

2022-01-03 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • Kayle_Mighty

    How can you write that a game got released 3 hours ago, but the main character chose to create a character in the game “on the newest server that has has been launched for half a year?” Btw all this happened in two paragraphs. In the first chapter. Screw this.

    Online Game: Unlimited Buff Talent From The Beginning
    Spiele · Random Pork Stew
  • Kayle_Mighty

    This novel could’ve been much better, however, this is just another author who wrote a novel with a brain dead MC and tried to pass his stupidity off as comedy. Very poor attempt at being funny. Sadly it ruined the novel. The other issue was the fights. Yeah it’s an attempt at writing a comedy novel, but the fights are the worst I’ve ever seen. The author doesn’t know how to create a balance between seriousness and his terrible sense of humor. I have no idea how this even has a 3.9 rating.

    I Am Loaded with Passive Skills
    Ost · Eat Apples Late at Night
  • Kayle_Mighty

    Nevermind, I dropped it again. The story got so good when he finally set his mind towards a goal, but then it got ruined. The whole situation with Aina and Rychard was so stupid and uncalled for. And some people will say “but Aina’s personality got reset” but Idgaf. She still had her memories. Allowing another guy to court her was bs, and it was bad enough, but somewhere along the line it suddenly turned into a situation where they’re about to get married. Rychard was absolutely unnecessary to the story. He got beaten, went home, used a story to have a go at The Linux family which is Leonel’s mother’s family. You’re telling me, that every random person that hears the name ‘Morales’ will immediately know that they’re an extremely powerful family, and look at Leonel a bit warily, however, a guy from a 6th dimensional family somehow had no idea who they were? Really? And he was spreading a story about leonel’s mother having a child with a “nobody” and yet, the people around him couldn’t tell that that “nobody” is from a 7th dimensional family? Let’s agree that the story was kept secret. When they spread the story and mentioned the name ‘Morales’, nobody thought about questioning wether he’s related to the morales family or not? They just went with “haha, she married a nobody and gave birth to a piece of trash.” And how convenient that it wasn’t until Leonel almost killed Rychard that somehow they realized that “oh, he’s a Morales.” For all the good writing that was put into this novel, this arc ruined it for me, big time. Doubt I can continue.

    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasie · Awespec
  • Kayle_Mighty

    My previous comment was a bit hasty. I picked it back up a few days later and less than 100 chapters later, he finally had a change in mindset. That’s really good. It doesn’t change my opinion that this was too late in the story though, unless the story is going to last for more than 3k chapters.

    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasie · Awespec
  • Kayle_Mighty

    I have to say, while the story is quite decent, I dropped it because of the mc. There’s absolutely no way I’m going to read a novel, where up to 700+ chapters in, the mc doesn’t have a goal. He’s working towards nothing, just getting thrown around in situations. The other thing, is his personality. He’s a Hypocrite. Plain and simple.His. “Righteous” personality is cover for his real personality, and everyone around him can see it except him. He makes quite a few stupid mistakes, and according to how it’s written, he grows mentally each time, but the only reason we believe that is that the author writes it. He absolutely doesn’t change. At first it was bearable, but it got to a point where The mc starts making the same mistakes over and over. And even when his grandfather told him how hypocritical he was, he felt his worldview changing, yet the idiot actually escaped from the reality instead. To hold onto his “good” personality. The other problem is Aina. Honestly, I love her character. However the entire novel is built around her. Everything the mc does is focused around her. She knows that the mc is hiding his subconscious thoughts, knows that it’s dangerous with how he’s acting, yet she’s like “I don’t want him to change”. What finally caused me to lose hope, was the arc when they entered Valiant Mountain. The mc actually gave his dictionary to Aina. For absolutely no reason. The dictionary is a treasure his father created for him because he lacks knowledge. It’s also a lab and his abode, and also has everything stored inside. So he needs it. Yet he gives it to Aina, who is way more knowledgeable than he is and has absolutely no need for it. I just couldn’t keep going.

