
Where the men at: MHA/Taimanin

Waking up in the middle of nowhere was great peace and quiet for the first time in ages... until I found that ninety-five percent of births are women. Most men are small weak frail little things.. they are goddam fat traps too. So now that I am here larger than life. It also appears that most men make up most of the quirkless. I happen to be one with a quirk or a x-gene more preciously Magneto's ability with manipulating magnetic fields. This would be nice except for grape demonesses hunting any potential pleasure 'slaves'. Then there are the Hentai Ninjas. I own nothing but OC and storyline. This is not to be taken seriously if you thought it was... it has Hentai ninjas so yeah.

resistingsea · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Personal kunoichi

Drones keep coming more and more frequently some have slipped through in the early hours of the night. Even with my powers, it doesn't matter much if I am not at the helm of them to bring down the drones. Laying back in my metal rocking chair wondering where to go from here.

If I stay on earth both humans and Demons will be hunting me for my seed. Some would give up living life as test subjects getting the best food, sex, and drugs available until they expire. I could build an asteroid in space but then again I have the knowledge of how it was built but none of the experience. The knowledge is like giving a student a library filled with knowledge and saying go pass the bar exam. Sure some people could pass it but twice as many would fail. Watching a fight and living it are two different to learn much.

Leaning back pulling on the magnetic fields around me softly not wanting to pull on the Magnetosphere protecting this planet from the cosmic radiation and charged particles from the sun. I may not be strong enough to mess with it much but a little mistake is enough to rip a hole big enough in it to seriously fuck this world hard.

Magneto was able to stop supersonic bullets. But in reality, the strength of a magnetic field capable of stopping a supersonic bullet at point-blank range is astronomically staggering and would have all kinds of effects on ferromagnetic materials all around. Lead, iron, and some other metals are Diamagnetic materials and thus are repelled by a magnetic field. Diamagnetic materials are those that some people generally think of as non-magnetic, and include water, wood, some organic compounds such as petroleum and some plastics, and many metals including copper, particularly the heavy ones with many core electrons, such as mercury, gold, and bismuth.

But then again Magneto was able to pull fucking iron out of people if they had enough inside them. Closing my eyes feeling out for these materials after pulling back my Magnetostatic field until I felt almost bloated. The field felt more powerful than before after bringing it back in. Sure it was shorter range but having it almost triple in strength. Pulling it even closer until it was just above my skin I watched as a semi-transparent shield was formed. Walking over to a metal wall I shoved my and forward. The metal started to wobble and fall aside as my hand slid through it easily.

Letting the field out slowly I watch as the shield began to expand but as it did it became less visible the further away it was. Three feet is when it started to flicker out and beyond that, it was gone from sight but I could still feel it. So this is how he walked through metal bulkhead doors the metal just turned to liquid and washed out of his way.

With enough finagling I will be able to affect all of those materials I wonder what effect I would have on the moon when strong enough would I be able to make it habitable or at least more so? Could I do the same to Mars, the moons on Saturn? Those sound like good fallbacks in case shit gets too hectic down here. If just by kick-starting the molten cores of these planets I could make my paradise if I found a loyal quirk user or spell caster strong enough to accelerate the development of those planets.

Drinking my shitty coffee I walked over to Hawks. "So what should I do with you all?" She slumped a little depressed.

"Well, either you kill us or let us go. Except those two" She waved over at the MILF and the hot white-haired teen "They wanted to swear loyalty to you and be your koinochi or whatever." Looking over at the two Taimanin. Hmm seemed right they can't resist my big dick energy. "We can't just leave or we would also come with you but we realized our government will hold those we care about over our head to get to you. While you would be fun in the sack me and Lady Nagant have a few hundred orphans to take care of." Looking over the two I can't help feeling some respect for the two.

Nodding my head I give her a smile "Alright sounds good, but two problems." She raised an eyebrow "I have no fucking clue where I am but japan. Those two don't speak English." She rubbed her face with her palm muttering 'of fucking course' "I can give them a crash course for a few days before you leave Taimanin has accelerated learning so those few days would be a month's worth of learning." Giving her a small smile.

