
Villain or Hero? Who i am?

Doctor Eggman was tired of seeing all his plans go down the drain because of Sonic and his friends. The scientist then had an idea, and inspired by his grandfather, Doctor Eggman resolved to create his own secret project that would be aimed at defeating Sonic and anyone who stood in his way. However, his new creation begins to wonder why and why he exists and whether or not he wanted to be a villain like his creator and father. Determined to find out who he is, he sets out on new adventures trying to find out who he should be. Will Sonic and his gang get another ally? Or will the villain team have a powerful new member?

VileTheMandalorian · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Sunset City - Act 2

Smoke fills the sky of Sunset City and the streets were empty except for a few Eggman bots walking around and looking for more Mobians to capture or destroy.

Then on the college campus, Sonic is seen blasting some Badniks by using his Spin Dash and crashing into them while his troops behind him shoot at Eggman's robots.

The Blue Hedgehog lands on top of a pile of already destroyed Badniks when some explosion shots pass over him and he crouches at the last moment. Looking at his attacker he sees a Badnik drone flying around him as it tries to hit him.

Sonic: Is that the best you've got Eggman?

He jumps after the bee robot before hitting it, destroying it before landing on the ground and looking at the rest of the robots to see them retreating.

He then ran back to the college campus and once there, everyone applauds Sonic as he bows and waves to everyone.

After that, he enters the main halls of the place, where a computer is set up and the blue one presses a button and three images appear with Shadow, Tails and Sally appearing in each one.

Sally: (computer) Sonic status report?

Sonic: We managed to hold the old cans off campus. And you two?

Tails: (Computer) The same thing happened to me, but they managed to capture the main hallways just a little before I soaked and electrocuted them using the fire sprinklers to wet them.

Sonic: Cool and you Shad?

Shadow: (computer) We set up base at the museum and were ordered by Sally to explore something huge within the city. A machine the size of a Death Egg Robot appeared, we managed to escape, but... Aaron stayed behind to buy time.

Sally: (computer) Oh no!

Sonic: Did you send a scout team to find him?

Shadow: (computer) Yes, but when we arrived at the place where he was. He's gone.

Tails: (computer) Do you think he might have been taken prisoner?

Sally: (computer) I hate to imagine that. We can't leave anyone behind, Tails breaks into Eggman's computers and tries to find him.

Tails: (computer) Understood.

Sally: (computer) Sonic, Shadow, you're back at your bases, but if Tails or Nicole got anything on Aaron's whereabouts, they sent a team to find him and bring him back.

Shadow: (computer) Understood.

Sonic: Team Chaotix should be in town now. Maybe they will find it.

Sally: (computer) Okay. Be careful and good luck.

So they end the call and Sonic while the Blue Hedgehog tried to get an idea of where the new green recruit might be.

About that...

The Hedgehog Echidna didn't know where he was and his mind felt heavy, but he could clearly hear a voice close to him as well as something touching him.

Purity: Wow, he has really strong arms.

Hilda: Purity! Stop poking him right now!

Purity: What happened? I'm just taking a look at the big guy.

Hilda: Well, you shouldn't do that without his permission!

Purity: Oh seriously, are you going to say that you're not curious to know who this guy is or why he has these strange claws on his hands?

Hilda: Well... now that you say it... it's really curious.

She then touches her bare hands to the Hedgehog Echidna as she runs her fingers up to his wrists as she feels his sharp claws and strokes them curiously.

Hilda: I don't know what they're made of, it looks like some kind of crystallized metal or something.

Purity: His fur is fluffy and warm.

Hilda: Yeah, I noticed hehe.

Aaron didn't recognize the voices around him, but something told him not to wait to find out who they were or what his intentions were. Before the two girls could react, Aaron jumped out of bed as he grabbed the hand of the Hyena girl who was still rubbing him when he threw her to the floor before climbing on top of her and pointing his claws at her face as he breathed nervously and scared.

