
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 47: Divine Descent (1)

[Yuki POV]

"The Prime Author of Existence; 

The Arbiter of Individuality; 

The Sovereign of Self-Awareness.

I offer thee my body, for you are me and I am you!" 

As the words echoed through the chaotic battlefield, Yuki, like every other soul present at Marineford, couldn't escape their resonance. It was as though the very essence of divinity permeated the air. Despite having never felt divinity before, it was as if his instincts told him that this is the divinity of a god.

[Death of the Reincarnator detected!] The abrupt announcement from his chat group pierced through the overwhelming atmosphere of the battlefield.

In that moment, Yuki's senses were overwhelmed by an indescribable presence. It was as if a cosmic force had descended upon the battlefield, casting a profound and inexplicable aura. He couldn't help but wonder if this was the manifestation of the deity referred to in the chant.

"Imbeciles, how dare you invade this world!" Then suddenly a voice could be heard from the execution platform. This voice held a kind of allure that made people want to surrender to it. Many pirates and marines alike began to kneel as soon as they heard this voice. Among them even some of the few Vice Admirals Fang Yuan did not capture and Division Commanders of Whitebeard's crew.

"This voice … it invokes in me a sense of having achieved all I ever wanted" Even All Might, who just woke up from his unconscious state, was greatly affected, nearly prostrating in front of it.

As the voice resonated across Marineford, it was as if an invisible hand reached into the very souls of those who heard it, compelling them to submit to its authority. It was a force that transcended mere words, a sensation of ultimate power and control that left those present in awe. All around, individuals from all walks of life, be they pirates, or marines, were irresistibly drawn to this commanding presence, feeling as though their deepest desires were within reach



[Divine Interference Detected!] 

[Dispatching Reinforcement!] 

[Mission Updated] 

[Objective: Survive until reinforcement arrives!]

'This is bad! This is fucking terrible' Yuki began to curse inwardly, glancing to his comrades who made similarly bad expressions, obviously from noticing the announcement of the chat group. Although none of them knew the exact details and what it meant, all of them expected the worst the moment they saw it.

The abrupt warnings flashing across Yuki's vision sent a chilling shock down his spine. His heart raced, and he couldn't help but exchange alarmed glances with his comrades. The ominous nature of the situation was palpable, even though the specifics remained shrouded in uncertainty. The mission update only fueled their anxiety, and the collective unease among the group grew more profound by the second.

Abruptly, the entire battle in Marineford came to a halt. Pirates and marines ceased their relentless clashes, as if influenced by a higher power. Then, as if unified against a common foe, both pirate and marine alike abandoned their animosities and surged forward, converging on Yuki and the other members of the chat group.

The spectacle of these once-vicious adversaries suddenly turning towards them sent a chill through Yuki's spine. It was a surreal and unnerving sight, the sheer force of their combined advance giving him a sense of impending doom. However, the group members stood ready to defend themselves against this unexpected threat.

Yet amidst the chaos, one figure stood out. All Might chose a different path. Rather than retaliating, he opted to flee from the onslaught, driven by his determination not to harm the innocent, even when they were under the control of an unknown force.

As time passed, the influence of that enigmatic force seemed to grow stronger, extending its grasp over the battlefield. What had initially compelled the cannon-fodder pirates and marines now began to draw Rear Admirals, Vice Admirals, and even Admirals into its malevolent sway. It was as if an insidious aura emanating from this mysterious entity had intensified, spreading its control like wildfire.

Yuki, recognizing the mounting danger, acted swiftly. With a series of precise gestures, he invoked a teleportation spell. In an instant, he materialized beside Fang Yuan and hoisted him up, his movements fluid and practiced. Without hesitation, Yuki repeated the spell, snatching Black Star from the midst of the chaos.

He wasn't done yet. Yuki's magical prowess allowed him to execute this rescue operation with remarkable speed and precision. Two more times, he invoked "Shift," whisking away the remaining members of the group until they were all gathered around him.

However, there was one presence he dared not approach recklessly. Aizen, standing near the epicenter of the divine aura on the execution platform, seemed impervious to its control. It was as though he existed beyond its influence, a fact that sent shivers down Yuki's spine. Instead, he and the rest of the group members gathered around their fellow comrades, their gazes cautiously fixed on Aizen.

Amidst the chaos that had enveloped Marineford, confusion reigned supreme. All Might found himself utterly perplexed by the sudden turn of events.

"What's going on?" he inquired, his brows furrowing in bewilderment. The hero within him sought answers in the midst of this inexplicable lull.

"This... This reminds me of Beyonders of the Spectator Pathway," Klein offered, his voice tinged with suspicion. His mind raced to piece together the puzzle. "But compared to everything I've experienced before, this... this happened on a much grander scale."

After all, if the chat group had the means to cross into other worlds, why couldn't others possess similar abilities in this vast multiverse?

As Yuki and his companions found themselves caught in the whirlwind of confusion and the onslaught of marines and pirates under some mysterious influence, a sudden interruption jolted them from their hasty discussion.

"Hell Hound," the voice of Akainu cut through the chaos. His Armament Haki-infused magma fist hurtled toward the group with deadly intent. Time seemed to slow as the attack bore down on them, threatening to obliterate everything in its path.

Instinctively, Black Star sprang into action. With unparalleled agility, he evaded Akainu's devastating strike, narrowly escaping the fiery grasp of the magma. Then, in a breathtaking display of strength, Black Star countered with a powerful punch aimed directly at Akainu's gut.