    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasie · Awespec
  • Kayle_Mighty

    “He was unsure wether he should show his true ability.” This line got repeated in so many different ways so many different times that it became annoying. Literally every arc. The author tries to create a main character who is low key, however the mc loves putting himself in the spotlight. The mc will literally go on and on about hiding his ability and then he randomly goes to a ruin-which he absolutely doesn’t need to go because it’s pointless, and he gains nothing-and in that ruin he will run rampant and become the center of attention, and then, in his words “it doesn’t matter if they know how strong I am, they can’t do anything to me anyway, I’m strong”, then goes back outside pretending to be weak when everyone already knows how strong he is. And somehow, even though they all know, by the next 20 chapters or so, everyone magically forgets that he’s super strong, and someone will mess with him and then, like clockwork, “Lin Huang was pondering wether or not he should show his true ability.” This was especially true once he went to the great world. He was so much more powerful than everyone but he kept trying to hide his power, while making himself the center of attention. Then he gives an evasive answer and tries to be mysterious every time someone asks how strong he is. I have no idea how I finished this novel, but I really regret wasting my time. I should’ve stopped early. Honestly, the concept is ok and I see what the author was trying to do, but it became hot garbage real fast. I just continued since I was already in it.

    Monster Paradise
    Ost · Nuclear Warhead Cooked in Wine
  • Kayle_Mighty

    After struggling, dropping the novel and then picking it up again, I’m finally quitting at 1354. I seriously have a ton of complaints but I’ll just put the main one here. The author made it too obvious that he’s just trying to drag this novel as long as possible. We all know the mc can pickup attributes, and when he picks up attributes from people stronger than him it works even better since he grows much faster, even making him jump levels earlier in the novel. However, The author basically nerfed the mc as soon as he left earth so that he could drag the story. That’s not even the main reason why I’m dropping it. The tipping point for me was during the war on the 29th defense planet. Three eternal ranked were involved in that war. The human eternal wounded one of the devils and then another showed up ready to clash. But guess what? NO ATTRIBUTE BUBBLES FROM THEM, the author didn’t even mention them dropping attribute bubbles, the story just continued like normal with the mc picking up attribute bubbles from everyone else on the battlefield. Of course, why would the author let him pickup attribute bubbles from them? This would make him get stronger too quickly, and since he just wants to milk this story as much as possible, he just didn’t want it to happen, so he just didn’t let it happen. In the earlier part of the novel the mc grew so quickly but ever since he left earth he grew SUPER Slowly, even while coming in contact with people much much stronger than him. It slowly became a novel where it’s just face slapping. Someone Looks down on mc because his level is weak, but of course, he has so many things that can make him fight across realms. Boom, their face gets slapped. I also have to mention how terrible the story became later on. The author started dragging fights that could be done in a single chapter, making them take 5-6 chapters or sometimes even more! I also can’t forget to add that the author started writing entire chapters describing information about attribute bubbles. It wouldn’t be bad if he did it like a litrpg or something but nah, it’s just a filler chapter that’s there to make up numbers. I’ve never been so angry about a novel in my life. It had so much potential at the start. I

    Complete Martial Arts Attributes
    Ost · Don't Enter The Jianghu
  • Kayle_Mighty
    Antwortet auf Toyin_Daniel

    You clearly have no clue what you're reading. It's like you're just looking at words, not reading. In chapter 56 when the mc gave her the 1000 years of cultivation, he realized that it wasn't much, since it didn't affect his cultivation at all because his realm was so high, he was surprised and described it as "just a drop in the Ocean". After reading that, just thinking for a second would tell you that if 1000 years is described as a drop in the ocean then 100 thousand years sounds a lot but it's not enough for a big change. He got the 100 thousand years cultivation as a return and it brought him up one minor realm. The cultivation wasn't enough to bring him to the paragon realm. He saved what was leftover and after stabilizing his mental state he used it to bring him to the very peak of his current realm. The novel isn't very good. I dropped it. It's fine to criticize a novel but at the very least, try to think before you criticize something. Try to think and see if what you're saying actually makes sense. Sometimes people like you will do this and put out some bad reviews about a situation when truthfully, the problem is your own stupidity.

    The Most Generous Master Ever
    Ost · Su Yu
  • Kayle_Mighty

    This novel was fine before it got to around chapter 100. After chapter 100 it became hard to read. The chapters became longer because of a whole lot of unnecessary dialogue. The dialogue could've been much shorter, and the chapters would be easier to read.

