
When I bumped into you!

After bumping to each other sparks fly between a nerd and a playboy. Two falls in love eventually. But life does not go smoothly. They fell apart. But after a few years, they meet again but maybe there's a mystery that the girl is hiding? Will they fall in love again or fell part again?

nazifa_nawar · Teenager
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19 Chs

Tutoring them....

Amelia Anderson's POV

"David?" I was confused. "Yes, I took your address from Hannah. I came here so that you can tutor me."

What!!! I watched him dumbfounded. I said, "Come in." He came in. We sat down in my living room. "You sit here. I am coming." I went to take my books.

What would I do now? I know Thomas told me that he doesn't have any problem. But I know he is feeling insecure.

I went to the living room and we talked for sometime. And then we started studying.

After an hour, my phone went off. When I saw the caller ID my heart skipped a beat. "Hi," I hesitated.

"Hey, what are you doing?" said Thomas. Oh no, should I tell him the truth?

I said, "I am studying." And David called me should I say he yelled? Oh gosh, what should I do?

"Who was that?" Thomas growled. I gulped. "Umm, David."

"And what is he doing in your home?" Thomas said impatiently. "Ii, hhe ccame to study with mme." I stuttered.

He hung up the phone. Gosh! Is he mad at me?

Seeing my face, David said, "Is something wrong?" I shaked my head in no.

He didn't believe me of course but he didn't ask me anything which I am grateful to him.

After sometime, my calling bell rang. I went to open the door and seeing the person, my lips curled into a small smile. "Thomas? Come." He had a backpack with him.

He came in. David saw him and said hi hellos. Thomas was clearly not happy. But he pretended that he is cool.

Thomas said, "I have some math problems that's why I came here." I was surprised. He is really something.

So I tutored them. I taught them some shortcut techniques. And Thomas was so surprised. I laughed at David's joke between our study. But when I saw Thomas my laughs stuck in my throat. He tightened his hands so hard that his knuckles turned white.

I gulped. I don't know why am I so afraid. David left the House. Thomas held my arms just then I got a hiccup.

Thomas said, "Do you still feel nervous around me?" He looked I don't know what? No, I don't feel nervous around him but right now I am feeling scared. Ughh what the hell is wrong with me?

I kept my head down. He grabbed my face softly. "Don't be scared. I will not eat you up." I laughed.

"No, I am fine." I looked at him. He said, "By the way, you can tutor very well. You were looking so hot while tutoring me." My eyes widened at his comment. I blushed. "Did you even concentrated?" I asked him.

"Yes, but I was looking at you half of the time." I laughed. "You are impossible Thomas. By the way, what do you wanna eat?" He said narrowing his eyes at me, "Do you know how to cook?" "I do not know but I bake cakes." I shrugged..

Thomas said immediately, "I wanna eat." I smilingly said, "Okay... I will bake cakes for you tomorrow."

We ate pastas. I was doing the dishes Thomas insisted for doing dishes but I told him no to do that. Suddenly I felt hands on my waist.

Thomas hugged me from behind. I smiled. He bit my neck. I was surprised. I was not be able to do anything. He trailed his lips on my neck up and down. I was breathless.

"Tthomas?" He hummed in reply. He turned me around and made me sit on the counter. I was surprised at his actions.

He kissed me slowly but soon it turned into a passionate kiss. After sometime he pulled away. We were breathing hard.

I was feeling hot. The kitchen felt really small for me. He said, "Woww...." I smiled.

After our kissing session we watched movie for sometime while eating pistachio flavour ice cream. It was my favourite. We talked for sometime. After thet he left the house. I am feeling so sad.

Dad came home. We talked about our day. And my dad is going on a date with a woman whom he met a few weeks ago. He asked me if I had a problem with it. I asked him that if he his happy. He nodded and I also said that I didn't have any problem. My dad's happiness is the most important for me.

In the morning

I got ready for school. I wore a peach mini skirt with a white crop top and my sneakers. I took the box of the cupcakes which I made yesterday night. I yold Thomas that I will go to the school alone. He first denied but I told him that it was okay.

I went to the school and walked towards my group. Thomas was also there.

Sam said, "Whoa!!! What is this?" He motioned the box. I said, "Cupcakes!!!"

"Yeyyy! I love cupcakes." Hannah and Zack squealed in happiness. I smiled at them.