The two girls were suddenly scared when the boy woke up and even more so because he did what he did. The Hedgehog girl didn't dare move for fear that if she did, the Hedgehog Echidna might reduce her friend to strips on the floor.

Hilda, in turn, widened her eyes in fright when Aaron threw her to the ground and pinned her down tightly, ready to slice her if necessary.

The girl's breathing became louder and more frightened as she looked into his eyes in fear of what he might do to her, but as soon as she looked at him, she noticed that his eyes were shaking and his breathing was quickening.

Seeing that he was scared and as scared as she was, Hilda tried to speak in a gentle tone to calm him down.

Hilda: Hey, calm down, it's okay. No one here is going to hurt you, it's okay.

Aaron stared at her and for a moment his blurred vision made him think Hilda was Sticks. The greenish one then shook his head to clear his mind and drive away this instinct of violence and as soon as he realized what he was doing, he quickly got off the girl before taking a few steps away while holding his head as he felt a strong migraine.

Aaron: By Master Emerald... it feels like my brain has been wrecked.

Purity helped Hilda to her feet as the two girls eyed the greenish one warily due to his latest aggressive actions before moving away from him for safety.

Aaron: Mental note, don't ever do that again, ever. Huh?

He then noticed the girls watching him as he remembered what he had done and quickly tried to apologize.

Aaron: Oh, I'm sorry if I hurt you, I really didn't mean to.

Purity: You gave us a real fright!

Hilda: Calm down Purity, he must be as scared and confused as we are.

Aaron: Where am I?

Hilda: You are in the sewers beneath Sunset City.

Aaron: The sewer? How did I get here?

Purity: We'll help you. Me and Hilda were going to get supplies when we noticed a big explosion and when we got there, there was a big crater in the ground along with some robot parts and you lying on the ground.

Hilda: We decided to bring you here so you can heal.

Aaron noticed bandages around his body as he scratched the back of his head before deciding to thank him.

Aaron: I really appreciate it ladies. My name is Aaron, Aaron the Hedgehog Echidna, I am an agent of the Freedom Fighters.

Purity: Are you a Freedom Fighter?! Excellent! I knew they would come! Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Purity, nice to meet you.

Hilda: And I'm Hilda, nice to meet you too.

Aaron: Okay... Anyway, are you the only ones around here?

Hilda: No... there are others too.

Aaron: Others? How many?

Purity: Come see for yourself.

The Hedgehog Echidna prepared to take a step, but soon found himself without strength as he stumbled and almost fell, but Hilda and Purity caught him in his fall and carried him out of the infirmary and walked through the sewer tunnels. They passed mobian civilians scattered throughout the tunnels, some injured and others sick.

They round the corner and move quickly as some medics run past with a badly injured civilian lying on a medical bed and disappear as they round a corner.

Something threw a feeling of anguish and guilt into the Hedgehog Echidna at seeing so many people that his creator didn't care about hurting, but he knew he shouldn't have such feelings that were so repulsive and despicable for a villain and just decided to try and ignore it. He shouldn't care about these people since that's not what he was created for, but rather to bring suffering to them and although that was his mission, something in Aaron made him feel uncomfortable about it.

They exit the tunnel and enter a large room where Aaron looks down and sees tons of civilians walking around and trying to survive while the chaos is happening above.

Hilda: Everyone fled to the sewers for safety and it worked and we haven't had any casualties since.

Aaron: How long have you been here?

Purity: Almost a day ago.

Aaron: That's not good at all. Any plans for you guys to get out of here?

Hilda: We tried, but those old cans capture us so we go outside. It's like they know we're here.

Aaron: Is there any way to get out of this place other than through the city streets?

Purity: Well, there is a way, but we've been trying to open it for a while.

Aaron: What is it?

Hilda: There is a steel door that leads to what we believed to be an area of the city, but far enough away from the battle. Unfortunately the door is very old and there is no way out unless we have a key.

Aaron: Can you show me?

Purity: Of course.

They take him to another tunnel. Soon they walk up to two Mobians trying to open the steel door using a blowtorch, but it was no use, the door is very strong.

