
Breakfast (2)

Jasper sat down at the table and looked at his grandfather who sat across from him. He looked at him and noticed his eyes. His grandfather's eyes were the same blue eyes, much like reflecting pools of water, he had. He had noticed before his father didn't have his eyes and thought he might have gotten them from his mother but now I guessed not.

He looked at his grandfather and asked, "My eyes came from you?" His grandfather looked at him and smiled brightly, "Why yes of course. Now, what do you want to eat?" He paused, "eggs I guess.." His grandfather grinned and called over the waiter.

The waiter looked at them and smiled, "Young master Jasper, Grandmaster Chance glad you could come today. I'm glad to see the young master is well enough to come here. Now, what can I get you to eat?" Jasper's grandfather, Chance, spoke, "Can we get two plates of eggs, bacon and toast?" The waiter nodded, "Of course. Coming right up."

Jasper watched the waitress walk off before looking at his grandfather. He hadn't known what his grandfather's name was. The previous owner had never bothered to pay attention while himself hadn't gotten the chance to find out till now. He looked at his grandfather and started to wonder why they had the same color of eyes.

"Grandfather, Why is it we have the same color of eyes but my father has brown eyes?" Chance looked at him surprised, "oh, I'm not sure. Your father had gotten his mother's eyes.."

Jasper could hear the sadness in his grandfather's voice and asked, "how long has grandmother been gone now?" Chance looked at Jasper, "Four years now… She was the best. Do you remember when you were little? You wouldn't leave her side and even fought me for her attention."

He could hear the sadness in his grandfather's voice but also saw a glimmer of love in his eyes. He had the memories of the previous owner and could remember those things the previous owner had done. Although the previous owner was close to his grandmother he felt nothing for his grandmother. In his previous life he had never had anyone who cared for him so understanding why his grandfather missed his grandmother was difficult.

Although it was difficult he knew stepping on old injuries could cause issues as such he remained slight thinking. Though he was still curious about their eyes he would leave his questions for now as he knew he had asked the wrong question. Perhaps he would ask later for now he didn't dare make an enemy of this grandfather of his.

He looked up as their plates were brought over and set in front of them. He picked up the fork on the table and began to eat silently. It also seemed his grandfather was intending to remain silent as well. Asking him about his grandmother had been a bad call Jasper now realized.

He really had much to learn when talking to others. He didnt know which topics were safe to talk about and which weren't. He needed to learn fast or he would end up making the wrong enemy when the time came. He might even get himself killed with his misplaced words.

He was now really starting to regret his inexperience with talking to others. Before he only talked with others when necessary and was domineering. Now he needed to be respectful or risk angering someone stronger than himself. This actually made him think about going back to his previous lifestyle and leave this family of his and train.

He decided against it as he still didn't know much about this world he was now in. He was also not as strong as he had been even when he had been a child before he truly got strong in his previous life. He couldn't understand why the previous owner never trained when in this world war was everywhere. He didn't even know why the wars in this world came to be.

With this thought he looked to his grandfather and asked, "Grandfather, why is this world filled with so many wars?" Chance looked at him, surprise written on his face but spoke after a moment, "ah, I guess you wouldn't know.. it happened long before you were born. When I was still very young a bomb containing a virus was released by an enemy of our country at that time."

Chance looked down a moment before continuing, "there were large counties back then and rarely any wars. But after the virus was released many got sick. Many died and only those who could resist the virus lived. The country who released the virus didn't expect their virus to mutate and spread across the entire world infecting everyone. It was anarchy after that. After some time cities like our own were built as safe zones and to keep them safe we need to fight. Only by fighting can we keep our families safe."

Jasper nodded softly, "Why fight though?" Chance smiled, "There are people greedy for power who would take what or who they wanted. As such, now there are cities like ours which fight for power or just keeping our families safe."

Jasper nodded softly, falling silent thinking. He now had an understanding of why wars were happening all the time. Although he now wanted to know about this virus.

"Grandfather, what about the virus?" Chance smiled, "It is still around but we are all immune to it now. It can't harm us anymore."

Jasper nodded. He now knew why there were not others who were constantly sick from this virus but then he frowned. If the virus had mutated before why didn't it continue mutating to make people sick? He didn't understand this but when he looked to his grandfather to ask he knew it would be pointless. At least this is what he thought.

Jasper finished his food thinking about the state of the world he lived in. The way things were now was even worse than his previous world. In his previous world there had been a supreme power so major wars rarely broke out. Strength was all that mattered but there were laws and that pesky guard that enforced the laws of the world. In this world there was no such thing and as such everything was fair game.

He smirked slightly as they stood and left after his grandfather paid. He could go all out with no concerns of angering any massive powers in this world. There were no rules of combat. As such once he gained the strength there was no one who could stop him for going and slaughtering all of his enemies.

Even when he had been the ruler of his previous world he still had to restrain himself as there were still powers that could put a stop to him and do things far worse than just killing him. Just as that pesky guard had locked him away for thousands of years. He would rather be killed then suffer that again. It had nearly driven him insane; not that he was really sane to begin with.

He had hated not being able to kill for such a long time although thinking such things he knew it was because of then that he could endure not killing for now. He knew in only seven weeks he would be in the middle of a battlefield and be allowed to kill as much as he wanted as such he could be patient and not kill anyone currently.

For now he needed to focus on getting stronger. In three weeks he'd be sent into this boot camp his grandfather and father prepared for him. That would be the best time for him to grow stronger but for these next three weeks he needed to build up his foundational strength. If he neglected his foundational strength he knew the consequences could easily cost him his life.

In his previous life he hadn't known this and nearly gotten himself killed before he had gotten himself locked away for thousands of years. In those years he built his foundation and grew much stronger than any before him had. So he really knew the benefits of having a strong foundation. He would be building his foundations to grow stronger.

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