Thomas said, "Stop. These are mine." Liam glared at him. "These are for us. You can eat whenever you want. So these are ours, right guys??" They all nodded except Thomas. Thomas was angry. I laughed at their childish act.

They were quarrelling with each other.

"Stopppp." I yelled. They all stopped. "Now listen. I have brought enough cupcakes for everyone to eat. So shut up and dig in." They all came unison. "Hey hey, One by one!" They rolled their eyes.

They took the cupcakes except Thomas. I took one cupcake and went to Thomas.

I held his hand. He looked at me. "Why aren't you eating. Here take a bite." He took a bite. His eyes widened after he took a bite. "It's so great." He moaned. I laughed.

"Thank you." I said happily. Everyone praised my cupcakes. I went to my class and Thomas was also in this clas with me.

We sat down together. Our teacher came and began to speak. We were listening to the teacher.

And the girls behind us were giving me jealous looks. I ignored them as I always do. "You are looking so pretty." Thomas whispered. I blushed.

After finishing our 3 classes, I went to our cafeteria. And sat down with my boyfriend. Thomas kissed my cheeks. "Aww, look at them. They look so beautiful together." Zack said sweetly. We laughed. Hannah said, "Lia, tell me the recipe of the cupcakes. I will make them for Sam." Sam smilingly said, "Aww. How cute you are." He kissed her. Zack said, "Oh my gosh! Go get a room. Don't do this act in front of a baby." He pouted. "You? Baby? Don't joke. You change girls like your clothes." Liam said sarcastically. We laughed. Zack scoffed.

I said, "Umm, for the batter you need softened butter, vanilla extract, sugar, flour. And for the buttercream I used softened butter, icing sugar, vanilla extract, mil...." I got startled because I felt a hand on my thigh. I saw Thomas. He was freaking smirking. I felt goosebumps all over my body. But he was looking so calm He pretended that he was listening to me. "Amelia, why did you stop? Come on, speak." Thomas said mischievously. I saw him in disbelief. He is unbelievable.

Hannah said, "come on"

"Uhh, milk and oomph." Now Thomas was trailing his hand up and down on my thigh. Also he pushed my skirt a little bit up. My eyes widened. I gulped.

Liam said, "Are you alright?"

Alright? No! I am feeling so hot and might I say good? I got a hiccup. Thomas smirked. After a few second, I calmed down. I think Zack understood what was happening between me and Thomas! Because he was smiling mischievously.

I tried to push his hand but he didn't even budge.

I stopped trying stop him and began to tell Hannah the recipe as I felt comfortable under his touch.

After his cafeteria action, The bell rang we went to our classes. I didn't see David. I think he didn't came today.

After finishing our classes, I went to my locker to take some books. I closed the door and half screamed. "David? You scared me." David said, "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

I said, "It's ok. Did you need anything?" "Yeah! I came here to thank you." He smiled sheepishly.

"Oh, it's ok. If you need any help I am here." I said politely as a friend. He grinned. Then I went to Thomas. He was already waiting for me. I gave him a smile. He kissed my cheeks.

After sometime he pulled the car infront of my house. We got out of the car. I hugged him. We pulled away. He said, "Wait a minute." I looked at him confusedly.

He took out a thing which was wrapped up with a wrapping paper. It was medium in size.

He gave me that thing. Ooh, it was a little heavy too. We went to my room. He helped me to cary the thing.

"What is this?" I said excitedly. "Open it." He shrugged. I opened the wrapping paper. Wowww! It was a photo frame. It was a collage picture. In that, I saw of mine and his pictures of our date. And in schools, my movements were also clicked.

It was so beautiful. When did he click these? My eyes got blurry due to water. I felt so happy.

Thomas cupped my face, "What happened? Why are you crying? Didn't you like it? Did I do something wrong?" He said feeling confused and anxious.

I said, "No,,,, I am just so happy that I got emotional. Are you insane? I loved the gift. When did you click these?" "Let this part be secret." He smiled. He kissed my forehead.

After that we pulled away. I smiled at him.

He looked around the room. Oh yes, this his first time seeing my room. "It's cozy." I smiled. "Thank you so much Thomas! I loved the gift." He smiled.

I kissed him. First he was surprised then he also kissed me back. We pulled away after sometime. We talked for sometime then he left.

Thomas, I have fallen in love with you!!!!