

Work, work and work. That is my life but when night falls and I go to sleep. hmm.. that is when problems arise. when some name creep into my mind. A faceless man, a silhouette of someones back, and a hollow feeling. When will I start to forget, start to let go? It's been a year and a half, this feeling of pain still linger..

I never thought that the 3rd guy will give me the most pain that it made my inside empty. Hollow feeling.

They say choose wisely. The 1st one was the man I loved. I was so fascinated, so in loved and cheriched him like he was someone precious. But I never fully trust him, and I was right because he already had someone else. He made me believe that I was the only one. How wrong I am, so one day I realize I am being stupid, so I left and never look back. I was hurt but the pain gradually subside. I said to myself, if the one I love would betray me then find some one else. Someone loyal, someone who doesnt look like a player.

There was a brief moment in my life that I wanted him to feel something from betraying me and playing with my feeling. I never thought that was the reason for getting into my 2nd relationship.

Love is a very complicated thing. A relationship is just a game. Game where emotions are involve.