
Library (2)

Jasper yawned and stood putting a book back up before stretching. He was stiff and needed to really stretch out. He was also hungry. He needed to get some lunch before he continued his research into the military structures and more. He had gotten the handle of the war strategies of this world already and was ready to move on.

War strategy took the longest to study for its complexities. As such he decided to research it first before anything else. He figured it out a lot faster then he originally thought it would as it wasn't much different from his original worlds. The biggest dire range was the lack of magic and as such the strategies never relied on magic but would rely on position, luck and men. It also relied on the skills of men, guerilla tactics, guns and ambush.

In his previous life they mostly relied on the magic of their force or their superior numbers to win although at times there were ambushes but rarely did anyone use guerilla tactics as it wasn't honorable to most men. He had little qualms using them himself as he cared little for honor but more for fun and his life.

As such when he planned for battle he took into account what was the funnest. Although before he became the strongest in his previous world he had often just planned for getting through alive while also winning if he could. He had only cared for his own life and having as much fun as he could. He had little thought for others or anything else.

Although now he had to think about things in a much bigger picture. He didn't have the luxury he had then. He was much weaker and surrounded by those much stronger than himself. He couldn't go off on his own and train by himself or pull the dangerous stunts he had in his previous life to grow stronger. He could only train like a normal person much like everyone else.

He couldn't train in his way but at least he had managed to get his foundations up before coming to basic training. He didn't mind this world's training as it focused on the basics of the fiscal instead of a sword technique or a certain weapon style which ruined the basics of one at times. People had forgotten basics would always prevail when a technique or style would fail.

He couldn't count the number of times he had been saved by the basics he had built up due to never having a master. He had to admit there had been some benefits to being a poor orphan. He had never had a master and could only practice the basics of fighting. Due to this he had a very strong understanding of the basics. Although he was currently weak he still could rely on those basics to save his life in a pinch.

He still needed to strengthen his inner basics but his physical basics were growing stronger as the days passed and didn't need to worry much about them. For now he needed to focus on growing stronger and learning more about this world and it's military. Only then would he be able to grow in strength and knowledge.

Jasper got lunch before going back to his reading this time focusing on the history of the military. To his discovery his grandfather Chance had created it in the image of an old country's military strength. He had separated the different types of fighters into sections to improve their strengths. He had made a few troops with snipers, airmen, infantry and navy.

There were few airmen as there were few how could go into it and fewer still the aircrafts needed. There were some navy men but as the only body of water they had nearby was a large lake there wasn't much need for them. Due to this the military might of the city was mainly the Infantry and snipers. Although there weren't many snipers due to the need for good vision, hearing and physical strength.

Jasper read finding this information both interesting and helpful. He needed to know this information for future reference and use. With this knowledge he could plan ahead during battles with what strategies he saw. He could help prevent his own loss of life and kill more enemies.

Although he still needed to grow stronger. He needed to train more. He had three more weeks to train and needed to get stronger by a long shot. He had much to do to get stronger. He needed to get at the least twice as strong as he was now. He would grow in strength as he went and survive.

He put up the book he was reading as he noticed the time. He headed out to go get his dinner before going to his tent to sleep. He ate a simple dinner before he walked to his tent. Jeff and Ryan caught up to him as he walked. He looked at them and sighed, walking ignoring their goofy smiles. He really didn't like the way they smiled like that. It made him think of a child or an idiot.

He walked into his tent before saying night to the two, getting them to leave before they started a barrage of questions about his previous life. He could only chase them off for now but it was needed. He needed his sleep and peace of mind. He couldn't understand why they kept bothering him with random questions.

Jasper changed into his night clothes and stretched. He yawned before laying down on his bed. He wrapped himself in the blanket before closing his eyes. He soon drifted off to sleep.

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