Aaron: How tough is it?

Purity: We don't know. We are surprised that an old rusty steel door can still stay that way.

Aaron goes there and presses his hand on the steel door when blue lines appear on his hands and spread across the metal structure. His action left the girls wide-eyed in surprise as they wondered what he was doing. The energy marks retracted and disappeared from the metal as Aaron removed his hand from the door as he finished using his newfound powers to analyze the structure.

He takes a step back and looks around and notices something. He noticed wires above them and saw that the wires must be connected to something. Hilda and Purity noticed this too and Purity said.

Aaron: Hmph. It's no wonder they can't open.

Purity: Huh, how come we didn't notice that?

Aaron: This is a security door, there has to be a system somewhere around here to be able to open it.

Hilda: That might be true. Maybe we should-

???: So you're the Freedom Fighter everyone has been talking about.

Then, an anthropomorphic Lion with orange fur and red hair wearing a black suit and political sash walks towards them with two bodyguards who looked like police officers with visors covering their eyes.

Aaron: And you are?

Turncoat: The name is Turncoat, I am the mayor of Sunset City. It's an honor to welcome you here, Freedom Fighter. I'm so proud of Hilda and Purity for taking care of you while you were injured.

The girls smiled, proud of themselves at the compliments.

Purity: Eh, we do what we believe is right.

Turncoat: Indeed. So what are you doing here?

Aaron: Helping open this door. I think there's a control room somewhere to open-

Turncoat: I don't believe this is necessary for us.

Aaron: What's the conversation like?

Turncoat: See for yourself. It's safe for us here. Sure the city above might be under attack, but as long as we're all safe, we'll be fine.

Aaron: But the sewer isn't safe, man! True, maybe it protects its people, but what about the illnesses and diseases people will get from staying here?

Turncoat: Listen, the Freedom Fighters have their base in the jungle or forest and this place is... similar. If you survive living in the trees, we can survive under the city.

Aaron: That's totally different! You can not-

Two police officers stood in front of Aaron as he walks towards Turncoat. The Hedgehog Echidna then steps back and the officers walk away as Turncoat says.

Turncoat: Dinner is soon. Please join us, we don't want you to pass out because of an empty stomach.

Then Turncoat turns around and his officers follow him, leaving Aaron stunned and unable to believe that the mayor is refusing to leave that place. The greenish one clenches his fists tightly as he growls before walking away as the Hyena and Hedgehog try to stop him only for his angry glare to push them away.

Shortly afterwards...

We see them sitting down and their meals have been given, which looks like some kind of disgusting green goo to Aaron and he looks around and sees everyone eating it, which is disgusting.

Aaron: That's horrible.

Hilda: I know this sounds gross, but this is all the food we have.

Purity: If you close your eyes and think of something less disgusting, this food isn't that bad.

Aaron: I have a better chance of surviving starvation than eating this stuff.

He then placed his plate aside as he sighed in annoyance.

Aaron: Your mayor, why would he want to stay here with everyone living in these conditions? You said yourself that that passage takes us out of the fight, right Hilda?

Hilda: Maybe.

Aaron: Maybe? What kind of answer is that? I want something concrete.

Hilda: I thought I knew the layout, but Turncoat told me otherwise.

Aaron: What did he say?

Hilda: He told me that if we go through that door, we might stumble into the middle of the battlefield and be captured or killed by Eggman's forces.

Aaron: And how can you be so sure he's right?

Hilda: He's the mayor, he might know more about the layout of this city than me.

Aaron: What I do know is that anything is better than being here.

He put his hand to his chin, thinking about the matter. It was strange that the mayor not only didn't mind staying in the sewer, but also told Hilda that she's wrong and the reason she believes him is because he's the mayor. The Hedgehog Echidna didn't understand the Lion's reasons, but he knew that something wasn't right about the politician's actions.

He looks around to try and spot him but can't find him anywhere as he narrows his eyes in suspicion.

Aaron: Purity, where's the mayor?

Purity: He's in the pride office, listen closely to the radios.