    The Most Generous Master Ever
    Ost · Su Yu
  • Kayle_Mighty

    Did the author drop this or what? I'm really looking forward to the continuation of the story. One of the few good newer novels out there, would be a shame to see it left unfinished while other authors kill us with generic garbage.

    Darius Supreme
    Fantasie · Kotario
  • Kayle_Mighty

    Decent novel. Liked it, can see that the author put in a lot of thought before writing it, unlike some of the more recent works of other authors. And it wasn't filled with cliches like mc going off to join a sect(gosh I'm tired of this plot device, thankfully you avoided it, at least at the point where I am currently). I only have one complaint. Like most of the new novels being released, the author just couldn't avoid letting his/her wet dreams be expressed in the novel. Novel is a solid 4.6 or higher without the r18.

    The Rise of the Black Plain
    Fantasie · RVN_1998
  • Kayle_Mighty

    I'm not even mad. I just feel pity for the author. And the English is horrible. Like really bad, it's like reading a softer version of mtl. The idea is average, could've been an alright story, but it turned out that it was executed the worst way. Author made it VERY generic. Let's not talk about the fact that the Mc meets an 8 year old girl and yet somehow there's already some kind of spark between them. Really? They're children. And of course we can't forget the fact that the mc is so handsome and every beauty he meets start drooling and wants a piece of him(he's 12, mind you).

    Eternal Thief
    Fantasie · Wahi
  • Kayle_Mighty
    Antwortet auf Kayle_Mighty

    I'm done, this is irritating. This mc is literally a university student yet he acts like a child in Kindergarten. He needs to be spoonfed every little bit of information. How could someone like that possibly make it into a university? And more importantly, why does it seem like nobody cares about the fact that he's such an idiot, and spoon-feeds him all the time?

    Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy
    Spiele · Snoring_Panda
  • Kayle_Mighty

    This mc is a moron. That's all I can say so far. He's so ignorant and the author doesn't even try to make him improve, he just gives him more things to be ignorant about. And what's with him being so obsessed with being secretive? Shouldn't be be trying to become a core disciple since he wants more freedom? He had the job cut short for him and yet he still refuses to do it, he's selling the pills instead of submitting a small amount of them to finish the test. I'm 100% sure the author left it like that so the mc can do some face slapping. It was even more obvious when he didn't start wearing new robes when he become the sect leaders disciple. Even more reinforced when he helped the Kong guy when his cauldron was about to explode and the other guy wanted to attack him. Mc held him up with his qi manipulation (something that's rare) and yet everyone just brushed if off like it's something normal.

    Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy
    Spiele · Snoring_Panda
  • Kayle_Mighty

    Tried reading this but.....damn, it was boring but bearable at first. It became stupid once he went out to try and stop the war. He's trying to convince them to stop the war but "didn't show his real strength because that would be too boring." He's a level 4 ultimate mage and he was trying to convince the other 5 pseudo-ultimate mages to leave, but ended up fighting them while pretending to be at the same level as them. It was a VERY stupid an useless plot device, since if it was about stopping the war he just needed them to see his actual strength and they'd be scared. It was just unbelievable that the author would do that to try and force a fight scene and drag the story. The mc is someone secretive who doesn't like to be bothered he just wants to cultivate in peace. The author does so much to build on that character and then throws it away in a stupid way.

    Sign In: Becoming A Great Spell Deity Starting From The Magic Academy
    Fantasie · Dr.Boom
  • Kayle_Mighty
    Antwortet auf Poltt

    Thanks. You saved me from wasting my time. It actually felt like a good read I was just about to get immersed in it then I checked reviews and found yours.

    The Dawn of the New World
    Ost · Shinigami8671
  • Kayle_Mighty

    Honestly, it's quite decent, and I love the authors attention to detail. Great idea, great execution. Top notch world building, top notch story telling. It has cliche plot devices, but the author used them properly at the earlier part of the novel. However, at chapter 300(after the mc left Astrix) the author started throwing cliches around like crazy. I kinda lost interest here. Will try to keep going and see, as this is actually a decent novel

