

She refuses to tell him what she feels, so she writes to him. She writes everything he can't handle, everything he can't know. She barely knows him. All she knows is the passion that took control of her ever since she met him.

Mathilde_Le_Clech · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
60 Chs

October 25th

- Our thing is seeing each other at night, did you notice?

- My thing is to sleep with you. Otherwise, I disappear!

- Then you must have already disappeared.

- Yes. I don't exist anymore… Nice of you…

- Can you still go to work if you don't exist anymore? I think not…

- I am late! I doze off in my bed… I want you against me!

- It would do us good…

- Fate keeps us away inexorably.

- It's sad… Besides, it's too cold to be alone…

- Being alone doesn't make any sense… I want us.

- I need to arrange to sleep with you tonight, unless you already have other plans.

- I will not miss such an opportunity if it presents itself.

- Even if you miss this one, we'll have other ones.

- But I'm impatient. And who knows what tomorrow will bring? I find it hard not to make the most of such a great joy when it's at hand.


- Time does not pass quickly enough.

- It's a disaster. It is reassuring to read my feelings in your words.

- Like you said, we are very similar, in terms of sensitivity, at least.

- Exactly…

- It's nice, I think, because we can understand each other.

- It's precious, rare and to dig!

- Yes, yes and yes!

- We should always say yes. It's simple, invigorating and harmless.

- We do it from now on!

- Yes! And time slows down, very slowly… Come as soon as you can.

- After work?

- Yes!

- There will still be daylight; it's going to be weird.

- Very weird, I'm scared…


- I don't know if I did right to tell you all this on the way home, but you wanted to know what I was thinking, so there you go… I don't know if that caused any thoughts on your side either… Not too many, I hope, because I don't want our relationship to change.

- I don't think speaking with sincerity will do any harm. I imagine you are asleep, so have sweet dreams if you are.

- No, I don't sleep. I agree with being sincere. Whatever it does for us, this is the best thing to do… I will soon see if you have made a mark on me. You still have my rubber band anyway, but I forgot the marble…

- I may be too sensitive, but this rubber band already means a lot to me, and I am sad to know you without the marble.

- You're not too sensitive. Stay like that. Next time I won't forget it.

- You better not!

- I miss hit Leave it on the table so I won't forget it. I want it to be that one and not another.

- I won't move it and I will kill anyone who tries to steal it.

- Successful mission for the mark.

- I must have gone hard… but I think it's pretty. Is it weird to say that?

- No, that's not weird. I'm fond of it. It's like putting my hand on it brings me closer to you.

- That way, you won't forget me. And you will know it wasn't a dream.

- And I thank you for everything. Simply.

- You don't have to thank me, or we thank each other because we are both having a good time.

- I agree. I would like to go home and find you there, but… Anyway… What's important about us?

- For me, the fact that I feel good with you, that it is mutual and that you are not afraid to say it (or anything else for that matter). And that we both have a sensitivity that brings us together despite our differences.

- This feeling of feeling good together is just perfect… And that feels great! Hence the addictive side.

- It's my turn to agree!

- I'm going to drop my phone. And just wish you what you want the most. I'm curious about you. Really. More and more. The succession of meetings turns out to be quite to my taste. Hope to read you soon, and more.

- This last message is perfect for tonight.