
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
50 Chs

Chapter 46: Backstabber Aizen

[Donquixote Vergil POV]

Vergil's gaze remained fixed on the battlefield as Sengoku's words echoed in his ears. Just as the Fleet Admiral assured him of the Pacifista's imminent intervention, they materialized on the shore, led by Sentomaru, their mechanical arms emitting lethal beams of energy that lanced through the air toward Black Star's formidable robot army.

"BOOM!" The resounding explosions rent the air as numerous robots met their swift demise, disintegrating into nothingness under the relentless assault of the Pacifista. But with the chaotic battleground in full swing, collateral damage was inevitable. As the laser beams scorched through the mechanical army, some of the marine soldiers, too close to the line of fire, found themselves caught in the crossfire. For every ten robots that were eradicated, a marine soldier fell, and three others were left injured.

Nonetheless, the Pacifista indeed bolstered the marines' power, enabling them to mount a more effective resistance against the relentless robot army. However, Vergil couldn't ignore the glaring limitation of these mechanical giants. They lacked the ability to enhance the marines' top-level combat power, leaving them ill-equipped to counter the overwhelming might of Black Star, Fang Yuan, and Whitebeard, who continued their unchecked rampage across Marineford.

As this dire situation unfolded before his eyes, Vergil, still standing resolute on the execution platform, felt the weight of responsibility pressing upon him. In a swift display of Armament Haki, he shrouded his leg and unleashed a powerful kick, sending Garp hurtling off the platform where he had been conversing with Ace. Simultaneously, he shouted at the legendary Vice Admiral, his voice carrying both urgency and command. "Make yourself useful, Garp! Stop the pirates!"

As he observed Garp being propelled off the platform by his powerful kick, crashing into the midst of the pirates, Vergil's mood experienced a noticeable uplift. 'With the legendary Marine Hero in action, the tide of this war may just turn in our favor.'

Yet, his newfound optimism was short-lived, swiftly crushed by an unforeseen turn of events that defied his imagination. On the distant horizon, an armada of ships suddenly materialized, each one bearing the unmistakable Jolly Roger of a single pirate crew.

In the heart of that imposing armada, a colossal ship stood tall, the Queen Mama Chanter, the flagship of the Big Mom Pirates. Among the chaos, Vergil's keen eyes swiftly discerned the presence of Big Mom herself, accompanied by all four of her Sweet Commanders.

"Big Mom!" He couldn't contain his astonishment and frustration, his voice booming as he turned his gaze toward Sengoku, demanding an immediate explanation. But as his eyes met Sengoku's, he could see that the Fleet Admiral wore an expression of sheer bewilderment, a look that mirrored Vergil's own sense of incredulity. It became evident that Sengoku was equally in the dark about this unexpected development.

As the Queen Mama Chanter and her fleet closed in, a horde of Big Mom Pirates surged onto the shore, their elite forces boldly engaging the Pacifista.

"Boom! Boom!" The Pacifista fell one by one under the relentless assault of Big Mom's crew.

But amid this chaotic onslaught, Vergil couldn't help but notice something bizarre about the Big Mom pirates. They moved in an odd, puppet-like fashion, their actions strangely coordinated as if manipulated by invisible strings. His sharp observation led him to conclude that many of the formidable pirates appeared to be under some mysterious form of control, casting an eerie shadow over the already perplexing situation.

Vergil's perplexity only deepened as he caught sight of a mysterious man perched on Big Mom's shoulder, a figure he couldn't place within the context of the One Piece world as he knew it. Doubts swirled in his mind, casting shadows on the certainty of his current reality. However, he quickly realized that this enigmatic presence was likely one of the invaders alluded to by his enigmatic system.

'Who is that man perched on Big Mom's shoulder?' Vergil questioned inwardly, his uncertainty about this strange turn of events deepening. The appearance of this mysterious figure left him pondering whether this world truly matched the One Piece he remembered from his previous life. However, his sharp instincts quickly kicked in, and he realized that this enigmatic newcomer was likely one of the invaders mentioned by his system.

Before he could delve further into this unexpected development, a sudden exclamation from Black Star caught his attention. "Klein! I still planned on hacking the Pacifista, they would have been such a convenient asset!" 

Just when Vergil thought matters couldn't possibly get any worse, a distinct ringing emanated from Sengoku's Den Den Mushi. "purururu purururu purururu gacha!"