Aaron: He's not coming here for dinner?

Purity: No. He spends most of his time in his office and the only times he leaves is when he receives news about the battle or meets new people.

Aaron: And no one here thinks that's weird?

Purity: Of course we did. So I have a question I want to ask you.

Aaron: It will depend on what it is.

Purity: How did you manage to knock over that giant bucket of screws?

Aaron: Oh, I have chaos powers.

Purity: You have powers?!

Aaron: Duh, I can do a lot of things, I have super speed, super strength, but I need to get used to some new skills. They make me weak if used without rest and in excess.

Purity: This sucks, but you have cool powers. Was that thing you did earlier today at the door one of them too?

Aaron: Yeah, I don't really know the concepts of it, but it's been really helpful.

Purity: I wish I had something like that.

Aaron: It can take a lot of work to get used to it.

Purity: I think so, you're an interesting person, I have to say.

Aaron: Hehe thanks.

Purity: You are also very beautiful, including your gentle, innocent but also serious voice.

Aaron: Oh...Hm thanks?

Hilda: My apologies for Purity, she tends to flirt with pretty people.

Purity: And I don't regret it. And there's no need to be jealous, cute Hyena.

Hilda: W-Well, see what I mean?

Aaron: (Thoughts) This is getting weirder and weirder by the day. Well, to be fair, Sonic has faced a lot of strange things during his life, so maybe this happens similarly to me being his clone...?

Male Mobiano: Hey, what are you doing?

They look around and see two police officers throwing away a mobian's food tray as one grabs him by the arm while the other police officer tells him.

Mobian Officer 1: Sir, you ate too much today and with this, you will be punished.

Male Mobiano: What the hell are you talking about, I have only eaten it once! That's not fair!

Official Mobiano 2: Enough is enough!

Then he threw the poor man to the ground who looked at the two police officers with fear in his eyes as everyone else watched. One of the officers pulled out his fist to punch the poor civilian, but before he had the chance to hit him, someone intervened as a hand grabbed his fist tightly.

Hilda and Purity were surprised when Aaron suddenly disappeared from their side and was now seen tightly holding the man's fist as a serious look that matched Shadow's took over his face.

Aaron: Leave him alone and go mess with someone his size before I throw them out of here.

The two officers just stared at Aaron a little, they were maybe twice his size and it was incredible to see that the greenish one faced them even though he was smaller. The Hedgehog Echidna's grip tightened on the officer's fist before releasing it as the man growled angrily rubbing his sore hand before retreating with his companion.

As they drove away, Aaron wondered in confusion why he did what he had done. It wasn't his job to defend anyone, it wasn't his job to be a good guy, but seeing such disrespect towards someone weaker made something light up inside him and before he knew it he was there protecting a defenseless person.

He just sighed, relaxing his fists as he helped the poor Mobian to his feet.

Aaron: Are you okay? Did they hurt you?

Male Mobiano: I'm fine thanks to you little guy. Thank you boy, you are a good person.

Aaron: You're welcome.

Purity and Hilda watch with a bit of surprise as they see him helping the old gentleman and making the two guards flinch at his presence. They then smile at this while gaining dreamy expressions on their faces.

Purity: He's very brave, right Hilda?

Hilda: Yeah... I think so too.

About that...

It was getting dark on the surface of Sunset City and on top of the museum's roof, we see Sticks sitting looking at the horizon waiting hopefully for her partner's return.

She sighs worriedly and pulls out a box that Aaron dropped before disappearing and opens it to see that there are only two cookies when she remembers making them with Amy's help and how Aaron seemed to like them. She then takes one of the cookies and leaves the other for Aaron in case he comes back.

She ate the cookie with some sadness and distraction as she sighed as her ears drooped a little and she hugged her legs and curled up a little.

Unbeknownst to her, Shadow was watching her waiting for the Hedgehog Echidna to return. The Black Hedgehog had to admit, despite not being close to the Badger girl, it was bad to see her looking sad and before he could notice, he started walking before stopping next to her while maintaining his usual serious expression.

