
Review Detail of Kayle_Mighty in Complete Martial Arts Attributes

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After struggling, dropping the novel and then picking it up again, I’m finally quitting at 1354. I seriously have a ton of complaints but I’ll just put the main one here. The author made it too obvious that he’s just trying to drag this novel as long as possible. We all know the mc can pickup attributes, and when he picks up attributes from people stronger than him it works even better since he grows much faster, even making him jump levels earlier in the novel. However, The author basically nerfed the mc as soon as he left earth so that he could drag the story. That’s not even the main reason why I’m dropping it. The tipping point for me was during the war on the 29th defense planet. Three eternal ranked were involved in that war. The human eternal wounded one of the devils and then another showed up ready to clash. But guess what? NO ATTRIBUTE BUBBLES FROM THEM, the author didn’t even mention them dropping attribute bubbles, the story just continued like normal with the mc picking up attribute bubbles from everyone else on the battlefield. Of course, why would the author let him pickup attribute bubbles from them? This would make him get stronger too quickly, and since he just wants to milk this story as much as possible, he just didn’t want it to happen, so he just didn’t let it happen. In the earlier part of the novel the mc grew so quickly but ever since he left earth he grew SUPER Slowly, even while coming in contact with people much much stronger than him. It slowly became a novel where it’s just face slapping. Someone Looks down on mc because his level is weak, but of course, he has so many things that can make him fight across realms. Boom, their face gets slapped. I also have to mention how terrible the story became later on. The author started dragging fights that could be done in a single chapter, making them take 5-6 chapters or sometimes even more! I also can’t forget to add that the author started writing entire chapters describing information about attribute bubbles. It wouldn’t be bad if he did it like a litrpg or something but nah, it’s just a filler chapter that’s there to make up numbers. I’ve never been so angry about a novel in my life. It had so much potential at the start. I

Complete Martial Arts Attributes

Don't Enter The Jianghu

Beliebt bei 10 Personen




And don't forget the blank attributes I have read more chapters than you and currently he has more than 3 million blank attributes but he almost doesn't use them at all like they are there for decoration.