
Villain or Hero? Who i am?

Doctor Eggman was tired of seeing all his plans go down the drain because of Sonic and his friends. The scientist then had an idea, and inspired by his grandfather, Doctor Eggman resolved to create his own secret project that would be aimed at defeating Sonic and anyone who stood in his way. However, his new creation begins to wonder why and why he exists and whether or not he wanted to be a villain like his creator and father. Determined to find out who he is, he sets out on new adventures trying to find out who he should be. Will Sonic and his gang get another ally? Or will the villain team have a powerful new member?

VileTheMandalorian · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Robot Factory - Act 2

(A/N): English is not my language, so if you find a grammatical error let me know; 🇧🇷

Previously on Villain or Hero...

The Freedom Fighters discover Dr. Eggman's Robotization Factory in full operation and, determined to put an end to the house of horrors, they decide to attack the base that same night, but without anyone suspecting, Aaron puts his spy mission into practice. when he warns Metal Sonic about the fighters' invasion plan. The Combatants' invasion goes well and the infiltration team made up of Sonic, Sally, Sticks and Aaron manage to successfully enter the base, but after destroying the power generator and freeing the prisoners, the group ends up being captured by Badniks and taken prisoner by they. Will the four Combatants be able to escape this mess?

At the moment...

In a secret room in the basement of the robotization base, four capsules could be seen next to each other, inside them were Sonic, Sally, Sticks and finally Aaron. The four were trapped with their arms and legs chained by extremely strong handcuffs to prevent them from escaping.

It didn't take long for the first of them to wake up and this one turned out to be Aaron, who was slowly opening his eyes.

The greenish one felt his head feel a little heavy as his blurry and darkened vision began to return little by little as he looked around feeling a little dizzy.

Aaron: Is it morning already...?

He soon opened his eyes and quickly shook his head to clear the dizziness and tried to rub his eyes, but found himself unable to do so. Confused by that, the boy looked at his arms only to see that they were motionless as they were trapped in handcuffs just like his legs.

The Hedgehog Echidna tried to free himself using his super speed and super strength, but this soon proved in vain as he saw that nothing had any effect on the restrictions that kept him imprisoned.

Aaron: Is that so? There is no prison in the world that can hold me!

He then clenched his fist tightly as he began to channel energy into blasting the handcuffs and escaping his prison, but soon stopped when he noticed the other three unconscious trapped in their own pods next to him.

Aaron knew he could explode the restraints holding him, but it would be too dangerous to do so knowing he could hurt Sonic, Sally, or Sticks. Allowing himself to let out a long tired sigh, he began to think about what he would do and that was when a voice called him.

Dr. Eggman: Don't bother.

Turning his face towards the voice he could see his creator with a devilish smile on his face.

Aaron: Dr. Eggman? What was that?

Dr. Eggman: Metal Sonic warned me about your message earlier and I must tell you, you did very well in warning me that the Combatants were coming to attack this factory. I had a lot of time to prepare and I managed to get exactly who I wanted!

He then walks around the capsules where Sonic and Sally were as he looked at them devilishly.

Dr. Eggman: The annoying Hedgehog who always pokes his nose in my plans and the Resistance Leader who futilely tries to fight my forces. *laughs* Aaron my boy, you did great! On a scale of 1 to 10 you are an 11! *laughter*

Aaron: Uh, thank you sir.

Dr. Eggman: I see you also brought the crazy Badger, she can't compare to Sonic, but the traps that this irritant makes always bother me, it's good you brought her here.

Aaron: Sticks? But what do you- I thought we were going to do according to my plan.

The scientist just snorted at this while crossing his arms.

Dr. Eggman: Metal Sonic told me about your foolish idea, I created you to obey my orders and not to start thinking. Just do what I say and stop trying to come up with plans that won't do me any good.

This made Aaron's ears fall a little, after all, he knew he had to follow his creator's orders and he did his best to do that, but hearing his "father" treat him that way saddened him a little.

