
Where the men at: MHA/Taimanin

Waking up in the middle of nowhere was great peace and quiet for the first time in ages... until I found that ninety-five percent of births are women. Most men are small weak frail little things.. they are goddam fat traps too. So now that I am here larger than life. It also appears that most men make up most of the quirkless. I happen to be one with a quirk or a x-gene more preciously Magneto's ability with manipulating magnetic fields. This would be nice except for grape demonesses hunting any potential pleasure 'slaves'. Then there are the Hentai Ninjas. I own nothing but OC and storyline. This is not to be taken seriously if you thought it was... it has Hentai ninjas so yeah.

resistingsea · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

Good to know

She gagged and heaved as I pulled out the half-digested cloth from her throat roughly. "M-mer-cy mer-cy -mercy... please" her body-racking sob came after he call for mercy I looked down at her she still had some fight but all I wanted out of this was to send her a message.

Giving her a kind smile "Granted".

Looking down at the Dark elf as she heaved and vomited bile from her empty stomach. Bushing the hair out of her face and looking into her distant eyes. Giving her a rough smack across the face as her head went from side to side as she regained clarity. She looked up at me in the eyes for a second before she shuddered and looked down. "Good girl." Brushing my fingers through her scalp. Her head wobbled as she kept on dry heaving.

Grabbing her chin forcing her to look me in the eyes with her dimed purple. "Will you follow my orders now?" She nodded her head weakly moving to speak as she coughed up more saliva. Reaching my hand back calling her staff floats over to me.

"Yes" hearing her croaking is getting annoying

"I'm going to giver you, your staff back now." She looked up at me with wide wild eyes. "But you will only use it to clean yourself no more not less. Do No. Test. Me." Watching her refusing to meet my eyes. Letting out a sigh I grabbed her chin pulling until she looked up at me. She stared at me in fear until she reluctantly nodded.

Reaching back to an unassuming corner her eyes followed the staff quietly but a yearning appeared in her eyes. "I am still disappointed in you though." She flinched as I patted her bare shoulder giving it a tight squeeze "Couldn't even last four hours without giving in. Guess you are just less willed than the man was." She flinched as I reminded her of what just took place.

Handing her shackled arm the floating staff. She paused just staring at the staff for a few seconds almost deliberating trying to escape as I gave her chain a tug reminding her. Glancing down at the chains she took a deep breath pressing those thoughts out of her head. A moment later she was busy chanting and rasping out a spell. A flash of green and she was cleaned from her previous spit cover. Waving it again she opened a hand-sized hole in the air. Reaching in she grabbed a few purple potions.

Snatching the potions out of her hand "What did I say..." Narrowing my eyes at her squeezing her shoulder harder and harder gaining a grunt out of her.

"I am sorry, sir" She looked at her stumps slumping.

Letting her shoulder go "But! I am a magnanimous man! am I not?" She looked up at me before nodding hesitantly. Giving her a smile I hand her potions after taking her staff from her reluctant hand. She bit off the waxed cork spitting it off to the side. After she chugged the potions shuddering and shaking as her body bubbled a little moving down her arm and leg.

Watching her intently "Do you need the staff to access your magic?" She looked at me before nodding slowly. Narrowing my eyes at her tightening the collar. "Do you?"

Nodding her head harder as the collar tightened further. "Yes, we have to channel magic from the general area around us into us build it up then send it through a medium. That is why we chant" I stared into her terrified eyes before nodding and leaving her to heal herself. She turned away for a few moments.

She turned and looked back up at me "Could you please remove the metal from my hand and feet... please." Watching her grit out the please at the end brought a chuckle out of me. Removing the metal from her stumps exposing her bruised and battered limbs. Pulling out the purple bottles she goes to drink the as I put my hand in front of her mouth. She startled looking up at me with wide eyes.

she relaxed back as her flesh began to melt further off of her. Bones began to extend out of the stumps. Flesh melted down around the newly grown bone, and veins wiggled between the muscles.