Shadow: You need to get some sleep. You've been here staring at nothing for hours.

Sticks: I can't.

Shadow: Does the newbie worry you?

Sticks: Yeah... I'm supposed to be the leader of our team and after finally finding a partner who listens to what I say and doesn't call me crazy... I lose him... I feel like it's my fault we lost him. ..

Shadow: Nobody blames you, Badger. In some missions, you might lose a limb, but... sometimes it's not really gone.

Sticks: *sighs* I know... Hey, why are you always being hard on him? I know you're very serious and emo, but why go so hard on him?

Shadow: *sighs* When I saw that he had powers like mine, I knew I had to train him to have control. My training may be difficult, but it is working.

Sticks: I think that's true. Hey Shadow, next time be nicer to him, Aaron told me you're an inspiration to him. Even his sneakers are the same as his.

Shadow: I'm aware of that. I think for some reason I see a little of myself in him...

Sticks: He looks like you.

Shadow: No, it doesn't seem like it.

Sticks: One day you'll see that you two have a lot in common.

Shadow sat silently for a while until he stood up and said.

Shadow: Let's go, but for now, you should get some rest.

Sticks: I'll try.

Shadow walks away as Sticks takes in the view of the city at sunset and thinks to herself.

Sticks: (Thoughts) Be safe Greenboy.

Meanwhile in the sewer...

We see everyone sleeping in beds under the sewer and ignoring the explosions and marches of Eggman's Badniks happening above.

Purity and Hilda were sleeping when the Hyena heard something move and opened his eyes and turned around and saw that Aaron's bed was empty. She sat up and looked around for him, but no sign.

Then she got out of bed and walked down the tunnel looking for the Hedgehog Echidna. She slowly walked down the tunnel until she heard two police officers talking and walking towards her.

She can see their shadow around the corner and thinks she will be caught, but a hand pulls her into a dark tunnel. She was about to scream, but a hand shuts her up and she sees it's Aaron.

He placed a finger over her mouth telling her to be quiet as they turned to see two police officers walk by without them knowing they were there.

As soon as they were gone, they jumped out of the dark tunnel and Aaron asked.

Aaron: *whispers* What are you doing here?

Hilda: *whispers* I should be asking you the same question.

Aaron: *whispers* Oh... Hey, I asked first! But there's something wrong about your mayor and I think he might be hiding something from you.

Hilda: *whispers* Like what?

Aaron: *whispers* I have a special term for this called, I don't know. I'll take a look at his office.

Hilda: *whispers* What?! You can't just walk into the office, you'll be in trouble.

Aaron: *whispers* Staying down here at the risk of getting sick is already a big deal. Something tells me I can't leave you and these other people down here.

Hilda: *whispers* Look, I think he's right. Didn't you hear those explosions above you? It's not safe, we will be caught and taken away. I think it might be safe for us to be here.

Aaron was silent for a minute with a skeptical look as Hilda turned to go back to bed when he asked her.

Aaron: Want to feel the fresh air?

She turns to the greenish one who looks at her and asks again.

Aaron: You want to feel the fresh air, you want to smell the flowers, you want to see the clear blue sky, you want to taste good food and most importantly... you want to see and feel the warm sun on you.

Hilda: W-Good, Y-Yes, but-

Aaron: But nothing! The sewer may be a hiding place for you and everyone else, but if you stay here any longer, you'll get sick and it won't take long for you to die. Turncoat is hiding something and I'm going to find out whether you want me to or not. If you want to turn a blind eye to that mayor's mistakes, that's your problem, but don't expect me to follow you!

Aaron turns and leaves. Hilda was a little stunned and thinks he might be right about the matter when she calls him out.

Hilda: Wait!

He stops in his tracks as he turns to her with narrowed eyes before the girl waves at him.

Hilda: Follow me.

Aaron nods and Hilda leads him through the tunnel and makes sure the cops aren't around to stop them. Soon they arrive at the mayor's office and as soon as Aaron grabs the handle, the door appears locked. The Hedgehog Echidna then just breaks the lock and opens the door while the Hyena looks at him sulking for what he did.