She turned to look over at the elf culled up into herself sobbing "What about her?" said the elf looking up at us in fear.

"Well, I was going to kill her and study her stuff. She has proven untrustworthy so far I even gave her a chance but she blew it." The elf looked between us confused "Guess her translation spell or whatever wore off." Hawks rubbed her chin in a thinking pose.

"Could you give us some time with her? Between me, Lady Nagant, and the two Taimanin we should be able to figure out something to keep her in line for the time being." I nodded before narrowing my eyes at her.

"Why are you helping me so much?" She gave me a small sad smile.

"Convincing you to return with us is not possible you are hands down the most stubborn people I have ever met. You don't take shit from anyone. So by helping you I was hoping to have you owe me one." Nodding along sure I wouldn't mind helping her once if she can make the mage loyal or at least too scared to stab me in the back. "Also keeping you alive was part of the mission. They wanted you back by either hook or crook. I can read a lot about a person by just meeting and having a few words with them. You I have read easily at first you were like a cornered animal ready to lash out. I am not asking much about your past but let me ask you this what is the worst situation you have ever been in?" She looked me in the eyes.

Thinking back I decided to tell her about Erik not me "The holocaust I was there." She tilted her head in a question that needed not to be asked. "I am from a parallel earth where we never met Demons so the population split is fifty-fifty. I wouldn't recommend going over there though I am one of the weaker ones and I am sure that for bringing over the plague your earth will burn." Half-truths with lies are hard to cold-read someone who believes their lies.

She nodded "What is the Holocaust?" leaning back into the bars on the far side of her cage.

"Well to get into that we need to talk about World War II. World War ll was a conflict between nineteen-thirty-nine and nineteen-forty-five that involved all the world's major countries. It was the most destructive war in history and millions of people were killed. It was fought between the Axis this alliance was between Germany, Japan, and Italy, and the Allies this alliance was between Britain, the US, and the Soviet Union. It also had most of the EU join up." Waving my hand at that "But we are here to talk about the Holocaust. Now that you have the backdrop let's talk about that."

Making a chair bringing out the memories "The Holocaust was systematic, Axis mainly the Germans state-sponsored persecution and murder of roughly six million European Jews by the Nazi regime and its allies and collaborators. I was six at the time men broke into my house killing my father for daring to defend himself. After arriving in the camp I activated my quirk so to speak. There were not many with quirks at that time so I was the perfect lab rat for them. A Jew with a loving mother they could hold just out of arms reach." Taking a breath letting out a huff to hide my watery eyes. Seeing it and reading about it are two very different things. I can smell the burning bodies, and taste the flesh of the man magneto had to eat to survive. Looking into the horror-filled eyes of Hawks as she paled further turning green as I described the furnaces, the 'shower' rooms, and the treatment of myself and the others.

"When I left the camp I was sixty pounds of skin and bones. But I survived. They shot, stabbed, poisoned, and many many other attempts to kill the powerful Jew boy who survived Hitler's final solutions. I survived and I will continue to do so whether I have to sink an Island or two so be it." Walking away heading outside but not before connecting all of the cages so they can work over the Elf. I hear Hawks vomiting at the picture I panted at the graphic detail of what I saw and experienced. Making her think I am a broken man lashing out at the world when it couldn't be further from the truth.

Women are emotion-based creatures after all they will follow their 'hearts'. Men, most of us are logic-based creatures. If she cheats? She was just following her 'heart'. Men who cheat either feel neglected by their woman by holding sex or any number of small situations that build up over time. Here though there is no concept of cheating because they want me to breed the next generation as fast as possible. I expect the other countries have found out about me by now. Guess I should be preparing for a fight that is soon to come.