Aaron: I know... good soldiers follow orders.

Dr. Eggman: That's right, it's better this way.

The mustachioed man then went to the computers as he began to mess with them, Aaron looked at him with doubts in his mind about the fate that the other three trapped in the other capsules would have.

Aaron: Uh, Dr. Eggman? Can I ask a question?

The scientist didn't bother looking at him and just spoke without interest.

Dr. Eggman: You're already asking. 

Aaron: Well... I just wanted to know what happens to them now that they're captured.

Dr. Eggman: Do the math, this is one of my robotization bases, what do you think I intend to do?

Aaron: Are you going to turn them into robots? But what about me?

Dr. Eggman: Are you my spy, or have you forgotten? I will release you once I'm done with these three and you will return to the Combatants.

Aaron: But won't they think it's strange that only I managed to escape? Shadow, for example, doesn't seem to trust me.

Dr. Eggman: And what brilliant idea do you have?

Aaron: I know the Freedom Fighters already have an Emerald that I found and gave to them and I've heard rumors that they're already close to finding another.

Dr. Eggman: So what?

Aaron: If I can get these three back, I know I will have the full trust of Sally and Sonic who are the heads of the organization. If they fully trust me after saving their lives, then it will only be a matter of time before I have the trust of all the other members of the Combatants.

Dr. Eggman: And how could that benefit me?

Aaron: Very simple, having their trust, I will be sent on more important missions such as finding the other Emeralds and once I do I will be able to deliver them to you. Not to mention I could capture all the Combatants at once once I find out about the base's defenses.

His arguments led Doctor Eggman to place his hand on his chin as he thought deeply. Aaron's proposal was somewhat tempting and could bring him great results in the future, but the idea of roboticizing Sonic, Sally and the crazy Badger were very good too. The stakes were high, the reward was high and the risk of it being in vain was twice as high.

But the big question on Eggman's mind was: Why did Aaron seem so determined to convince him to accept his idea?

The scientist began to have his suspicions about his servant and suspiciously he looked at the Hedgehog Echidna when he asked.

Dr. Eggman: Aaron, why do you seem so determined to change my mind?

This question made the greenish man sweat a little trying to find a convincing explanation for his creator.

Aaron: W-Well, I-

Dr. Eggman: Don't even try to lie to me. I'm the smartest man alive and I'll know if you're lying.

Aaron: *sigh* Okay... To be honest, I wish I could do that so I could make you proud. I'm a villain and I want to prove it to you, I want to show that I can be as bad as you, that my creation wasn't a waste of time.

Dr. Eggman looked deep into the eyes of the Hedgehog Echidna who didn't look away or waver for a second to show that he was telling the truth, or at least part of it.

The truth is that Aaron didn't want Sticks to be roboticized, because even though they had recently become partners, the greenish one liked the Badger girl's company, she was the first friend he had made outside the Base and he didn't want to lose that one. friendship.

But she wouldn't even dream or think for a second about saying that to Dr. Eggman or Metal Sonic or any other villain, because she knew they would all disapprove of it instantly.

The mustachioed scientist absorbed Aaron's words and did not notice falsehood or lies in any of them, but he did not stop feeling that his newest Project and spy was hiding something, but he decided that he would let it go, at least for now.

Sighing a little, the mustachioed man crossed his arms before speaking in mock annoyance.

Dr. Eggman: Alright then, but this idea of yours better bear fruit soon.

He then turns his back when he goes back to playing with the controls to cancel the robotization process he was about to execute, but stopped when he had an idea to test how much the skills and powers of his Weapon Project had evolved.

Aaron sighed in relief that his creator had given him a vote of confidence and he smiled slightly looking at his sleeping partner in the capsule next to him.

However his smile disappeared when he saw a malicious look on his creator's face who gave a small evil laugh before speaking with an evil smile.

Dr. Eggman: How about we play a game?