Aaron: What happened? We were going to invade one way or another.

Hilda: Let's get to it.

They enter without any problems and close the door. Once inside the room it was dark and they couldn't see anything. Hilda put her hand on the walls looking for a light switch and as soon as she did, she flipped it on and the room lit up.

It was a small office with a table in the back and some books and computer stuff that looked old and never used. They walk and Hilda notices that the computers and other electronic equipment are old, as is the security door.

Hilda: This equipment is very old, just like the security door.

Aaron looks around and notices something. He walks to a painting of the mayor and removes the painting and sees three switches on the wall.

Hilda approaches and sees the switches and asks.

Hilda: What are they for?

Aaron: I have no idea.

Hilda: Do they work?

The boy pulled one of them, but nothing happened.

Aaron: No power. Maybe I can fix this.

Aaron turns to the electrical equipment and places his hand on it as glowing blue lines run through the system making it work again while Hilda is surprised by this.

Aaron walks over to the switches once again and pulls them down and they hear something behind them and turn to see a wall behind the table opening revealing a clear glass window giving a view into the main sewer area and above were three lights red until the first one turns green.

Hilda: What are these lights for?

Aaron looks out the window and notices that the first light is in the same tunnel where the security door was and realized what was happening there.

Aaron: The mayor's office is also a room that safely connects to the sewers.

Hilda: What?! Why didn't Turncoat tell us about this?

Turncoat: Because people like you are too stupid to think about that.

They turn to see Turncoat smiling at them as two police officers enter the room and rush in and grab them both in a headlock from behind.

Hilda: Hey! Leave me!

Aaron: What are you doing?!

Turncoat: My job. I'm keeping everyone safe and never letting them out.

Aaron: Did you know that this room is connected to the security doors inside the sewer beneath the city. But why didn't you get the people out of here?!

The Lion just laughs arrogantly at the question.

Turncoat: Just business. Eggman contacted me and told me about something I must deeply fear. He told me that he will spare me and some of my people if I deactivate the defense system and leave his fleet over the city while I and some of the citizens take shelter down here so that Eggman can have what he needs and leave.

Aaron: So you were the one who disabled your own defense system! You betrayed everyone because of this!

Turncoat: Did I betray everyone? Years ago, I was a loser. I was a weak wolf in the pack and never got the respect I deserved. When I became mayor, they still don't respect me! They told me that I would never be fit as a leader and they mocked me! So when Eggman came and contacted me, I knew I had to agree. Not only will I be safe, but if I lead these pathetic and scared civilians from Sunset City, I will prove to those fools that I am not a loser!

The Hyena girl bared her teeth angrily at him as she growled.

Hilda: How can you do this to your own people! Everyone is scared and suffering because of you!

Turncoat: Yes, but as soon as this war is over, I will brand you a criminal and send you to prison for murder. *To Aaron* And you will be branded a traitor to the Freedom Fighters for aiding in a murder while I will walk away free and my goal accomplished.

Aaron: Wow, you are very smart, I must say.

Hilda: Huh?

Turncoat: Well, yes, thank you.

Aaron: You're smart except for one thing.

Turncoat: And what would that be?

Aaron: You're dealing with me!

Before anyone could do anything, Aaron stomped hard on the foot of the guard holding him. The sound of the man's bones being broken was heard by everyone as he screamed in pain and let go of the greenish man who turned towards him and delivered a powerful hook to his jaw that sent him flying backwards and colliding with the wall.

The other guard who was holding Hilda, let go of the girl and advanced on the Hedgehog Echidna who simply grabbed him by the throat and lifted him into the air with ease before throwing him to the ground with force as the sound of the impact echoed throughout the room.

The man groaned in pain, a little dizzy from the blow, but remained on the ground just like his companion. Hilda watched with shock as her new friend subdued the guards in such a brutal way before walking towards the mayor who retreated when he saw the boy's furious look, it was as if a demon was staring into his soul.

