
Water Bending In Marvel

Jared Parker, an assassin from a different world, finds himself transmigrated into the Marvel Universe. Instead of becoming a familiar face, he has been inserted as an unknown character, specifically as the elder brother of the fan-favorite Peter Parker (Tom Holland). With his new identity, Jared embarks on an exciting journey full of action, adventure, and self-discovery. This story promises a unique blend of sci-fi and fantasy elements, all set in the ever-expanding Marvel Universe. Experience the thrill of the Marvel Universe through the eyes of a newcomer, Jared Parker, in this captivating NO HAREM tale.

lazarus898 · Movies
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39 Chs

PPEB: Help you out

I knew that strength wasn't all but in a world where there were people like the Hulk, Thor, and Captain America, Strength was a much-needed skill.

I practiced there for another hour and by the end of it, the water around the fists wasn't as much as before but now it was stable...it looked like a part of the fist, and drops of water didn't just fall off when I punched. While I was practicing I knew that I was making a lot of noise and due to the empty warehouse, the sound was echoing. As i was practicing, I heard footsteps from a distance. I looked back and saw a shadow on the warehouse floor which meant that whoever it was hadn't entered the warehouse yet. Soon another shadow joined him. I quickly ran and hid behind one of the big rusty machines.

I could hear the footsteps coming closer and the shadow getting smaller and eventually, the two people came into my line of sight. From what I could see, one of them was wearing a black suit while the other one had a leather jacket on him. The gun tucked on his waist was easily visible. They both looked American and their accents confirmed that as well.

"You sure this is the place he will come?" the guy in the suit asked. He had a serious expression on his face and kept looking around while the other guy chuckled.

"Of course, is there anyone in this city who dares mess with my boss? You uptight guys are way too jumpy." The one in the leather suit said in a carefree attitude as he lit a cigarette.

I quickly covered my face so that even if I made a run for it, my face wouldn't be seen by any of those. No matter what powers I have right now, I don't think I can outrun a bullet or even stop it with water. I started to realize how weak I am when it comes to actually fighting bad guys. In my previous life, I had guns and other types of tactical equipment but here I have started to depend on my powers, and in the future, those guns will become useless in big fights.

As I was thinking all this, I heard the sound of a car drifting. The two goons also looked behind and saw a car entering from the same gate they had come in.

"See I told you they'd be here…You were getting worried for nothing." The man in the leather jacket said.

The car entered the warehouse and stopped a few meters from the two men and 3 men stepped out from the car with a silver briefcase in hand. I was a bit alerted as I saw this because seeing these three men reminded me of those two who I saw outside Ryan's house. These three were also wearing similar black suits and were Asian.

The American in the suit glanced at the briefcase and asked "Is that it?"

The one holding the briefcase nodded and placed the briefcase on the car bonnet and opened it to reveal a file and a few papers stapled together. I couldn't see much clearly what it said but they had a few diagrams and formulas written on it.

"The only thing we found on him was a key to a safe deposit box. These documents were in that file." The Asian said.

The American put back those files in the briefcase and closed it. He was about to grab the handle and take the briefcase in his possession but the Asian man put his hand on the briefcase and said "We have lost 2 of our people while investigating this…the price of these files has gone up now."

"That wasn't the deal" the American said and looked at the man in the leather jacket.

That man pulled out his gun and said "That's not how things work in New York, my friend. This is the underworld you are messing with."

The two Asian men standing behind pulled out a knife from the back. Seeing this the man in the leather jacket chuckled "A knife to a gunfight? Do you think that will work?"

The Asian man who had his hand on the briefcase smirked as he heard that and said "Let's see" Just as he said it…one of the men behind him threw something from his other hand. It turned out to be a black kunai which lodged itself in the man's shoulder.

"Aaaaaa" the man in the leather suit screamed and the gun from his hand fell on the floor. The Asian man pulled the silver briefcase to himself and kicked the American man in the chest making him fall back.

The American man in the suit fell back on the floor and looked at his friend to the side. Seeing him trying to remove the kunai from the shoulder he cursed "Fuck…I knew this was a mistake. I should have brought more."

"Don't blame me for this…how would I know the Asians would pull a stunt here in our turf…we need to leave right now." The man said as he removed the kunai from his shoulder. He wanted to pick up the gun but one of the Asians in the suit ended up picking it.

He was about to point at the man in a leather suit but just then I heard a sound from the car the Asians came in. It wasn't coming from inside the car but from above it. The Asians also heard it so they looked back. Before they could even act on anything a man who was lying on the roof of the car stood up and jumped on the car bonnet.

The Asian pointed the gun towards this new stranger but the man pulled out a cane and swung it towards the man's hand hitting it with precision knocking the gun away. This time the gun was knocked so far that it hit one of the machines kept at the side. This made it difficult to locate since there wasn't much visibility near the machines.

"Dammit" one of the Asians said as he got up angrily this time pulling out his knife and looking at this new man. There were a few things I noticed when I saw this man…instead of wearing a mask like me which covers the lower part of my face, his mask covered the upper part and the second thing was his cane. Although it looked like a blind man's cane, it was way thicker and durable.

I knew who this man was and he was far from his usual hunting ground. The lawyer Matt Murdoc or the man without fear 'Daredevil'. I kept observing him for the next few seconds as he kept blocking the knife attacks either by dodging or with his cane. From time to time he would take a punch or two but he didn't let the knife graze him.

"Why is he here? We came all the way here to avoid him." The American in the suit said as he got up and glanced at Matt. He put his hand into his suit's inner pocket and pulled out brass knuckles as he walked towards Matt.

Now if the Daredevil got hit by something like this then it could be a problem so I decided to step in. As I stepped out, I covered my hands with water. Till the time I had the element of surprise, I didn't wanna let go of that advantage. So I decided to target the one who was left behind. The man in the leather jacket was just standing alone clutching his shoulder wound with his other hand. Seems like his injury wasn't limited to muscle but had affected the joints and bones as well.

I hurried up behind him without making much noise. As I got close to him, I kicked the back of his knee forcing him to lose a bit of his balance and fall on his knees. Without wasting a chance, I swung my fist and it the water-enforced fist on the side of his head.

I thought that it would be enough to knock him out but seems like I underestimated my strength because he fell on the floor so hard that his head started bleeding and even the concrete ground developed a small crack.


This made a big sound prompting everyone to look at Jared. Due to the half-covered face and the lack of light in the warehouse, no one was able to see his face.

"Who the hell are you? Did you just kill him?" the American man asked.

"How is the water sticking to his hand?" one of the Asians who was fighting with Matt a few seconds ago asked but the other Asian just shrugged his shoulders.

I began walking towards the American and my one hand was a reinforced fist while the other hand I had kept a little loose making water hang out from my hand like a small thick whip.

(If you like the chapter then spare us some power stones)


Extra Chapters on P@treon
