
Wolf Demon & Dragon Hero (OCxBNHA)

There's a one black mask, that exist from really long ago. Legends say, there's a evil spirit within the mask. The mask will possess you when you put that on your face. The evil energy inside the mask will give you the ultimate power that can fulfill your desires. With the mask, you could've become either no.1 hero or no.1 villain. That mask is called "Dark Wolf Mask"

GreedRyuga469 · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs



Reporter Lady : It's been 3 months since the mysterious vigilante appeared. He's really fast and no mercy. Just in 3 months, he've killed a thousand of criminals and villains. He killed more than Stain and yet, no one haven't saw him untill yesterday. He appeared in UA high school when the villains attack. That was his first appearance in daylight. He killed the villains when they tried to kill one of the student. He have wolf like head and grey horn. He wore full body armored and all black. He used black color blade and can shoot out yellow energy waves from it. Those waves are really strong that even the ground got shaken. I couldn't lie, he's really cool and scary. The witness said that he called himself Org Rouki, Zen-Aku. Wow, that name was really cool. He have good naming sense. Is that his vigilante name or real name? What is his quirk? Is he really wolf demon? Why he become a vigilante? How much he strong? It seems we have to wait for his next public appearances.


Two Days Later

In UA, Class 1A

Everyone in the class is chatting with each other. But I couldn't do that. I have so many thoughts. Two days ago, police arrived to USJ shortly after All Might and other teachers. Police questioned my classmates normally except me. They told me to come to the principal office after my hand healed. When I went into the office, they asked me what happened in USJ. They don't want to know about villains but Zen-Aku. I know the reason of being the exception. There's only three students that saw the fight in vvip seat and I'm one of that three. Mineta is too scared to recall the fight and Atsui-san didn't know clearly what the vigilante have said. Maybe she's too scared to remember the words. I just tell them everything I saw and heard. When I tell them that Zen-Aku saved me from my death, they're really shocked and frustrated. They apologise me even when I tell them they don't need to. They let go home after that. I've been thinking for 2 days, that did I really deserve OFA? Even with OFA, I'm still hopeless when I faced with deadly situations. Did I really deserve to be here?

Tsu : Midoriya!

Someone called my name. The frog girl that talked with bluntness. One of my classmate, that I could called my friend

Midoriya : Y-yes, Atsu-Tsu-san.

Tsu : Don't blame yourself too much. You're not the only one that frustrated after USJ.

I'm really surprised by her words

Midoriya : (Did I said those outlout?)

Tsu : No, you didn't said outlout. But I can see them on your face. Don't blame yourself. I should be the one to blame. I couldn't do anything in that time. I just watching his hand reaching your face. I'm sorry, Midoriya.

My eyes widen and realized the feelings of my friend

Midoriya : (Ohh, I'm such a idiot. I make my friend worried. Ofcourse, Asui-san would blame herself too. I should noticed earlier)

You don't need to say like that Ats-Tsu-san. It's not your fault too. No one at our age could do anything at that time.

Tsu : Okay then, let's stop the self blaming. I want to talk about other thing. You know, Zen-Aku.

Midoriya : Ohh right, Zen-Aku.

The cctvs in USJ, took the recordings of whole fight and some of them is showed in news

Tsu : Did you noticed anything about him? I know that you already analyzed him.

Midoriya : Y-yes. I've already make the analyses. First, about his appearance. His head, that wasn't look like mask or helmet. His horn is too realistic to be a fake. He can talk but his mouth doesn't move.

Tsu : So, you thought he's real wolf demon? I don't think that even mutant quirk could do that.

Midoriya : Yes, I thought so too. And second, his quirk. I thought that was energy type or weapon type. He can shoot energy waves from his blade. Those attacks should be his quirk but at same time, it doesn't make sense if he have only one quirk.

Tsu : What do you mean?

Midoriya : When I watch the cctv records, I noticed 3 things. (1) He appeared out of nowhere and disappeared into the air. He can use teleportation. (2) He stopped nomu's attack with only one hand and push nomu with that hand. He can leap high and can move really fast that he become a blur. His strength and speed are much higher than normal human and nearly All Might. He have strengthen abilities. (3) How can he know the villain attack? He don't look like a type to work with others. He couldn't know the attack, unless he could sense the danger.

Tsu : I think those wolf ears and nose could sense the danger or something like that. You know, animal instincts.

Midoriya : Yes, his wolf ears and nose could sense the things. But even when I narrowed down the list, he could have 3 quirks.

Tsu : Tell me about them.

Midoriya : Super strength, super speed, animal instincts, wolf like appearance. Those abilities could came from werewolf quirk. Normal wolf didn't have those abilities but werewolf could be. He have horn and he said that he's wolf demon. So, no.1 could be werewolf quirk.