Aaron: A game?

Dr. Eggman: It's quite simple. I will give you three minutes of time so that you can free yourself and free these three by your side. If you succeed, I will do as your plan says, but if time runs out and you don't succeed, *evil laughter* I will have three new robots added to my army!

Before Aaron could protest, the countdown began and Dr. Eggman climbed into his small ship that entered through the only door in the room.

Dr. Eggman: Good luck my boy.

He then drove out of the room and disappeared into the base, never to return. On the computer screen, the timer started to run and 30 seconds had already passed.

Seeing this, Aaron began to desperately try to free his arms and legs, but in vain. His distressed gaze fell on Sticks, Sally and Sonic who were still unconscious.

The Hedgehog Echidna continued struggling to free himself, that's when he heard a familiar noise coming from outside the room. It sounded like a small creature wandering the halls in search of something or someone.

As if it were a blessing from heaven, Cute Fofy, the Blue Wisp who had become Aaron's friend, opened the door a little and peeked inside with a curious look. Wisp's eyes met those of the Hedgehog Echidna who soon tried to call him.

Aaron: Cute Fofy! Come here! Try to find a way to let me go quickly!

The Wisp ran to the greenish capsule and tried to touch it only for an electric shock to hit it making the small creature recoil a little.

Aaron: The capsules are so surrounded by an electric field, you can't cut the power and time is running out. I need to find a way to let go or the others will turn into robots!

Wisp waved and looked around looking for something that could help him in this moment of tension. As he did this, the other three trapped in the other capsules began to regain consciousness.

Sally: Hm... there... What happened?

Sticks: Who turned off the light?

Sonic: I don't know, but does anyone know where we are? And what beep beep is that?

Aaron: The sound signaling the end of our time.

Sally: What?

Aaron: To summarize, we're trapped and we only have 1 minute to turn into tin men.

Sticks: What?! I don't want to become a bucket of screws!

She starts to shake herself to try to free herself, Sonic and Sally also try to free themselves from their restraints, but they can't do anything.

The capsules began to emit light little by little when the robotization systems started while the counter showed that there were 45 seconds left for the process to begin and once it started there would be no stopping it.

Cutie Fofy returned carrying various things in her little arms, wrenches, gears and screws that were thrown at Aaron's capsule only to bounce off the force field and be thrown away.

Aaron: It was worth a try, friend, but you have to play something heavier.

Sticks: Hurry up before I turn into a government-controlled zombie!

With time running out and nothing around to help, Cutie Fluffy did the first thing that came to his mind. He flew above Aaron's capsule and concentrated as he began to grow bigger and bigger and heavier and finally launched himself hard against the roof of the capsule.

The impact forcefully dented the roof, which sank a little as the power was cut off from the capsule. The damage hadn't been too great, but more than enough for one of the handcuffs holding Aaron to loosen enough for the Hedgehog Echidna to be able to move his hand before pulling it hard, freeing it and breaking the handcuff with a bang. metal crunch.

Without wasting any more time, Aaron quickly used his free hand before making a fist and using his claws to tear through the metal holding his other hand. With both fists free, he quickly broke the restraints on his legs before standing completely free from the restraints.

In the other capsules, the brightness increased and the timer showed that there were 15 seconds left before robotization began. Sonic, Sally, and Sticks gulped and broke into a cold sweat as they shouted for Aaron to be quick to save them.

The Hedgehog Echidna quickly punched the glass of the capsule, which broke into shards that fell in slow motion while the greenish one jumped out and ran to the controls to try to stop the process.

Computer: 10... 9...

Aaron began to fiddle with the controls looking for a way to turn off the machine before it was too late while the three still trapped began to disappear amidst the glow in the capsules.

Computer: 8... 7...

Sonic: Aaron! Go faster!

Aaron: I'm going as fast as I can!

His fingers ran over the controls on the panels and keyboard as he tried to get past the security systems while cursing the situation they were in.

