
When I bumped into you!

After bumping to each other sparks fly between a nerd and a playboy. Two falls in love eventually. But life does not go smoothly. They fell apart. But after a few years, they meet again but maybe there's a mystery that the girl is hiding? Will they fall in love again or fell part again?

nazifa_nawar · Teen
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19 Chs

I said it.....

Amelia Anderson's POV

Today my school is off. I went to my dad's room. I knocked on the door and dad a few seconds later I heard a come in. I went into his room amd saw dad was working.

"Good morning dad." I smiled. "Good morning dear." My dad greeted me back. "Dad, how was your date!?" I excitedly asked. Dad thought for sometime and said, "Hmm, it was great.?" What? "Am I hearing confusion in your voice!?" I said raising a eyebrow. "I mean , she is great. But I messed it up." Dad sighed.

"What happened?" I asked. Dad said, "I spilled water on her."Oops.

"But was she okay with it? I mean did she look pissed off?" I asked with a curiosity look. Dad thought for sometime and said, "No, she said it was okay. But everyone will say this. And she didn't look pissed off. She managed it so smoothly. But still I messed it up." I know dad likes her very much. I assured him by patting his shoulder. I said, "It will be ok. I am sure she didn't mind it." Dad smiled in return and thanked me.

I went to my room took out my phone and saw David's missed calls. I called him back. "Hey, sorry I was busy that's why I couldn't take the call." I said.

"It's ok." He said. "By the way, did you need anything?" I pouted.

"Nothing. Just wanted to hangout with you. Are you free?" He asked with a hope.

What should I say? If I go with him what will Thomas think? Will he be angry? But David asked me hopefully. Ughhhh....

I said, "Umm, ok." He said, "Ok! I will pick up you at 11." "Ok.," I hung up the phone.

He came to pick me up in the right time. "Hey, David! Where are we going?" "Movie!!!!" He said excitedly. I nervously laughed.

We went to watch the movie the girl on the train. After finishing the movie we went to eat lunch. "The movie was great." I said smilingly. David nodded.

After finishing lunch and chatting for sometime David dropped me off in front of my house.

"Today I had a lot of fun." I said excitedly. David smiled. He hugged me. I hugged him back. I smiled and said, "Bye, Davi...." I trailed off. My sentences got cut off seeing Thomas in front of my house. "Thomas?" I was surprised to see him. Thomas pulled me towards him. "Come with me."Thomas was annoyed. I bade goodbye to David. Thomas dragged me to my room and closed the door of my room.

I was getting scared. "What happened, Thomas?" I am getting anxious. He grabbed my arms tightly but not extent to hurt me. "What happened to me? Check your phone. I have called you for thousand times but you didn't receive any of it. I was worried for you. Ok, fine. You were with David. I understand. But at least inform me. And why were you with David? Did you go to a date?" He blurted.

Yes,I should have been informed him. But how could he say that I went to a date with him?!

I took his hand off my arms. "How could you say that? It was just a hangout. Why are you getting so angry.? It's just two friends went on a hangout that's it. And you said that you don't have any problem with David and me being friends. Didn't you? And it's my fault I admit it. I should inform you. My phone was dead." I huffed.

Thomas was looking at me intensely. "Fine. Do what you want." With that he left. I pulled my hair angrily. Ugh.... After a few hours....

I went to sleep. But I think my sleep has gone on a holiday. Suddenly I heard a sound. I looked all over my room. I think that's coming from my window. I looked there and saw my curtain was moving. Oh my gosh! My heart was beating fast.

I slowly got up from the bed and grabbed a cricket bat.

Oh no, a shadow. I will beat him with this bat and hand over him to policeman.

Oh Amelia! Stop watching this action movies.My subconscious mocked me.

I rolled my eyes. And went to my window. I raised my bat to hit that thief "Yahhh.." but that asshole grabbed my bat and he closed my mouth with his hand.

I tried to free myself from him but couldn't. He was dragging me to my bed. What should I do??? And I hit him where sun doesn't shine. Hah....

"Don't mess with me." I said. "Ahhh... Amelia! It's me Thomas." He groaned. What!!!

Oh my gosh what have I done? I quickly turned the lights on and saw Thomas was lying on his stomach. I quickly went to him. "Sorry!!!!! I thought that you were a thief. Sorry! Why didn't you tell that it was you??" I said sadly.

Thomas got up. He grabbed my face. "It's ok. But seriously you got a lot of moves." He said playfully. I laughed.

"Sorry." "Sorry." We both said together. We both begin to laugh. After finishing our laughing session Thomas spoke, "I shouldn't have fought with you." I smiled. "And I should have been informed you. Anyways, enough with this I should and I shouldn't." Thomas laughed. Why is he so handsome?

Suddenly he got all serious. He said, "I know I said that I don't have any problem with David and your friendship. And I don't have but I have." I saw him confusedly. I said, "Do you have problem or not?" He huffed and said, "I just want to say that I didn't want to be that boyfriend who doesn't want his girlfriend to have male friends.But seriously? Why do you have to laugh with him? Spending time with him? Tutoring him? Hangout with him?" I was trying hard not to laugh. He continued, "It's ok, I don't have problem. You can hangout with him. But I feel insecure. It's ok to feel insecure, right?"

I nodded than burst into laughter. I said in between my laugh, "Thomas! You are so cute." He pouted. And goodness he is so cute! Ugh.

I finished my laughing session. He glared at me. I bit my lips to stop my laugh.

I huffed and said, "Listen Thomas, I love you! And you only. You don't have to be jealous. But it's cute though." I smiled. After a moment, I realized Thomas wasn't moving. I put a hand on his shoulder and gently shaked him. "Thomas?" Also called him. But he didn't say anything.

I was getting afraid. After a few minutes he said, "You said what?" Now I am confused. "I said a lot of things." He said, "You said that you love me. Is it true?"

Realization dawned upon me. I bit my lips. I said confidently, "Yes, it's true."....