    God´s Eyes
    Urban · HideousGrain
  • Kayle_Mighty

    I have to say IET f**ked up on this one. In book 6, the entire saga with him being treated poorly because he's DOING THE SAME THING THAT THE MOST POWERFUL EXISTENCE IN THE WORLD did back then and created his own true meaning, was very stupid and forced. He was being treated horribly. One of the 9 girls had comprehended a true meaning that was a rank 2 true meaning of time. Everyone knew of it and she was ranked 1st of the 9 because of it. The elders let everyone know how the mc was arrogant and he was being looked down on by everyone even those who are weaker than him. Yet when the mc finally proved them wrong and created a rank 2 true meaning of his own, they somehow "needed to keep it a secret to avoid enemies learning about it" and tell everyone that it was a rank 3 true meaning(rank 2 is better than rank 3).This was a very dumb move from IET. #1). He did what all other wuxia authors do, make the side characters as dumb as possible but still always call out something the mc does even when he shows them proof that that's the best way. They all knew the history and knew that people can create a true meaning by going to the extreme on certain things, yet when the mc tried going to the extreme on learning the spear he's suddenly "an arrogant brat who doesn't know his place" or "an idiot who is destroying his own future path". An elder literally treated him like shit and kicked him out of the special training area and ranked him last because they now hated the fact that he isn't doing what they told him to do. Then when he's achieved something even better they suddenly need to hide it. So now only a few know what the mc has achieved, this also opens a door for the "low key" mc Bs that's already sooooo overused. 2). Create a conflict because of nothing that adds nothing to the story. In the earlier part of the novel, the mc could've easily explained why his brother should break up with his girlfriend since he had the intelligence report on her and her family. He could show the result of his investigation, but he didn't explain, he just said "break up with her as soon as possible" and refused to say anything else, and because of that there was an argument. Between the brothers that almost resulted in both of them dying. This was also very stupid. Honestly, DE is still my favorite novel By IET. It has its flaws but it's much better than this. This one is very hard to read, honestly.

    Lord Xue Ying
    Ost · I Eat Tomatoes
  • Kayle_Mighty

    This novel is quite decent but after a while it got annoying with him always hiding his abilities and somehow always shaking his head whenever he gets underestimated. He's always hiding something. It's fine when he doesn't use his real name since he doesn't want purple crow to chase him. It's also ok to hide the monsters, that's his little secret. But for the people who do know him, why hide your strength? Why hide the fact that you're "sword genius?" When he enters the ruins I became so annoyed with Yeyu and li liang always saying something that shows they think hes weak and the mc is always "smiling helplessly". The funny thing is people always notice there's something special about him but they still go the route of underestimating him, just so he can show his abilities later and then they act surprised. Why can't these Chinese authors just write decent characters, smart ones that actually try to find out how good you are before saying "you're too weak" instead of immediately underestimating someone?

    Monster Paradise
    Ost · Nuclear Warhead Cooked in Wine
  • Kayle_Mighty

    I did an earlier review when I was about 160 chapters in and spoke about how good the novel was. As I read further I realized this author has a problem(a problem that most eastern fantasy authors have). The author is obsessed with having the mc being underestimated until he shows his power. To the point where he ignored some things he wrote earlier. Earlier on in the novel whenever the mc met someone who was superior to him in cultivation, or even if their cultivation was the same, as long as the person comprehended more and is stronger than the mc the mc could tell just by looking. He would say "this is a real expert!" However no matter how strong the mc is, nobody seems to take him seriously until he actually shows his power. Yes his cultivation base is weaker, but his comprehension in origin or DAO is just a whole lot superior to others. Just the same way the mc can tell that someone is stronger than him even if their cultivation base is the same, shouldn't other be able to tell too? Isn't there something that let's him distinguish real experts from others, and why aren't others doing that? I remember the first time the mc met someone who was much stronger than him. And he felt pressured even when the person just looked like a normal person. He could instantly tell he wasn't his match. Yet when the mc went back to the divine world and met his disciple, her husband was rude to him and treating him like a beggar because apparently he couldn't fucking tell that he was Infront of someone much stronger than him until the mc showed his power to deal with an enemy. This isn't exactly a big problem if it only happens a few times but it literally happens before EVERY SINGLE FIGHT. The author just has to make sure that the mc is underestimated and still wins then the crowd is like "that's impossible". Then the author just repeats the same thing over and over.

    Legend of Swordsman
    Ost · Mr. Money