Computer: 6... 5...

Sally: Aaron! Connect Nicole to computers! It can hack the systems and for that!

Aaron: No way! It has been deactivated and will need a lot of time to restart and we don't have any more time!

Seeing that his attempts weren't going anywhere, an idea came to Aaron's mind. He brought his hands to the main control panels as he concentrated as hard as he could.

Computer: 4... 3...

Soon blue lines began to flash on Aaron's hands as a technological sound was emitted as the lines lit up without blinking before extending to the panels and running throughout the system. The blue streaks ran through all the computers before passing through the wires and going straight to the robotization capsules that seemed to be being affected by the Hedgehog Echidna's newly discovered machine powers.

Computer: 2... 1...

Sticks: Greenboy!

Upon hearing his partner's plea, Aaron, in a desperate action, caused a strong discharge of energy to travel over the machine, knocking down any systems defense or firewall. The counter stopped with just 1 second left to start the robotization. The capsules creaked and flickered a bit as the lights went out and the power was completely cut off along with the transformation process.

Computer: Robotization process successfully interrupted.

Aaron sighed in relief, wiping the sweat from his forehead before turning to see the other three Freedom Fighters with expressions mixed between relief and fear at having almost turned into machines. Taking one of his hands to the panel once again, Aaron concentrated to try to gain control over the capsules' systems and as a result, the locks that held Sonic, Sally and Sticks opened, allowing the three to land standing on the platform of their capsules.

Aaron then made the windows rise, giving freedom to the three Combatants who soon jumped out of that nightmare.

Taking a short moment to rest, the greenish one sat down on the ground while the other three walked towards him with worried looks. Sonic knelt down next to Aaron and placed a hand on his shoulder before speaking.

Sonic: Hey bro, how are you there?

Aaron: Okay... it's just a little tiring to use these new powers without training a little.

Sally: You saved our lives, thank you Aaron.

Aaron: It was nothing hehe.

Sticks: That was close, I thought I was going to die!

Aaron: Calm down Jungle Queen, the worst is over... I think.

The Badger then knelt down next to him as Sonic stood up to give them both space. Sticks then hugs Aaron who becomes rigid with the girl's act, the boy knew that his partner wasn't much for showing feelings as he always suspected that they were things placed on people by the government.

It didn't take long for him to return the hug with a small happy smile on his face and he couldn't help but notice that Badger's fur was soft and warm in its own way.

Aaron: (Thoughts) She looks like a blanket hehe.

Meanwhile, the Blue Hedgehog and the Leader of the Combatants looked at each other a little surprised by the wild Badger's sudden display of affection.

Sally: *whispers* I told you they two would make a good team.

Sonic: *whispers* Does Sticks now have a feminine side? The end must indeed be near.

Team Jungle Fury soon broke the hug as Aaron struggled to stand before Sonic lifted him up and threw his arm over his shoulder to help him walk.

Sonic: Dude, you're heavier than you look.

Aaron: It's because I'm one thousand percent muscle.

Sally: But how did you manage to stop the robotization process?

Aaron: I... I don't know... I just placed my hands on the panels and concentrated, willing the machines to stop. I did the same thing when Nicole became disconnected.

Sticks: Do you control machines now? You have this weird power.

Sonic: I thought it was really cool, having someone who controls robots on the team would be great. Wait for us Eggman, we have a little surprise for you!

Aaron: *laughs* Hehe sure. Wait a moment... where's Cutie Fluffy?!

As he says this, small coughs are heard above the capsule where Aaron was previously trapped. Cute Fofy then appeared, flying around in a daze while having small electrical spasms and coughing smoke.

He slowly floated towards the Hedgehog Echidna who reached out and gently held him in her palm as he began to fall. Worried about the little Blue Wisp, Aaron inspected it to see that it only had soot marks on its body and still seemed to be affected by the large electrical discharge from the barrier that coated the capsules.

Aaron: Cute Fofy? Are you okay little friend?