I am a creature of logic I have become the sum of my parts. I don't remember my early childhood so magnetos memories filled in the gaps. My teens? Well besides fucking and drinking nothing else. Magneto's memories of his old age and middle age fit into my head with startling ease as his memories became mine. All of this made me realize I am both magneto and the man I was before. Magneto's ruthlessness, his brilliant mind, and his planning. My stubbornness, and empathy which he lost most of in his childhood thanks to his mother's death, and ability to think outside of the box.

Magneto's memories have become my own without me realizing it. Until I told the story about our childhood. We have become an amalgamation of the two parts and it felt liberating to combine us. I have his knowledge about marvel without the need to help all of the mutants there for I have lost his 'god' complex about saving mutants from themselves. I am me. He was himself. We are now one.

-------(POV Change)-------

"So Hawks what is wrong?" Looking over at the busty Taimanin I felt the familair feeling of my stomach churning. To have such a thing happen to such a young boy. Feeling tears prickle at the corners of my eyes. Looking back at the busty Taimanin I let out a sight slumping against the bars.

"Our captor has suffered and suffered greatly." Feeling her rubbing my back while kneeling by me I could almost smell the burning flesh. I had thought our 'training' at the commission was harsh but to be used to the breaking point then tossed aside I am sure it was much worse in person. "He is old older than he looks." I proceeded to explain to them what happened to him hearing more gasps from the younger Taimanin.

"To watch ones mother go through all of that only to realize that nothing you did saved her in the end." Watching the older Taimanin shed tears of her own knowing a mothers love being stripped away was horrific. To have something like that happen to a child would have broken most. On some level he is broken the way he looked at us as if we were not real as if everything around his is just his imagination.

"He is broken in his own way. This whole time he looked at us like characters in a book rather than people. It must be his way of coping with what he went through. You must not let him go any further into his madness. Do anything you must take care of him. I fear what would happen if he where to snap only to realize that this is all real and not some figment of his imagination." Taking a breath wiping away tears "he needs you to not replace but to be some sort of mother figure in his eyes. I don't care if you fuck him. I know you will. He is slow to trust, but break that trust I fear what would happen."

Looking over the the two Taimanin then back to Lady Nagant who looked sullen but nodded her head regardless. "A few things to go over before we separate. One we need to make the Elf loyal or at least listen to commands. Two I need to teach the two of you English as fast as possible. Three we need to report this up the chain of command so they don't mess up and cause him to have a mental break down and go nuclear."

Standing up stretching looking over to the horrified Elf. Feeling a smile spread across my face going over techniques to break her and mold her to help our resident man. Looking over the the two Taimanin "Well do you know any good techniques to help break her? We could do your ninja arts plus mine and Lady Nagant's mental conditioning to speed up the process." Looking over at Lady Nagant who was tapping her lips standing over the Elf pondering where to start.

She turned back to us "Well sensory deprivation should only take a week for her to break mentality. Doing that will ruin her knowledge though leaving her in a state not unlike a newborn. Physically she has more potions I am sure so we can work her over leaving her tongue and her hands alone without the rest she can grab her potions to heal herself." She squatted next to the shivering Elf speaking as if she was talking about a summer drive in the country side.\

The busty Taimanin walked over to the cowering Elf kneeling while removing her clothes looking for any hidden notes, or offensive weapons. Charmed rings are a favorite of this particular elf they can be made out of stone, wood, or metal. Toss them near an enemy and they will set off. She stood over the naked Elf hands roaming her curves "She would make a good servant to... What was his name?" Dammit I forgot to ask... again.

Shrugging while hiding my embarrassment "Didn't ask too caught up in his orbit". The older Taimanin turned around and just stared at me for a moment.

She huffed "not the time for pun's" Giving her a thumbs up and a smile fighting down the horror that came across me earlier burying it deep for later.

"Always a time for puns." We all decided to forget about the situation on the other earth for later. It was a next weeks us problem They all nodded in agreement I haven't told them yet that he considered himself one of the weaker people on that earth. So hopefully we don't go there spreading the Plague and gaining the attention of the stronger people from over there. Eh who am I kidding governments have done less for even dumber reasons.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed thanks for reading.