
Review Detail of Kayle_Mighty in Dimensional Descent

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I have to say, while the story is quite decent, I dropped it because of the mc. There’s absolutely no way I’m going to read a novel, where up to 700+ chapters in, the mc doesn’t have a goal. He’s working towards nothing, just getting thrown around in situations. The other thing, is his personality. He’s a Hypocrite. Plain and simple.His. “Righteous” personality is cover for his real personality, and everyone around him can see it except him. He makes quite a few stupid mistakes, and according to how it’s written, he grows mentally each time, but the only reason we believe that is that the author writes it. He absolutely doesn’t change. At first it was bearable, but it got to a point where The mc starts making the same mistakes over and over. And even when his grandfather told him how hypocritical he was, he felt his worldview changing, yet the idiot actually escaped from the reality instead. To hold onto his “good” personality. The other problem is Aina. Honestly, I love her character. However the entire novel is built around her. Everything the mc does is focused around her. She knows that the mc is hiding his subconscious thoughts, knows that it’s dangerous with how he’s acting, yet she’s like “I don’t want him to change”. What finally caused me to lose hope, was the arc when they entered Valiant Mountain. The mc actually gave his dictionary to Aina. For absolutely no reason. The dictionary is a treasure his father created for him because he lacks knowledge. It’s also a lab and his abode, and also has everything stored inside. So he needs it. Yet he gives it to Aina, who is way more knowledgeable than he is and has absolutely no need for it. I just couldn’t keep going.

Dimensional Descent


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