
Jasper’s Karma

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Evil Jasper has just been transmigrated to a new world after his death. He was the king in his previous life with anything he wanted. He never cared for others lives and killed as he pleased but now in his new body of a young weak boy he must prepare for war. He must survive his new war torn world in the body of a small weak boy. He must also learn how to interact with his new family.

Chapter 1A new start

The tall muscular man named Jasper had just escaped his prison. Upon discovering his freedom he had immediately gone on a killing spree. He killed the men who had freed him from his underground prison. He loved the feel of his hands being washed in the blood of his kills.

Jaspers dark navy eyes lit with glee as he watched the light of life leave the eyes of the man he held by the throat. Jasper held the man with one hand holding him up high in the air choking him to death. Jasper finally let the man he had choked to death go and grinned. He looked towards a boy who was cowering on the ground surrounded by the men he had just killed.

Jasper chuckled and spoke, "Boy, tell those fools of the guard, Jasper is back. Now go" Jasper laughed darkly as he watched the boy run away in fright.

Jasper had been locked away in the spellbound cave behind him for several thousand years and as luck would have it; these foolish tomb raiders had freed him. He had been imprisoned so many years ago due to his ruthless cold-blooded murders. He had no issues with killing, in fact he reveled in it.

He should have lost some if not most of his power and strength during his time locked away but little did his capturers know that he would not only not lose strength but grow stronger. Jasper had spent these years training and enhancing his control over his powers. He was now many times stronger than before and it was now time for his revenge.

He started to walk off into the desert that surrounded the prison that had been his home for these few thousand years. He grinned walking not even bothering to look back as a wind swept across the bodies covering ground turning them into a bloody mist that sank into the ground staining the ground a brutal red.

Jasper grinned walking into the desert ready to go on a killing spree. He was going to enjoy himself in his killing and destroying his enemies. He had almost forgotten what it felt like to kill and what the sweet smell of his enemies' blood smelled like.


Jasper sighed boredly as he sat on a throne. He had long taken over the world as after he had exited his prison he had discovered his enemies had long passed away. There was none who could challenge him and becoming king of the world was easy. It didn't even alleviate his boredom or anger from being locked away for all those years.

He only found entertainment when he 'trained' his army or went on a killing spree. To him it was amusing to watch as they struggled to even withstand a casual punch from him. Although he didn't kill his soldiers he made things hard for them to toughen them up some. Only when they were tougher would he find a real challenge to alleviate his boredom.

He did find a game to play though that did bring him some entertainment. It was a three dimensional called Challenge. It is a game based on the doings of war including the soldiers, spy's and citizens. The game was played by three people normally to create more unknown variables with the citizens part of the game. He enjoyed it due to the realistic nature of the game.

Although he had a few things to entertain himself with he was bored with ruling over such weak minded fools who didn't even dare challenge him. Of course his rule would never last. He never expected it to, to begin with. Though it was after he had ruled for a hundred years and how he was overturned that surprised him and threw him into a new path he had never expected.

The main thing that really made him surprised was who had planned this and actually accomplished it. His own General of his armies. Jaspers second in command Dean. Jasper of course never trusted anyone but he was really surprised purely because he always assumed Dean to not be that smart. He never thought Dean was stupid but never thought of him as that smart.

In the end Jasper had fallen into the trap dean had laid for him. He was then run through by many spears and stepped on by Dean. Jasper had laughed madly coughing up blood as he lay on the ground dying. His last words had been he would return and get his revenge.


Jasper groaned the darkness fading, as it did he was filled with pain; a pain he had never experienced before. He felt extremely weak and was having trouble breathing properly from the pain. He slowly opened his eyes and what he saw was nothing he had ever seen before.

He was looking at a white roof with lights he had never seen before. He then looked around gritting his teeth from the pain and saw many machines and things he couldn't understand what they could be for. He then spotted two men looking at him expectantly seemingly overjoyed to see him awake. What he heard from them then made him bewildered and struggling to understand.

"young Master! We are so glad you're awake!"

Jasper looked at the men bewildered and confused trying to figure out what was going on. Before he could figure anything out he fell back into the darkness but this time memories flashed in front of him. He was seeing someone else's life! He then saw a shadowed boy who whispered to him.

"I'll leave everything to you.. I hope you can do what I never could…"

Jasper tried to call out to ask what was going on but before he could even call out the shadowed boy was already gone and everything went black. He tried to fight it but was unable.

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