
Review Detail of Toyin_Daniel in The Most Generous Master Ever

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I'm writing this with so much anger in my heart, In chapter 56 after giving his disciple a thousand years worth of his cultivation he got back 100 thousand years worth of cultivation and you'd think with a hundred thousand years worth of cultivation the MC will become super strong but NO the MC was only able to progress by one minor realm LOL ONE FREAKINF minor realm not even a major realm after getting thousands of years worth of cultivation and his useless excuse is that his mental state hasn't gotten to that level yet BRO you just received a HUNDRED thousand years worth of cultivation so what useless mental state are we talking about again, AUTHOR you're useless this should be the last thing you ever write

The Most Generous Master Ever

Su Yu

Beliebt bei 2 Personen




You clearly have no clue what you're reading. It's like you're just looking at words, not reading. In chapter 56 when the mc gave her the 1000 years of cultivation, he realized that it wasn't much, since it didn't affect his cultivation at all because his realm was so high, he was surprised and described it as "just a drop in the Ocean". After reading that, just thinking for a second would tell you that if 1000 years is described as a drop in the ocean then 100 thousand years sounds a lot but it's not enough for a big change. He got the 100 thousand years cultivation as a return and it brought him up one minor realm. The cultivation wasn't enough to bring him to the paragon realm. He saved what was leftover and after stabilizing his mental state he used it to bring him to the very peak of his current realm. The novel isn't very good. I dropped it. It's fine to criticize a novel but at the very least, try to think before you criticize something. Try to think and see if what you're saying actually makes sense. Sometimes people like you will do this and put out some bad reviews about a situation when truthfully, the problem is your own stupidity.


Thats the thousand year of cultivation for the standard of a normal cultivator with no talent what so ever. So, that seems pretty reasonable.


No it's not def not standard, no matter how trash your talent is it's impossible to just level up by 1 minor realm after cultivating for a 100 thousand years. Who tf cultivates for a 100 thousand years and only move up by one minor realm not even a major realm....Trash novel

A_Cultured_Man:Thats the thousand year of cultivation for the standard of a normal cultivator with no talent what so ever. So, that seems pretty reasonable.

If he instantly became op it would be boring my bro

Toyin_Daniel:No it's not def not standard, no matter how trash your talent is it's impossible to just level up by 1 minor realm after cultivating for a 100 thousand years. Who tf cultivates for a 100 thousand years and only move up by one minor realm not even a major realm....Trash novel

Then they shouldn't have given him a hundred thousand years worth of cultivation

Spabsta:If he instantly became op it would be boring my bro