With a sense of trepidation, Sengoku answered the call, only to be hit with another shocking revelation. "Help! Blackbeard just led another prison break in Impel Down and is now heading straight for Marineford!"

The call was undoubtedly a desperate plea for assistance from Impel Down. While this news was undoubtedly shocking for Sengoku, Vergil, who possessed knowledge of the events from the anime, remained eerily composed. It was the next line that threatened to send him spiraling into madness.

The voice on the Den Den Mushi, weak and filled with despair, continued to relay the grim news. "After Blackbeard left, Impel Down suffered another wave of attacks! Kaido, with his entire Beast Pirates, descended upon Impel Down, spearheading an assault to free Calamity Jack! And as if that wasn't enough, he orchestrated another massive prison break, liberating all remaining inmates and forcibly enlisting them into his crew! To add to the chaos, he eventually brought down the entire prison!"

Sengoku, despite being acutely aware that time was now a luxury he couldn't afford, found himself compelled to extract more details, demanding, "Casualty report!" He had no time to form complete sentences, the urgency of the situation demanded quick, concise information.

The voice on the Den Den Mushi continued to deliver a devastating report, painting a picture of immense loss and tragedy. "Chief Warden Magellan and the four Jailer Beasts have sunk to the bottom of the ocean, presumed dead. Alongside them, 90% of all personnel working within the bowels of Impel Down lost their lives. The fortunate few managed to escape on a ship just before the prison's catastrophic collapse. However, among the survivors, over half are grievously injured, and we expect that at least a fifth of them won't survive due to their severe wounds."

These words struck Vergil and Sengoku with a sense of grim realization. Even if they were to miraculously emerge victorious at Marineford, they'd still have to contend with the World Government's wrath, not only for the staggering losses on the battlefield but also for the obliteration of Impel Down itself. The implications of this catastrophe weighed heavily on their minds as they continued to navigate the chaos unfolding around them.

As the weight of the impending repercussions bore down on them, both Vergil and Sengoku realized the inescapable truth, no one, not even Vergil, a member of the Tenryūbito, would emerge from this unscathed. Vergil, in particular, had been a prominent supporter of launching a war against the Whitebeard Pirates, going so far as to oversee it himself. 

Both of them knew that the World Government would eagerly assign blame, and Sengoku would likely be a prime target. While Vergil may survive with a light punishment, for Sengoku, anything better than death would be a good outcome.

However, amidst this grim realization, a glimmer of hope emerged within Sengoku. He understood that if he could amass enough achievements in the current chaotic situation, he might secure his life and freedom. With this newfound determination, he made a decision. 

Leaving the execution platform behind, he headed straight for Whitebeard and Big Mom. He had already resolved that one of them would meet their end in the upcoming confrontation. 

This way, Sengoku believed he had two possible outcomes, he could secure the crucial achievements needed to safeguard his own life, or he could go down as a hero, sacrificing himself for a chance at victory. Either way, he was determined to make a stand in this pivotal moment.

As Vergil stood alone on the execution platform, a burning determination coursed through him. His thoughts were consumed by a singular, vengeful purpose. "Ace, this is all your fault!" he muttered with a cold, resentful tone. "I will put an end to your life here and now."

With his sword raised and his heart filled with fury, Vergil advanced towards Ace, every step bringing him closer to the culmination of his vengeful intent.

"Argh," a cry escaped Vergil's lips as an agonizing pain surged through his body. In an instant, his vision blurred as he felt the warm, wet sensation of blood in his mouth. Something was terribly wrong.

He twisted around, his eyes widening in sheer horror as he beheld the figure standing behind him. It was none other than Aizen Sōsuke. A sinister smile played on Aizen's lips, a stark contrast to the chaos and violence of the battlefield. 

Vergil's chest was pierced by Aizen's Kyōka Suigetsu from the back. Its blade had slipped through Vergil's defenses like a shadow in the night, delivering a devastating blow straight into his heart.

As the pain intensified, Vergil's thoughts raced, struggling to comprehend the surreal turn of events. Aizen had seized this moment of chaos to strike with lethal precision. His actions were calculated, his intentions inscrutable.

In that chilling moment, Vergil realized that he had fallen victim to Aizen's cunning machinations, and his fate now hung by the thinnest thread.

