
When I bumped into you!

After bumping to each other sparks fly between a nerd and a playboy. Two falls in love eventually. But life does not go smoothly. They fell apart. But after a few years, they meet again but maybe there's a mystery that the girl is hiding? Will they fall in love again or fell part again?

nazifa_nawar · Teen
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19 Chs


Amelie Anderson's POV

"David?" I said with confusion in my voice. "Yes," he smiled at me. David used to be my crush and a close friend back at New Jersey. He hugged me. I hugged him back. Suddenly we heard a voice which belongs to Thomas. We pulled away. I said, "Thomas, this is my friend David and David this is my boyfriend Thomas." I blushed at what I said. Thomas were smiling at me. They shook hands and said hi hello's.

I said to David, "When did you come here?" He said, "A week ago. I started school here." I excitedly said, "Which school?" "Stuyvesant High School. ."

"Seriously? We also go to this school." David said happily, "Oh! It's amazing. We can have fun." I looked at Thomas. He smiled forcefully. I said, "Yeah!" Thomas said, "Babe, we should go." I said, "Oh, yeah. Bye David. See you again." We said goodbyes.

Thomas pulled the car infront of my house. Thomas was silent all the way. I asked him about this but he didn't say anything.

We got out of the car. Thomas was still silent. I stopped him by holding his hand.

I asked worriedly, "What happened, Thomas?" He said nothing.

"Did I do something wrong? I made a sad face. Seeing my face Thomas cupped my face and said, "No, you didn't do something wrong. I am just feeling insecure."

I said, "Why?" He said, "I don't know. You shouldn't talk to him." I raised a brow as I don't know who is he talking about.

Scrunching his nose, he said, "David!" "What? Why?" I said with a confused voice. He tightened his hands. He said, "I don't know! But please." He literally pleaded. David is my friend. But I needed to assure Thomas. So I nodded. He hugged me. We said goodbyes.

I got up in the morning and was going to get ready just at that time, Hannah called me. I picked up the phone and met with a scream. Geez!!! "Bitchhhh" Hannah screamed excitedly. I rolled my eyes. I said, "What?" She said in a warning tone, "You better wear something nice. If you don't wear something nice, I will strangle you and will go to jail." I gulped.

I wanted to deny. But when she uses this tone, we have to listen her. I said, "Ok, bitch." She hung up the phone.

I browsed for sometime in my cupboard. I really need to go for shopping. Finally I found some clothes. I wore a ripped jeans and a white crop top and sneakers. I did a ponytail.

Thomas couldn't come to pick me up because of his some work. So I went to my school alone. I walked to my group.

Thomas was there. Everyone watched me from head to toe. I said, "What?" Hannah said, "Hmm, you look greattt." I smiled. Zack said, "Thomas changed you girl." I blushed. I looked up to see Thomas. He was looking at me intensely. I gulped under his gaze. What is he thinking?

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw David.

I said, "Hi!" He said, "Hi!"

"Let me introduce to my friends." He nodded. I introduced everyone except Thomas to him. They said hi hellos.

We went to our class and finished our 3 classes. Me and Thomas went to the cafeteria. Zack said, "How do you know David?"

"He was my crush back at New Jersey. And he is a good friend of mine." I blurted. And I immediately regretted. He was my crush amd I told it in front of Thomas. I bit my lower lip.

I looked up to see Thomas. He had a blank expression. Zack nervously laughed.

Thomas said after a moment, "He is your crush? " I said, "No, was! Past tense." Thomas again said feeling frustrated, "Was or is, I don't care. Amelia, don't talk to him." I huffed.

I nodded to calm him down.

After all our classes, I was walking to my locker. Suddenly David appeared in front of me. He said happily, "Hi." Oh gosh! If Thomas would kill me. I said, "Hi, David. David I have some work to do. I will see you later." He said, "Ok." He left. Just then Thomas came. He gave me a kiss on my cheeks. I smiled.

Right now, I am in his car. We were in comfortable silence.

"Ok, you can talk to him but as a friend. You can't leave me, and I won't let you leave me. If he tries to flirt with you I will kill him." Suddenly he blurted out.

I was shocked. So that's why he didn't want me to talk with him. Oh no, Thomas, I will not leave you ever.

Grabbing his one hand, I said softly, "No, Thomas, I will never leave you. Even if you leave me, I will be after you like a ghost." I laughed.

Suddenly Thomas stopped the car. I looked at him confusedly.

He is looking so serious. He held my arms. He said, "I will never leave you. I promise you." I smiled. He kissed me. I smiled at the kiss.

He dropped me in front of my house and left.

I got freshened up. Suddenly my phone went off. My lips curled into a smile seeing the caller ID.

I said in a chirpy voice, "Hey." "Ah... Amelia." I got afraid. I said, "What happened to you Thomas? Are you fine?" Thomas said, "No, I am missing you so my heart is aching." I sighed in anger. "You and your silly jokes, Thomas I got afraid. How can you joke?"

"Ok, ok. Sorry. I won't do that again." He softly said. "It's ok. But don't pull this stunt again." He said, "Yes. I won't do that. By the way what are you doing?"

I said, "Nothing. Just walking. You?"

He said, "Missing you." I giggled. "By the way I am missing your hiccups." I facepalmed myself. We talked for sometime.

After sometime I heard our calling bell. I went to open the door. Opening the door I was surprised. "David?"....