I said, "This is my Brother's Name day!" 

"We're supposed to have fun!!" 


"What has gotten into your head???" Mother scolded as we sat on the table outside of the hunting tents, "Are you mad, Baelon???" 

It was nightfall, most of the lords were outside as there was a large bonfire off into the distance to create some light. We were all sitting on the main table that was in front of the Royal Tent. 

"What?" I said as I ate a piece of chicken

"You go off and do some insanities." She said with an annoyed tone, "Killing 3 boars and a Stag." 

"Wrong." I said, "5 Boars and 4 Stags. Record." 

"This is not a competition, Baelon." She said in a hushed tone, "Do you wish to kill your Father by stressing him out??" 

I sighed, "Mother, can I not have some fun on this special occasion?" I asked, "Aemond killed his first deer! This is great! Aegon got a boar too and young Daeron shot down a quail! A day for the history books!" 

"I can't with you, sometimes." She let out an exhale, "You stress me out sometimes." 

I leaned into her and kissed her cheek, "I love you too." I chuckled, "Besides, at least I obeyed and waited on the main group. And Aemond and I did not run off to the city and take to the skies. Man, the old man is certainly having a good nap around now." 

She shook her head and gave me one of her signature annoyed looks, "You're impossible to deal with, Baelon Targaryen." She said

I nodded, "I know." 

"Baelon." I heard Father say, "Well done in skinning your kills. At least someone was able to know how to." 

"I don't know how to skin a boar, father!" Aegon exclaimed

"I had someone teach you but you did not pay attention." Father said as he drank from his cup, "Mm.....and what was my sweet Helaena up to today?" 

Helaena was sitting next to him, fidgeting with a piece of yarn, "Nothing." She said as she shifted awkwardly

"Have you eaten?" Father asked

"No." She said, "I'm not hungry...." 

"Ah, but you must eat, my dear." He said as he patted her shoulder

"My beloved sister, you must eat." I said as I drank from my cup, "You'll lose your strength if you don't." 

"I don't need my strength." She said softly, 

"When I'll have yours....." 

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