The Wisp just nodded coughing a few times as it had a few more electrical spasms.

Aaron: Don't worry little friend, you'll be fine.

Sonic: Let's get out of here before things get worse.

The greenish one then nodded in agreement as the group walked out of the room and walked through the corridors, being careful in case they encountered a Badnik on the way, but strangely there was not a single active machine to stop them from leaving, as all the machines they encountered along the way they were out of order thanks to the electrical shock wave created by Aaron that ended up affecting the robots.

Sonic, Sally and Sticks watched with a bit of surprise at the damage that Aaron's newfound powers had done to the place. It certainly wasn't common for someone to be able to do something like that and thinking about it, Sally made a mental note to do some tests on the Hedgehog Echidna to try and investigate where such abilities came from.

It didn't take long for the team to reach the base's exit where they could see a large number of Badniks broken and lying on the ground.

In the distance, already at the limits of the base were the other Combatants who were waiting for their companions to return and upon seeing that they had returned alive, the group began to celebrate that everyone was well and that the mission had been a success.

Once everyone started heading back to Knothole, Sally approached Aaron who was walking a little further behind the group while talking to Cute Fofy and Sticks.

Aaron: We did well, right?

Sticks: Absolutely. Now the robots have one less Factory to try to take over the world!

Aaron and Cute Fofy look at each other at this before laughing a little at Badger's paranoid yet funny manner.

Sally: Your action to save us was brave of you, Aaron. Thank you for saving our lives.

Aaron: Huh? Oh, don't worry about that. I didn't do everything alone, there were five of us, we fought together and won together. And I'm glad you're okay, Sally.

The Princess smiles a little at this as she announces that everyone will celebrate the victory once they return to Knothole.

Later at the Combatants Base...

The victory over Eggman was celebrated with drinks, food and diverse and lively conversations. Aaron, however, was seen in the background watching everyone as he stood with his arms crossed looking at the ground with a deep and thoughtful expression.

A dilemma was forming in the greenish man's mind as he now reflected on his previous actions. He saved Sonic and Sally. Not only that, he saved two of Dr. Eggman's greatest enemies. He saved people he was supposed to destroy as his creator ordered, but he didn't just because something in his conscience told him it would be wrong to betray the Combatants.

The fact that Sticks was in danger encouraged him to try to change Eggman's plans, because Badger was practically the closest person to him of all the Combatants. Without Aaron noticing, he was becoming one of the good guys.

Deep down, all he wanted to be was what his creator wanted him to be. A cruel and merciless soldier to whom nothing mattered and who would follow his master's orders and destroy everything in his path like a true villain he was meant to be.

His conscience was heavy and he was beginning to feel disgusting. Little by little, without realizing it, he became part of the good guys and increasingly desired a calm life. His mind wondered how he, a villain who was supposed to have a cold and cruel heart, began to soften and bond with his enemies, people he was supposed to hate.

Deep down he thought it was no big deal, his heart, which should have been as hard as stone, was becoming calmer, even living with the Combatants seemed like a good idea. That's why he came to believe that he was being a disappointment to his creator and his brother, who would certainly consider him an embarrassment for failing so miserably in his only mission, to be the spy who would destroy the Freedom Fighters from the inside out.

His gaze turned to Sticks talking to Amy and other girls. He watched the Badger girl for a moment before returning to his dilemma. It was Sticks. It was always Sticks. From the beginning it was always her. She was the first person the Hedgehog Echidna met once he left Dr. Eggman's Main Base and she was also the first to come to him with sincere and true feelings, at least in her own paranoid and wild way.

She introduced him to something that was very difficult for villains to have for others... Friendship. The feeling of truly caring about someone, of wanting the best for them, of being happy that they are happy. Aaron had allowed himself to sympathize with one of his enemies, a luxury he should never have had.

Aaron: (Thoughts) What the hell am I doing...?

