

Well this is one of the usual stories you know of. About a hero who will save the world but well I'm not that guy instead I'm what you'd call a side character the hero doesn't even care about but I have my own story to tell away from his perfect world

Heroic_Pent · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Do Stories Really Progress This Slow?

You might think the part 1 is the beginning but it's not that was just a quick overview of my life this is where the story starts

A year after that incident Prince decided to leave the village as he was brought to light upon information about his father and he was summoned by a noble from another town to hunt down a beast after hearing upon his deeds

That's as far as Prince goes in my story or atleast for now. He did well making me realise where I'll go from here. I read about stories where the hero saves everyone and is celebrated and I wished to be one but I am not

My story is not yet written and it's my desision what it's contents will be so I also decided to leave the village and start an adventure to seek power

Unlike Prince I don't have power or talent or even a reason or direction to go but I know that I no longer want to be insignificant and staying in that village I'll only rot so from here on I'll seek wisdom and power becoming someone worth writing about

As I left the village having nothing but a hunting knife and a few spare clothes not even informing anyone I decided to go to a nearby village known for its books and training

Ofcourse easier said than done I don't even have a magical attribute yet but atleast I got some presence of magic in me so I know I'm not completely hopeless

While walking I got hungry so I decided to hunt down some wild deers but I failed miserably and lost most of my energy as night-time arrived

Hungry and cold it was going to be a long night for me being so far away from my destination and who would have known a pack of wolves would come circling over me as I napped

Damn would my story really end here? Ofcourse not what kind of book would only have 2 chapters and 2 crappy chapters at that, I wouldn't let a pack of wolves stop me from completing this story so I raised my knife ready for the worst until I heard a horn and the wolves fled as a man came having nothing more than a backpack and a thick beard but something about him was different and I felt as if he wasn't someone to be messed with

"so what's a kid doing here in a forest? would you happen to be lost?"

"I'm not a kid and I'm not lost"

"Where are going?"

"Triton village"

"What are you going to do there?"

I paused because honestly I haven't thought that far and I know what your thinking "Red how could you tell that stranger the name of the town your headed to but not your devoted reader?" well considering you exist I doubt it would help because I know you honestly got no interest in the little stuff and I honestly got no interest in explaining it so let's not waste effort shall we.

"I knew it your lost"

"I'm not"

"You walk with no direction therefore you are, Did you honestly think that you can sleepwalk through life without a dream and think it will go well?"

"What should I do then?"

"It's your life your to choice whether you'll follow someone else's path or walk you your own"

"I don't want to be insignificant"

"Well how about you start with having enough power to make that change"

He told me as he left. But I can't let him leave because if this was a story he'd probably be my sensei or something and guess what this is a story so I chased after him

"let me your apprentice"

"You don't even know me boy"

"ofcourse I do your going to be my mentor"

"Oh ho do you honestly think a beggar looking man like me will be able to teach you anything?"

"I can feel it we were destined to meet sir please don't leave me here"

Ofcourse I didn't feel anything. At a certain point in your life you will realise that things like butterflies on your stomach or love at first sight doesn't exist for anything you feel can be explained like now I was feeling hungry and I bet he could atleast give me a meal

"Ok if you want to be my apprentice hunt me a meal I haven't been able to eat for a week"

Oh how wrong I was now not only am I hungry but I'm suppose to feed him too and come on how could he be that fat oh I haven't really described him have I well let's see he seems to be someone probably on his forties and having a large build with brown hair a thick beard and dark brown eyes slightly well pointed nose and I honestly don't know what else to describe but sidenote the only reason I did was to describe myself because it would seem vain of me to go describing myself out of nowhere Well then again I am writing a story about myself so I'll go on

I am 14 years old having a medium build with black hair darkish grey eyes pointed nose thin pinkish lips and um I dunno handsome face maybe? Now you might be wondering why I'm fussing over small details now but as the main character of this story your image of me is vital and I would let you imagine that but I can't have you making me look too heroic or too plain just right you know. Ok you know I'll go on

I would have hunted now if I had energy but I didn't and as I tried to pounce on a sleeping deer I got kicked in the face and before I fainted I could hear the man's laugh bursting out

Going great for me isn't it? Right about now I'd either be woken up having been robbed or in a lap of a beautiful woman who will give me a quest to kill a dragon and marry her daughter but guess what I'm not the hero I woke up on a cart full of Hay thankfully with my stuff as a horse carried it to the road and operating it was the man

"Oh ho your awake I thought you died after being kicked by that dear hahahaha" he said bursting in laughter

"I'm Red by the way Red Preage"

"Argus Harqua nice to meet you hoof face"

"what was that?"

"Oh nothing Mr. Kicked in the head by a sleeping dear" again he said bursting out in laughter

Ok I'm starting to question my decision of getting this childish man to teach me but guess what I'm not the hero I got no choice

Later on I arrived at Triton village, where is that you ask? I told you, like me it's insignificant..... or is it. I arrived and found out to my disappointment that Argus was a mere travelling merchant

Now I wanted to be a mage and kick Prince's face and him I matter and a travelling merchant won't help me with that but it wasn't all bad as I found out Argus is actually a very powerful wizard, how you ask? A group of goons tried to rob us but as they went near him with one blow he burned all of them to a crisp like literally burning them with his breath and it was a cool fire breathing attack like a dragon's and he even acted like it was nothing

Yep the only good thing I did in my life was going with this man and unlike a hero I'm going to spend a year or two just training under him and nothing else significant