
Why not go a little easier?

After a freak accident, Gabriel is reborn as a Raven in a foreign land. Trying to find his way in a different body, Gabriel will use his newfound life to relax in luxury, or so he hopes... First time writer, I would love any genuine feedback y'all can offer. Also, I'm a bit of a stickler for spelling errors so if you guys happen to catch any, Please Please Please comment on that paragraph and I will fix it ASAP! Thanks for reading!

The_Fox_Hole · Fantasie
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95 Chs

Ch. 52 I'm not Surprised

"Lady Ara!? Are you in?" Walking into the apothecary, the trio couldn't spot Lady Ara.

"I'm upstairs sorting books, come up here!"

"Okay!" They made their way up the spiral staircase before taking a seat the nearby table. "How are you today Lady Ara?"

"I'm doing well Emmie, what brings you into the store today?"

"That would be me Lady Ara." Standing up from putting some books on the shelf, Lady Ara made eye contact with Gabriel before a seductive smile grew on her face. "Hahaha, it's good to see you Gabriel, I see everything went well."

"Yes, better than expected, I really appreciate all the help you gave me." Gabriel lowered his head and took a bow in thanks. He truly was thankful for Lady Ara, as her little outburst about her Realm when they first met is the only reason he managed to learn about humanoid Bodies and how to forcibly mutate into one. Not to mention all the other skill books and informational books he had got from her were incredibly useful as well. "Before we get to business, these are my companions Gala and Acorn." Gabriel pointed out his companions to which Lady Ara gave each a nod in welcome. "I've actually come to see if you can help me with a few things. I need more information on Magic Paths as I'm going to start trying to make Path Stones soon. Which leads me to my next question, if I am able to create Path Stones, would you be willing to buy or sell them on consignment for me? Of course, half the profit would be yours as well."

"Always on to something else aren't you? I figured you were getting those books so you identify them, not so you could make Path Stones. Do you even the materials to make Magic Stones or will you need that too?"

"As long as what I've read so far is true, I can make any material I want into a magic stone by placing the material into a magic funneling path and letting it absorb magic for several days. So, I should be okay if Smithy Jones can make the tool I'd like."

"Fine then, I'll sell them for you, but as I can already make low grade ones, I won't be buying them from you. I think I have five or six books on various magic paths on the shelves in the back left corner over there." Giving a nod of thanks, Gabriel walked over to the section she had pointed out and began to look for the books he wanted. Lady Ara went back to putting the new books on their respective shelves with the girls wandering around browsing for anything that caught their eye. Gabriel picked 4 books, Illumination Paths, Ice Block Path, Flame Paths, and Water Gathering Paths. These 4 books would allow him to make the necessary Path Stones to bring their new home into the luxury age. Gabriel didn't see any books on Illusions or he would've got some of those as well. As he was walking out of the section he noticed one more boom called Air Wave Paths and he immediately added it to his stack.

Rounding the corner he noticed Serah engulfed in a book and snuck up behind her before snatching the book adding it to his pile. Without slowing down he made his way to the stairs and headed for the counter. Putting down his pile of books he proceeded to look at the various other items around the store. He found a fire stone he wanted and added it to the pile, before noticing Emmie looking at a couple of cauldrons on a shelf. They looked to be beat up pretty bad, but still in useable condition. (I'll buy her one for all her help since I'm already buying this book for Serah.) Looking through everything else Gabriel found 2 books the size of notepads, the first said Making/Breaking Locks and the other Glass Blowing Techniques. (I'll also about those and if they're cheap I'll take them as well.) Lady Ara was making her way down the spiral staircase as she called out to Gabriel.

"Splurging today are we? That's quite a lot of money sitting there." Lady Ara had walked behind the counter and was totalling up the pile. "Your total is already at 300 silver..."

"How much for those two books?"

"Eh? Those? They've been here for a decade, I'll throw them in for 5 silver. Oh and this Fire Stone also has an enclosure device for use as a torch if you want that it's another 5 silver."

"I'll take them. Those two cauldrons on the back wall?"

"I know they don't look to be in good shape, but that's because I don't know how to maintain them that well, I'm not a blacksmith. I'll do 500 silver for the large one and 300 for the small one."

"Deal. I think that about does it for us. Anything else girls?" Emmie and Serah both looked at Gabriel as their eyes turned up into crescent moons.