Watching her twisting and turning the new arm while stretching her foot and testing them out. Removing the rest of her metal besides a simple metal collar around her neck. Turning back to her as she looked between me, her staff, and her new collar. She knows before she can even get a spell off her head would have been removed by then.

"Now tell me about you demons." Sitting back in my metal rocking chair I watch her stop testing her new limbs as she huffed and slumped down.

"No man has ever done... the towel trick before to my knowledge and... I am old very old. I shall remember it later down the line." She narrowed her eyes at me "What you ask is not simple... man our records go back hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of years." She grimaced before continuing "We at first were wood elves living peacefully in the Northern forests. That was until later in our history's oral traditions that they first appeared the Orc's appeared in our peaceful village burning, killing, and graping all of the women taking them off to breed over and over again. This is repeated for every other species we have met be it the Lima's, Vampires, or Succubus. Until we found out the orcs were nothing but foot soldiers of a vampire his name was Edwin Black." She shivered at the name of him closing her eyes and rubbing her face before gritting her teeth and looking back up.

"What you must understand in the beginning his goals were to find other realms to conquer, but like each conquers mistakes were made." She started to chuckle a little before her eyes became distant and her face slackened.

"His goal was this realm for some reason saying it was entertaining." She rubbed her eyes "Now you have to understand we elves live for tens of thousands of years we only mature after the first two thousand after that life gets dull so when we heard from him about this realm.

But the arrogant fool decided to in his words 'go for it and opened a portal to somewhere that was not here but a horrid land. Bogs as far as the eyes can see, and the insects they came in the billions wave upon wave feasting on our troops!"

She was getting hysterical shivering eyes showing she was on the verge of having a panic attack. Standing up reaching out and patting her back as she came back to reality slapping my hand away. Narrowing my eyes at her as she paled. "Sorry, sir" waving for her to continue.

Glaring at me she took a deep breath "It was massive, its stomach bulged out so much it was split into a smile... it had teeth the size of castles. I took one look at the portal and just breathed on the forward line. They mutated starting to devour each other combining into masses of flesh dozens of bodies turning into meat piles. Flesh melted like the wax of a candle combining into a pile of limbs and bodies. They all started to grab people making their piles combine. Those that were grabbed melted and joined the meat piles"

"Black was grabbed by the creature who tossed him sending him into the opening of its stomach. He was swallowed whole. Between the mad dash back to the portal the thing reached into its open stomach grabbed a hand full of green air and tossed it at us. Before we could close the portal what we later called Lilith's plague made it through the portal." Slumping she brought her knees to her chest blinking back tears. "That was almost a hundred thousand years ago the same process your men went through is the same as ours did but now male children are born as twisted fetuses black as the night."

She turned to me defeated and tired "We need those men more than this world does." No guilt for bringing the plague to this world. But then again that world seems like a 'Might Makes Right' world. Grinning down at her "What does it mean to lose to your enemy." She looked me in the eyes searching before leaning back.

"Nothing, if you lose you die... that is it." she hesitated hmm.

Walking forward grabbing the spare cloth while strapping her down to the chair forcing her back into place. "I gave you a chance to play nice" Grabbing her mouth forcing it open wide as her eyes were wide looking to where her staff was sitting just out of the reach of her arm. Grinning down at her outstretched arm her fingertips touching the staff trying to grab it until I moved it out of reach. "Lost your chance now I am going to see how much it takes for you to break." I leaned in whispering into her ears. Kissing her cheek.

Forcing her mouth back open "Let's break your record of four hours and shoot for five".

-----------(POV Change)---------

I could feel my body giving out slowly but surely. The spark is still there after years of extensive research we found out that One for All contains too much power for any one person to handle. The United Confederate States had been more than willing to offer help in this regard.

Leaning back into my soft leather chair thinking over the mission. An uncorrupted male that... that was what we needed with our cloning technology we should be able to last. Grimacing thinking about all the men the demons have taken back to their lairs using them as breeding studs. Well, we are not much different except we pay out studs. Looking over the list of available donors as it dwindled year by year in my almost forty years of life we are now down to extinction level for males.

