
Water Bending In Marvel

Jared Parker, an assassin from a different world, finds himself transmigrated into the Marvel Universe. Instead of becoming a familiar face, he has been inserted as an unknown character, specifically as the elder brother of the fan-favorite Peter Parker (Tom Holland). With his new identity, Jared embarks on an exciting journey full of action, adventure, and self-discovery. This story promises a unique blend of sci-fi and fantasy elements, all set in the ever-expanding Marvel Universe. Experience the thrill of the Marvel Universe through the eyes of a newcomer, Jared Parker, in this captivating NO HAREM tale.

lazarus898 · Filme
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39 Chs

PPEB: Need more practice

Hi All, many are asking if Liz if going to be a love interest for the mc and no Liz isn't a love interest, in fact, the story will be more about action and the events of the avengers movies and will have very less romance and some have also complained about it being slow so I will be increasing the pace.

Extra Chapters on P@treon



"The Third Eye" Jared said.

"The third eye? You mean the one that Lord Shiva has?" As an Indian Jakuna was knowledgeable enough to know about the 'Shiva the Destroyer'.

"Alright…I will send someone here to the US in a few days. I will send some funds with him as well as you wanted. He is someone the SHIELD or the council doesn't know about. He was in the army until he was discharged because of substance abuse and now monitors all the guards that are assigned to me and my family by SHIELD or the council. He will be perfect for the job." 

"Wow…keeping a drug addict to look after your security and you must have spent quite a reasonable sum to keep him away from the eyes of SHIELD and the council." 

"Yes, I have." Jakuna said and just then he heard knocking on the door. "What is it?" Jakuna asked to which a bodyguard from the outside said "The designer for the mall is here…should I let him in?" 

Jakuna looked at Jared to which he said "Fine send this watchdog of yours. Have him book the room I am in right now and next Tuesday at 3 pm I will meet him." 

Without even waiting for Jakuna's reply, Jared stepped back disappearing from Jakuna's line of sight. The binds on Jakuna's hands and legs also became undone. 

"Alright come in" Jakuna shouted prompting the guard to open the door.


Jared's POV

After finishing my meeting with Jakuna, I left the hotel headed straight to school and picked up my cellphone. After switching it on, I was glad to see that there wasn't a single missed call from Aunt May. This meant that Peter had done his part properly. But there was one missed call from Ryan and 7 from Maya so I called her.

"Hey Maya, you called?" 

"Where the hell have you been you idiot?" Maya's signature tone came through the phone.

"I had some work to do and I left my phone in the locker room. What was so urgent?" 

"Its about the Professor you asked me about. I am standing outside your house…come fast. I think Peter isn't home either." 

"He isn't? Must have gone to his friend Ned's house. Alright, I'll be there as fast as I can." I said and disconnected the call.

I took a cab and headed straight home. As I reached close, I saw her pacing outside my house. 

"Hey…I m here now…Let's go in" I said while searching for my keys in my bag.

"No no…I gotta go to my dojo soon. I am already getting late. I came here to tell you something else."

"Dojo? I didn't know you go to a dojo." I said.

"It's been 2 weeks…some kids gave a demo and many of us gave the test…me and my friend were the only two who passed through…Now stop talking about other stuff…I came here to tell you about Professor Morris."

"Oh yes…what of him?" I asked as even I was curious as to what that man's problem was with Peter.

"I heard that he was in the same class as your father and they were even friends for a while…he left new York after school and went to Germany. He returned many years later and was going to be awarded for a medicine that he had made for some rare disease. It was later revealed that he used some unethical means during the testing of the medicine and that he also altered the results to increase the success percentage. And guess who the person was that revealed all those things?" Maya asked as she rested both her hands on her hips.

"My father…Richard Parker." I said now knowing what the entire fuss was about and why Professor Morris told Peter that our father ruined his life.

"Yup…your father was on the ethics committee so he had to investigate everyone that gets nominated for the award…Even though it was a total of 5 people who made the report, Professor Morris didn't think that his own friend who do something like this. He even threatened to kill your father as he was being dragged out of court." 

"Hm…that clears up things but how did someone like him get out of jail then." I asked to which Maya just shrugged…I guess her network doesn't extend to the justice system yet.

"Alright…thanks a lot Maya…You sure you don't wanna come in?" I asked seeing that she was waiting for me and got me such useful info.

"Yea…I am sure…I'll see you tomorrow." Maya said as she started to walk away.

"By the way Maya, what's the name of this dojo of yours?" I asked to which she shouted from a distance.


A smile appeared on my face as I heard that name but I didn't say anything. I just waved my hand and bid her goodbye. Chikara dojo was the one that was owned and run by Colleen Wing…although I didn't know if she had yet met the Iron Fist or not, I will need to meet her soon. 

'I would've got right now but I think I need to increase my skills before anything.' I said as I went inside. 

In my room, I filled a bucket of water and dipped my clenched fists into it. Now what I was trying was the water fist…one of the moves that I had seen in anime. Although I had gained strength this morning, a little more wouldn't hurt…such strength wasn't going to be enough if I set out to fight several supernatural creatures. 

Removing my hands from the bucket, I surrounded my fists with water. I stretched my fists as if punching the air but this caused most of the water around my fists to fall down. 

'My control isn't good enough yet' I murmured as I continued to do this again and again until the entire bucket was empty.

I looked around and saw that the floor in my room was almost covered in water but now I felt a little closer to the water surrounding me. It was as if the water was a part of me. I then stretched my hand out, opened my fist, and just lifted my hand a little. This caused the water in the entire room to vibrate a little and float a little. I lifted my hand a little more but this time more sternly and this caused all the water to float nearly 5 feet in the air. With one smooth round motion of my wrist, all the water started gathering in the middle just below my outstretched hand. Within a few seconds, all the water had now formed one big blob and I lowered my hand to carefully drop this blob back in the bucket. 

This entire exercise took approximately 20 minutes but I learned a lot about my powers and the progress I made with my control was significant as well.

The same evening I decide to go to the old docks. The old docks were a place that was now of no use to the people…there were just collapsed sheds and warehouses. There would be no perfect place than this for me to practice. The only problem is that many addicts and muggers have made the warehouses their go-to spot so I will have to move carefully even after I reach there. 

A few minutes after reaching the place, I saw a few dealers and addicts sitting around a few warehouses. I decided to practice in the corner warehouse because there is hardly anyone who comes there and the sound of waves slamming on the side wall wouldn't let anyone sleep.

After deciding on a warehouse, I started my training of the water fist again but this time I moved the rest of my body as well moving like a real boxer. I could feel that my strength had more than doubled with this water wrist. I looked around and saw a machine kept in the corner. Excited to gauge my strength after these new moves, I put my full strength into my fists and punched the machine. 

I expected a dent or something like that but the entire machine had caved in like it was a carboard box and I had stepped on it.

'Woah…a punch like that could blow off a person's head.' I thought as I looked at my fists.


If you like the chapter then do reward us some power stones


Extra Chapters on P@treon
