
Why not go a little easier?

After a freak accident, Gabriel is reborn as a Raven in a foreign land. Trying to find his way in a different body, Gabriel will use his newfound life to relax in luxury, or so he hopes... First time writer, I would love any genuine feedback y'all can offer. Also, I'm a bit of a stickler for spelling errors so if you guys happen to catch any, Please Please Please comment on that paragraph and I will fix it ASAP! Thanks for reading!

The_Fox_Hole · Fantasy
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95 Chs

Ch. 51 Old Friends, New Me

Gabriel was sitting on a large stone along the river staring into the water. He had formed a large straw hat, his leather vest and leather pants with some black sandals as the weather was quite hot today. Acorn was laying on top of his straw hat sunbathing and Gabriel was thinking about getting a fishing pole so he could have fish soon. He missed his favorite food and now he knew he could acquire the knowledge in the village to be able to catch some. He had been waiting for about 10 minutes after walking for a little over two hours. (Man, this whole walking thing is horrible. It takes me so long to get anywhere and I'm exhausted after I get there. Maybe I should focus on Endurance training after my vacation to build up some body strength.)

*thud thud thud* Gabriel heard little feet hitting the ground and knew Gala was finally here. Looking up he seen Emmie and Serah walking behind her and a huge grin grew on his face. "Hey Guys! How you been?" Waving at them before hopping down from his spot, Gabriel began to walk towards the girls. They both got into fighting stances and looked at Gabriel with caution.

"Do we know you?"

"It's me Emmie, Gabriel. I Evolved and mutated into a humanoid body." Gabriel have a bow keeping the huge grin plastered on his face.



"I knew you would both react that way. My voice has changed, my body has changed, but there is one thing that I will always have." Gabriel condensed a singular feather until it became physical and lightly tossed it toward Serah. *Kekeke* "I may look like a human, but I'll always be a Raven."

Gasps escaped from both girls mouths as they looked at their friend with strange eyes. Gabriel had never seen such a look, but didn't feel like it was a look with any bad intentions. As he got closer both began to relax their stances and looked to be at ease.

"Well, Emmie you've met Gala before, but these little ones are my companions." Hearing the word companions, Acorn stood up and jumped from the black straw hat onto Gabriel's shoulder before giving a little bow and squeal. "This is my little brother Acorn, and my best friend Gala. Please treat them as you would treat me."

"Can I hold him!?" Serah let off a little squeal as she ran forward asking to hold Acorn. Seeing the opportunity to make a new friend, Acorn dove into her hands and ran along her arm before sitting on her shoulder. "Ahhh! So cute!" Serah began petting Acorn who was lapping up the attention.

"He can understand human to some degree, so don't be mean around him or I'll know. Same with Gala, but if she seems you worth talking to, you may panic."

'Dont scare them Gabriel.'

'Hello, I am Gala, please treat us well.' Gala had been practicing using MindSpeak with more than one person at a time for a while and spoke to both girls at the same time. They both jumped looking at the Fox and feeling as though this trio of creatures were probably some of the rarest creatures in the entire Forest. A strange looking red squirrel letting off a constant mist from it's fur, an incredibly dark skinned human with strange clothes that was once a Raven, and a beautiful black and purple Fox that could speak into your mind using a skill. Both girls had the same thought at the same time. (We can never let anyone hurt them.)

"Well, now that the introductions are out of the way, how about we head to Lady Ara's to take care of some things?" Gabriel walked around the girls and started making his way towards the village gates with Gala on his heels. Acorn had jumped from Serah back onto Gabriel's hat before sprawling out again to sunbath. "How have you 2 been? Studies going well?"

Both girls had quickly caught back up and we're following Gabriel on either side. "Yes! Emmie has helped me to learn basic arithmetic, alchemy, and how to properly read! She's the best teacher too, she makes it so simple to learn." Serah was incredibly happy, not only had she been freed by Gabriel, but had learned so much thanks to his friend that she would be able to provide for herself soon. Thanks to that man she was able to live like a human being instead of someone's property, she felt she could never repay his kindness.

"Good, good, I'm glad to hear that. How about you Emmie? Have you managed to raise your rank in the Alchemist Guild?"

"No, I've had a stroke of bad luck recently. I've been foraging several times and came back empty handed, but I have got better at making Low-Grade Healing Potions, my success rate is around 80% now. Soon I'll be able to take a ranking test and raise my rank just by showing I was capable of creating any potion with at least a 90% success rate." Emmie hadn't been having any luck at all since Gabriel had left that day. Her brother had found some work building at a new village nearby, so he was sending enough money for her to survive, but she was barely bringing in anything right now. If she hadn't known where to hunt rabbit and gather berries they would've starved, but that wasn't something she wanted to reveal to Gabriel as it wasn't his fault she had bad luck.

"Congratulations! Maybe I can help you the next time you go to take a contract."

"I would welcome your help any time."

"Who goes there!?" The guards at the gates noticed the trio walking forward, but didn't recognize the man in the front. "Oh, Emmie, Serah, who's your friend?"

"This is our friend Gabriel, he'll likely be coming to the village quite often as he just started living in the Forest." Emmie quickly came up with an excuse and made her way past the guards without stopping not wanting to explain any further.

"Good afternoon Gentlemen. Gabriel. I'm an adventurer just taking a break to live in the woods for a few years." Gabriel played off Emmie's excuse and offered to shake hands with both of the men. They liked the respect shown to them by the adventurer and shook his hand. "Welcome to Rorish Gabriel, be safe." After the exchange of pleasantries, they made for Lady Ara's Apothecary.