
Longing To Spend Time With Her

[Read my Novel: Cursed As A Dragon God. 

https://www.webnovel.com/book/30681650400196305 ]

(Baelon's POV)

I leaned my face against a book, "Ughh..." I groaned as I heard the annoying voice of Lord Jasper, "This is fucking boring..." 

I heard Otto clearing his throat, "My Prince." He said

I slowly turned my face to see her, "Yes?" 

"You're in a Small Council meeting, please act accordingly." The Hand said as Father gave me a scowl

I straightened up and leaned back against my seat, "Fine...." I said as I noticed the other members of the Small Council shift in their seats

"Apologies, Jasper." Father said

"No worries, Your Grace." Jasper said, "It appears our Prince does not enjoy this particular activity." 

"You got that right." I muttered

"What's that, Baelon?" Father asked

I sighed as I moved my bangs out of my face, "When can I cut this fucking hair short...." I muttered again, "It's getting annoying....." 

"What?" Father said

"Nothing..." I said

"Should we go back to the topic at hand?" Otto said, "Lord Jasper continue..." 

"Mhm, continue..." I said sarcastically as I looked down and twirled my bangs

I heard someone clearing their throat, louder than Otto's, and causing the room to go silent.

Looking up, I saw the serious gaze of Mother set upon me as she set on her seat next to Father. She had that classic Alicent Hightower look in her eyes, a stare that would kill a dragon should stares cause damage.

"Everyone." Mother said, "Out." 

"Oh boy." Father said under his breath

I saw as all of them stood up and began to walk away, "Today's topic was trivial anyways, shall we continue this later this afternoon, Your Grace?" Lord Tyland asked

Father nodded, "Of course." He said as he and Otto didn't move

As everyone had left and the doors were closed, Mother stood up and leaned her hands against the table, giving me a serious look. 

"What is with you, Baelon?" she asked, "These past couple of weeks, you've been nothing but antagonizing. To me, your Father, my own Father, and pretty much everyone in the Court. You are not just the Heir to the Throne, you are also a member of the Small Council. You need to take this seriously. Have you no shame?!" 

"Alicent." Father said with a nervous smile, "Let's take it easy..." 

"Easy? You are the King, Viserys." She said, "He is your Heir, he should act accordingly. He is no longer a boy, the entire Realm holds him in such a high regard that any sign of weakness will cause them to turn their backs on him." 

"Your Grace, My Queen." Otto said, "So long as Baelon has The Black Dread, nobody will turn their backs on him. It is with-"

"The Skagosi have not relented in their coastal attacks." I cut him off, "Why aren't we talking about that?" 

They all looked at me. 

"What?" Father said, "What did you say?" 

"While we're here, chatting, our North-Eastern Shores are getting raided relentlessly." I said as I tapped my fingers on the stone table, "I expected a letter from Lord Stark to enlist my help, but a little birdie told me that one of you three told him that no help will come." 

"Is this what this is about, Baelon?" Mother said, "You wish to go to war? Is that it? Why is it that conflict, fighting, and bloodshed are all that men desire?" 

"I am a Dragonrider." I said, "I ride Balerion, the last remnant of Old Valyria. If I don't take my Dragon to crush our Enemies, then what will our people think of us? Our House? Our Dynasty?" 

"The Northerners can handle Skagos, Baelon." Father said, "There is no need to send you." 

"Then send Uncle at least." I said, "Do something." 

He frowned, "Excuse me?" He said, "You forget yourself. Not only am I your Father, I am your-" 

"King, yes, I know." I said as I rolled my eyes, "You made it so clear as of late. Always trying to control me. 'Baelon this, Baelon that. Baelon, you will marry your sister, Baelon, you will not take her to ride to the skies. No, Baelon, you cannot go to Dragonstone and see your older sister. No, Baelon, you cannot go and burn Skagos to the ground.' Always telling me what I can or cannot do. I mean fine, I won't fly to Dragonstone with Helaena if you don't want me to, but for fuck's sake, let me cut my damn hair!" 

"Baelon!" Mother exclaimed

I stood up, smacking the ball out of its socket as it rolled across the table and fell off on the other side. 

"Fuck this." I said walking away

"Where are you going?!" Father called for me

I waved them off, "Nowhere." 


"What do you want, Aegon?" I said as I laid atop the roof of one of the towers of the Red Keep, looking up at the night sky

He was pulling himself up from the ladder, "Brother...you always have the most dangerous spot to hide out....." He said as he crawled towards me, "Aren't you afraid you'll fall?" 

