
What if goku was in highschool dxd

What if goku was in highschool dxd. Were going to used manga goku will all of this abilities but he is around the age of a high schooler. Meaning Perfect Master Ultra instinct and all of goku's abilities. This happens before the rating match and the story will continue on before the rating match. No! Goku will not get a harem. Goku isn't the guy to have one.

Greater_Oat · Fantasie
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26 Chs

Kiba attacks Goku

Goku waited for a minute before going behind a corner and before using instant transmission to teleport behind her. "Who are you and why are you following me?"

She was surprised as she spun around to see Goku standing behind her as she would yelp in fear. "Rias Gremory told me to follow you and bring you to her."

"Where I have heard that name before. Rias? Rias? Oh yeah, Issei told me she was like the prettiest girl in the school." As Koneko would be dumbfounded.

"Take me to Rias." As Goku followed Koneko outside the main building and then into the old schoolhouse. Koneko opened the double grand doors to the room.

As Kiba turned to look at Goku. Kiba would speak "It's the new guy." Goku stood there in the hallway as Rias came out of a different room.

Rias froze up as Koneko closed the doors behind Goku. "Rias. Tell me why was one of your members following me?" Goku had lost his playful demeanour and gained a serious demeanour.

She blinked as she regained her composure before answering. "First, What is your name?" Goku looked to be more cautious. "I am Son Goku and that still doesn't answer why the girl was following me."

"We know you aren't a normal person Goku." A sweat drop rolled down Goku's face before he responded "And neither are you Rias." Rias was completely shocked as she said this.

"How did you know?" Rias pressed the Sayian "You radiate an aura of destruction and Issei has some latent power hidden deep within him."

"Are you a devil?" Goku now pressed Rias as Kiba clasped his sword tighter. As Goku took a menacing step towards Rias. Kiba launched himself in front of Goku.

The Swordsman tried to slash Goku but Goku dodged as Kiba swung with power before Rias yelled at the top of her lungs, "Stand down."

Issei at the bottom of the stairs heard the commotion and charged up the stairs and burst through the door.

Goku sensed Issei as he bursted through the door. Goku stared at Issei, "Are you a devil too?"