Tsu : Make sense. What about second?

Midoriya : He can shoot energy waves with his blade. It could be energy type quirk but could be something other. His blade could be the quirk too. So, n.2 should be energy quirk or blade quirk.

Tsu : I see. So, what about the last?

Midoriya : Teleportation. The third quirk should be teleportation. Still, there's something that doesn't make sense.

Tsu : About what?

Midoriya : Those 3 quirks doesn't related with each other. They could be seperated quirks but that wasn't possible too.

Tsu : I don't understand.

Midoriya : Humans born with only one quirk. Todoroki-kun have fire and ice but they're fused as one quirk. And they have relations like they're opposite of each other. That's why his quirk is called half hot half cold. Genetic could caused that too. In Zen-Aku's case, those 3 quirks doesn't related with each other and they couldn't be seperated quirks too.

Tsu : Why?

Midoriya : Those villains created nomu because human body couldn't handle 3 seperated quirks. If he have 3 seperated quirks, he couldn't have sane mind. That was really impossible.

Tsu : I forgot about nomu. And what about his gears?

Midoriya : Right, his gears. I thought his blade was his gear but also his quirk. So, forget about the blade. About his suit, it's all armor. They're looks like metal but could be something other. About the designs, they're look really cool. I-I mean, those armor designs are really old but well make. No one use those designs in this era. They're from long ago. Like, from mangas and games. Fantasy designs but useful and cool. I wonder how he got those armors. Who make those things? How they make them? I really want to know.

Tsu : You're really smart Midoriya. Anyway, I'm really glad that self blaming isn't the only thing in your mind for past two days.

Midoriya : I-I'm sorry if I make you worry, Atsu-Tsu-san.

Tsu : So, what you gonna do with those datas?

Midoriya : I think I should tell the teachers or principal. But, I don't want to do that.

Tsu : Is it because he saved us?

Midoriya : Y-yes. I mean, even if he's a killer, he still saved us. I don't want to do those ungrateful things to him.

Tsu : I understand your feelings, Midoriya. I don't like the criminals but I would do the same.

I nod to her. And then, the door opened and Aizawa with full body bandages come into the room. We all surprised to see him work again.

My classmates greet him by questioning about his health. I think he don't like that someone ask him too many questions

Mummyzawa : Enough with the questions about my health. The fight isn't over yet.

The class immediately silent

Mummyzawa : No, not the one with villains. I'm talking about sports festival.

We should be happy about this. But we can't. Atleast, I can't. My classmates asked questions after questions. And one of the question took all of my attentions

Mineta : Sensei, what about the killer wolf guy? Did he got arrest?

How could he talk like that. He's the one that saved the three of us, when no hero could

Tsu : Mineta, I hate criminals too. But even I won't talk like that to a person that saved me. You're really ungrateful.

Mummyzawa : Atsui is right. You shouldn't talk like that to a person who saved you. Especially, to a killer like Zen-Aku. Just because of he saved you doesn't mean he won't kill you. He killed the villains without second thought. He have no mercy to those who opposed him. He haven't kill a hero or civilian, but no one could tell he won't. He's more dangerous than Hero Killer Stain. Stain doesn't fight in daylight nor populate places. And Zen-Aku killed nomu within seconds, the weapon that supposed to kill All Might. He is really strong and dangerous. He's not a vigilante hero. He's killing machine.

Mineta : Then, why is he still out there?

Mummyzawa : Heroes and police did their best to arrest him. But as I said, he really strong. You all should've saw his fight in videos. He's really fast and can teleport. No one know his appearance untill USJ. He's like real wolf demon. You should run into populate place when you faced with him. But it would be better, if you didn't faced with him at all.

Kaminari : Sensei, would that mean he's anti-hero?

Midoriya : (Wait what?)

Iida : What do mean anti-hero?

Midoriya : Anti-hero means, the person would fight and kill the villains and criminals to protect the civilians. But he would fight the heroes too if they get in his way. Similar with vigilantes but vigilantes didn't kill nor fight the heroes untill they have no choice.

Mummyzawa : Yes, that was the meaning of anti-hero. And yes, you could called Zen-Aku as anti-hero. He's the enemy for both sides. Heroes trying to arrest him, while villains trying to kill him. Anti-heroes are too dangerous. They have too much hatreds and lost their minds. Their ways are old fashions that we didn't use in this era. If you think that he's a good person, you should forget about it. If you think that you should fight him, then forget about that too. Sports festival is the only thing that you should think about. That's all. Imma gonna sleep.

Aizawa walked out from the room. He's right, Zen-Aku is enemy for both sides. I didn't like the idea of killing but some villains might deserved that. But still, heroes shouldn't be his target. I'm decided. I will keep those datas to myself, untill he hurt the civilian or a hero.