
What if goku was in highschool dxd

What if goku was in highschool dxd. Were going to used manga goku will all of this abilities but he is around the age of a high schooler. Meaning Perfect Master Ultra instinct and all of goku's abilities. This happens before the rating match and the story will continue on before the rating match. No! Goku will not get a harem. Goku isn't the guy to have one.

Greater_Oat · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Riser appears

"Yes Goku, we are devils and I wanted you to join our peerage. We could all sense you the moment you came to his school."

"No." Goku pronounced bluntly leaving Rias confused, "I will not join your peerage but I wanted to assist you peerage if you ever needed it."

"But I will not become a devil since I'm not human myself." Rias would look surprised hearing this from Goku, "Then what are you?"

Goku would start, "I'm from the North galaxy and I came to the West galaxy which is here to get a normal childhood Also I'm a Sayian a warrior race that became extinct by a tyrant called Frieza."

"Only nine of us made it out and only four of us remain. We got wiped out for being a race that was too good and conquering."

Issei, Kiba, Koneko, Asia, Rias and Akeno turned to look in shock, "But I'll still help out when you guys need it." Goku would start to leave when Rias would tell Goku to wait.

"What you heard here you can not tell anyone Goku." Goku nodded before leaving. Goku walked out of the old school house before his stomach would grumble.

"Oh wait I forgot to grab lunch!" Goku sprinted to the cafeteria to get a plate of rice and Goku would devour the meal as he would notice that he didn't have his Sayian appetite.

After his meal, Goku explored the campus before heading back to the lesson where he went to find Issei, he was scared. Goku wouldn't do this and would ask Issei to come outside.

"Is something bothering you best buddy? You look scared." As Goku said to a scared Issei, he started to yap. "After you left some guy called Phoenix Riser came."

"And he said he was going to marry Rias and now he was challenging the peerage to a rating battle." Issei finished out of breath. "A fight that sounds like fun." Goku would say pumped.

"Goku, he is powerful, I don't think you can take him in a fight." Goku spoke in a playful demeanour to Issei, "I'll talk to Rias and maybe I can fight with you guys." Issei was left speechless.