

She refuses to tell him what she feels, so she writes to him. She writes everything he can't handle, everything he can't know. She barely knows him. All she knows is the passion that took control of her ever since she met him.

Mathilde_Le_Clech · Teen
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60 Chs

October 26th

- It is morning!

- And I dreamt of you! But I have no precise memory. And I had nightmares, unrelated to you. And I want a lie-in. And don't shower, to keep your presence.

- Even if you shower, you will still have it.

- So, let's go!

- My rubber band looks good on you.

- I must say that you look good on me too… But shhh, I didn't say anything…

- I still don't know if you're real or not. I don't have a mark or the marble.

- So, I'm nothing.

- Nothing material but not nothing at all.

- So, I'm just joy.

- If you're happy, I'm happy.

- If you stay you, I'm doubly happy.

- I'm not even trying not to be me.

- How can I erase my desire to see you today?

- I would prefer you not to erase it. I like that you want to see me. We don't see each other enough because my unconscious bothers me…

- Yes, it is obvious that we don't see each other enough. What's wrong?

- I can't say it, but it's happening a lot right now.

- So many mysteries… Kill me or kiss me but do something!

- I prefer the second option, I never tire of it.

- So, so be it, you have no choice.

- It's okay with me.

- I tie you securely with an invisible bond!

- A shower is the maximum time that should separate us.

- I like this sentence. Take care of yourself, little stranger. I miss you.

- I'm no longer a stranger. And I miss you, too.


- I don't want to fall asleep without seeing you. […] And you're already asleep…

- I'm awake now. And it's you who sleep…