"HELP! Assassination!!!" Vergil's voice trembled with sheer terror as he screamed for aid. The taste of blood lingered in his mouth, an unceasing trickle flowing from the grievous wound in his chest. His heart, battered and punctured, continued to beat against all odds, fueled solely by the indomitable willpower that defined him. Ordinary mortals would have succumbed to death's cold embrace, but Vergil was no ordinary man, he was a student, acknowledged by the Holy Knights and chosen as the successor of the first to resign.

At the sound of Vergil's desperate cry, the entire battlefield was momentarily thrust into a surreal silence, a collective gasp escaping the lips of those who bore witness to the inexplicable. Confusion and shock painted the faces of all who turned their gaze upon the scene, their minds struggling to comprehend the impossible. 

From the perspective of the upper echelons of the marines, a disturbing event had unfolded before their eyes, shrouded in surreal mystery. What they perceived was the aftermath of a shocking intrusion into Vergil's being. Blood oozed from the grievous wound, yet they remained oblivious to the presence of the weapon responsible for this gruesome injury. The blade that had pierced Vergil's body eluded their senses, and Aizen, the orchestrator of this perplexing act, remained hidden from their view.

On the other hand, the lower-ranking marines and the assembled pirates had an unobstructed view of the unfolding drama. Their eyes bore witness to Vice Admiral Aizen's deliberate and unhurried approach to the execution platform. Each step exuded an air of elegance, far removed from any semblance of urgency.

As Aizen ascended the platform, their gaze remained fixated on the enigmatic vice admiral. The drawn sword, gleaming malevolently in the sunlight, was the instrument of their shock and disbelief. Aizen drove it mercilessly through Saint Vergil's chest, leaving the onlookers in a state of profound astonishment. 

"Vice Admiral Aizen betrayed the marines!" The exclamation rang out, drawing the attention of those in higher positions. Their ears caught the cry, but their eyes remained deceived by the illusion of Kyōka Suigetsu, concealing Aizen and his sinister blade from their view.

Vergil, his gaze still locked onto Aizen in stunned disbelief, clutched the sword embedded in his body. He struggled to form words through the pain and shock. "How... how can this be?"

In that moment, a torrent of memories surged into Vergil's consciousness, memories of his past life now unfolded with startling clarity. He no longer held a vague inkling about the Aizen his System had warned him of, instead, the identity of this figure became as lucid as day.

"Sōsuke Aizen," Vergil muttered with a feeble voice, the words accompanied by a gruesome expulsion of liters of blood. The revelation had left him in a state of profound shock and disbelief.

[Sensing the host is dying!] 

[Activating emergency protocol!] 

[Beginning to heal the host!]

The System of Vergil had gained independence, and it wasted no time initiating its emergency protocol. The soothing waves of healing energy surged through Vergil's wounded body. "Now that is the treatment I deserve!" he mumbled, his initial satisfaction palpable. 

However, his elation swiftly transformed into frustration as he realized the futility of this respite, for the sword remained lodged within him. He had refrained from attempting to remove the blade earlier, fully aware that doing so would only expedite his impending demise. 

Almost on the verge of gratitude toward his System, Vergil's feelings took an abrupt about-face, and he cursed it vehemently. "Fucking System, utterly incapable of assisting me!"

[Host has been deemed as beyond saving!] 

[Initiating Divine Descend!]

"ARGHHH! I... REFUSE... to... DIE!" Vergil's desperate cry echoed through the tumultuous battlefield. His voice, strained and defiant, battled against the encroaching loss of control over his own body, a last stand against the inexorable pull of fate, that he slowly but surely lost.

"The Prime Author of Existence; 

The Arbiter of Individuality; 

The Sovereign of Self-Awareness."

The system compelled Vergil to intone these sacred titles, each word resonating with an undeniable weight, representing the deity that reigned supreme in this world. As the words flowed from his lips, he felt an inexplicable connection between himself and this divine entity, an intricate fusion of identities.

"I offer thee my body, for you are me and I am you!" he proclaimed with unwavering conviction. In that moment, Vergil surrendered to forces beyond his comprehension, relinquishing control over his very being. It was as if he had died in one sense, yet remained undeniably alive, forever changed, and forever bound to this entity.

An ethereal radiance bathed 'Vergil' in a resplendent golden aura. His once-human eyes now gleamed with an otherworldly, divine light.