As he meditated on his actions, the girls watched him curiously. It didn't take long for the rumor to spread about the Hedgehog Echidna who completely shut down Eggman's robotization factory. Aaron was now one of the most talked about topics among all the Combatants and it didn't take long for the girls to start showing interest in him and for some boys to start getting annoyed with the newcomer who had barely arrived and was already attracting everyone's attention.

Amy, Rouge and Sticks watched him with some curiosity without understanding why the Hedgehog Echidna seemed to be so serious and distant at a party like that.

Amy: What happened to him?

Sticks: I don't know, it's been like this since it arrived.

Rouge: And you didn't try to talk to him?

Sticks: I think he needs some time alone.

The bats continue to look at the greenish one before the bat notices anything.

Rouge: You know, I don't know if you noticed, but Aaron looks exactly like Shadow when he's thinking deeply about something.

Amy: Hmm... now that you say it, it's true. I've been noticing the similarities he has with boys for a while now.

Rouge: It seems that it's not just in appearance that he's like the boys.

Sticks: Hmm?

Rouge: Look.

The bat then gestures in a direction so the trio sees some other girls looking at Aaron with some interest as they plan to go talk to him.

Amy: It looks like Aaron is already making waves here.

Rouge: I'd open my eyes if I were you, Sticks.

The Badger just looks at this with some confusion on her face.

Sticks: What do you mean?

Rouge: Well, with the green one being so successful, I'm not surprised that you're starting to gain some competition.

Sticks: Competitor? I didn't understand.

Amy: She means you better be careful not to lose your new partner to the other girls. He seems like a good catch, so open your eyes.

Rouge: Now, go talk to him, before it's too late and you better hurry to get there before the others.

She then points to the other girls and one of them was about to go talk to Aaron. When Sticks saw this, he quickly started walking towards the greenish one. She didn't quite understand why, but something told her not to let the other girls catch the Hedgehog Echidna's attention. Without knowing the reason for this feeling, she just considered that it was just because she didn't want to lose the only partner who hadn't called her crazy and who hadn't treated her in a bad and different way like many did.

As soon as she approached Aaron, the other girls gained annoyed scowls which led Sticks to stick her tongue out at them and growl at them while Amy and Rouge smiled a little at her fighting for her mate.

Sticks approached Aaron who, still lost in his thoughts, didn't notice his partner's arrival. Not really knowing what to say, Sticks just cleared his throat before trying to start a conversation.

Sticks: Hmm... Hi.

Aaron: Hmm? Oh, hi Sticks. I didn't see you there.

Sticks: I just got here actually... so what are you doing?

Aaron: Oh, nothing to tell the truth. Just thinking about some things, that's all.

Sticks: Oh, right then. And... how's your alien friend?

Aaron: Cute Fofy? He's better, I left him with the other Wisps to rest and have some fun. But and you? Have you recovered from the shock of almost becoming a robot?

Sticks: Argh, don't even remind me of that. It felt like I was having a nightmare but for real.

Aaron: Hehe I confess that I was a little scared too.

Soon a song starts to play while many of the other members start to play the rhythm of the sound. Aaron listened to the song a little and immediately recognized it as "Adventure Of A Lifetime", one of his favorites.

Looking at his partner, he noticed that the Badger also seemed to like the rhythm of the sound, that's when an idea came to the greenish man's mind.

Aaron: Hey Jungle Queen. Wanna Dance?

Sticks: Hmm? To dance? And me? A-I don't think it's better...

Aaron: Why?

Sticks: I kind of don't know how to do that.

Aaron: You don't know how to dance?

Sticks: No... The last time I tried, I ended up stepping on Sonic's foot a bunch of times and even knocked us both to the ground along with half of the decorations at Amy's house. Besides... I don't want to embarrass you...

Aaron: I'm not ashamed to be around you, Sticks. I'll tell you a little secret.

He then approaches her ear when he says something in her ear.

Aaron: *whispers* I don't know how to dance either hehe.

