
Guns (2)

Jasper trained the rest of the day, sparring with Ryan and Jeff, with Thomas supervising. Jasper punched Ryan right after dodging a kick from Jeff. He was already panting soaked from his sweat. He was barely keeping up with Ryan and Jeff and he could tell they weren't even going all out against him.

Jasper panted, jumping back to put some distance from Ryan and Jeff. He was managing not to be put into a bind as of right now as he would occasionally throw in a move from his previous life that allowed him to momentarily change the flow of the fight.

He never used the same move twice though as it gave him better opportunities to surprise Ryan and Jeff in the fight. Although on occasion he would slip up or even miss due to the lack of strength he had or agility.

He kept going though forcing himself to continue on. He only had a few weeks left before he would be sent to the battlefield. He couldn't afford to slack off for even one day. He had to use everyday he had to grow stronger or learn something to be more prepared.

The sparring he was doing everyday helped him to fight with real people and build his muscle strength to be able to move fast enough in any fight. He didn't want to lack in any area so he was training in an all round way. He was working on both gaining strength as well as speed and stamina.

He did not want to be caught off guard or in any way left vulnerable. He was going to survive the battlefield not be killed in it. He was going to kill his enemies before they killed him. He needed the speed and strength to do so. Although he also needed solid foundations for his fighting skills to work.

He could not infect them as if he had a weak foundation he could be killed or captured. He wasn't afraid to be killed but he loathed the idea of being locked away like he was in his previous life. He would certainly go insane if he was locked away from any others. He couldn't handle that kind of mental torment once again.

They ended their sparring and jasper crouched panting from exhaustion. He needed to work harder. He headed to his tent to sleep for the night not feeling hungry in the least. He entered his tent and lay down not even nothing to remove his military wear.

Jasper woke the next morning and went on his morning run. He finished his run before being ushered to the shooting grounds where the corporal was teaching them how to shoot their guns.

Jasper walked up and went to one of the spots to shoot being handed a gun. Jasper lined up and listened on how to shoot a gun before the group he was in was given the go to shoot their guns.

Jasper brought the gun up putting the butt of the gun on his shoulder. He looked down the scope of the gun lining up the hairs on the target before putting his finger on the trigger and pulled it. The kick from the gun nearly made him drop back onto his butt. He luckily reacted fast enough and only stumbled backwards a few feet.

Shock was written all over his face. He had been told the gun would kick but it still surprised him greatly. He took a deep breath before getting back in one and fixed the way he was standing and fired another shot. This time he didn't move back and he could tell he managed to hit the target.

He fired another shot before they were called to stop firing. Jasper put his gun on safety as he had been shown how yesterday and looked to corporal Sann who told them to go get their target papers. While leaving their guns with him.

Jasper set his gun down with the others before going out onto the field walking out to his target. He reached his target and took it down. It was just a piece of paper with a bullseye on it sitting on a board. He then looked at where his shots landed on the target.

He had one hole on the paper close to the center and another a little further out and the last on the very edge of the paper.He took his target up to Sann and he looked at it before nodding.

"Not half bad private for your first time shooting a gun. Now I will admit watching you nearly fall flat on your ass on your first shot that was funny. Get some more practice in and I think you'll survive" Jasper nodded softly before walking off.

Jasper sighed softly to calm himself not liking to be made fun of. He looked at corporal sann coldly before he heard someone talk to him. He turned and looked at the one who spoke and saw it was someone from the groups he was shooting with.

"Hey, don't take it to heart. Corporal Sann is like that with everyone. And being honest I landed flat on my back the first time I fired a gun. I saw your first shot and am quite impressed you managed to keep your feet." Jasper frowned softly looking at the man who was smiling happily.

The man seemed to notice his frown and spoke, "Oh sorry I'm Private Conrad Truman" Jasper nodded softly, "Private Jasper Irumi" Conrad blinked, "Nice. What are you doing after this class?" Jasper spoke, "training."

Conrad nodded softly, "fun.. they must be working you to death right?" Jasper shook his head, "I need to get stronger so I'm training." Conrad blinked, "oh, you must be delimited. Well if you need any help you can come and find me. I'll even spar with you" Conrad smiled.

Jasper nodded softly, "OK then" He walked off as Sann called them over to teach them more about guns and how to shoot them better. Jasper listened making mental note of what he needed to do.

Jasper finished his class and headed out to go train. He went over to the nearby obstacle course and started to run it. He took a few breaks now and then to drink some water and catch his breath before he continued until Thomas called him over to spar.