The impact was catastrophic. Black Star's fist met Akainu with full force, the clash sending shockwaves rippling through the battlefield. Akainu was violently propelled backward, his formidable might no match for Black Star's relentless assault. The Admiral was sent hurtling through the air once across the entire marineford, his menacing presence temporarily subdued by the sheer force of the blow.

Yet, in the midst of this intense battle, there was no time to celebrate their small victory. The admirals were relentless, and another threat loomed on the horizon.

"Yasakani no Magatama," Kizaru intoned, unleashing a torrent of deadly light particles in their direction. Yuki reacted swiftly, casting a barrier spell that deflected the lethal particles, shielding the group from harm. Not content with mere defense, Yuki launched a counterattack, delivering a powerful kick that sent Kizaru sprawling across the battlefield.

However, the admirals were not so easily deterred. Kizaru, who had consumed the Pika Pika no Mi Devil Fruit, possessed incredible speed. In the blink of an eye, he closed the distance, ready to resume his assault.

As if the admirals weren't enough, other combatants also joined the fray, launching their attacks in a coordinated effort to overwhelm Yuki and his companions. Fang Yuan and All Might, however, proved to be formidable allies. With unmatched skill and strength, they swiftly dispatched the incoming threats, ensuring that the group's defenses remained intact.

All Might, although formidable, felt the weight of the situation pressing upon them. His reluctance to harm the mind-controlled combatants had begun to change as he now realized that, in the face of an enemy that controlled even the highest-ranking officers of the Marines, he had little choice but to defend themselves.

Yet, as the battle raged on, Yuki couldn't help but feel a growing sense of urgency. The admirals' relentless assault showed no signs of letting up, and Kizaru, with his incredible speed, was a persistent threat, no matter how often he got kicked away, he always returned. The need for a plan became increasingly evident.

'Annoying Kizaru, let's try this!' Yuki thought, a new strategy forming in his mind. His companions fought valiantly by his side, but they needed more time to figure out how to best react to this mysterious interference.

"Shift," he cast, channeling his magic to forcibly teleport Kizaru away from their immediate vicinity. The blindingly fast admiral vanished, sent to an unknown location in the New World. Yuki wasn't entirely sure where he had sent Kizaru, but he knew that the admiral would need considerable time to return to Marineford from such a distance.

In the distance, Aokiji lay unconscious, his battle with Black Star having taken a severe toll on him. Even if he were to awaken, his terrible injuries would render him incapable of joining the fight.

As a result, for a brief moment, they had a respite from the Admirals' relentless onslaught. The battlefield had momentarily quieted, providing a precious pause in the chaos. Despite this, the enigmatic force that had disrupted the battle still loomed large, and their mission to survive until reinforcements arrived was far from over.

Despite having temporarily removed the admirals from the equation, the situation grew increasingly dire by the second. Sengoku, Garp, and Whitebeard had set aside their differences and were now approaching as a unified force. Their intent was clear, to confront Yuki and his group, their combined might a formidable challenge that threatened to overwhelm them.

"I'll quickly get Aizen, guard for a second," Yuki announced, his plan to teleport to Aizen on the execution platform and then disappear with the entire group, awaiting the promised reinforcement.

"Shift," Yuki cast, but unexpectedly his teleportation spell did not succeed. Panic began to seep in as he tried again but the magic failed to respond. It was as if an invisible force was preventing him from reaching Aizen.

'What happened?' Yuki thought, his mind racing to find an explanation. He couldn't afford to make a mistake now, their lives depended on his ability to teleport them to safety. Desperation crept in as he cast "Shift" a third time, with no change in the result. He remained rooted to the spot.

'Has something interfered with my teleportation spell, or does the immediate presence of that unknown entity block teleportation in its vicinity?' Yuki speculated, his thoughts a whirlwind of uncertainty amidst the chaos of battle. It was a puzzle he needed to solve quickly if they were to survive this ever-escalating confrontation.

As Yuki stood there, unable to teleport, he could feel the eyes of his companions on him. Suspicion and concern were etched across their faces. They had come to rely on his magic to navigate these perilous situations, and his current inability to perform one of his most crucial spells was unsettling.

"What's going on, Yuki?" Klein asked, his tone laced with concern and confusion.

"Yeah, you've never had trouble with your teleportation trick before," Black Star chimed in, his eyes fixed on Yuki. 

He knew he had to explain himself, to provide some reassurance to his comrades who were undoubtedly questioning why he was still rooted in place. Clearing his throat, he began to speak, his voice projecting above the chaos around them.

"I... I believe something is interfering with my teleportation abilities," Yuki admitted, his words laced with frustration. "It's possible that the presence of that unknown entity, the one that has taken over our target, is disrupting my magic. It might have some sort of anti-magic effect or a protective barrier that's blocking my teleportation. I've never encountered anything like this before, but it's the only explanation I can think of."

Yuki's explanation seemed to satisfy his comrades' curiosity, and they nodded in understanding. With their cooperation assured, he quickly formulated a new plan.

"Black Star, Klein, can you two hold back Garp, Sengoku, and Whitebeard for a moment?" Yuki asked, his gaze focused on the three imposing figures approaching, while his mind raced with a new plan. He knew he had to get to Aizen before things got worse, and time was of the essence.

"No problem," both Black Star and Klein replied in unison. Their confidence was evident, as Klein had the entire Big Mom crew as his puppets, and Black Star possessed strength beyond the standards of this world.

With their affirmation, Yuki didn't waste a moment. He spread his wings and soared into the air, determined to reach Aizen before any further complications arose. His flight was swift, covering the distance to the execution platform in the blink of an eye.