We are running out of time men are almost gone it has gotten to the point that we have to use brainwashing quirks to force the men to give more 'samples' leaving them tired but none the wiser. Looking over the recent documents it would seem we underestimated how strong the man is.

Taking out a plane with no casualties now any drone within half a mile is taken down and metal strip. We are beginning to suspect that metal control is not his quirk. But we have no proof.

Closing my eyes wondering who they will send next if the team doesn't send the signal that the package is ready for pickup. Would they ask me or find someone with a brainwashing quirk? It would seem likely they would send one of their cleaners.

Looking over the last report it would seem that word had gotten out about our discovery. Balling up the report tossing it into a nearby fire clenching my fist. This is not going to end well the other countries are asking around making obvert movements. This may lead to war either out in the open or behind closed doors. Perhaps we could get him to cooperate? But what can you give a man who will have the world at his fingertips if he just asked?

----------(POV Change)--------

Sitting in my cell hearing the crying and whimpering of the elf outside I can't help but let a smile cross my face. This man was different. He was bold crass uncaring of our opinions His very presence set off our particles to maximum levels. The disdain in his eyes as he looked over my fat body made me wet with shame. I wonder what we could offer him to let us follow him?

"So what is our game plan?" Hawks finally spoke up to the rest of us.

Looking her up and down "Well don't lie or try not to stretch the truth. Our heightened senses picked up some of the conversations before that is the main reason the elf has screamed herself hoarse and not in a fun way." Bringing my finger up to my lips I thought "We could pledge ourselves to him, but you have to mean it. If you don't I have a feeling that what is happening outside is not the truest length he is willing to go."

Looking at the other three girls nodding their heads in agreement Shido Rinka looked around at the rest of us nervous and fresh out of the academic first mission and she may go traitor. "If not then we could maybe convince him to leave you behind Shido."

Reaching through the bars patting the teen on the shoulder giving her a motherly smile. She looked panicked

"He won't hurt me right?" The words looked like they tasted odd as they came out. Not that I blamed her I still find it hard to comprehend a man to be... well like that.

"Did he say his name?" We all looked at each other for a few seconds everyone else is shaking their heads. Well shit.

Hawks looked at her partner shaking her head "We can't leave without everyone going after out loved ones and our sidekicks. We all know that they will eventually either kill or use them as leverage just to have a go after Metal man out there." Jabbing her finger toward the screaming for emphasis.

Turning to look at my pale and shaking partner. Well, they did send only people with connections holding them back except Shido who from what I remember only has her grandmother who passed away recently. That wound is still fresh for her healing slowly. "Well, Shido has no one left at home besides some passing aquatics and my daughter all I have to do is send her a coded phrase and she is in the wind." Rubbing my cheek while thinking it over the consequences are rough but the pros are about the same.

Hawks looked over at his partner who nodded slightly "Well when they question us with their pet lie detector we could tell them a few half-truths." Hawks turned back to us "We will of course commend you on your 'long' and 'hard' mission in 'deep' covering the back of the male. Your Taimanin's job is to protect men from Demons so this is in your job description. When asked we could tell them about him being able to sift out messages between us."

Most of that is true if pressed deeper or if they send a cleaner truth will come out sooner or later. Thinking over my options again. Decided then and there as I reached between my fat breasts and grabbed my string necklace clicking it three times pausing then six times pausing one time. As I finished placing the neckless back between my breast the door melted as the man walked in with the head of the elf being dragged by her hair.

Tossing the elf back into her cage he placed the staff back in the corner looking back at the rest of us eyes going up and down our bodies making me wet. Unconsciously licking my lips as his eyes just looked at my face before turning away. Letting out a sigh while looking down at my body grabbing my flabby stomach and humongous breasts.

Years of training prepared you for a lot of situations but not one in which a male wouldn't even look at your body. Feeling a sting in my non existent pride as he kept heading to his washing station to clean off the snot and blood from his clothes.

Tomorrow we will offer out bodies, minds and souls to the man bathing before us. Hopefully he will accept if not my daughter is running here for no reason.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter