
Villain or Hero? Who i am?

Doctor Eggman was tired of seeing all his plans go down the drain because of Sonic and his friends. The scientist then had an idea, and inspired by his grandfather, Doctor Eggman resolved to create his own secret project that would be aimed at defeating Sonic and anyone who stood in his way. However, his new creation begins to wonder why and why he exists and whether or not he wanted to be a villain like his creator and father. Determined to find out who he is, he sets out on new adventures trying to find out who he should be. Will Sonic and his gang get another ally? Or will the villain team have a powerful new member?

VileTheMandalorian · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

Sunset City - Act 1

It's a nice and beautiful day in the city of Sunset City. The birds were chirping, the calm wind was blowing, the sun was rising in the beautiful sky as we stuck in the city and watched the people of Mobius passing by and enjoying their importing lives.

We then cut to a brown-furred anthropomorphic hyena with thick, spiky hair on the back of its head and an orange streak on top of its head, its muzzle was peach colored with a small black nose, blue-green eyes, small fangs coming out of the corners of the mouth and two spots in a darker brown tone above the eyes and on its fringes. His outfit consisted of a white shirt with an exposed back, blue belt, black tight pants and long gray boots with white toes.

This girl was Hilda the Hyena, today she was in a coffee shop where she works, when we see her behind the cashier handing out coffees to customers and some other things while always speaking with a smile.

Hilda: Thank you and have a nice day.

As soon as the customers leave and there is no line, she starts cleaning the register and tries to make sure they are clean. Once she went to the back to take her break, where we see a coworker of hers, an anthropomorphic Hedgehog girl with blue fur and long hair with some bangs in the front, her eyes were bright green with red makeup on her eyelids, her snout was peach color with a small black nose and she wore light pink lipstick. She wore red aviator glasses with green lenses on top of her head, she wears a red jumpsuit with a white center, tight and strapless, along with red gloves with black fingers, tight red pants and red shoes with spikes.

This Hedgehog is Purity, who is texting someone on her phone, which makes Hilda sigh in annoyance.

Hilda: I thought you said you were texting someone and wouldn't be long.

Purity: Oh, right! I'm sorry, Hilda, I didn't mean to, I'm just talking to Mist.

Hilda: It's okay, Purity.

Purity: Hey Hilda, how are you? Do you look a little tired?

Hilda: Yes, I'm just busy with college and my part-time job.

Purity: That explains why you slept in class yesterday.

Hilda: Yeah, it w-was embarrassing for me. I'm a great student, I shouldn't sleep in class like that.

Purity: Hey, relax Hilda, it was just once and besides...

She jumps out of her chair and walks over to her friend as she wraps her arms around the Hyena girl and speaks with a smile.

Purity: We're a few weeks away from finishing college and moving out into the real world. Just keep drinking some coffees and you'll be fine.

Hilda: Yeah, you're right.

Purity: Of course I am and nothing will ruin our future.

Hilda nods with a smile and her blue friend returns the gesture, but that moment is soon gone when they hear a commotion outside the break room and when they go out to check what it was, the two girls see several people. running scared through the streets while everyone looks at the sky with fear in their eyes.

Without understanding the reason for the pandemonium, the Hedgehog and the Hyena leave the store when the blue one was the first to look at the sky to see what was bothering people and what she saw made her eyes widen and shake in fright. Hilda, upon seeing the frightened expression on her friend's face, quickly turned her gaze to the sky as she was shocked and put her hands to her mouth in fear and horror as she prayed that her eyes were playing tricks on her.

Flying over the city's skies was an entire fleet of Dr. Eggman's ships, causing terror in the people of Sunset City who ran through the streets already knowing what would happen next.


Far away...











In the training room inside the Freedom Fighters' base, we see Aaron standing at the starting line of a floating platform while in front of him is a long obstacle course complete with laser weapons, hidden mines, floating blocks, spikes and various other things. while below the floating course was a pool of water to stop those who failed the course from falling.

The Echidna Hedgehog, in turn, was seen at the beginning of the route with its fur dirty with soot and black burn marks as well as some scratches while it was a little wet, showing that it had already tried to pass the route before, but without success in its attempts.

He narrowed his gaze at the course while having a sullen look on his face, as he was sure that a certain Black Hedgehog must be manipulating the course so that he would fail every time he was close to finishing. Aaron could swear he saw Shadow give a small smile every time he fell into the water.

But if there was something that the greenish one was hating more than this training, it was the fact that he always fell into the water when he ended up doing something wrong. Aaron would rather fall on his face than have to fall into that pool again since he hated water with all his strength, because he would sink faster than a steel anvil sinking in the sea tied to an anchor.

And it didn't matter if the Hedgehog Echidna knew how to swim or not, since he would always sink one way or another, thus making water one of his great weaknesses.

He took a deep breath trying to focus as he prepared himself once again to run down the course when a voice spoke from one of the corners of the training area.

Sonic: There, go!

Aaron: Okay... Let's go!

He then opens his eyes with a determined look as he runs to the edge of his platform before jumping onto a set of floating blocks while quickly jumping from one to the next.

He reaches a set of three blocks when he crouches on the ground to avoid the laser gun fire and after the gunfire stops a little, the greenish one quickly jumps to the next L-shaped platform where he uses the wall as cover to protect himself.

When the gunfire stopped again, the Hedgehog Echidna quickly scaled the wall of his platform before jumping to the next one where several mines were on the ground.

Thinking quickly, Aaron goes to the bottom of the platform where he digs his claws into the blocks and starts to move while hanging, thus escaping the explosive mines.

Upon reaching the end, he climbed back up again before looking at his next destination where he saw a floating walkway covered in thorns, but that wouldn't stop him from moving forward.

Turning back, he grabs a disc-shaped explosive mine before activating it and throwing it onto the spiked walkway. The bomb explodes with force, breaking the spikes and giving way to Aaron who continues forward.

When he lands on the next platform, two flamethrowers on the walls try to burn him while a wall of spikes appears behind him to hit him. Without much to do, the boy starts running forward while being chased by the flamethrowers and walking thorns.

Just ahead of him, more obstacles appear and this time they were nothing less than several walls of hard rock blocks, placed there to stop him. Aaron saw the blocks in front of him, he could change his route, but he wouldn't, he would go over everything in front of him and those walls wouldn't stay up much longer if it were up to him.

Increasing its speed, the Hedgehog Echidna left the traps following it a little behind as it clenched its fists as it approached the walls and then threw a punch at the first wall.


The wall came crashing down hard as the green demolisher passed through it like a train. Then came the second wall and Aaron soon threw the next punch.


The wall also fell to the ground like the previous one and the greenish man took advantage of the moment to pick up some blocks and carry them under his arm as he headed towards the last obstacle.


The last wall was successfully knocked down and the boy didn't take long to reach the end of the platform when he jumped onto the one about to be hit by the flamethrowers. He then turned to face the machines as he picked up the blocks he had saved before throwing them at the flamethrowers that broke after being hit several times.

The wall of spikes that still followed him was about to hit him mid-air, but before it had its chance, Aaron reached out his hand as he fired an energy projectile at the wall of spikes.

Aaron: Chaos Spear!

The attack blew up the spiked trap as soon as it hit and the explosion launched Aaron onto the next platform of bricks that began to fall as soon as they were touched.

The Hedgehog Echidna ran as fast as he could along the road that fell according to the steps he took. He came to a bend in the path and almost fell off the path, but quickly recovered as he continued running.

When he reached the end of the line, there was a big empty space between where he was and his next destination, but that wasn't going to stop him. Upon reaching the edge, he jumped as high as he could before beginning to glide to the next platform while dodging several lasers that tried to hit him.

As he approached his next destination, Aaron went towards one last floating block and further ahead, several missiles were fired from some cannons that guarded the finish line right behind them.

Aaron landed on the lone pad as the missiles came toward him and then jumped from missile to missile doing somersaults and doing acrobatics in the air.

The world seemed to go into slow motion as the Hedgehog Echidna landed safely on the last platform and finished the course while the other Fighters watched him carefully.

However, before the greenie could reach the end, a block hits him hard and pushes him down as he collides with the platforms on the lower levels before colliding hard against the pool of water making a large splash.


(Music ends here)

Soon he found himself at the bottom of the pool with an angry look on his face before grabbing the block that had gotten in his way before crushing it between his hands and then crossing his arms angrily.

The lights come on and the course begins to regroup before disappearing as it enters one of the walls of the room.

The scene then changes to Shadow in the control room watching all this and shaking his head with disappointment and a twinge of joy at having taken down the newbie at the last moment. With him were Sonic, Tails and Amy who watched some air bubbles rising to the surface while Aaron walked through the water tank trying to get to one of the edges to climb and get out of the water.

Sonic: He came really close this time.

Shadow: He still failed and it's going to kill him.

Sonic: But man, it was really naughty to hit him with that last block.

Shadow: He has to be ready for anything, otherwise he will be a burden to others.

Tails: I have to admit, Aaron is demonstrating new skills during missions.

Amy: You're talking about the ability to repair and control machines, right?

Sonic: I thought this was crazy from Sticks, but I saw it with my own eyes. He's doing very well.

Shadow: That's called beginner's luck, let's see how long it lasts.

Amy: I hope he's okay.

Sonic: I'm sure he's fine, it's just water.

Tails: Said the guy who panics when it comes to water.

Sonic: That's totally different, Tails.

The Fox laughs at this as Amy and Shadow watched Aaron exit the water tank after climbing the walls. He then rests on his knees catching his breath before shaking himself dry, which makes his fur fluffy like a lion's mane.

He shakes himself again to fix his fur before leaving the training room and going to find something to eat.


We see Aaron in the cafeteria sitting at an empty table eating a blueberry pie while thinking about his last failure in training while his mind remembers the leaderboard of the best placements of those who had already trained and as expected, he was below Knuckles, Shadow and Sonic on all scores and difficulties.

A part of him knew that because he was just a clone created with the DNA of the three, he would always be in the shadow of his donors, but he couldn't help but feel a little crestfallen that he couldn't be better than him in at least something. However, he would not stop training, as he knew that his creator had created him to always improve and the greenish one dreamed of one day being able to surpass the red Echidna and the two speedster Hedgehogs.

His thoughts were soon interrupted when his ears picked up a familiar voice.

Sticks: Hey Greenboy!

Looking up, he could see his Badger partner walking towards him as she passed some of the other agents until she reached his table and placed the tray of food on it and sat down next to the boy. Aaron's disappointed look disappeared when he saw his partner and he was quick to greet her with a smile.

Aaron: Hi Jungle Queen, how are you?

Sticks: Very well actually, Amy told me to be careful where I place traps or I might end up catching someone.

Aaron: Let me guess, you ended up catching her in one of her traps?

Sticks: *nervous laughs* Something like that. Hey, why are you all wet?

Aaron: Huh? Oh right, that's just Shadow getting in my way every time I'm about to finish the course.

Sticks: Really? How many times have you tried?

Aaron: Hmmm... I think I lost count.

Sticks: That many times? *laughs* I should have seen that.

She held her stomach as she laughed a little and Aaron just rolled his eyes at that as he ate another piece of his pie. The Badger girl soon calmed down as she wiped away some tears of joy.

Sticks: Okay, okay, I stopped.

Aaron: Well, since you're so good at laughing, then how many times have you tried?

Sticks: I-Me? M-Many, believe me, it's true! I was worse than you.

She looked away as she tried her best to pretend to act normally and the Hedgehog Echidna only gained a bored look when she asked.

Aaron: You passed first time, didn't you?

Sticks: Well... maybe?

Aaron: I must really suck then.

Sticks: Oh, it was your first time trying that route, besides, I'm too amazing to not make it.

Aaron: Are you trying to cheer me up?

Sticks: Okay, is it working?

Aaron: A little, yeah.

Sticks: Well, what about your crazy powers?

Aaron: I'm still working on it, Sally asked me to go to Tails' workshop to see if he could study more about my powers, but most of the time he made me fix broken weapons. After that, Raposo said he would analyze the data and take the results to Sally. But on the plus side, I was able to learn how to control and repair small machines without getting too tired.

Sticks: I don't know anything about machines, but that's fine with me.

Aaron: Okay, but what about you? How did you become the Queen of the Forests, Jungle Queen?

Sticks: Oh, I've lived in the forest since I was a puppy, I've always had to do everything to survive alone, and thanks to that I've become a master of the jungle who will be the only one who won't be controlled by the government or robots ! I learned to increase the range of my senses and thanks to that, I am an excellent fighter in the jungle.

She then picks up an already eaten apple before twirling it around on her fingertip and throwing it into the air before throwing her boomerang at the apple which flies across the cafeteria before falling straight into the trash can, thus proving the smiling Badger's words. proud while her partner had a surprised look on his face.

Aaron: That was awesome!

Sticks: Thank you, thank you, like I said, I'm a master.

She stretched out her hand waiting for her boomerang, but she just didn't expect the wooden weapon to hit someone before returning to her hand while an alligator spoke in the distance, rubbing the back of its head where it had been hit.

Vector: What the hell was that?

Sticks quickly hides the boomerang while giving small nervous laughs trying to act innocent. Her partner's eyes blinked a little at this before he started laughing at the scene that just happened.

Aaron: I could see Sticks. *laughter*

The cafeteria doors then open as Amy appears in the place before looking around to find the Hedgehog Echidna and Wild Badger eating together. The pink Hedgehog then walks up to the two before greeting them.

Amy: Hi Aaron, hi Sticks, how are things?

Sticks: Very good, Amy. Just showing Aaron that I'm the master of the jungle.

Amy: Cool, just be careful where you put your traps. Aaron, I wanted to know if you're okay after training today.

Aaron: Apart from the fact that I suspect that Shadow is manipulating the route to get in my way, that he thinks I'm an idiot for still failing and the suspicion that I have that "Mr. Bad Humor" hates me, I think that's it. good.

Sticks: Oh, that's the usual Shadow. He thinks everyone is stupid because he is the ultimate life form and bla bla bla.

Aaron: Does it have to do with Project Sombra?

Amy: Yes, but how do you know that?

Aaron: I'm kind of curious, so to speak. (Thoughts) The truth is that Project Arma Aaron was based and inspired by Project Shadow, but you don't need to know that.

Amy: Well, you see, Shadow isn't like many of us. It was created by a scientist 50 years ago on a space station called the Ark.

Aaron: It was an ancestor of Dr. Eggman who created his project, I heard about it. But... it's still kind of hard to believe that Shadow is over 50 when he looks the same age as Sonic and me. (Thoughts) Humpf, said the same guy who was created just three months ago.

Amy: He was frozen for 50 years until he woke up and used to serve Eggman until he betrayed him and joined the side of good.

Aaron: So he really was a bad guy?

Amy: Yes, but he's good now, so you don't have to worry. Oh, I forgot to show you that.

She then takes out a box and places it on the table. She opens it and inside were chocolate chip cookies with little pieces of blueberries that looked delicious to Sticks and Aaron.

Sticks: Wow, they look delicious.

Aaron: *whistles* I do what I say.

Amy: Thanks, I did it myself. Here I want you to try some.

Aaron: Can I really?

Amy: Of course I do.

The greenish one takes a cookie out of the box and takes the first bite. Amy watches as Aaron chews with narrowed eyes savoring the taste before his judgmental expression turns into a bright and joyful one as he closes his eyes as he indulges in the flavor.

Aaron: Umai umai umai! UMAI!!! Delight! Amy Rose, this is the best cookie I've ever had in my entire Hedgehog Echidna life!

The pink girl smiled happily at his reaction and compliments.

Amy: Thanks Aaron, I'm glad you liked it, but you know, I didn't make these cookies myself.

Aaron: No? Who helped you?

Amy: Sticks here told me that your favorite food is blueberries, so we both made you some cookies, but I must say that Sticks tried really hard, right friend?

The pink Hedgehog gave a mischievous smile to the Badger girl who blushed a little before looking away when she saw her partner giving her a smiling and also mischievous look.

Aaron: So, do you mean Sticks the Badger, the Jungle Queen, the tough, savage queen and master of the Jungle made me cookies? Be careful, this way I might fall in love hehe.

Sticks' blush deepened at this as she punched Aaron in the arm before looking away and crossing her arms.

Sticks: I-I just thought I'd thank you for saving me at the robotization factory, that's all! Just because I live in the forest doesn't mean I don't know how to cook.

She pouted trying to pretend to be angry while her partner rubbed his sore arm and laughed a little at the girl's sudden shyness. Amy laughed a little when she saw the interaction between the two and smiled happily when she saw that Aaron's company was starting to make a good difference for Sticks, just as she expected.

She begins to travel in her thoughts when she imagines her friend finally finding someone, then she imagines herself planning Aaron and Sticks' wedding and soon finds herself as a bridesmaid at the altar while Sonic is next to her at the ceremony, then the moment comes when as the bride throws the bouquet and Amy imagines herself catching the bouquet to marry the Blue Hedgehog smiles at her before kneeling in front of her to ask her to marry him.

Then the pinkette's daydreams and daydreams burst as sirens are heard throughout the base, followed by Nicole to call all the Freedom Fighters to the control room immediately over the speakers.

Nicole: (speakers) All Freedom Fighters report to the control room immediately! I repeat, all Freedom Fighters report to the control room immediately!

Aaron: Looks like snack time is over.

Sticks: Okay, let's see what happened this time.

Aaron: Right. Are you coming with us, Amy?

Amy: Yes, let's go.

The three follow the rest of the agents to the control room to see what the problem is.

Just after...

We see everyone gathered together and wondering what is going on. Sally stepped forward as Nicole's hologram projected next to her.

Sally: We have a report that Eggman's forces are attacking a city called Sunset City with a full fleet.

Nicole snaps her fingers and a screen above them lights up, showing them a fleet of ships followed by Dr. Eggman's Badniks patrolling the streets and rounding up prisoners as everyone watches.

Tails: Why did Eggman send an entire fleet to Sunset City?

Rotor: I agree with Tails. Sunset City is a very simple city, why would he send an entire fleet there?

Sally: We don't have any leads either, but it's our duty as Freedom Fighters to find out, rescue any survivors and put an end to this. Here's the plan.

Nicole snaps her fingers once again to show the city along with three groups between A, B and C in the background, where the ocean is.

Sally: We will go in teams and each of us will set up our own bases to rescue the survivors and defeat Eggman's forces. Team A will secure the Collage campus and install a communications station there so we can have a connection here. Team A will have Sonic as their leader.

Sonic: Ready for action, Sally.

Sally: Team B will protect the hospital and help many survivors as much as they can and take some to Team A's base by any means possible. Team B will be led by Tails, good luck, Tails.

Tails: I'll do my best.

Sally: Lastly, Team C will secure the Museum and hold it there for backup to arrive and once that gets as many Badniks away from the hospital or Collage campus. Team C will be led by Shadow.

Shadow: Okay.

Sally: This may be a dangerous mission, but do your best. We'll give more orders once we figure out how to deal with Eggman's ships. Good luck to everyone.

Everyone nods and leaves to get ready as they grab their and Wispon's equipment. Aaron was seen in Tails' workshop paying a visit to his friend Blue Wisp. Cutie Fofy, upon learning that the Hedgehog Echidna would be leaving on a mission, immediately decided to accompany him, but the forest green boy had other ideas.

Aaron: Not this time, little friend. You got hurt in the last mission and this one is going to be much more dangerous. For your safety, I want you to stay here with the other Wisps and come down for a bit, okay?

The little blue creature lowered his head as he grumbled about having to stay behind, but Aaron seemed determined for him to remain there, so there was no point in arguing.

Nodding sadly, the Blue Wisp just obeyed the request, Aaron, seeing how upset his friend seemed, tried to cheer him up when he took one of the cookies he had saved before handing it to the saddened Wisp. Cutie Fofy upon seeing the treat, quickly perked up as without delay she picked up the cookie and started munching with joy.

Aaron smiled at him before patting his head before starting to leave, while the Blue Wisp waved a goodbye that the greenish one soon returned.

Aaron: Take care of yourself in my absence, little friend.

Upon arriving outside the ship, Aaron can see launch ships where the Fighters have begun to board. For a moment he thought about using his mini communicator to warn Dr. Eggman about the Fighters plan, but this proved impossible as the small object had been fried by the energy wave that Aaron had caused a few chapters ago.

Team Jungle Fury embarked with Team C, led by Shadow along with Rouge and Omega. They jump into the ships and as they were about to leave, Amy runs to the ship where Aaron and Sticks are and once there she hands him a box of cookies and says.

Amy: Here, you'll need it if you get hungry.

The Hedgehog Echidna took the box as he nodded in thanks.

Aaron: Thanks Amy.

Amy: And once again, keep Sticks out of trouble.

Sticks: I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that, but take care too.

The pink Hedgehog nods with a bit of concern as the ships close the hatches and take off into the sky and then fly to Sunset City to help the survivors of the attack by Dr. Eggman's fleet.

A long time later...

The Freedom Fighters' ships flew over the ocean as we see Sunset City in flames with some buildings destroyed while some of Dr. Eggman's ships flew over the city's sky.

Teams A, B and C separated to fulfill their own objectives. On Team C's ship we see Aaron, Sticks, Rouge, Omega, Shadow and some Freedom soldiers waiting to dock. Unfortunately for them, Dr. Eggman's fleets soon detected them in their systems.

The scientist's ships open several hatches from which cannons come out and open fire on Team C's ship, which spins and pirouettes in the air to escape the shots.

Aaron: Looks like the welcoming committee came to welcome us.

Sticks: I didn't like it! All this spinning is making me sick!

Shadow: How long until we get to the city, pilot?

Mobian Pilot: 2 minutes, sir!

Then there was a tremor that sent some into the air and back down. After a while, Team C managed to enter the city and, once there, landed on the street.

The doors open and the Freedom Fighters troops come out along with Shadow and Team Dark. Aaron and Sticks left soon after before the boy threw himself on top of his partner when shots were fired at them.

As they looked in the direction of the attack, a group of large robots marched towards them with their weapons aimed and ready to fire again.

Shadow: Take cover!

Officers sought refuge behind piles of rubble as they began to counterattack, knocking over some of the machines in the process. Shadow then stood up as he extended his hand with an open palm before firing several Chaos Spear that destroyed some machines.

Aaron: Let's wreck some robots!

Omega: I'm also a robot.

Aaron: Okay. All of Dr. Eggman's robots.

Omega: I AM Eggman's robot.

Aaron: So yeah... all the evil robots.


Aaron: Uhhhh...

Shadow: No more useless conversations!

This takes attention away from the robot who was staring at Aaron with a death glare before turning his face and looking at Dr. Eggman's other robotic creations. He then aims his arm machine gun at the other machines when he begins to shoot ferociously at them, shooting them.

Rouge took the lead as she heavily kicked several of the Badniks, breaking them in the process. Without her noticing, one of the robots approached her from behind to attack her and just as she was about to do so, something heavy fell on top of the machine.

Turning around, the Bat girl saw the Hedgehog Echidna with his fist on the robot's head that had been crushed while the greenish one threw several punches, sinking his claws and tearing the metal skull of the machine that fell back as Aaron jumped off him and he landed on the ground while clapping his fists closed.

Rouge: Thanks for saving me, cutie.

She blows him a kiss and he blushes with embarrassment as she scratches the back of her head and looks away shyly. Sticks, who saw that scene, felt a feeling of fury burn within her as she simply ripped off an arm from one of the Badniks before turning to the others and starting shooting them like there was no tomorrow.

Aaron shakes his head as he turns his attention back to the fight when he sees some of the robots heading towards him. He then crouches down waiting for the right moment before starting to run towards the machines.

He runs quickly towards the Badniks as he jumps into the air and curls up into a ball doing a Spin Dash and hitting him in the chest, piercing him in the process. It then took advantage of the momentum it still had when it uncoiled and extended its fists with its sharp claws which dug into the center plate of the next Badnik.

The robot fell to the ground as Aaron's claws tore through its armor and internal systems as it fell backwards with a loud thud.

The streets were clear of Badniks and the group soon regrouped with each other.

Shadow: Rouge, fly up there and look for the museum.

Rouge: Understood.

It flaps its wings when it flies and flies through the sky looking for the location. As she did this, Shadow walked over to Aaron and Sticks to give him his next instructions.

Shadow: Listen you two, I know this isn't in your area of expertise, but this is a serious mission, so I want you to stay focused no matter what, I get it.

Sticks: Okay, grumpy.

Shadow: Don't call me that, Badger.

The girl flinched a little under his gaze as she swallows hard.

Sticks: Okay.

Aaron: I still don't understand. It's normal for him to attack cities, but why did Dr. Eggman bother sending an entire fleet to this place?

Shadow: We don't know, but once we set up a base at the museum and receive orders from Sally, we can investigate.

Soon the Bat girl was back as she hovered next to Shadow.

Rouge: Looks like we're not far away. Just a few buildings west and we'll be there.

Shadow: Alright, let's all go!

The others nod and start crossing the street to get to the location without encountering any problems on the way. Soon they arrived at the museum which seemed destroyed like many buildings, but it would still be of use to them.

They come in and set up their equipment. Aaron helped them including Sticks until they finished and sat on a bench near a statue behind them. The greenish one then took the box of cookies he had received before handing it out to Sticks who looked at him with doubt.

Aaron: It's going to be difficult to find food in a destroyed place like that, I don't want you to go hungry.

The Badger girl gained a slight smile as she took some of the cookies as the two ate together until they heard a voice behind them.

Rouge: Can I get one too?

Aaron looks at her before gently holding out the box. The Bat reaches out as she takes a cookie before tasting it and being surprised at how good it tastes.

Rouge: Hmm, these are good. Did you do it, Aaron?

Aaron: No, Sticks and Amy did it together...

Rouge: Sticks did this? I understand it tastes familiar because Amy made it, but since when did Sticks know how to cook?

Sticks: Hey, just because I live in the jungle doesn't mean I don't know how to do simple things like any other girl.

Aaron: I have nothing to complain about. They are much better than the ones I made when I was learning to cook.

Rouge: Since it's like that, maybe I can give you some lessons, and maybe I'll even teach you a few other things.

She approached the boy, which made him blush a little when he saw the big-breasted Bat so close to him. The feeling of anger flared again in Sticks who growled at Rouge as a vein popped out on her forehead and a burning bottom appeared behind her.

The white Bat laughed a little at Aaron's shyness and the jealous reaction shown by Sticks when he decided to leave for now.

Rouge: Well, better see if the equipment is working properly. See you later, Greenboy.~

She leaves as Team Jungle Fury watched her leave. The Hedgehog Echidna just decided to leave the flirting thing aside, imagining that Rouge was just doing that to provoke him and probably because he was identical to Knuckles. Looking at his partner, he soon noticed the girl with her arms crossed as she seemed irritated about something as she huffed a little.

Aaron: Everything okay Sticks?

Sticks: I'm great. There's nothing wrong.

The Hedgehog Echidna looked at her with a bit of confusion before shrugging. Looking around, he looked for Shadow, but didn't see him anywhere. Determined to find the Black Hedgehog, Aaron went looking for her.

A short time later, the greenish one was checking the roof when he saw the Hedgehog he was looking for. Shadow had his gaze on the ruined city and his serious expression was on her face, but he looked a little pensive and lonely as always.

Aaron decided to approach to try to start a conversation. The shadowy Hedgehog heard the footsteps coming towards him and looking out of the corner of his eyes, he could notice the Echidna Hedgehog approaching him, but he didn't pay much attention or importance to it.

Aaron: Hey Shadow.

As expected, he didn't respond as he just continued looking at the horizon. Aaron stood next to her as he handed her the box of cookies with an inviting look.

Aaron: Want cookies?

Shadow: No thanks.

Aaron: They're really tasty.

Shadow: I already said no.

Aaron: Are you sure?

Shadow: Do I have to repeat it?

Aaron rolls his eyes at the antihero's grumpy attitude as he asks with a bored expression.

Aaron: Do you always have to be grumpy?

Shadow: And you always have to be annoying?

Aaron: As much as a leaf is green. Now open your mouth and eat a cookie.

Shadow: You're begging to be slapped.

Aaron: Aren't you hungry? Empty bag won't stay upright.

Shadow: One more word and I'll send you off this roof.

Aaron: Okay, but don't forget, you're the one who asked.

Before Shadow could react or say anything, Aaron stomped hard on his foot which made him open his mouth to scream in pain, but before he could do that, the Hedgehog Echidna grabbed a cookie and stuffed it into Shadow's mouth.

The Black Hedgehog grumbled with his mouth full as he chewed on the cookie with an angry expression that could pierce steel, but Aaron wasn't intimidated by this as he just laughed a little at the anti-hero's face.

Aaron: The cookie is good, but the stamped one was better. *laughter*

Shadow growled at him thinking about punching him, but he put it aside knowing that he would only be giving the greenish one more wind.

The two continued to look at the city when Aaron decides to ask a question.

Aaron: So Sally already said something.

Shadow: Nothing yet, just wait now.

Aaron: Okay. Hey, can I ask you a question?

Shadow: Already doing it. If you're thinking about quitting training, forget about it.

Aaron: It's not about that. I wanted to know what led you to betray Dr. Eggman.

Shadow: How do you know about this?

Aaron: Everything is so new to me, but I know a lot. It's okay if you don't want to answer.

Shadow turned his face away and thought for a few moments if she should share something so personal with Aaron, but he had the impression that the greenish one wouldn't leave him alone if he didn't tell him.

Shadow: ...Because I made a promise.

Aaron: A promise?

Shadow: As you say, I also lost my memories a long time ago and was found by Eggman, whom I served for a time. That's when I started having memories of a girl, Maria... she saved my life at the cost of her own and as a last request, she asked me to promise her something.

Aaron: What was the promise?

Shadow: I still remember her words... she asked me to fight, but not to hurt... but rather to protect the peace in the world that she so longed to see.

Aaron: Those were kind words.

Shadow: Yes, they were... and I've been fulfilling her last request ever since.

Aaron meditated a little on Shadow's words and somehow felt a certain nostalgia and familiarity upon hearing about Maria and her promise, but he just considered that he must have inherited it from the Black Hedgehog.

Shadow watched him for a while before turning his gaze to the city when a strange sensation ran through his body and he narrowed his eyes.

Shadow: (Thoughts) Something isn't right. I feel like something is here, but what?

He looked at Aaron to see him looking around as if he was looking for something in the city and confused he decided to ask.

Shadow: What happened?

Aaron: I don't know... I have a strange feeling... I feel some kind of energy somewhere in the city... it seems like it's calling me, like a screw attracted to a magnet. I can not explain.

Before Shadow could ask anything, a voice called out.

Soldier Mobain: Sir!

They turn to see a soldier at the door.

Private Mobain: Sally called, she's giving us new orders.

Shadow and Aaron nodded in agreement as they went downstairs where they saw everyone gathered around a radio.

Sally: (radio) Listening?

Shadow: I'm here princess, report.

Sally: (radio) Nicole and I detected something large moving through the city. We don't know what it is, but it's huge, I want your team to investigate and find out what it is.

Shadow: Understood princess.

He ends the call when he turns everyone around and speaks in an authoritative tone.

Shadow: Did you hear, let's go!

Some agents started leaving the place to do rounds around the place, while some stayed behind and took care of the museum. Shadow, Sticks, and Aaron leave while Rouge and Omega stay behind and watch them leave to investigate something big within the city.


We see them walking down the street looking for something big, but nothing so far. They slowly walk through the streets, making sure nothing will jump out at them and attack them. Sticks looks around before turning to his partner.

Sticks: *whispers* Don't you think it's strange that so far there haven't been any robots trying to blow us up?

Aaron: *whispers* I noticed that too. Maybe they are behind the other Teams.

Sticks: *whispers* My instincts are telling me something is wrong. They attack villages to establish bases or facilities, but...

Aaron: *whispers* But?

Sticks: *whispers* They never attack any big cities because it's risky or a waste of time. But there's something different, it's like they're looking for something.

Aaron thought about it a little, seeing that his partner was right, and made a mental note to fix his communicator so he could talk to Dr. Eggman at some other time.

That was when a huge thud was heard as the ground shook a little. The sounds of something heavy moving continued to emerge, getting louder and louder as the tremors increased even more.

Sticks pulled out his staff, Aaron pumped his fists, and Shadow charged his Chaos Spear as they looked around for whatever was causing the tremors.

Then the thuds get closer and closer until a building not far from where they are collapsing and a huge robot makes its way through the rubble as it stomps through the streets.

Shock and surprise passed across the faces of everyone who looked in terror at how gigantic that machine was, bigger than any building in the area where they were.

Mobain Soldier 1: What is that?!

Mobain Soldier 2: It's huge!

Shadow: Stand firm, everyone!

The robot turns its head towards them, causing a low, high-pitched sound of grinding metal that makes everyone cover their ears.

Then the machine's body aligns with the head when its eye sensors scan the area, locking on all Fighters. Various parts of the machine then open up revealing cannons and missile compartments that are activated and the gigantic Badnik begins targeting everyone in its path.


The group begins to flee when some fall back and stumble as the giant Badnik slowly pursues them while firing missiles and shots from its massive cannons.

Several explosions almost hit them and each time they got closer. One of the missile launchers on the left shoulder begins to fire a barrage of rockets that fly quickly towards the Fighters.

Aaron sees this when he stops in his run and frantically looks around before finding a pile of rubble. He grabs some blocks before sweating out all the strength he had in his arms to throw them towards the missiles.

The blocks hit some of the rockets that exploded in the air or changed their course to collide with others and explode too. However, not all of them were destroyed when those that remained flew towards the Fighters and blew up some buildings in the streets they passed.

Two of the buildings fell to the ground, closing the escape route with a huge pile of rubble that the Fighters tried to climb to escape the machine that was chasing them, but they would not be able to escape with the robot chasing them.

Aaron realizes this when he starts to think a little before running towards the giant Badnik. Sticks immediately stopped running when he saw his partner turning around and shouted for him in panic.

Sticks: Aaron! Are you crazy?!

Aaron: You get out of here! I'll distract this thing! Get out of here!

Shadow: Don't be an idiot Aaron! You're going to commit suicide!

Aaron: Do I need to repeat? Someone has to buy time and if it's not me it will be someone else! Just get out of here at once!

Shadow growled in anger, but without having much of a choice, he ordered everyone to retreat. Sticks stood still for a while before reluctantly retreating when Shadow began to pull her as everyone began to climb the pile of rubble in the street and jump to the other side.

Once everyone had moved away from the area, Aaron loaded a Chaos Spear and threw it towards the robot's face to get its attention. The machine found him with its sensors, but soon ignored him when its sensors indicated that he had readings of Dr. Eggman's and decided to leave him alone. The robot took another step forward, but before he could proceed any further, another Chaos Spear hit his face, but caused no damage. Seeing that Aaron was being aggressive and would not let her pass, the machine began to chase him as he began to run in the opposite direction to which the Fighters had gone.

The Badnik continued to fire fiercely at the Hedgehog Echidna who was running as fast as he could to escape being shot, however, his path soon found himself blocked when Aaron found himself in front of a building while two others were lying on the sides, one on the left and another on the right. He was prey cornered and his predator had swooped in to get him. A shadow cast itself above the greenish one who swallowed hard as he turned around just in time to see the giant robot start to fire at him.

Aaron jumped in fright as he began to try and climb the wall only for missiles to explode behind him causing loud bangs and fiery explosions as the Hedgehog Echidna disappeared amidst the explosions. The building began to collapse as its base was destroyed and it toppled over sending a large cloud of dust into the air.

For a few minutes all that could be heard was the sound of falling rubble as Badnik looked around for the green target. Unbeknownst to him, Aaron was hiding behind a wall while breathing heavily as several injuries and scratches were seen on his body. He looked at the machine to see it looking for him and then hid when the robot turned its head towards him.

Aaron: (Thoughts) Why did I act like a good guy? I'm a bad guy! I don't save anyone!

The giant Badnik, upon finding nothing, changed his vision to heat vision as he looked around scanning the area and finally found Aaron hiding behind some rocks. The machine aimed its weapons at the greenish man who noticed that he had been discovered and that was when the weapons fired at him.

What happened was a show of explosions everywhere. There was nothing left standing around the robot, the only things visible were the wreckage of what had been a group of buildings. The robot scanned the entire area with its heat vision, but had found nothing, there was no shadow of where Aaron was and the machine's systems no longer registered any signs of the Hedgehog Echidna.

Far away, the Freedom Fighters who were in a safe place, looked at the trail of destruction left by the Giant Robotic demon and some hung their heads thinking that they had lost a valuable companion who had just joined them.

Shadow observed the scene and lowered his head with a slight growl frustrated by what had happened while Rouge put her hands over her mouth in shock at what had happened, Omega who was next to her just observed the scene without expressing any emotion.

Sticks was the one who looked the most affected out of everyone. The girl had a shocked expression on her face as her eyes twitched as she saw no sign of her partner. She slowly fell to her knees as her heart sank as reality hit her. Aaron the Hedgehog Echidna, her first partner, her teammate who didn't think she was crazy, was no longer among them.

Tears began to well up in the girl's eyes and she cried silently as Rouge hugged her to try to comfort her.

Sticks: H-He... H-He's gone...! *sniffles*

Her ears drooped and she began to cry in the arms of the Bat who looked sadly at the cloud of dust that had become Aaron's tomb and then at his iron murderer. Rouge growled with hatred as she swore that she would take down that robot if it was the only thing she did in life.

That was when Omega took the lead as she spoke without emotion.

Omega: Aaron is here.

Shadow: What?

The others looked at the robot with confusion in their eyes as he repeated his sentence.

Omega: Aaron is here.

Rouge: Omega... he's gone.

Omega: Negative.

Shadow: What are you talking about anyway?

Omega: My sensors indicate Aaron the Hedgehog Echidna's vitals coming from 140 meters above us. There.

He raises his gaze to the sky and the others soon follow his gaze, trying to locate anything in its darkness. Not many seconds later everyone's eyes widened in surprise when a green dot stood out in the sky. There was Aaron hovering in the air right above the Badnik.

The greenish breathed heavily as he raised his hands above his head and did his best to gather as much energy as he could into the palms of his hands. Threads of emerald green energy began to emerge around his body before gathering in his palms as a glowing green orb appeared in his hands.

Aaron began to put all the energy he had in his body into energizing the sphere that began to grow larger and larger while the greenish one began to feel tired. The sphere became the size of a house, but it was still not enough for the boy who continued to make it grow even larger.

The sphere shone like an emerald green sun in the sky that illuminated the entire city and ended up catching the giant robot's attention. The machine looked up when it came face to face with the energy star shining exactly above it and its sensors went off as alerts began to sound warning how great the power concentrated in the attack was.

Aaron screamed trying not to lose consciousness as the sphere grew larger as the Badnik's weapons aimed. At this point, the sphere was easily the size of an entire city block. She was more than ready and Aaron would make his attack without any mercy.

The robot's weapons fired towards the Hedgehog Echidna as the machine walked backwards to get away from the green, destructive threat, but it was too late to flee. Before the shots could get close to Aaron, the energy in the sphere began to affect the missiles that exploded in the air, destroying the shots.

Aaron: I'm gonna wreck it!

Without another word, he bent his arms back before throwing the sphere towards the iron giant.

Aaron: Chaos Supernova!

The sphere descended towards the giant robot, which took a few steps back, but this proved useless when the sphere hit it and dragged it away, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

Aaron then tried to redirect the sphere to cause more damage to the city when the energy attack began to rise from the ground carrying the robot into the sky. Because it was difficult to control the sphere, the Echidna Hedgehog lowered its arms, letting the attack carry the Badnik into the sky.

Because the Chaos Supernova was done without any training or preparation, the energy of the blow was unstable and destabilized and this caused her to lose strength as her power diminished and she shrank until she was the size of a house.

Finally the iron giant's armor chest gave way and the sphere entered his chest destroying everything inside as the robot rose to the height of the clouds. To top it off, a strong green flash came from inside the machine's chest as the Chaos Supernova finally exploded like a bomb.


The sound of the explosion was so strong and large that it shattered the glass windows of the still standing buildings thanks to the force of the impact.

Aaron, who was still hovering in the air, was hit by the impact of the explosion that threw him hard towards the ground. He fell to the ground and bounced several times before colliding hard against the side, injuring him even more.

He groaned in pain, discomfort and exhaustion when he saw the remains of Dr. Eggman's robot that rained across the city, some were large and others were smaller.

Various parts of the machine threatened to hit him, but they all fell close to him or simply flew away. The robot's head then descended through the sky, spinning like a flying saucer before landing on the ground and sliding for several meters before slowly slowing down and stopping at Aaron's feet.

The greenish one stared at the single red eye on the machine's display that stared back at him as it began to dim until it disappeared and was completely out of commission.

Aaron: Silly Sayonara.

His gaze returned to the sky where he saw a hole that his previous attack had left in the clouds, but what caught his attention most were some of his creator's ships that were beginning to fly over the place. Unable to move due to being very weak, the boy felt his eyes getting heavier and heavier as his strength left him and he passed out right where he was.

The wind blows through his green fur as he sleeps heavily without being able to hear footsteps approaching him.

Two shadows then appear over him as the two people seemed to be talking about something that the Hedgehog Echidna cannot understand.

The strangers then approached him when one reached out to pick him up while the other person approached to do the same. Now with the green one in hand, the strangers struggled to carry the extremely heavy boy while walking faster to avoid being seen by Dr. Eggman's ships that were approaching the place.

To be continued...