

She refuses to tell him what she feels, so she writes to him. She writes everything he can't handle, everything he can't know. She barely knows him. All she knows is the passion that took control of her ever since she met him.

Mathilde_Le_Clech · Teen
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60 Chs

October 24th

- I missed my alarm clock! And I get up with you as my first thought. This is worrying!

- It's because I asked you to think of me. It worked!

- Perfectly… Kiss me today. The next time seems too far away.

- It will be there quickly, and even better as we'll have waited for it.

- So, let's wait, a season if we have to, as long as I get a taste of you.

- I can't wait that long.

- It reassures me a little.

- Patience is not my strong suit, especially at times like this. I was scared when you said you wanted to wait a month before we met again. Even a small month, I can't.

- I'm afraid of just a week, you know. And to know that you are not ready to be available to sleep with me…

- Maybe I will be sooner than expected!

- Suspense… Come back quickly, damn it.

- I promise.

- I miss your voice. It's very, very annoying. I want marks from you that last for days to help me in these times without you that will accumulate over time. Just seeing you would make me happy, because I don't feel like this is real. Do I scare you if I come for a kiss?

- I'm not scared. But I don't know if I'll be able to see you for just a few minutes. It will be even harder to separate again, don't you think?

- I tend to not care because I'll have your scent for the rest of the night.

- I do care because I'll have a hard time letting you go, that's for sure.

- Okay… I'll hang out for twenty minutes then and clear my mind. I need to stop blocking on you.

- No, you have the right to block on me, unless it hurts you.

- A few more times, a few hours, days or weeks, and I'll know if it hurts me.

- I hope not. You've got that idea in my head now, thank you!

- The idea of kissing me or that you hurt me?

- The kiss.

- The offer you refused!

- Yes…

- That teaches me a lesson, I'm not used to it.

- Do women always say yes to you?

- When things are going well, yes. And it often goes well. Sometimes even very well. I have become demanding, and only want great things now.

- I have to resist the urge to change my mind, then.

- I'm not convinced, I find it particularly special between us. I don't want to compare it to anyone else.

- It's okay with me. Are you still walking?

- I'm about to go out. Why?

- I was wondering if you were walking towards my house.

- I'm going to take my bike, to be more mobile and airier, and maybe get closer to you, like a bird looking for its prey…

- It's almost scary!

- I'm an eagle, you'll be a field mouse, and I'm hungry. Have sweet dreams, unbearable little stranger.

- No kiss?

- You didn't refuse? You know very well I wanted one.

- I thought you understood that I had changed my mind.

- I'm stupid, finally…

- Or me, not clear.

- Give me ten minutes.


- Was it real?

- I don't know. Do you think we both dreamt of the same thing?

- We look alike, I think it's possible.

- Maybe that was it then. I want more dreams like that.

- May you dream of me often. Do I have the right to write that I like you?

- Yes.

- I like you.

- It makes me happy. I like you, too.

- I'm happy, too. I'll kidnap you soon.

- Very soon.