Sticks: What? But then why did you ask me to dance?

Aaron: I thought it would make you have some fun. It's something new and a little strange for both of us, but look on the bright side. We can learn together.

Sticks: I don't know, Greenboy.

The boy then reaches out to her, which earns a conflicted and insecure look on her face.

Aaron: Give me your hand, let's get through this together as a team.

Sticks: ...You promise? Because I think music controls us like puppets.

Aaron: Just take my hand.

With a little nervousness, she holds the greenish man's hand who gives her a reassuring smile before pulling her onto the dance floor as the music starts. Everyone starts dancing as the two look around to see that everyone is having fun.

Aaron starts to move according to the music, letting the sound guide him, when he turns to see Sticks, he notices her a little nervous about it all. Approaching the girl, he held her hands with an encouraging smile. Sticks, seeing her teammate's smile encouraging her, took a deep breath before she began to feel her foot hitting the floor as the music played.

Without her noticing, she began to feel the sound as she began to move to the music as she gained more confidence and began to dance alongside her partner.

It didn't take long for the two of them to start dancing in sync, doing several incredible dance moves that caught everyone's attention, but the Hedgehog Echidna and the Badger were having too much fun in each other's company to notice, it seemed like it was just them. two in the world.

While the two were having fun dancing together, Sonic and Sally saw the two with surprised looks on their faces when they saw Aaron and Sticks dancing together.

Sonic: Wow, I think I'm seeing things, but is Aaron dancing with Sticks?

He eats a Chilli Dog while Sally nods with a smile seeing how the greenish one was not only starting to fall into place, but also how her relationship with her new companion seemed to progress very well.

Sally: I told you they would make a good team.

As soon as the song ends, Aaron and Sticks end up holding hands with their arms raised and their thumbs, index fingers and pinkies open making a rock sign. They look at each other breathing heavily before laughing in amusement as they speak excitedly.

Sticks: That was so amazing, Greenboy! I thought I was going to trip over someone!

Aaron: Hey, you were great, Jungle Queen! I think we wreck the track!

The two laugh together as they leave the dance floor upon hearing Amy call out to them. As they approached the pink girl, Aaron soon noticed someone with her, a rabbit and a Chao. He soon recognized them as Cream and Chao Cheese who was always in the little bunny's company.

Cream is a small anthropomorphic, cream-furred rabbit with cinnamon brown eyes, a small brown nose, and a white muzzle. She has Princeton orange markings around her eyes, on her head, and on the tips of her ears. She also has a long eyelash on each eye and a short, fluffy train that comes out of her dress, although it is not always visible. For her attire, she wears a simple red sleeveless dress with a white collar and light blue tie, white gloves with gold cufflinks on each cuff, white socks, and red and yellow shoes with gray soles. Her ears also have pink channels and are usually rotated back and hang behind her head.

Cheese has the appearance of a neutral infant Chao: he is light lazuli blue and has light mustard-yellow markings on the tip of his head, hands, feet, and tail, a bulb-shaped head, lazuli-blue eyes, a floating light honey mustard yellow orb hovering above the top of her head that changes appearance according to her emotions, two magenta fuchsia pink butterfly wings and a small circular tail. He is distinguishable from other Chao by his red bow tie.

Amy: Hey Aaron, this is Cream and Cheese, Cream and Cheese, this is Aaron.

The Hedgehog Echidna smiles at the bunny and Chao before crouching down to the two with a smile on his face.

Aaron: Hi. You must be the people Rose told me about.

Cream: Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Aaron.

Cheese: Chao.

The greenish one smiled at the two before looking at Chao with some curiosity.

Aaron: Wow, I've never seen one of those before.

Cream: Cheese is a Chao and we've been best friends forever.

Cheese: Chao Chao Chao!

Aaron: That's great. I also have a little friend like Cheese, but he must be playing with his other friends. But where is your mother?

Cream: She can't come, but she said she wants to meet you.