Aaron: I may not look like much, but I can do a lot of damage to anyone in my path.

Turncoat: I-I'm the mayor of Sunset City, do you have any idea what I can do to you?!

Aaron: Really? Are you going to want to talk rude to me, you sissy?

Soon the boy cornered him against the wall, leaving him with no way out. Aaron then fiddled with a speaker on his desk before speaking, clenching his fists tightly as the conversation was broadcast for everyone to hear.

Aaron: You have TEN words to explain to everyone why you, the mayor of Sunset City, want to keep your people in this place! And if I don't like what you say, I'll throw you out that damn window!

Turncoat: I don't have faintest idea of what's going on.

He smiled arrogantly only for the Hedgehog Echidna to punch him in the face breaking his nose which soon began to bleed. Aaron then looks at Hilda who was observing the scene in surprise at the boy's sudden fierce and intimidating action.

Aaron: How many words was that?

Hilda: N-Nine.

Aaron: Nine. *To Turncoat* You have one word left.

The mayor trembled as he saw the Hedgehog Echidna get even closer to him and trembled at the thought of being thrown from the second floor window of his office, but he wasn't going to talk and Aaron noticed that.

Aaron: Really?

He then threw another punch at the man's face who hissed in pain and upon seeing that Aaron would keep his word, the Lion screamed in fear.

Turncoat: Eggman! Eggman!

Aaron: Keep going.

Turncoat: E-Eggman made me a proposition before attacking the city. He said it would be something I couldn't refuse. H-He said that if I took the people to the sewer and handed them over, it would save me and give me a high value for each citizen.

Aaron: And then you accepted without blinking to save your own hair.

Hilda: You sold out and betrayed us all!

Turncoat: You simpletons would never understand my genius!

Aaron: *sarcastic* Oh really? A classy guy like you?

Turncoat: Eggman promised me a fortune for my help.

Aaron: And then he sentenced all civilians to death, is that it?

Turncoat: Political careers don't last forever!

Aaron: You're right. And your life won't last any longer either!

With that the Hedgehog Echidna gets a merciless look on his face as he grabs the man by the throat and drags him towards the window as the Lion screams in despair.

Turncoat: Wait! Wait, no! You wanted the truth, I told the truth!

Before he could say anything else, Aaron threw him against the glass window which shattered as the Lion fell screaming in panic.

Aaron: I didn't like it.

The greenish one then walks towards the switches while Hilda runs to the window to see the end that the mayor had suffered only to see that he fell into a canal full of dirty water which cushioned his fall and was now surrounded by the people who were outraged by the situation. he.

Hilda: How did you know there was water down there?

Aaron: I didn't know.

Turncoat's eyes widen in shock and fear as he sees the awake and angry crowd surrounding him as he remembers that the Freedom Fighter had turned on the speakers.

Aaron smiled at the sight before seeing the two officers get up and before they can react, the Hedgehog Echidna grabs them and throws them out the window so that they then fall into the canal and are caught by the crowd just like what happened to his boss.

Aaron: Let's go Hilda. Next time he'll think twice before trying to act smart.

He goes downstairs while the girl follows him, unable to believe his extreme actions. Soon the two are facing the mayor and his officers who are now trapped and surrounded by the crowd.

The greenish one then approaches the Lion when he asks him with a serious look, placing his claws on his throat.

Aaron: You're not worth anything to be spared by Dr. Eggman, that means there's something he wants.

Turncoat: O-Okay! OK! What I did was wrong! All good!

Aaron: No, it's not okay.

Turncoat: W-Look, I can give you anything you want, please don't hurt me... tell me what you want?!

Aaron: I want to know what Dr. Eggman told you and why his troops are here. Sometimes the claws slip. Tell me what I want to know, keep them quiet!

Turncoat: O-Okay OK, I'll tell you. My searches found something close to our city and Eggman wanted it.

Aaron: And what was it?

Turncoat: It... was... a Chaos Emerald.

To be continued...