"I won't fall." I said as my eyes were focused on the stars

I felt as he laid down next to me, a couple of feet away, "I heard from Grandsire that you stormed off from the Small Council room." He said, "What was that about?" 

"Nothing." I said

"Ah, is it Skagos?" He said with a chuckle, "Both you and Uncle are the same; so eager to wage war." 

I smacked my lips, "It's fucking annoying." I grumbled, "I just want to crush the enemies that threaten our people and get it over with. While we speak, they raid and pillage more innocent villages over there." 

"J-Just go and deal with it." Aegon said

"Are you mad? Everyone here will throw a fit." I said with a frown

"Who gives a shit?" Aegon chuckled, "You're Prince Baelon Targaryen! Rider of Balerion, who gives a fuck what anyone thinks? If I were you, I'd conquered all of Essos by now!" 

"You're a shit strategist. It'd take you decades to even take Pentos." I chuckled, "But you're right...it's not that, though." 

"What is it?" He asked

"I don't know." I said, "They don't let me go see Rhaenyra, even though she lives in my home, keeping it cozy for me when I turn 18. And they betrothed me to Helaena and even yet, they don't let me spend time with her." 

"How so? You always hang out with her in her room, making sure she sleeps." Aegon said

"That's not what I mean." I said, "Up there, brother." 

"Ahhh...." Aegon said, "Yea, that is true." 

"Helaena needs to fly...." I said, "That'll get her mind off what happened." 

"You did the right thing." Aegon told me, "I'd done the same. But nothing strikes fear more than Balerion, The Black Dread." 

I nodded, "Indeed." 

"So...." He said, "You just want to spend time with her? With our sister?" 

I nodded, "Yes....well, time in my way, you know?" 

"Oh, I get you." He said, "You know....she loves you." 

I looked at him, "What?" 

"Helaena." He said while shrugging, "You know, I never understood this whole Targaryen Incest thing. I mean, we come from a Hightower and all....wait, not you, I keep forgetting that. Anyways, the Faith of The Seven is adamant that incest is wrong but here we Targaryens are, marrying sisters and direct cousins.... Although the cousins part isn't that bad, most Westerosi do that anyways." 

"Your point?" I asked

"Maybe we're fundamentally different." He said

"We are." I said, "We're bonded with Dragons, Aegon. Dragons." 

"Huh, that's true." He said, "Anyways, from a young age, Helaena has been infatuated with you. Yet, you never noticed. I mean, yes, you love all of us, like all of us. You've showed your Older Brother side many times. You would read to us atop Balerion's snout and all. And we love you, of course, you're our brother. But Helaena's love is different, you know? It's different. I'm talking a real love. She's an awkward girl, our sister. But the thing is, she always felt comfortable with you." 

I blinked, "I see." 

"Ah, but you don't." He chuckled, "Maybe you're starting to feel the same. You are Targaryen, after all." 

"So are you, you fool." I grumbled, "What's this about?" 

"Do you want to see her, right now?" He asked

"Well...Yea..." I said

"There you go." He said

"Yes, but it's not like that." I said, "She's my sister." 

"I know." He said, "Maybe soon, you'll stop seeing her as such. You're to be married, after all." 

I sighed, "Whatever." 

"Didn't you have a crush on Rhaenyra?" He asked me of the sudden

I scowled, "What the fuck? No!" I said

"You were always glued to her when we were kids." He chuckled

"She's my sister, you fucking idiot." I said with annoyance, "Full-Sister, not Half. Don't take it the wrong way, but we came from the same womb. Doesn't change that I love our mother, but you get the jist." 

"Hey, man, it's normal for us Targaryens, I guess....." He laughed, "We should develop some sort of feelings for our siblings." 

I smacked his shoulder, "Shut up! Fucking idiot." I said, "Didn't you just say you never understood the whole incest thing?" 

"Hehe." He chuckled, "I lied." 

"Oh fuck's sake." I said as I sat up and sighed, "Ah, screw it." 

"What?" He asked

"The night has a nice cool breeze, don't you think?" I said, giving him a smirk

He nodded, "Yes." 

"Grab Aemond." I said, "We're going for a ride, all four of us." 

"Eh?" He said, "Four of us?" 

"Well, yea, Daeron is in Oldtown." I said as I stood up, "And Rhae is in Dragonstone. All for of us. You, Me, Aemond, and Helaena." 

"We're flying tonight." 

No guarantee that I'll upload more in the upcoming week so enjoy this extra chapter. Do read my Novel, tho ;)

Lunacia_Yujincreators' thoughts
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