Aaron: Alright, it's going to be great.

Cream: Amy told me a lot about you. Since you have really cool powers and she even said you were pretty-

Before she can finish her sentence, Amy covers her mouth as she gains a small blush.

Amy: I think she meant that you were very useful in combat, yes, that's right. *nervous laughs*

Aaron: Um, are you okay, Amy?

Amy: Yes! But anyway, I heard you caused the electrical pulse that shut down Eggman's factory.

Aaron: About that, I think it was a pure accident, I just absorbed the electricity from the engines and then expelled it all at once, but I'm glad it was useful for something.

Amy: Well, look on the bright side. Thanks to that we managed to save everyone and didn't lose anyone.

Aaron: Yeah, I think so... (Thoughts) I wonder what's going on in the Doctor's head right now.

Meanwhile, at Dr. Eggman's Main Base...

We see Dr. Eggman in his laboratory as he smiles at the Aaron Project folder that presents the evolutions in the Hedgehog Echidna's abilities as well as the new powers he had just discovered. He types something on his computer while letters and numbers appear on his computers creating some plans for the near future.

Orbot and Cubot were behind him as the scientist gained an evil smile when he saw that Aaron was becoming stronger just as he wished. He then stands up as he speaks, proud that his new weapon is improving so much.

Dr. Eggman: With each passing day, Aaron's abilities evolve more and more. Soon his power level will be above that of every member of the damned Freedom Fighters and none of them will be able to stop me. Little do Sonic and his friends know what awaits them, and once they are defeated once and for all, I will rule the world!

He laughs once again as Orbot and Cubot have a bad feeling about this as they see Aaron's drawing on the screen when the two ask their boss.

Orbot: Uh... Dr. Eggman?

Dr. Eggman: And what happened now?

Cubot: Forgive us sir, but you said that Aaron seemed to insist that you follow his plan?

Dr. Eggman: That's right.

Orbot: But why would he do that?

Dr. Eggman: According to him, it was to make me proud, but I suspect there is something hidden behind that. But it doesn't matter, if he decides to disobey me and get out of line... let's say I will make him obey by hook or by crook.

On the screen, a small red dot was seen flashing inside Aaron's brain. Orbot and Cubot gulped at what their master was insinuating he would do to the Hedgehog Echidna if he wasn't loyal as he was born to be.

From the corner of the room, Metal Sonic can be seen with his usual cold look in his red eyes. He left the room and walked a little aimlessly before stopping a little and looking to the side to see that he was in front of his brother's room.

He entered the room where everything was exactly where Aaron had left it. On top of the Created World, Metal Sonic could see the first sneakers Aaron had worn since he woke up. He picked up the shoes and looked at them for a few seconds as memories and recordings of his brother flashed through his mind.

The robot Hedgehog began to feel a certain longing for the greenish one, but he left those feelings that he considered foolish and useless aside. Putting the sneakers back where they belonged, his eye sensors detected another object on the table that caught his attention, a "family photo" as Aaron called it.

Metal Sonic remembered that that photo had been taken exactly one week after Aaron had woken up. In the photo were him with his icy look as always, Aaron who was smiling happily, Orbot and Cubot along with Dr. Eggman and some other robots and Badniks.

It was somewhat funny to see Echidna the Hedgehog dragging Dr. Eggman who refused to leave his workshop, only for Aaron to drag him all over the base while he continued to sit in his chair, eventually giving up and going to take the photo.

Leaving these memories aside, Metal looked at his brother's photo with some concern in his circuits as he thought about what could happen to the greenish man if he disobeyed the mustachioed scientist again.

Aaron: (In Metal Sonic's Mind) I-I don't know if I want to be the bad guy.

The memory of the Meeting of Anonymous Villains flashed through Metal's mind and just because of that he could begin to have an idea about what could be going on in the Hedgehog Echidna's mind.

Metal Sonic: What do you think you're doing Aaron?