"Can I get these Gabriel?" Emmie held up a pair of earrings made from obsidian to look like feathers.

"Lady Ara?"

"20 Silver." Gabriel took the earrings from Emmie and put them with the pile, before turning around to Serah with two matching bracelets in her hand. Gabriel just took them and put them on the pile.

"What's the total at?"

"Let's see, since you're buying both cauldrons, all these books, the earrings, bracelets, fire stone and holder..... I'll do 1 gold, 35 silver, and 90 steel."

"Done." Gabriel retrieved the coins from his pouch leaving him with 1 gold, 9 silver, and 510 steel. (I should still have enough to commission my tool, I just hope it won't cost extra to make it from Adamantine.) Gabriel had decided that he would still use the adamantine, but for the actual tool not for the cutting edge. He figured that way it would basically last forever and he would only need to replace it if it was lost or stolen. After Lady Ara counted the money, Gabriel set it up to come grab his things before leaving the Village and the group made their way to Smithy Jones Forge.

As they walked into the door, there was already a customer at the counter talking to Smithy. So, they began to browse the new swords and various weapons he had made since they were last here. After a few more minutes of browsing, the man left and they were approached by an exhausted looking Smithy.

"Hey kids, how can I help you?" It sounded as if he hadn't left the forge in days and from the look of him, he hadn't.

"Are you okay Smithy?"

"Just an exhausting merchant. He wanted 20 swords in a week before leaving the Village, I told him I can do 10 at most and he's been coming back everyday throwing a temper tantrum when I give him what I've made for the day. They're a strange shape and take several hours just to make one. Luckily, I'll be done with the tenth one tomorrow and he'll be leaving, so I won't have to deal with him anymore. Enough of my problems, what can I do for you?"

"Our friend Gabriel here would like to commission a tool from you." Gabriel walked up to the counter and pulled the chunk of Adamantine and four crystal seeds from his pocket, setting them on the counter.

"I'd like a tool made from this chunk of Adamantine that can securely hold this crystal shards. The shards need to be able to withstand pressure as they're going to be used for carving until they break. After I break one, I'll need it to be able to be removed so it can be replaced. This is all the Adamantine I have and the only crystal shards I brought, I hope it will be enough." Smithy Jones face had gone slack and started to pale after seeing the Adamantine. He quickly took in his hand and inspected it with the eyes of a craftsman.

"I'll do it. I can start immediately, you 2 stay out here, you come with me." Smithy Jones took the crystal shards and went into the forge. He took a piece of charcoal and paper, writing out a diagram for a normal carving tool which was shaped like a very small knife with a long handle. It was only about 1cm in width with a blade on the end spanning 2cm. This was the tool that had been used for generations when it came to path carving, but Gabriel and Smithy were about to make a brand new tool no one had seen before.

Gabriel took a piece of charcoal and began drawing out the same concept but instead of a blade, there was a latch system designed to hold the seed in place. Four small prongs on tiny hinges with a large band going around with a clasp that would tighten down when latched. Smithy Jones was overlooking his drawing and when his charcoal stopped moving he too the design and started making little changes like the contour of the handle, how the latch would tighten down and instead of prongs on hinges he drew a slightly different concept where they were linked together strangely. Gabriel couldn't understand the changes, but agreed anyways as he trusted Smithy to make him a perfect tool.

"Alright. Get out, come back in 2 hours and I'll be finishing up."

"Okay Smithy." Gabriel walked out of the Forge laughing to the sight of the girls having an intense discussion on the waiting bench. "What's got you two so upset?"

"Well, we've been talking and wanted to know where you planned to live now? You don't have to live in the woods anymore since everyone thinks you're just an adventurer."

Gabriel began laughing again and scratched the back of his head. "I already have a home I built for me and my companions. I was actually going to ask Sarah if she would like to move out there so she would no longer be a burden on you."

"Built yourself?"

"Yes, actually building our home is what facilitated my Evolution as it helped to increase my Mastery over Earth Magic pushing me past my bottleneck and into a breakthrough." Gabriel was incredibly proud of his creation and the work he put into it. "After seeing the buildings in this village I wanted to learn Earth Magic and make my own. It took me some time to find the place and even longer to restructure it, but it was all worth it."